Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Obama lawsuit

What is your opinion about this article. answer in a minimum of one paragraph.


  1. I think that them suing him is ridiculous. Also even if they were to get another where there is no way he will go to jail. I think they are in search of attention. Lastly if it isn't attention then I believe they have a different hatred toward President Obama.

  2. My opinion on this article is Obama is not doing the best he can to help people conserve fossil fuel.

  3. Suing one person, especially the president, isn't going to make a difference. This is an issue that presented in the 1800s and those generations refuse to accept that they screwed up the whole world over the past 2 centuries. There's no way that this could have been done just in the past 50 years. The children have a right to these freedoms, but what is President Obama supposed to do about the older generations not caring?

  4. I think that suing the President is bold in this situation, but why should he take the blame. He can't control the weather. I'm not saying that their argument is ridiculous, but the overall decision could go either way.

  5. The fact that they want to sue the President is extremely ridiculous to me. they're minors and they shouldn't be able to take these type of actions. President Obama has nothing to do with climate control.

  6. they could've handled this case in a better way rather than just suing the president.

  7. I think that they have the right idea, but targeting the wrong person. Obama is not the one causing climate to change and to be honest he cant do anything about it. the companies are the one that should be targeted to try to preserve the earth. Even if they somehow get Obama to limit the amount of carbon that goes into the air WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD. Its not really going to help. The idea is well thought, but not thought enough.

  8. The children have a point weather is different then it was years ago due to all the fossil fuels that are burned and more. Someone needs to start making a change these children are doing this so that our weather does not get worse through the years for us or future generations. It may not help suing Obama but someone needs to see that eventually the weather will get worst and it wont matter to them because there adults vs us because where the future generation they will most likely be dead when our problems get worse.

  9. They're trying to sue him for something that him or nobody on earth can control, that is the climate change. I'm pretty sure the local news warned them that possibly a storm was coming.At that point in time you have to take it into your own hands to prepare for a possible storm. This is why every household should have an evacuation plan and be able to grab the things that are most important to them and go. So personally, i don't think it's right that they're trying to sue President Obama for the acts of nature.

  10. They wouldn't have a chance sewing him, and he wouldn't even go to jail. President has done what he can to help the world but there also someone he has to answer to as well so if he dosent attack a problem instantly then they cant blame every natural disaster. He has done all he could to conserve as much as possible. So sewing is to the extreme maybe they can pitch ideas to him instead of trying to sew..

  11. I think that suing the President is bold in this situation, but why should he take the blame.The children have a point weather is different then it was years ago due to all the fossil fuels that are burned and more.children are doing this so that our weather does not get worse through the years for us or future generations.. Even if they somehow get Obama to limit the amount of carbon that goes into the air what about the rest of the world.

  12. The suing of Barack Obama is ridiculous. Kids nor adults know anything about the weather changing. Obama has nothing to do with the weather changing. Also just suing Obama isn't going to change anything.

  13. I believe their main intent in this situation is not to put the president in jail as people are saying but rather to draw more light and point out the seriousness of global warming the fastest way possible. This court case will help make the problems of global warming more clear to the population and if it succeeds than something will be done about it.

  14. There are other people to sue in this case suing the president is profound and unnecessary however, what there suing for is not.

  15. Suing the president isn't gonna make a big difference. This issue has been going on for a very long time and people are now realizing that they have to do something when really it should've already been done. President Obama has nothing to do with the climate change because it's not like he can control the weather.

  16. sueing the president isnt going to make a difference this was a problem that was here way before he got Obama got in office.

  17. the President is bold and i think suing the president is not good it is ridiculous to people because president Obama is a good president and he has nothing to do with the climate control.

  18. the President is bold and i think suing the president is not good it is ridiculous to people because president Obama is a good president and he has nothing to do with the climate control.

  19. I think these kids need to just stop. You can't just sue people just because it rained and then flooded. The parents should have moved to an area that is less prone to floods. They can't just sue the president for nature taking its course, its nature. They also need to understand that we knew the fossil fuels were going to run out therefore we are making alternative fuels. They can't blame Obama for a problem that people way before his time created.It isn't his fault and suing him won't change the situation either.

  20. I believe their main intent in this situation is not to put the president in jail as people are saying but rather to draw more light and point out the seriousness of global warming the fastest way possible. This court case will help make the problems of global warming more clear to the population and if it succeeds than something will be done about it.

