Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Police Shootings

What is your opinion about the recent police shootings? Do you believe that officers need to be re-trained? See the article below.


  1. I believe that this is a terrible case of a life taken long before it normally would have passed, however according to the police report, the suspect was wielding an item and took the pose of someone about to fire a handgun. Footage of the shooting has not yet been released so it is uncertain if this is true, but this is a sad day for America and it's citizens.

  2. Officers being re-trained is not going to do anything to help. How come trained officers can shoot on instinct but untrained civilians have to be calm when there is a gun pointed at them. I think officers should only carry tasers instead of guns. Also, officers need to stop racial profiling civilians.

  3. I think that they should retrain these officers tbh. These cops also need to be held responsible for their murderous acts against the colored community and any community at all. Rather than saying "oh it was just a mistake, the officer was scared" they should really do something. They should make these officers fear for their lives if they kill or hurt another person for no reason.

  4. police shouldn't rely on their guns to heavily.

  5. I believe that the last two weeks we have lost too many black lives. The police need to actually know what they're doing before they fire or threaten the victim because three black people died for no reason all because of the beliefs from the policemen.

  6. They don't need to be retrained , the officers who are doing the killing need to be indited and sent to jail and serve the maximum penalty just like any black man would if it were the other way around. No White cop can understand what us as black people go through daily. Get followed around the store, racially profiled, sterotyped and etc.They don't need to be on leave with pay,They should be held accountable for their actions just like any other citizen. Cops always say they thought the man was armed but then they end up finding no weapon in site. A white cop will be so quick to wound a white bomber or terrorist and claim they have a mental disorder but when it's white on black crime they don't hesitate to shoot and kill a black man. Do they think our life is worth just an apology? An Instagram hashtag? a one year sentence with bond? I think not. Things need to change. Cops still try to lie even with body camera's. That goes to show that body camera's aren't making a difference. Any black man or young black teenager is in danger as we speak.

  7. I think retraining should happen. I feel like officer use their guns in to many situations, when its not necessary sometimes. Officers should use tazers guns if the citizen isn't cooperating and then use their gun as a last resort in a dire situation

  8. (sarcastic voice)wow im so suprised they killed another one, and no the police dont need to be retrained. The police are trained correctly, they are just killing out of hatred. lowkey the kkk is making a statement and and they are showing us that they are thriving. ......bush did 9/11
    trump did harambe

  9. The officers do need to re-trained. I think the officer are becoming more scare and reacting negative in tough situations. They need to be more aware and practice how to do things without a gun. MY opinion on the shooting wasn't necessary because the victim didn't had a gun. They were probably scare and when he took his hands out and aim with nothing in his hand they just shot him. Also the was the victim fault he dead, if he didn't stand in shooting position suddenly he probably would got shoot.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think they need to retrain officers. Cops need to be held for their acts against the community. They shouldn't pass it off by saying, "The officer was scared", because that's not an excuse. Officers need to stop racial profiling citizens.

  12. Officers being re-trained is not going to do anything to help. How come trained officers can shoot on instinct but untrained civilians have to be calm when there is a gun pointed at them. I think officers should only carry tasers instead of guns. Also, officers need to stop racial profiling civilians.

  13. The shootings are becoming an unfortunate norm. If retraining were to help then yes officers should be retrained. If you are trained to arrest someone you should be able to detain them. If you need to use your gun shoot to apprehend and not to kill.

  14. Instead of being retrained the officers should be treated as any regular citizen when killing someone.

  15. officers need to be re-trained. If this keep happening people in the world are gonna have enough with it. It will be war and we all know the cops are out number and out ruled. Too many innocent lives are being lost to this.

  16. Cops need to be retrained, so they can learn to fully evaluate a situation before pulling out a gun... what happened to their tasers because they are beginning to use it less and less. Just tase him.

  17. Officer shootings are unfortunately becoming a commodity within communities. They will probably never stop so there's really no use in trying to make change when change isn't an option in their minds. Officers need to learn when and when not to use their firearms.

