Friday, September 16, 2016


What do you think about this article? Do you agree? Please respond in one paragraph.


  1. jobs are being replaced by computers and if the next couple of years go the way i want them to, i wont have to care. I can see just like anybody else that if humans keep evolving today's technology, it will slowly take over. personally i just want them to make flying cars and then stop

  2. I agree that technology is replacing jobs that are normally done by people. Many people have to keep switching jobs because of todays technology. As years have gone by, technology have been advancing quickly. I think in the next few years, technology will possibly take over all jobs in the U.S.

  3. I could agree if new jobs are going to be made for those that lost their jobs due to technology. They can be helpful but also it could bring destruction. A machine could malfunction and effect something really important to the world. Machines are unpredictable. To me it better if a human hand does the work unless people are just too lazy to do any work.

  4. I could agree if new jobs are going to be made for those that lost their jobs due to technology. They can be helpful but also it could bring destruction. A machine could malfunction and effect something really important to the world. Machines are unpredictable. To me it better if a human hand does the work unless people are just too lazy to do any work.

  5. I agree that technology is taking jobs. With the word advancing so fast technology is taking a lot of jobs, of course it can be making more jobs for people able to fix this machinery. More jobs may just have to be made to accommodate for the amount of jobs being taken over by machines.

  6. I don't agree with technology replacing humans because everyone would be outta work and when everyone is outta work then no one can support their family. Plus i don't want the world to end up like the movie "I,Robot".

  7. I agree with the article because it is common knowledge as time goes on, machinery becomes cheaper and labor becomes more expensive, therefore humans will have to adapt.

  8. I believe that technology is replacing jobs and people are losing jobs. As people lose jobs some jobs are opening up as people find more ways to do work around town. The machines will cut down on the work that humans were intended to do and this was why technology was made in the first place.

  9. i personally think that in a few years, technology will overpower humans and become 10 times smarter and 100 times more advance. Owners wont have to come out of pocket for paying employees . They'll just have to invest in the technology they need and once they buy it they wont have to worry about loosing money. so i think that in the future, many Americans will be out of a job.

  10. I Agree. technology is no longer dismissive and its only gaining more traction as the years pass-by. But that's not the point of this article. at least through my perspective this article states that the expectations for people are growing.

  11. Technology is taking over but at the end of the day a machine can't run an entire company.

  12. I think it's awesome that technology is taking over. If you're worried about not having a job, then figure out how to make the robots that everyone needs. More jobs are going to be created to use the robots, they can't do everything.

  13. In my opinion i do believe that we are being runned out by technology who could potentially control everything. This article video provides information on exactly how things are changing faster and faster that even the highest paying and more skill level jobs are being runned out. Example would be that hospitals have technology to detect and cure illnesses quicker than ordinary mistakes by nurses and or doctors. But also this does create news jobs of such like things that deal with the technology produced. Its also a difficulty situation though with the constant changing of jobs due to over coming of machinery.

  14. I think this a good thing thing because with the use of technology human error will be erased. It might not sit well with people in these fields but it is a good development for the future.

  15. i agree that technology is replacing jobs that are normally done by is cheaper and never takes dads off. As years have gone by, technology have been advancing quickly. I think in the next few years, technology will possibly take over all jobs in the U.S.

  16. I think it right and jobs will eventually get taken by robots and machines. I think some jobs should be taken over by robots/machines or used to work beside workers like some do now. like cops for example they can send a machine to defuse a bomb vs a human life. Machines should not be used to take major jobs because it will only raise unemployment rates around the world. Technology may be the future but does not mean you take away peoples jobs for a robot.

  17. I could agree if new jobs are going to be made for those that lost their jobs due to technology. They can be helpful but also it could bring destruction. A machine could malfunction and effect something really important to the world. Machines are unpredictable. To me it better if a human hand does the work unless people are just too lazy to do any work.

  18. By technology taking jobs away from hard working people, millions of people will be without a job and the great depression may be upon us again. But, A machine cant do everything to keep a business going. In the video it said if technology takes over 47% of the world will be without no job.

  19. I don't agree with technology taking over our jobs. We won't be able to provide for our families and make our dreams come true. Then think about some jobs that deal with your health. What if they train these technologies to put something in food that we can die from. We won't be able to learn things by ourselves either because technology will do everything for us. This new technology thing is going to far.

  20. technology is taking many jobs away from our people. I agree that in the future technology will be humanity and will do everything and anything. I don't think many people are going to be ok with this. I feel as if technology becomes to great many citizens are going to start reacting in a non pleasant way.

  21. i think that in order for the united states to improve the economy they need people working and this will not help the cause. peoples jobs will be lost because of this and i dont think this should go any further. I mean the company saves money because they dont have to pay money for employees. this will then make people no money and then that means they wont be able to spend money. This may lead the u.s. into another depression.