  21. I agree but i don't agree because why sue him as soon as he's leaving the white house? Those kids are trying to get as much money out of him as they can to make him broke. And why bring this up now so that he cant do anything about it? If I were them, I would want possibly Donald Trump worrying about this, it'll get so made he might just bring back slavery! I know the black kids dont want that to happen.

  22. I agree but i don't agree because why sue him as soon as he's leaving the white house? Those kids are trying to get as much money out of him as they can to make him broke. And why bring this up now so that he cant do anything about it? If I were them, I would want possibly Donald Trump worrying about this, it'll get so made he might just bring back slavery! I know the black kids dont want that to happen.

  23. I think that this lawsuit against Obama is ridiculous. I understand the kids point of view but at the same time they are wasting to sue him, they will not win and have no evidence to successfully win this lawsuit. All that the lawsuit might do is start campaigning for the cause and maybe a few things might change in my opinion.

  24. These kids are making a bold move. This situation could go either way. The president can't take the blame of climate. How can anyone change the weather? This is ridiculous the kids can't win probably something we start because of this.

  25. The fact that they want to sue the President is extremely ridiculous to me. they're minors and they shouldn't be able to take these type of actions. President Obama has nothing to do with climate control. I wish the best for him.

  26. Foytlin is one of 21 young plaintiffs suing President Obama and various federal agencies over what she calls the United States' failure to protect her right to a future not wrecked by climate change. Olson took the court back to August, when deadly floodwaters covered Louisiana -- floods that, since then, have been linked by government scientists directly to climate change.
    After recounting Foytlin's story and presenting shocking evidence of how long the government has been avoiding substantive action on climate change -- since the 1950s -- Olson closed her argument with a quote from the writer Terry Tempest Williams:

  27. Now this is a major problem because I could see if it was one or two or maybe up to five people suing him. But no it's 21 people that had suid him and that's crazy. I don't see why he would do a lawsuit but in my opinion that's just crazy.

  28. i really dont understand what they are suing obama he really has nothing to do with there claim

  29. the President is bold and i think suing the president is not good it is ridiculous

  30. I feel as if this is not called for. The president cannot control the climate. The kids need to be , mad at the weather and not at the president.

  31. the thing is the united states isn't the most polluted place in the world. if you want to sue someone for the climate change sue china since they are using so much fossil fuels that there is smog. plus when you think about it most fossil fuels will be gone by the next hundred years. these teens that shown that this will affect there grandkids should think that there are multiple cars in which gas isn't used but electricity is used. if anything they should sue Obama because he and all other countries came together to reduce the amount of green house gases in the world. If you think about all the people in the United States a lot of them use cars that require gas. Most of the teens that did this probably still have their mom or dad driving cars that hurt the world. this is really not whats going to help the world if people sue someone over something that will be solved in a matter of a decade and really the soultion could have been found years ago.

  32. I think these kids need to just stop. You can't just sue people just because it rained and then flooded.sueing the president isnt going to make a difference this was a problem

  33. No man can control the weather. So suing the president is not going to help their case at all. But, these are kids and their parents should be to blame for them thinking they should blame the president for the climate.

  34. Kids telling Obama what will be good for future generation and suing for climate changes. None of this is helping. The kids need to stop.

  35. This is an issue that's existed for two or more centuries now.... no one is going to waste their time on this idiotic childrin

  36. I think that suing the President is bold in this situation, but why should he take the blame. He can't control the weather. I'm not saying that their argument is ridiculous, but the overall decision could go either way.

  37. I think they lawsuit against Obama is crazy. Why? because it makes no sense why they are suing this man he has not done anything to jeopardize there lives but they claim they have and they haven`t they just want a reason to be in control over somebody who has power.

  38. I think that this is stupid. These kids are under age nobody is going to take them seriously. What did Obama do to affect them. The government shouldn't even waste they time on that.

  39. unprecedented House lawsuit against President Obama that was once derided as a certain loser looks stronger now and may soon deliver an early legal round to Republican lawmakers complaining of executive branch overreach.

    A federal judge is expected to decide shortly whether to dismiss the suit, but thanks to an amended complaint and a recent Supreme Court ruling, the Republican-backed case has a much better chance of proceeding, attorneys agree.

  40. I think that the children are right, they are most affected by the things that go on, because they are not allowed to vote. They have to live under the circumstances that elder people choose and what elder people like. It is the same in Great Britain, they left the European Union, but it turns out that most of the younger people didn't liked that. They collected 500k signatures and the government has to take a look when 10k signatures are reached.
    Let the people who are 15 or older vote!

