Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Freewrite - First Debate

Google Clips , or go on CNN.com and give your opinion about the Debate last night. Who had the better point of view and why? One paragraph minimum


  1. Hillary began take the lead so Trump felt the need to bring personal issues into the debate. Polititions wonder if that's enough though. They're simply suggesting that Hillary Step it up to make America great again.

  2. my opinion on the debate last night was that it was very interesting . I only watched a little of the debate and the part I did watch was very interesting. it did keep my attention. although I don't really understand politics, I still want to continue to watch and follow up on the presidential debate

  3. The Debate last night was very interesting. Both candidates faced off talking about issues such as Taxes, Race, and Security. They both had their own view on these segment, but I believe that Hillary Clinton had the better point of view. Hillary's responses were better organized and I feel like their more capable of working.

  4. Trump brought personal issue into the debate which in my opinion wasn't a good idea at all. People suggest that Clinton has to step up if she wants to win. I didn't watch the debate but I think Clinton had the better point of view because she didn't talk about stuff that had nothing to do with the debate unlike Trump.

  5. To me, this debate was like 2 kids arguing especially with Trump. Trump started bringing up personal issues for no reason but when they asked about his tax situation, he was struggling. He was worried about all the wrong things honestly. Especially when he was worried about Hillary's "stamina".

  6. The whole debate was trash. Hillary made some valid points but Trump being the baby he is decided to go after personal issues like "stamina". This is how you argue when you know nothing about politics and decide to run for president.

  7. The debate was unorganized and unconventional. Neither of them really had any good points at all. They both acted like 4 year old's the whole time. The judges got like 4 questions out because they were arguing and no one could get them to stop.

  8. The debate last night was very superficial. No one had the better point of view. then again i don't like politics

  9. Hillary had several valid points. She was rudely interrupted every five seconds. Trump is very elementary and most definitely too immature to run for president or be anyone's leader. He took jabs at personal issues rather than economical and other issues related to the debate.

  10. As the washington post phrased it "Clinton stretched the truth on occasion... but her misstatements paled in comparison to the list of Trump's exaggerations and falsehoods." Hillary attempted to take back her praise of the Trans Pacific Partnership, while Trump had a list of incorrect information he was spreading.

  11. this was one debate that hillary really got the voters by what happened last night. I really think that donald trump really cant get all the votes that he needs to win. this could have easily been a debate in which hiliary and donald could fire at one another. the people got to hear what they plan to do if they win office. this will be the first of many debates.

  12. In my opinion I think that none of them should be in office. Although they did have some good points we need a president that is going to help us with America not someone that goes into office and doesn't do anything for this country. Because the way this country is now we need help.

  13. I think the debate was very childish , on trumps part. Hillary was discussing facts , and he was just arguing. She was interrupted by him several times. Trump is very immature , and is not focused on the right priorities for the position as president. However hillary has the right perspective. The debate was out of order and did not do anything but cause even more problems for the election.

  14. The debate was unorganized. Hillary or trump didn't really have any good points. Hillary had a few more points then trump. The debate wasn't that good to me.

  15. hilliary made a better point to me. why i say that is because she kept it straight to the point instead of getting off topic,she also made valid points. she stayed professional and didnt change her character when he talked about personal issues.

  16. As the washington post phrased it "Clinton stretched the truth on occasion... but her misstatements paled in comparison to the list of Trump's exaggerations and falsehoods." Hillary attempted to take back her praise of the Trans Pacific Partnership, while Trump had a list of incorrect information he was spreading.

  17. They were both terrible during yesterday's debate. Although, the best one is probably Hillary Clinton. Her points make sense and she provides reasons with it. Donald Trump just brings in personal stuff. He is not qualified for president.

  18. I didn't really get to tune into last night's debate, but I did see some of it. It seemed like they mostly argued with each other, than answering the questions that were given to them. Hillary had the best point of view.

  19. Hillary Clinton had the better points during the debate last night. Donald Trump kept trying to argue and interrupt both the regulator and Clinton. Overall the debate was not entertaining and was actually annoying.

  20. i didnt to much watch it last night but when i started watching it i was getting mad because they was talking nothing but non sense.they was talking about stuff that has nothing to do with president. they was just making me mad and didnt make sense

  21. I think the both could do better but if i had to pick an winner i would pick Clinton. Trump brought up a lot of personal things. I also say there both was to worried about throwing shots at each other to much.

  22. The debate was good. Im for Hillary all the way and I think she made a good point of view. Trump was being childish for cutting off Hillary every five seconds.

  23. I think that the debate was very funny. It reminded me of reality shows. They were constantly throwing shots at each other. Donald Trump was mostly doing all the shot calling because Hillary Clinton was trying to make the real Donald Trump come out. I think that Hillary Clinton did better in my opinion

  24. It was hard to watch that one of them are soon gonna become our president maybe. First it was civilized but soon become a whole crap of nonsense clash. Its like seeing a teenager arguments and it was really annoying. Even though it was political, now day political is mostly entertainment by those two. XD

    1. I would also says Hilary have the most point of view but both were suppose to talk about political stuff not just throwing childish arguments.