  18. Unlike the other incidents the shooting sounds a little more justified. Although it is unclear weather he had a gun if the man was pointing something at them standing in a shooting stance then the officer can discharge his weapon if he feels as if he is in danger.

  19. Racial situations have been a big part of this worlds community problem, but not all are still in the negative mind set of ones better than the other. The dicisions that were made the last few shootings by the cops may have been racial or they may have been accidents because we were not there to know exactly the story for ourselves or speak for others of that officers family. Now i do believe there should be a consequence if it is found to be exact racial vengeance but not if an accident was portrayed to be a racial crime. As said before, we were not there to know if something was pulled from the pocket to seem like a gun but truly how is anyone supposed to know if that gun has bullets or if their even is a gun if when told to freeze and the person continuously moves. Its a thought what must the cop do but i believe that possibly the gun shot wasn't meant to kill or if one shot was taken to the arm 9r leg would have been enough, but the ones who shoot continuously obviously were scared and had not obviously thought through the actions they took. I believe diffrent colors think that that color as a whole betrayed the other but that isn't true, mistakes sometimes happen and this may be a test by God that set a place to see how exactly we handled this situation and see if this continues, who shall he respect feeling the same or decrease the thought of using them as an important guide to the people. (who can be a leader)

  20. Officers definitely need to be retrained because this killing is going too far. Officers think just because they have a title they're free to do what they want. Officers are suppose to protect us not kill us. Even though it's wrong what police officers are doing, I doubt someone will do something about it so taking people lives will probably still go on which is sad.

  21. i think they should be retrained and the officers who are killing people unlawfully need to be prosecuted for what they have done. I know some officers mindset is there gonna make it home to there family and if this man really looked like he was a threat and seemed to pull out a weapon that officers job is to stop him from hurting others so of course that officer shot him. If it did not turn out that way then the officer should be charged with manslaughter for his actions.

  22. i think they should be retrained and the officers who are killing people unlawfully need to be prosecuted for what they have done. I know some officers mindset is there gonna make it home to there family and if this man really looked like he was a threat and seemed to pull out a weapon that officers job is to stop him from hurting others so of course that officer shot him. If it did not turn out that way then the officer should be charged with manslaughter for his actions.

  23. I have a strong opinion on the subject of blue lives shooting black lives. I don't understand why they are choosing to take our black men. Our skin color must really intimidate these cops. I don't comprehend why it is so hard to put down your gun and ask questions or simply restrain using less life-threatening weapons such as a taser, like they do on white criminals. Do we need to carry around a sign that says "We come in peace"?? Honestly i'm tired of using the hastag #blacklivesmatter, its the 20th century we should already know that. The governement needs to take control by not re-training cops but re-evaluting the cops put out on the streets to face what they call they're "enemy" before we the people have to!!

  24. According to, " A black man has died after police shot him in El Cajon, California, sparking protests in the suburb northeast of San Diego.

    On Tuesday afternoon, El Cajon police responded to a 911 call regarding an African-American man in his 30s who reportedly was behaving "erratically" behind a restaurant at the Broadway Village Shopping Center, Lt. Rob Ransweiler said." Officers do need to be re-trained.

  25. I feel that if police members get retrained that it is not going to help that much. I feel like it will be a waste of time because police are just going to go back to shooting victims when they 'think' that person may have a firearm. killing innocent African men is very disgusting and sickening. it needs to seize now.

  26. I believe that cops just shoot people to shoot they don't know how to do their job right because if shooting people for any reason is their job then they are not heroes at all. Police men would should anybody for anything they could be walking down the street particularly black men would walk down the street and cops would think they doing something wrong. Most cops not heroes .

  27. Officers being re-trained is not going to do anything to help. How come trained officers can shoot on instinct but untrained civilians have to be calm when there is a gun pointed at them.

  28. I believe that the police shouldn't pull out there gun especially if the person is unarmed. They do have other things such as batons taser and etc... . They need to stop all the killing the most recent shooting was tragic because they guy was innocent he just needed some help. Therefore, they should be retained on how not to just pull at their guns and try and use something else that they have.

