Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Freewrite about Politics

Freewrite about politics, in a minimum of one paragraph.


  1. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy

  2. This year's election is bad in my opinion. It's two bad representatives in which majority of people don't like, but are somewhat forced to vote for because of being Republic or Democratic. I just hope for the best.

  3. Hillary Clinton is winning the presidential election, due to the geographical and demographic advantage.

  4. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign. In order to succeed, Clinton must maintain an incessant focus on her unpredictable rival and persuade voters. She slammed Trump's character and failure to release his tax returns and blasted his business career. A senior Clinton campaign official predicted single-digit battles across the swing states will decide the election.

  5. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy. a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds.Yet the Democratic nominee enters this home stretch in a dead heat against Donald Trump, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday.The close contest heading into the fall underscores Clinton's vulnerabilities on trust and honesty -- and her need to summon a relentless and efficient ground game, even if many of her voters are fueled more by revulsion toward Trump than excitement about her.

  6. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate. She's held briefings for reporters on her new campaign jet two days in a row. 17 Republican candidates failed to beat Trump, Clinton must maintain an incessant focus on her unpredictable rival and persuade voters.

  7. Donald Trump's immigration policies are highly unpopular. About 6-in-10 oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico, and most doubt that Mexico wouldn't pay for that wall. Some oppose mass deportation. The government should not attempt to deport all people living in the country illegally

  8. After Labor day the voters began paying close attention to the presidential race. Labor Day is also the perfect time for a Houston history lesson that uncovers the similarities between then and now.

  9. In terms of popularity among the general population, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are neck and neck, with only a few change in points. Some polls put Hillary six percent ahead of trump, while some, such as CNN, say Trump has 2 percent over Hillary. However in the electoral college, where all of the actual presidential voting takes place, Hillary has 244 votes, while trump only has 126. In a vote where only 300 is required to win, this is an enormous difference.

  10. Hilary Clinton is in 43% while trump is at 45%. That man shouldn't even be up there let alone winning.

  11. Hillary is currently ahead of Trump as it relates to voting. She recently confronted his failure to release his tax returns. She also has had several briefings on her new campaign plane with reporters.

  12. Clinton has advantages in the campaign and its getting closer and closer to voting. Problem with her and trump there about in an even race and its really unsure who will win. Trump has many problems with what he wants to do when hes elected not many are with him building a wall and he does not reach out to much women.While Hillary is labeled as untrustworthy.

  13. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign. She has a strong chance at winning the election coming up in November. After Labor Day she made the pace faster. She is now winning the presidential election. This is because of her honesty and loyalty.

  14. Hilary Clinton should win and she is at 43% but it should be at 80% and Donald Trump is at 49% he should be at 15% because he will never be a good president at all.

  15. The polls show that most people are not ok with Trumps immigration laws. 66% of people see that his laws are dumb and unnecessary and 45% of them are just fine with the law. Also 49% of people trusts Clinton with the whole immigration issue and the other 47% trust Trump.

  16. This whole election is a mess who ever wins were in trouble regardless.

  17. According to, " Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds. "

  18. This election year is a total failure for America. On a honest note the candidates for president are equally horrible and shouldn't hold the power of this country ever. Trump is a racist and Hillary is a terrorist so either way it goes we are going to need a lot of prayer.

  19. According to CNN," Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds".

  20. Rodrigo Duterte the new Philippines president said some curse words towards Obama. Obama said that he was the least of his problem right now. He also cancel the metting with him at the White House. Duterte late apologized for his comment.

  21. Duterte and Obama had been due to meet on the sidelines of a regional summit in Laos. But the Filipino leader lashed out when asked by reporters how he would respond if Obama asked about human rights violations committed in his fearsome war on drugs gangs.
    "I am a president of a sovereign state. And we have long ceased to be a colony of the United States," Duterte said, paraphrasing how he would address Obama. "Son of a bitch, I will swear at you."

  22. The election day is coming fast.The fight for president is getting real hard and close.The fight is between Hilary and Donald. To me I don't like that one of these two is going to be president. If Trump wins i really think the world is going to end.

  23. retired general backlashes at Donald trump's lpan to defeat isis saying it isn't easy to just defeat isis in one month planning time

  24. the political campaign is getting pretty heated. Hillary Clinton called Donald trump a "failed foreign political leader" as well as that he has no secret to defeating Isis. Donald trump was not going to take the disrespect and states information about the deleted emails that Clinton is being investigated about. Donald trump is also putting out that Clinton is hiding something in her oh so truthful campaign.

