Friday, November 11, 2016

Freewrite on any current event

Freewrite on any current event... One paragraph minimum.


  1. A senior ISIS commander has been killed in the battle for Mosul, the terror group's last major stronghold in Iraq

  2. Hillary Clinton is still winning the popular vote even thou she surrendered from the race.

  3. Donald trumps so called "historic win" over Hillary Clinton. Many Americans don't like the outcome of the election, but i personally think its a good thing. Since Majority of Georgians voted for him, he brought up an idea about raising the minimum wage from $7.00 up to $13.00 .

  4. people have started a riot trying to protest about Donald trump being president.

  5. In Mosul a senior ISIS commander has been killed. ISIS confirmed his death in a video montage, referring to him as "the martyr of the battle." 60 civilian had die during the battle.

  6. The peaceful protest for trump being elected is just becoming violent riots. People will throw things at police officers and vandalize business. America just seems to get more and more separated with all the protest and riots. Riots will solve nothing other then people going to jail and making the protest seem dumb.Americans need to see they should use there freedom of speech positively not like this.

  7. Before the election was called, several articles were published saying that if Trump were to win, millennials would be to blame. Well, he won; but its clear that millennials had nothing to do with it. Trump's support came from older white people, including a staggering percentage of white women who voted for him. At this point, white women voters have no reason to complain about the treatment that they are getting and will get in the future. The eruption of hate crimes towards POC, LGBTQA+ members, women, and people of different religions has skyrocketed. Even in elementary schools, kids are being harassed by their classmates. Trump supporters are passing their hate down to their little kids.

  8. The Trump the white house yesterday and Melania Trump and Michelle Obama sat down and had tea in the white house.

  9. Snapchat is now selling smart sunglasses from a smiling yellow vending machine near a beach in California. Snapchat unveiled a new line of sunglasses with a built-in wireless video camera in September. The glasses called Spectacles are finally going on sale for $129.99.

  10. The Trumps have recently had a meeting with The Obamas. In these meetings, they talked about family, being in office and all of the responsibilities that come with the White House. Overall, Michelle and Barack Obama gave the Trumps a warm welcome into the White House.

  11. In China, Boy trapped in well was found dead after 4 days alone. The well was 1 foot wide and I feel bad for him because of the tight space.

  12. After this past election, there have been a number of hate crimes being done. Racist, pro-Trump graffiti painted inside a high school. A hijab-wearing college student was robbed by men talking about Trump and Muslim, white people have just gotten even more disrespectful then they were before. They think that just because Trump is finna be president, that means they can do and whatever they want. It's ridiculous

  13. Donald Trump won the election a few days ago but Hillary is still receiving more votes as of today. After Hillary called Trump to concede she was in the lead for popular votes. She would be the first to loose the election but have the most popular votes since Al Gore in 2000. Trump wanted all the votes form electoral colleges but in previous he stated that "electoral votes are a disaster for a democratic government".

  14. Donald Trump may have scored an astonishing upset presidential victory, but Hillary Clinton could still receive more votes.

  15. The Baltimore Ravens defeated the Cleveland Browns on thursday night 28-7 for their second straight win. The victory took the Ravens to 5-4 and ensured that regardless of what happens Sunday, the Baltimore Ravens will leave week 10 with at least a share of first place in the AFC North.

  16. Anti-Trump protesting is still going on. This is now the third night they've marched. More than 4,000 people quickly turned violent. Portland police is now calling this a riot.

  17. The fact that Donald Trump was unlike other candidates has been apparent since he announced his bid for the US Presidency in January. The real-estate mogul and businessman promised to “Make America Great Again” with radical suggestions like building a wall to stop illegal immigrants and imposing tariffs to discourage imports. While many of his ideas were not ‘politically correct,’ and even bordered on being unconstitutional, they struck a chord with the American public. On November 8, much to the surprise of experts, it was not the politically astute Hillary Clinton, but the business savvy Trump who was elected the 45th President of the United States.

  18. Hate crimes have spread since Donald won the election. Muslim students have been mugged and the suspects are using Donald's words to justify there actions.