  29. i think that the police shoot cause they want to not because they have to. to me honestly it dont have anything to do wit the training. its really a personal decision in my opinion.

  30. i think that they may need to rethink what they do as officers when they pull someone over. they should just try to get bodycams on their uniform. this will be a big help because then there can be something they can look at if any injustice was taken place with the officer. when this goes out to every officer then they if doing their job wrong could get their act together.this could easily be fixed by doing this .

  31. This happen so many time to the black people the police is just killing blacks for no reason they not doing there job they just killing and hopefully they all get fired

  32. I feel like the officers know that once that trigger go it's over. They think cause they have a blue uniform and a badge they can shoot anyone just cause they are the authorities and they have a gun. Most of the officers are just prejudice or just scared.

  33. A police officer from California shots an African-American man. Why are so many stupid police men killing black people? We're all people with good heart and a life of experiences to go. Please stop killing so many black people and assuring that they were going to bring out a weapon. Do they not know how to check pocket or something for weapon? Are they just doing this for money and think killing black people is okay that they are all bad? This need to stop.

  34. I think that they should retrain these officers tbh. These cops also need to be held responsible for their murderous acts against the colored community and any community at all. Rather than saying "oh it was just a mistake, the officer was scared" they should really do something. They should make these officers fear for their lives if they kill or hurt another person for no reason.

  35. Officers are trained to protect their lives and the lives of others. No amount of training will stop random casualties.

  36. i feel like police should have a legit reason to shoot or take a person into custody instead of just shooting people just because they seem suspect

  37. I think they should be retrained because if they are killing innocent lives, they obviously don't know what they're doing.

  38. I think that the police officer was wrong. The African American man could have been on some sort of medication that made him act unusual. They didn't have to shoot the man.

  39. I believed the police just doing their jobs but are too scare to know what will happen next if the the person have a weapon. But one things do concern me is why are the police just shooting people by their race. Just cause you're a police doesn't mean you can shoot anyone. We all are living beings, we have feelings, we have families or love one. So why aren't the police like a responsible ways or with no violence such as what Martin Luther king or Mahatma Ghandi did.

  40. The 43-year-old black man's death sparked protests and added more fuel to the national debate over whether police are too quick to use deadly force, particularly against African-American men. The officer who shot Scott also was black -- a fact that people on both sides are pointing to as they make their case.

  41. I think the recent police shootings are causing a lot of tension in the African American community. The police in this country need to be tested on prejudice and they need to be re trained. They also need to be trained on how to deal with mentally ill people.

  42. They should retrain these officers, especially new up coming officers. I honestly don't even think it's just the training because these officers have more sense than a little. They choose to shoot these people. I just wish they would stop being given excuses to do these things. Murder is murder and there is no way around it.

  43. They should retrain these officers, especially new up coming officers. I honestly don't even think it's just the training because these officers have more sense than a little. They choose to shoot these people. I just wish they would stop being given excuses to do these things. Murder is murder and there is no way around it.

  44. I feel that if police members get retrained that it is not going to help that much. I feel like it will be a waste of time because police are just going to go back to shooting victims when they 'think' that person may have a firearm. killing innocent African men is very disgusting and sickening. it needs to seize now

  45. I think that the officers need to be retained. They are killing black people out of hatred for no reason, and the police department seems to be doing nothing about it.

  46. I think that they should not have shot him. On the clip on CNN it looks like an gun but the officers that were could clearly see what he pulled not matter how he stand. I think that he should have just listened to the police but i also think there was not reason at all to shot him they could have tazzed him at least. Police are to quick to pull guns.

  47. they should be putting these officers in jail. they doing dumb and stupid stuff for no reason. why should you retrain a person who killed someone

  48. i feel that it is terrible that a life was lost but the cops that were there did what they did to protect themselves and others. because they said it looked like the man was wielding a weapon so he could have been danger to himself and others so they reacted reasonably to not take any chances.

  49. I think that officers should be re-trained. They shouldn't have shot him because they didn't know what he could have been pulling out they just assumed it was a weapon they didn't have to kill him and his sister called them for help what sense does it make to pull out a weapon.