  25. This time i'm switching it up and talking about my own opinion on politics are. Politics are just a way to select leaders and govern the territory we currently have as we are citizens. I truly feel this brings many conflicts also from the riots and such violence being projected by the believe by simply whose president or senate or whatever which brings people more apart from the neutral aspect we should have. The belief of following comes to mind that no one else wants to be a leader and step up.

  26. now Donald trump is in the lead in the polls and he might change the race. many people may think Donald trump may win but Hillary still is in it. he might need to hurry up and get his tax returns out before Hillary attacks again. Hillary must tell the U.S. that tax are really important on how the he would use money. she might also might have a problem still with her emails but both are really not fit to be president.

  27. president obama nominated a muslim to be a judge for the first time.hilliary clinton is getting close to winning the election also

  28. Hillary Clinton is going at it with Donald trump the election is coming a end. The way its been looking Hillary will win

  29. We have two of the worst candidates. And now it's come down to voting for the lesser of two evils. Trump is a racist. And Clinton is probably the same as Trump but just isn't showing us, and won't show us until she gets elected.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Donald Trump's immigration policies are highly unpopular. About 6-in-10 oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy A fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds.

  32. Clinton could possibly win the race and here's how. Clinton has some geography advantages some that Trump doesn't. I really hope that Clinton wins because not only will she make history, she will change this country and we really need someone like her in the office.

  33. President Obama made history on Tuesday by nominating the first Muslim person to the federal judiciary, Abid Qureshi.

  34. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds.

  35. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign. In order to succeed, Clinton must maintain an incessant focus on her unpredictable rival and persuade voters. The way its been looking Hillary will win. A senior Clinton campaign official predicted single-digit battles across the swing states will decide the election.

  36. As president, Trump says he would push a tax reform plan that would collapse the current seven tax brackets into four and significantly reduce income taxes for most Americans. Married couples earning up to $50,000 would pay no income tax. The highest rate, 35 percent, would apply to those making over $477,450.

  37. President Barack Obama has nominated a Washington lawyer to the US District Court bench who would become the country's first Muslim-American federal judge if he is confirmed.Muslim-American activists hailed the President's move.Obama has made diversity a priority in his judicial nominations. He's appointed more women, African-Americans and Hispanics to the federal bench than his predecessors, and also worked to name judges with a wider array of work experience.

  38. Hilary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy. With demographics changing, it seems that Hilary has already won. It is obvious that Donald Trump will not win the election.

  39. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds.

  40. According to, " Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds.

  41. This years election is bad to me. You got Donald Trump who is making all these demands and saying what people want to hear but in reality he wont do nothing to help this country. We got Hillary Clinton that cannot be trusted because of er emails. I think that both of the candidates are bad and I dont want either of them to win in my opinion.

  42. my name is chris booker.This time i'm switching it up and talking about my own opinion on politics are. Politics are just a way to select leaders and govern the territory we currently have as we are citizens. I truly feel this brings many conflicts also from the riots and such violence being projected by the believe by simply whose president or senate or whatever which brings people more apart from the neutral aspect we should have. The belief of following comes to mind that no one else wants to be a leader and step up.

  43. Clinton has democratic and geographical advantages in the presidential poll. Either presidential nominee is terrible because there's a lot of speculation behind both of them.

  44. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton use curtain accidents against each other, for example Trump uses the email scandal to make himself better and Clinton uses the not released tax documents to make her better. It is going to be interesting.

  45. Trump is at 45% and Clinton is at 43%. Hes probably not going to win the election so what is he doing with his life.

  46. i dont really like the two candidates that are running for president this year. both have had a bad reputation and many people are hating them for racial reasons, honesty, and fraud. Donald trump has had a reputation since 2015 as being a "racist" to the Mexican and African american people. Hilary Clinton has had a reputation of being a liar and fraud of many promises she gave the people if she vote for her.

  47. According to, " Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds. " Also, Hillary Clinton called Donald trump a "failed foreign political leader" as well as that he has no secret to defeating Isis. Donald trump was not going to take the disrespect and states information about the deleted emails that Clinton is being investigated about. Donald trump is also putting out that Clinton is hiding something in her oh so truthful campaign.Also, Donald Trump's immigration policies are highly unpopular. About 6-in-10 oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico.