  41. They're trying to sue him for something that him or nobody on earth can control, that is the climate change. I'm pretty sure the local news warned them that possibly a storm was coming.They wouldn't have a chance sewing him, and he wouldn't even go to jail. President has done what he can to help the world but there also someone he has to answer to as well so if he doesn't attack a problem instantly then they cant blame every natural disaster. He has done all he could to conserve as much as possible. So sewing is to the extreme maybe they can pitch ideas to him instead of trying to sew.

  42. I think that the lawsuit against obama is crazy. I think you have to real big to try to sue the president i think he might beat it.

  43. i think to fix the situation its going to take more than one person. you cant just say oh i want to sue the president and think theres going to be a change.its a chain reaction process. the parents of these children should have not even like it get that far to be honest.

  44. To think a child will go this far to sue Obama about climate change is surprising and cause me to gabe. Honestly I respect these kids opinions or theories since I have no rights to counter attack their claims. But its not like Obama can control weathers or climates so what their point?

  45. suing the president is ridiculous he tries to help the environment but he is one man he does not have that much power because people vote against things that would make their lives harder but save the earth. also you cant sue the president for not being able to change the world.

  46. I don't think they should sue the president because he can only do so much. Climate change is effecting the whole world. You can't just place the blame on one person.The kids who are suing Obama should be educating people about climate change and how they should alter their lives to reduce this problem. If the mass majority of citizens make it a priority to make a difference, then the government will take notice.

  47. Suing Obama isn't going to change anything. Climate change has been happening for years and the fact that these people are suing the President now shows that they are suing out of hatred of Obama. They could have sued any of the previous presidents, but they choose Obama.

  48. I think they lawsuit against Obama is crazy. Because it makes no sense why they are suing this man he has not done anything to jeopardize there lives but they claim they have. They just want a reason to be in control over somebody who has power.

  49. I think that suing him would be stupid. But I don't think that President Obama is giving enough attention to their "issue".

  50. i dont think they should blame the president because he really can only do so i dont think its right

  51. i don't think they should sue the president because they president can easily over ride anybody thats a citizen.. there is no case

  52. I think the lawsuit on him is stupid. I feel like they are just trying to take control because he has alot of power. I think its just stupid.

  53. my name is chris booker.I think that they have the right idea, but targeting the wrong person. Obama is not the one causing climate to change and to be honest he cant do anything about it. the companies are the one that should be targeted to try to preserve the earth. Even if they somehow get Obama to limit the amount of carbon that goes into the air WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD. Its not really going to help. The idea is well thought, but not thought enough.

  54. they lawsuit is a waste of time and it doing the most and they shouldn't be suing him he hasn't done anything at all but been a good president

  55. I think the lawsuit is ridiculous. Obama is not the cause of climate change and he should not be blamed for it. It's not like he can use special powers to save the climate or something like that.

  56. I think these kids need to just stop. You can't just sue people just because it rained and then flooded. The parents should have moved to an area that is less prone to floods. They can't just sue the president for nature taking its course, its nature. They also need to understand that we knew the fossil fuels were going to run out therefore we are making alternative fuels. They can't blame Obama for a problem that people way before his time created.It isn't his fault and suing him won't change the situation either.

  57. i think that its ignorant to sue him. they all are young kids who think they found a good reason to do something. but its not even worth it.. they are like 11-16 years old, what is their purpose in suein him? plus since its so many of them, they wouldnt even get alot of money, because it would be equally divided bettween all of them. the whole situation is irrelevant.

  58. I think they need to sit down somewhere they want to sue him because climate change? he not mother nature this is dumb and they need to find something better to do some of them just doing it just because.

  59. I think that suing the President is bold in this situation, but why should he take the blame. He can't control the weather. I'm not saying that their argument is ridiculous, but the overall decision could go either way.

  60. I think that suing the President is bold in this situation, but why should he take the blame.The children have a point weather is different then it was years ago due to all the fossil fuels that are burned and more.children are doing this so that our weather does not get worse through the years for us or future generations.. Even if they somehow get Obama to limit the amount of carbon that goes into the air what about the rest of the world.

  61. it stupid because sueing somebody aint gon do nun it all god doing so nobody can change that

  62. i feel as though these students are idiotic and benighted. These kids are bold and need to be put in their place. Who are you to sue the president for climate change ? its not his fault, its your parents who are destroying our earth.