  25. I honestly, truly do not care for the debate. I would really like to see an woman in office for the first time and we do not need Trump as president all he wants to do is destroy america not help us. But as from what I heard from the debate Hilary had great come backs but I can't really speak on it because I did not watch it.

  26. Im moving to canada either way so I really dont care

  27. I think Hilary Clinton had the better point of view. She focused on politics and stuck to her point. She didn't let herself to be caught up in her personal actions.

  28. i think hilary and trump had invalid reasoings and the two made each other stumble a little. neither of them should be in office

  29. Hilary Clinton was focused and stayed on point in the debate. Trump, feeling threatened by her, began to bring personal issues into the debate. Hilary also used a good strategy on making Trump lose his temper. He was willing to do anything to win the debate, even if that meant bringing Clinton's personal life into it.

  30. Hillary Clinton forced Donald Trump onto defense over his temperament, refusal to release his taxes and his past comments about race and women during a fiery debut presidential debate Monday -- a potentially pivotal moment in a tight election campaign.

  31. The Debate last night was very interesting. Both candidates faced off talking about issues such as Taxes, Race, and Security. They both had their own view on these segment, but I believe that Hillary Clinton had the better point of view. Hillary's responses were better organized and I feel like their more capable of working. Hillary had very valid points and made some good statements.

  32. I think Hillary had the better point of view. She has a lot of good points. In my opinion Trump was not being very respectful with listening to Hillary's points.

  33. Hillary had several valid points. She was rudely interrupted every five seconds. Trump is very elementary and most definitely too immature to run for president or be anyone's leader. He took jabs at personal issues rather than economical and other issues related to the debate.

  34. I think the debate was great. Hillary was focused and getting all her points across at the right time. Donald Trump was getting very angry and was being childish, and budding in while she was talking.

  35. The Debate last night was very interesting. Both candidates faced off talking about issues such as Taxes, Race, and Security. They both had their own view on these segment, but I believe that Hillary Clinton had the better point of view. Hillary's responses were better organized and I feel like their more capable of working.

  36. I think that the debate was very funny. It reminded me of reality shows. They were constantly throwing shots at each other. Donald Trump was mostly doing all the shot calling because Hillary Clinton was trying to make the real Donald Trump come out. I think that Hillary Clinton did better in my opinion

  37. i didnt see the debate because the falcons game was on

  38. Of course hillary won and Trump was just talking for no reason. why is trump a president ???????

  39. the debate was entertaining and upsetting. specifically because trump kept interrupting hiliary he wouldn't let her finish what she had to say. she had a lot of good points. both of them had their own views but i agreed with hiliary more.

  40. The Debate last night was very interesting. Both candidates faced off talking about issues such as Taxes, Race, and Security. They both had their own view on these segment, but I believe that Hillary Clinton had the better point of view.

  41. The Debate last night was very interesting. Both candidates faced off talking about issues such as Taxes, Race, and Security. They both had their own view on these segment, but I believe that Hillary Clinton had the better point of view.

  42. The Debate last night was very interesting.They were constantly throwing shots at each other.I think Hilary Clinton had the better point of view while Trump brought personal issue into the debate which in my opinion wasn't a good idea at all.

  43. I think Hilary Clinton had the better point of view. She focused on politics and stuck to her point. She didn't let herself to be caught up in her personal actions. In my opinion Trump was not being very respectful with listening to Hillary's points.

  44. ima be honest they both sucked i feel that obama should get a third year. this is almost as choosing between being racist or being a liar. i dont know how donald trump made it up there or hillary . i hope next year is better cause you know its bead when your father changes the channel half way through the debate.

  45. Lat nights debate was very intriguing. Trump did not really answer any questions...AT ALL. He was digging a hole for himself. He made some decent points, but it was clear that he wasn't prepared. Hillary on the other hand was prepared for "war" with Trump. She was clever and used Trump's words against himself making him look dumber than he already is! Neither of them are fit to run the United States, but I would settle for Clinton.

  46. Being real I didnt even watch the debate because to me it dont really matter anymore I didnt want either one of them to win to be honest but I think Obama shouldve had another year

  47. Hillary made a point she knew exactly what she was talking about and stayed on track. She made sure her points connect and made sense.

  48. last night was very funny. the debate was just them arguing about themselves and not who is better for america. in my eyes Hilary s gonna win because she is less hated than trump.

  49. Hilary Clinton was focused and stayed on point in the debate. Trump, feeling threatened by her, began to bring personal issues into the debate. Hilary also used a good strategy on making Trump lose his temper. He was willing to do anything to win the debate, even if that meant bringing Clinton's personal life into it.

  50. Hilary Clinton was focused and stayed on point in the debate. Trump, feeling threatened by her, began to bring personal issues into the debate. Hilary also used a good strategy on making Trump lose his temper. He was willing to do anything to win the debate, even if that meant bringing Clinton's personal life into it.