  48. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds. Yet the Democratic nominee enters this home stretch in a dead heat against Donald Trump, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday.

  49. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds. Yet the Democratic nominee enters this home stretch in a dead heat against Donald Trump, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday.

  50. I think this election is one of the worst we have had in American history. Both of the candidates are terrible and I think they are going to ruin this country. We need to have another set of candidates.

  51. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds. Yet the Democratic nominee enters this home stretch in a dead heat against Donald Trump, according to a CNN poll released Tuesday.

  52. In terms of popularity among the general population, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are neck and neck, with only a few change in points. Some polls put Hillary six percent ahead of trump, while some, such as CNN, say Trump has 2 percent over Hillary. However in the electoral college, where all of the actual presidential voting takes place, Hillary has 244 votes, while trump only has 126. In a vote where only 300 is required to win, this is an enormous difference.

  53. i dont really like the two candidates that are running for president this year. both have had a bad reputation and many people are hating them for racial reasons, honesty, and fraud. Donald trump has had a reputation since 2015 as being a "racist" to the Mexican and African american people. Hilary Clinton has had a reputation of being a liar and fraud of many promises she gave the people if she vote for her.

  54. Hillary's lead keeps shrinking ever since Trump came from Texas

  55. i dont follow politics because of its just a bunch of arguments and no solution

  56. i dont typically pay attention politics. and im tired of seeing all this trump vs. clinton shenanigans.

  57. Newly released emails suggest a senior Hillary Clinton aide stage-managed her first hearing on the Benghazi terrorist attack by feeding specific topics Clinton wanted to address to Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, who at the time was acting chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

  58. Clinton has advantages in the campaign and its getting closer and closer to voting. Problem with her and trump there about in an even race and its really unsure who will win. Trump has many problems with what he wants to do when hes elected not many are with him building a wall and he does not reach out to much women.While Hillary is labeled as untrustworthy.

  59. Hillary Clinton is in the final stretch I really hope she wins because Donald trump isn't serious about our country he's a joke

  60. Trump Leads Clinton by 19 Points Among Military and Vets.— 55 percent to 36 percent — among voters who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. military

  61. hilarry clinton is going to be our next president.

  62. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto is expected to announce at a news conference Wednesday that his finance minister, Luis Videgaray, will be out of his cabinet, a Mexican federal government official confirmed to CNNE.
    The circumstances surrounding Videgaray's exit were not immediately clear.But a Mexican government official and a source close to the Mexican government both told CNN previously that the idea to extend invitations for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to meet with Peña Nieto came from the Finance Ministry. Trump and Peña Nieto met last week.

  63. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy. a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds.Yet the Democratic nominee enters this home stretch in a dead heat against Donald Trump, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday.The close contest heading into the fall underscores Clinton's vulnerabilities on trust and honesty -- and her need to summon a relentless and efficient ground game, even if many of her voters are fueled more by revulsion toward Trump than excitement about her.

  64. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto is expected to announce at a news conference Wednesday that his finance minister, Luis Videgaray, will be out of his cabinet, a Mexican federal government official confirmed to CNNE.
    The circumstances surrounding Videgaray's exit were not immediately clear.But a Mexican government official and a source close to the Mexican government both told CNN previously that the idea to extend invitations for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to meet with Peña Nieto came from the Finance Ministry. Trump and Peña Nieto met last week.

  65. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds. Yet the Democratic nominee enters this home stretch in a dead heat against Donald Trump, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday.

  66. A new national poll out Wednesday shows Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump locked in a tie. The latest survey to show an exceedingly tight race with just over two months to go before Election Day.

  67. i really really really want donald trump to win. hillary is a liar and we wont trust her with our country if she keeps lying about what she has done . Trump is a great figure for our country he has many great points and really shows how he is going to make america great again. He will fix our country and lead us in a great direction. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

  68. U.S. actually forked over $1.7 billion to Iran in foreign hard currency around the time four American prisoners were released – far more than the $400 million initially.

  69. This year's election is bad in my opinion. It's two bad representatives in which majority of people don't like, but are somewhat forced to vote for because of being Republic or Democratic. I just hope for the best.