  63. i feel like you cant sue the president because he can fire all the judges and take there houses away because he is the president

  64. They are suing cause hes blck if he was white they would support him all the way

  65. i don't agree and i feel like they are doing too much because some of these things he cant control. like this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard.

  66. They're trying to sue him for something that him or nobody on earth can control, that is the climate change. I'm pretty sure the local news warned them that possibly a storm was coming.They wouldn't have a chance sewing him, and he wouldn't even go to jail. President has done what he can to help the world but there also someone he has to answer to as well so if he doesn't attack a problem instantly then they cant blame every natural disaster.

  67. in my opinion i think its ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous. but people gotta go what they feel is necessary

  68. i think its stupid that they trying to sue the president and its not like its going to work meaning that he got some fire lawyers and they're going to beat the case .

  69. I think they should sue the people who made the house and not the president because he cannot control it. You should sue the people who made the house because they couldve used a water proof material to make the house.

  70. sueing the president isnt going to change anything in the united states this was a problem that was here way before he got Obama got in office.

  71. Whether they sue President Obama or not it isn't going to change anything. He can't make the floods stop, he isn't God. There is only so much one man can do and climate change isn't something he can change.

  72. I understand what they are trying to do, but its very stupid. How are you going to sue the president about something he cant control. I feel this is a attention. Some of them dont even look serious enough to do this type of thing. one of the girls look like they are 5.

  73. I honestly don't think that they should be suing him. They probably just found a reason to.

  74. I think that them suing him is really stupid and that it is pointless because he is about to leave . I honestly think that he should not be sued because that was a problem way before he was even in office. Somethings you just cannot change .

  75. Obama can't control anything that those people are suing him for

  76. I think they should sue. Because they person of they can say to something about complaint Even through they difficult to success cause of they have different level with obama president. But that is not easy thing to him.

  77. I think that them suing him is ridiculous. Also even if they were to get another where there is no way he will go to jail. I think they are in search of attention. Lastly if it isn't attention then I believe they have a different hatred toward President Obama.

  78. My opinion on this article is Obama is not doing the best he can to help people conserve fossil fuel.

  79. i dont know what suing the president is going to solve like , what is wrong with them

  80. My opinion he that obama could do so much better than what he is doing.

  81. the people suing obama really just want a quick check in my opinion

  82. the people suing obama really just want a quick check in my opinion

  83. The children have a point weather is different then it was years ago due to all the fossil fuels that are burned and more. Someone needs to start making a change these children are doing this so that our weather does not get worse through the years for us or future generations. It may not help suing Obama but someone needs to see that eventually the weather will get worst and it wont matter to them because there adults vs us because where the future generation they will most likely be dead when our problems get worse.

  84. I don't think suing Obama is the right choice to make.

  85. I feel like it is very unnecessary. Things like this always happen for a reason. They are trying to take the attention off of Donald Trump. If they should want to sue anybody it should be Donald Trump. His foundation is a huge lie.

  86. I feel like it is very unnecessary. Things like this always happen for a reason. They are trying to take the attention off of Donald Trump. If they should want to sue anybody it should be Donald Trump. His foundation is a huge lie.

  87. my name is chris booker.Suing one person, especially the president, isn't going to make a difference. This is an issue that presented in the 1800s and those generations refuse to accept that they screwed up the whole world over the past 2 centuries. There's no way that this could have been done just in the past 50 years. The children have a right to these freedoms, but what is President Obama supposed to do about the older generations not caring?

  88. my name is chris booker.Suing one person, especially the president, isn't going to make a difference. This is an issue that presented in the 1800s and those generations refuse to accept that they screwed up the whole world over the past 2 centuries. There's no way that this could have been done just in the past 50 years. The children have a right to these freedoms, but what is President Obama supposed to do about the older generations not caring?

  89. sueing the president isnt going to change anything in the united states this was a problem that was here way before he got Obama got in office.

  90. obama can put all yal to jail for sueing him

  91. I have many opinions on this article. The one main opinion I had was that suing Barack Obama would not change the problem. Barack Obama had nothing to do with the problem. Suing to president would not make a difference.

  92. he suing of Barack Obama is ridiculous. Kids nor adults know anything about the weather changing. Obama has nothing to do with the weather changing. Also just suing Obama isn't going to change anything.