  51. Watching the Debate..... I felt that Hillary had extreme content that led to the increase of engaged views on her side than trump but the realization by trump caused him to bring up personal issues. Mainly its an argument to gain more followers to win the election but trump obviously had the more content of mental combat of personal life when clearly its not about personal features.

  52. the debate was funny. trump kept cutting Hilary off and Hilary was making slick jokes.

  53. Hilary Clinton had Trump against the ropes, that's why Trump had to keep cutting her off while she was speaking.

  54. Many key topics were discussed during this debate. Most of these topics were targeting each other. For example, Hillary targeting Donald Trump on his tax returns saying that he has never paid federal taxes, and isn’t as rich as he says he is. In return Donald Trump targeting Hillary on her 33,000 deleted emails. Donald Trump also stated that Hillary doesn’t have the look or stamina to be President of the United States.

  55. Many key topics were discussed during this debate. Most of these topics were targeting each other. For example, Hillary targeting Donald Trump on his tax returns saying that he has never paid federal taxes, and isn’t as rich as he says he is. In return Donald Trump targeting Hillary on her 33,000 deleted emails. Donald Trump also stated that Hillary doesn’t have the look or stamina to be President of the United States.

  56. According to CNN.com, " Hillary Clinton stepped onto the debate stage Monday night determined to show that only one candidate is ready to be president." I agree

  57. Hilary Clinton was focused and stayed on point in the debate. Trump, feeling threatened by her

  58. I think that Hillary had the better arguments and points, because Donald Trump always denied things he said and he just represented himself very bad in my opinion.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. i feel that trump just is saying things but never backs them up. and Hillary says claims and backs them up but still some of her policies are not great and shes not trust worthy neither of them are.

  61. i feel that trump just is saying things but never backs them up. and Hillary says claims and backs them up but still some of her policies are not great and shes not trust worthy neither of them are.

  62. If I had watched more than 10 minutes of it, I would be an alcoholic right now.

  63. If I had watched more than 10 minutes of it, I would be an alcoholic right now.

  64. i think hilary and trump had invalid reasoings and the two made each other stumble a little. neither of them should be in office

  65. The whole debate was trash. Hillary made some valid points but Trump being the baby he is decided to go after personal issues like "stamina". This is how you argue when you know nothing about politics and decide to run for president.

  66. Donald Trump is an idiot... The End

  67. Donald Trump is an idiot... The End

  68. I feel like the nation is voting for a "giant douche or a turd sandwhich"- South park. But seriously i think the debate is dumb. Just two americans trying to see who can lie to us the most.

  69. I feel like the nation is voting for a "giant douche or a turd sandwhich"- South park. But seriously i think the debate is dumb. Just two americans trying to see who can lie to us the most.

  70. I honestly think Hilary shut Donald trump up.Trump says a lot of things but never backs them up.

  71. The whole debate was trash. Hillary made some valid points but Trump being the baby he is decided to go after personal issues like "stamina".

  72. I honestly think Hilary shut Donald trump up.Trump says a lot of things but never backs them up. Hilary also proved a lot of points.

  73. This debate was the goofiest debate of history. It was more of a screaming match between the two candidates. It's unfortunate that these are the two candidates we have to choose from. At the end of the debate Trump was declared the "winner" of the debate. Although many thought that he made himself look like a fool while Clinton was stating facts and actual ways she could help our nation.

  74. This debate was the goofiest debate of history. It was more of a screaming match between the two candidates. It's unfortunate that these are the two candidates we have to choose from. At the end of the debate Trump was declared the "winner" of the debate. Although many thought that he made himself look like a fool while Clinton was stating facts and actual ways she could help our nation.

  75. I did not watch the debate. i did not watch it because what was the point. Trump always does the same thing and bash people or bully people. He is childish and not even an actual politician, just because he brung jobs to the us at some point means nothing. All the businesses he made went bankrupt and down hill it doesn't matter if he has good values just because his daughter says that . He doesn't even have good morals or values ... Period

  76. Hillary made a point she knew exactly what she was talking about and stayed on track. She made sure her points connect and made sense.

  77. The Debate last night was very interesting. Both candidates faced off talking about issues like Race and Security. They both had their own point of view on these clips but I truly belive that Clinton had the better point of view than trump.

  78. Trump brought personal issue into the debate which in my opinion wasn't a good idea at all. People suggest that Clinton has to step up if she wants to win. I didn't watch the debate but I think Clinton had the better point of view because she didn't talk about stuff that had nothing to do with the debate unlike Trump.

  79. I feel as though Hillary Clinton had the better point of view. Donald Trump was making irrelevant claims. Hillary was speaking more to the people. Donald was more trying to argue with Hillary.

  80. The debate was unorganized and unconventional. Neither of them really had any good points at all. They both acted like 4 year old's the whole time. The judges got like 4 questions out because they were arguing and no one could get them to stop. No point in watching.

  81. I thought Hillary Clinton must win but it wasn't. To be honest i still don't understand that how Donald Trump won. it means not i don't like Donald Trump i just curious how he did. If you watch debate about new president and see the result, you can think that Hillary Clinton will be new president. because most people thought like that.