  50. American police officers only get a 13 Months training, when for example German police officers get a 3 years training. Now that doesn't say anything about whether German police officers are better than American, but most of the training that the American police officers get is to handle a firearm and not to solve a situation with words. I think they need more training!

  51. I think the police shootings that are going on are just crazy. I think since the police know that they are higher authority they can do whatever they want when that's not right nor fair. They think because they can carry guns and tasers, and other things that they can beat up on people and torture them. Don't get me wrong not all police are bad you actually have some that are trying to change the community, and help others not fight and start mess. I think the police think that people are supposed to be scared of them because of who they are, no people have been quiet for to long about things like this it's time for everyone to take a stand because the police have to be stopped.

  52. to be honest the police shooting are getting out of control. A LOT of african american men are the target. Theres needs to be a stop to this all. A lot of innocent people are getting killed.

  53. I believe that cops should be retrained in instances for when they should use gunfire. Many communities don't have a well built relationship with their police force, because of these unjust shootings. A cop should have the same consequences (that citizens face)for killing a person instead of being put on paid vacation. Cops are here to protect the citizens and not instill fear in them every time they get pulled over, especially if you're a person of color.

  54. I think the police shooting are getting out of control. I believe that the cops should get arrested for everything that they have done, especially if the citizen has no mind of weapon and has their hands up.

  55. Officer shootings are unfortunately becoming a commodity within communities. They will probably never stop so there's really no use in trying to make change when change isn't an option in their minds. Officers need to learn when and when not to use their firearms.

  56. i think that there has been entirely too many cases of police shooting in these last couple months. i feel as if shooting shouldnt always be the first instict..

  57. I think retraining is the best solution. Officers use their guns in too many situations, even when its not necessary. Officers should use taser guns if the citizen isn't cooperating and then use their gun as a last resort in a dire situation, or have guns completely taken off the market and replaced with tasers all together.

  58. I think they need to retrain officers. Cops need to be held for their acts against the community. They shouldn't pass it off by saying, "The officer was scared", because that's not an excuse. Officers need to stop racial profiling citizens.

  59. I wish everyone would just shut the hell up about it.

  60. i don't agree with it and it's getting out of control. these are people family that they are killing, it's been happening alot with police officers lately so yes i do think that they should be re-trained .

  61. Officers being re-trained is not going to do anything to help. How come trained officers can shoot on instinct but untrained civilians have to be calm when there is a gun pointed at them.

  62. Honestly I feel like this is getting out of hand it seems like its purposely now or they afraid of black people but if that was a white man it would have been a different story and im really mad because all these story lately been saying the victim pulled something out and they don't even pull anything so they do need to be retrained I think police officers are afraid of black people honestly.

  63. I believe that the last two weeks we have lost too many black lives. The police need to actually know what they're doing before they fire or threaten the victim because three black people died for no reason all because of the beliefs from the policemen.

  64. The officers do need to re-trained. I think the officer are becoming more scare and reacting negative in tough situations. They need to be more aware and practice how to do things without a gun. MY opinion on the shooting wasn't necessary because the victim didn't had a gun. They were probably scare and when he took his hands out and aim with nothing in his hand they just shot him. Also the was the victim fault he dead, if he didn't stand in shooting position suddenly he probably would got shoot.

  65. yes policemen do need to be re trained because every time you see a video it is always a black person getting killed but when something happens with a white person they dont get killed they just go to jail

  66. They don't need to be retrained , the officers who are doing the killing need to be taken and sent to jail and serve the maximum of years in there.

  67. i think its very sad what this world has came to. i think the officers need to take multiple test before getting their badges and stuff.

  68. They don't need to be retrained , the officers who are doing the killing need to be taken and sent to jail and serve the maximum of years in there.

  69. They don't need to be retrained , the officers who are doing the killing need to be taken and sent to jail and serve the maximum of years in there.