  22. In my opinion i do believe that we are being runned out by technology who could potentially control everything. Machines are unpredictable. To me it better if a human hand does the work unless people are just too lazy to do any work.

  23. Jobs are now being replaced by technology. I feel like technology does need to slow down a little and machines will never do as good a job as professional humans. Who's going to be able to buy the product these machines are selling when no one has a job? So I think that technology needs to slow down.

  24. I think that this is outrageous. So many jobs have been taken from people and we fail to realize this, but technology is taking over our lives. It's something that we all love and we use it everyday, but the more advanced technology gets the more jobs are being lost by people.

  25. I could agree if new jobs are going to be made for those that lost their jobs due to technology. They can be helpful but also it could bring destruction. A machine could malfunction and effect something really important to the world. Machines are unpredictable. To me it better if a human hand does the work unless people are just too lazy to do any work.

  26. I agree with this article but I dont like it. Technology is getting more and more advanced each year. If technology were to take more jobs then we would be broke and have no money because computers are taking our jobs.

  27. Replacing people with machines is a terrible idea. Though machines are cheaper than having people work, it could also create a lot of problems. The machines could malfunction, causing wrong things to happen. The This could lead to many problems, and in some cases, cause a domino effect of problems.

  28. I don't like this idea. There are multiple ways to make money, but with all of this new technology improving and developing over the years... people are going to go out of business. I don't think that that is fair. People need to make money for a living and without these jobs that the new technology is replacing it's going to be really hard to do so.

  29. I don't like this idea. There are multiple ways to make money, but with all of this new technology improving and developing over the years... people are going to go out of business. I don't think that that is fair. People need to make money for a living and without these jobs that the new technology is replacing it's going to be really hard to do so.

  30. i think that technology is making ppeople lose there jobs but if they make more jobs they should have the other people that loss there jobs should get other job , it could be very helpful for alot of people eve the people they never had a job ,technology is taking over things and soon there will be no jobs left for certain people and the more people that have jobs the more the company will be in business because i=u cant always depend on technology.

  31. I totally agree, every company wants to be more faster and efficient. So really not only jobs in the United States, but also jobs over the whole work could be at risk.

  32. We don't know what might happen if we rely on technology for our jobs. What if they turn on us? We should stick to doing things by ourselves. Sure, we can use technology to help us with our work but, it shouldn't replace the job itself. It shouldn't be the MAIN factor of your job, it should be you. Technology can continue to grow but the everyday jobs we have shouldn't be replaced my technology.

  33. i feel like this is bad because technology is taking over every aspect of our lives. and now it will take our jobs away and soon they might even make ai's .

  34. I think technology replacing jobs is a bad thing. Unemployment rates will continue to decrease and many people will be out of jobs due to the increase in technology in the work industry.

  35. I think that this is very unique in a way but also very crazy. I say this because, technology is only going to grow and get bigger and bigger. But, technology taking peoples jobs is just outrageous. People get up everyday and work hard for what they have, want, and need using technology for what they do in there every day life is sad because what are they supposed to do then.Technology is taking many jobs away from our people. I agree that in the future technology will be humanity and will do everything and anything.

  36. i agree that technology is taking over jobs. Soon everything will be done faster

  37. i kinda agree but then i don't. I think after while people are not gonna have no job because all this new technology is taking over. I agree because i like some of there ideas.

  38. Technology was created to make our lives easier.Technology and Globalization wiped out millions of american jobs.Technology might change the whole world because sometimes it makes life easier.Technology and Globalization was the one who created jobs in the first place.

  39. I agree with how the video says that technology is advancing. Jobs are going to be replaced by machines as new innovations are surfacing, but there still is going to be some human aspect in any field of work.

  40. my name is chris booker.I agree that technology is taking jobs. With the word advancing so fast technology is taking a lot of jobs, of course it can be making more jobs for people able to fix this machinery. More jobs may just have to be made to accommodate for the amount of jobs being taken over by machines.

  41. I agree that technology is taking over the world and jobs are being replace by machines. To be honest most of our works required with technology. But there is some careers that mostly use hands work or body parts to do most of the works.

  42. I personally don't think it's a smart idea. People without a college education already have a hard time finding work so replacing their jobs and putting technology isn't the wisest decision. Plus, jobs like customer service are being taken over by technology and I feel like more humans should be over those jobs. If technology replaces jobs, the unemployment rate will skyrocket and the economy will plummet.

  43. i agree that technology is taking over. But its taking over jobs and its going to have alot of people unemployed. I think its a great idea but at the same time i dont.

  44. i agree that technology is taking over. But its taking over jobs and its going to have alot of people unemployed. I think its a great idea but at the same time i dont.

  45. yes it is eventually no low class people will have any jobs and theyll juz be on the streets

  46. i personally think that in a few years, technology will overpower humans and become 10 times smarter and 100 times more advance. Owners wont have to come out of pocket for paying employees . They'll just have to invest in the technology they need and once they buy it they wont have to worry about loosing money. so i think that in the future, many Americans will be out of a job.