  70. Polls have found out the Trump and Clinton are tied in votes. Hillary is determined to win by appealing to thee middle class. 13% of voters do not want to vote at all.

  71. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy: a fleet of popular surrogates, a mountain of cash and an opponent who is often sidetracked by self-inflicted wounds.

  72. to be honest i don't like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump but hillary is the best option right now so im wit her .

  73. To the delight of reporters, Hillary Clinton's campaign this week finally heeded the media's repeated requests for more access by putting her traveling press corps on the same plane with the Democratic nominee. The first 48 hours of this arrangement produced two lengthy mid-flight gaggles in as many days. But it was also clear that the former secretary of state appears less than entirely comfortable with having dozens of eager reporters in such close quarters, resulting in a handful of exchanges that at times felt as awkward as a blind date.

  74. I do not understand why Donald trump is still aloud to participate in the presidential race.Because he is clearly not fit to lead our country. I think there should be new rules put in place to prevent unstable people from becoming president. because as of now Donald trump is embracing the united states.

  75. Politics Politics Politics...I really not interested but i need to be to know whats really going on. I dont pay attention to it or watch it unless its the elections.

  76. In all honesty I not in favor of any of the candidates we have lined up. I won't be old enough to vote anyway so... it really doesn't matter what I think. But neither Hilary or Trump are fit to run this country.

  77. According to CNN, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are tied in the race. This is happening because many voters are not participating in the race, because they support neither candidate. Voters said the economy and government dysfunction should be the most important priorities for the next president, and neither subject is being touched. I believe that it is sad how many people support Donald Trump, and it shows you how much America has not changed.

  78. Donald Trump and Hilliary Clinton are unfortunately tied in the race to the white house. 42% said that they support Hilliary, 40% said they support Trump and 13% said they won't vote at all.

  79. One day Donald Trump called for eliminating the sequester on defense spending and increasing military spending to boost troop levels and the number of ships and aircraft. Last on 2013, in congress he submit a new budget to rebuild the US military. But at that time which Trump described as unprepared to confront the threats the US faces. So Trump did not outline how large the increase in military spending would be.

  80. Most balck males arent on trumps side becaues of his decions and he is also physical and mental unprepaired. Theirfore hilliary clinton is now ahead of the poles and has yet to stay ahead

  81. trump has gotten an interview with the guy from world news. To the whole world he practically explained that he wasnt racist but we all know hes lying

  82. A new national poll out Wednesday shows Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump locked in a tie.

  83. I hope that Donald Trump doesn't win the election. I don't like Hillary Clinton that much, but I would rather take her instead of him. If I really had a choice I'd rather vote for Obama again as it seems as if he has the most sense. That wouldn't be possible because he has already done 2 terms.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. I hope that Donald Trump doesn't win the election. I don't like Hillary Clinton that much, but I would rather take her instead of him. If I really had a choice I'd rather vote for Obama again as it seems as if he has the most sense. That wouldn't be possible because he has already done 2 terms. If it was possible I'm sure others would say the same thing.

  86. donald trump needs to lose and hillary needs to win

  87. Donald Trump's immigration policies are highly unpopular. About 6-in-10 oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico, and most doubt that Mexico wouldn't pay for that wall. Some oppose mass deportation. The government should not attempt to deport all people living in the country illegally

  88. Donald Trump's immigration policies are highly unpopular. About 6-in-10 oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico, and most doubt that Mexico wouldn't pay for that wall. Some oppose mass deportation. The government should not attempt to deport all people living in the country illegally

  89. Americans are more positive about the nation's economy than they have been in nine years, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

    Economic Outlet In 9 years: In a reflection of rising optimism, 53% of Americans say economic conditions in the US are good, up from the 45% who felt that way in June. It's the highest number since September 2007, before the 2008 economic collapse.

  90. Americans are more positive about the nation's economy than they have been in nine years, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

    Economic Outlet In 9 years: In a reflection of rising optimism, 53% of Americans say economic conditions in the US are good, up from the 45% who felt that way in June. It's the highest number since September 2007, before the 2008 economic collapse.

  91. Hilary had a advantage going into the final stretch

  92. Both candidates are idiotic with their claims and statements. Donald Trump is Xenophobic and Hillary is a Pathological liar. Either way both candidates are terrible and i don't know what the future of America is going to be.

  93. Hillary Clinton has advantages heading into the final stretch of the campaign that any presidential candidate would envy