  70. Nah these officers dont need to be retrained, I think they need to be sent to jail man that's crazy how trigger happy these cops are and it really get on my nerves what a crooked cop will do just to see a black man down

  71. Everyday on the news I see somebody getting killed because of a police. So therefore they need to all be retrained and see what they are supposed to do if they see an African American.

  72. I believe that cops just shoot people to shoot they don't know how to do their job right because if shooting people for any reason is their job then they are not heroes at all. Police men would should anybody for anything they could be walking down the street particularly black men would walk down the street and cops would think they doing something wrong. Most cops not heroes .

  73. It's not that they need to be retrained, they know that they can get away with it. So they continue to kill these black men, no they may not be innocent but they don't deserve to die. We're supposed to look at the police and know that we're safe, not be afraid of them.

  74. I believe that the last two weeks we have lost too many black lives. The police need to actually know what they're doing before they fire or threaten the victim because three black people died for no reason all because of the beliefs from the policemen.

  75. im scared to walk on the streets now with my african american friends. thats all i need to say

  76. I do not think that the police officers in general should be
    restrained because it was not all police officers but i highly believe that the police officers who did it should be in jail for a very long time instead of not even getting fired.

  77. I think the officers need to be retrained. because men died.just officers erratically shot gun. So i think they need to be retrained that how can the arrest people without gun. And people also need to scare police. Finally they must be do not have accident by police erratically anymore

  78. I believe that the last two weeks we have lost too many black lives. The police need to actually know what they're doing before they fire or threaten the victim because three black people died for no reason all because of the beliefs from the policemen.

  79. I think they need to retrain officers. Cops need to be held for their acts against the community. They shouldn't pass it off by saying, "The officer was scared", because that's not an excuse. Officers need to stop racial profiling citizens.

  80. I don't think the problem is the way officers are trained. Officers just feel like they are more powerful than everyone else, and that's not the case.

  81. My opinion on this recent shooting is my opinion about all the shootings that have taken place. It's sad and unruly. What good will retraining do? It's not the poor training that's taking the lives of African American people, it's the officers in the uniform. I'm not saying all cops are bad, but they would rather take the quickest way out of a situation rather than using deescalation techniques.

  82. Ian Thomas: In the most recent police shootings I feel like at this point the shootings aren't because they need to be retrained but that some officers are purposely discriminating against black people and it is starting to get out of hand or is becoming intentional.

  83. i feel like the recent shooting is sad and i thing the police should go to jail not get retrained.

  84. The officers do need to re-trained. I think the officer are becoming more scare and reacting negative in tough situations. They need to be more aware and practice how to do things without a gun.

  85. I believe that some officers should be retained, not all because not all officers are like that. They are doing things our of fear so they become more rough and out of control in the littlest situations.

  86. I believe that some officers should be retained, not all because not all officers are like that. They are doing things our of fear so they become more rough and out of control in the littlest situations.

  87. What happened to these police wearing body cameras? They seem to not understand that they're ruining lives, then again they most likely don't care. Police are supposed to be here to "serve and protect". But recently no one has been serving or protecting.

  88. I think that they need to stop. We should not be scared to walk on the streets as black people. The police officers need to reevaluate their protocol because many innocent killings could have been prevented.

  89. Police shooting are getting out of control. I don't think that someone should be working as an officer if they are afraid of a certain type of person. As a police officer you are to protect not just brutally kill because you don't like that type of person. I suggest they do better when hiring officers.

  90. i feel like the police shooting are getting out of hand and it need to stop. i also agree that polices should be retrained cause they obviously dont know what to do at times instead of just killing a person.... not just any people, but black men. BLACK LIVES MATTER.

  91. Officers being re-trained is not going to do anything to help. How come trained officers can shoot on instinct but untrained civilians have to be calm when there is a gun pointed at them. I think officers should only carry tasers instead of guns. Also, officers need to stop racial profiling civilians.

  92. police need to chill out or blacks might come back around and start shooting them

  93. Police shootings are getting out of control. The people in charge of hiring policeman need to do a better job of checking their backgrounds. I do believe that police need to be re-trained, but that would only solve half of the problem.

  94. Police shouldn't rely on their guns to heavily.