  47. Yeah well technology will never be as fest as usane boat

  48. i agree with this article. i do think that technology has replaced jobs. technology is growing and increasing in various ways. most jobs require technology soo..

  49. I don't like this idea. There are multiple ways to make money, but with all of this new technology improving and developing over the years... people are going to go out of business. I don't think that that is fair. People need to make money for a living and without these jobs that the new technology is replacing it's going to be really hard to do so.

  50. I agree that technology is taking jobs. With the word advancing so fast technology is taking a lot of jobs, of course it can be making more jobs for people able to fix this machinery. More jobs may just have to be made to accommodate for the amount of jobs being taken over by machines.

  51. i do to think technology will be soon replacing jobs in the near future.

  52. i feel that were relying a little too much on technology

  53. I think its interesting because technology will replace jobs in the future. I feel bad for the people who are going to lose their jobs, but the rich people who have a part in this will benefit. They might charge more depending on the service since it is technology doing the work.

  54. In my opinion i do believe that we are being runned out by technology who could potentially control everything. This article video provides information on exactly how things are changing faster and faster that even the highest paying and more skill level jobs are being runned out. Example would be that hospitals have technology to detect and cure illnesses quicker than ordinary mistakes by nurses and or doctors. But also this does create news jobs of such like things that deal with the technology produced. Its also a difficulty situation though with the constant changing of jobs due to over coming of machinery.

  55. I think it right and jobs will eventually get taken by robots and machines. I think some jobs should be taken over by robots/machines or used to work beside workers like some do now. like cops for example they can send a machine to defuse a bomb vs a human life. Machines should not be used to take major jobs because it will only raise unemployment rates around the world

  56. technology can will be made to take even more peoples jobs in the near future.robots will soon be made to do grocery job do court case, and etc.

  57. I agree that technology is replacing jobs that are normally done by people. Technology is cheaper and never takes days off. As years have gone by, technology have been advancing quickly. I think in the next few years, technology will possibly take over all jobs in the U.S.

  58. technology is improving our lives but its improving too much. technology is threatening our jobs and is making us lazy , it should make our jobs easier. Not replace us or make it harder to get a job.

  59. I don't agree with technology replacing humans because everyone would be outta work and when everyone is outta work then no one can support their family. Plus i don't want the world to end up like the movie "I,Robot".

  60. I honestly think that new technology will be interesting in the future.

  61. I honestly see that this is happening and I understand why. Although I understand why, I don't think it's good. If this continues then a lot of people would be out of a job and then the amount of jobless people will rise which will only be bad for the country.

  62. i think technology may do a better job then some workers in various places

  63. I think technology could replace us to do jobs. People do a lot of dangerous jobs that technology can do itself.

  64. technology is taking over this decade. I agree that technology is replacing jobs that are normally done by people. Technology is cheaper and never takes days off. As years have gone by, technology have been advancing quickly. I think in the next few years, technology will possibly take over all jobs in the U.S.

  65. I don't like this idea. There are multiple ways to make money, but with all of this new technology improving and developing over the years... people are going to go out of business. I don't think that that is fair. People need to make money for a living and without these jobs that the new technology is replacing it's going to be really hard to do so.

  66. I could agree if new jobs are going to be made for those that lost their jobs due to technology. They can be helpful but also it could bring destruction. A machine could malfunction and effect something really important to the world. Machines are unpredictable. To me it better if a human hand does the work unless people are just too lazy to do any work.

  67. i feel like if there is more technology then there should be a new way to get paid but then the more advance we get the more setbacks there are because if they make self aware robots what if they quit

  68. i think that technology will be taking over our jobs and society. but the people that make technology does have a job so i think it's the people that change the jobs and build new technology to make other people lives miserable

  69. I believe that technology is replacing jobs and people are losing jobs. As people lose jobs some jobs are opening up as people find more ways to do work around town. The machines will cut down on the work that humans were intended to do and this was why technology was made in the first place.

  70. I think this a good thing thing because with the use of technology human error will be erased. It might not sit well with people in these fields but it is a good development for the future.

  71. I think this a good thing thing because with the use of technology human error will be erased. It might not sit well with people in these fields but it is a good development for the future.

  72. i do to think technology will be soon replacing jobs in the near future.

  73. i feel like with technology replacing jobs that means less employment . with no employment thats no money to take care of yourself also no money to play bills or like in a shelter.

  74. I do not agree with this. These computers are replacing jobs for humans. Many people are losing their jobs for this. Rich people are getting richer, because they don't have to pay workers for labor anymore.

  75. Technology is improving rapidly and will soon take over millions of jobs worldwide. I don't agree with technology taking jobs. Maybe they can use the technology to help the workers instead of completely taking over the job.

  76. I agree 50% i think technology should only aid humans in work and not work themselves because humans don't malfunction and will usually follow rules.