  19. President Barack Obama welcomed the kings of Cleveland to the White House Thursday, congratulating the team for finally bringing an NBA championship trophy home to what he called "Believe-land."

  20. Melania and Michelle had tea in the white house

  21. Many Americans don't like the outcome of the election.Since Majority of Georgians voted for him, he brought up an idea about raising the minimum wage from $7.00 up to $13.00 .

  22. Hillary won the popular vote, but Trump won the electorate vote, so Trump won, despite the majority of the population wanting Hillary.

  23. The Trumps have recently had a meeting with The Obamas. In these meetings, they talked about family, being in office and all of the responsibilities that come with the White House. Overall, Michelle and Barack Obama gave the Trumps a warm welcome into the White House.

  24. Obama and Donald Trump met. They spoke on many topics despite the fact that everyone knows that they don't favor each other.

  25. For the 3rd night there was anti-trump protests in Portland, Oregon , Washington D.C and Los Angeles, California. Only a few protest turned violent while others remained peaceful and productive to spread the word and get there feelings across.

  26. According to, "Protesters shattered car windshields and smashed in storefront windows as they filled the streets of Portland, Oregon, Thursday night, prompting police to declare the demonstration a riot and use “less lethal munitions” to try to disperse the crowd."

  27. donald trump and barack obama met at the white house for a televised conference. many pictures show that barack wasn't to happy to meet our new president of the united states.

  28. Hillary Clinton is still winning the popular vote even thou she surrendered from the race.

  29. Donald Trump and Barack Obama met for the first time after the election. they sat together for 90 minutes and talked about what to expect as president. soon after they sat down the press started to come in and documented this meeting. Obama really didn't look like he was going for Hillary but calm and respected Donald but really wish Hillary was there.

  30. President Barack Obama welcomed President-elect Donald Trump to the White House Thursday, as both men put past antagonisms aside in a time-honored ritual epitomizing the peaceful transfer of political power. I feel bad for Obama that he had to meet him. I'm pretty sure he was not happy to see him at all. Trump as president isn't probably gonna go well from the look of Obama face. He knows what's up.

  31. hilliary clinton had more votes coming in after the election even though she stopped running

  32. The departing leader of the Senate Democrats, Harry Reid, blasted President-elect Donald Trump on Friday as having "emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry" and said the responsibility for unifying the country is in his hands.

  33. the bloods and the crips have united to fight isis.I just find this funny and how they plan to take them down by renting cruise ships and going over there an killing them

  34. Yesterday, President Obama invited President-Elect Trump to the White House. President Obama invited Trump to the White House to help plan a smooth transition between the two presidencies. Trump will take office Inauguration Day on January 20th, 2017. First Lady Michelle Obama also gave the Trumps a warm welcome, she helped them tour the White House. She also had a sit down with Melania Trump.

  35. A dinosaur fossil was found by a near a construction site in China, after workers used dynamite.

  36. Hillay won the popular vote but not the electoral vote

  37. Fossils of a brand new species of winged dinosaurs has been discovered in Southern China by a group of construction workers.

  38. Donald Trump may have scored an astonishing upset presidential victory, but Hillary Clinton could still receive more votes.

  39. There have been protests against Trumps election. Many people have been arrested du to these protests.

  40. A suspect is dead and two police officers are injured after an officer-involved shooting in south Fulton County.According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, East Point police officers responded to a 911 call of a suspicious person at the complex at around 3:30 a.m.

    They confronted the suspect, who became combative, GBI officials said.

    An officer used his Taser, according to the GBI. Police then shot at the suspect, who was hit. He was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital, where he later died, according to the GBI.

  41. It hilarious how african opinions about the Chinese. Some Africans have negative opinion thinking that the Chinese would steal their jobs. The positive one was also hilarious saying that the Chinese work 24 hours and have great work ethnic. The traits of Asians are fascinating.

    1. Also Hilary decide to work with Trump for the country!

  42. The 2016 election ended with Donald Trump being the elected 45th President. He won with 290 electoral votes. Hillary Clinton had 232 electoral votes.

  43. Donald Trump won the election a few days ago but Hillary is still receiving more votes as of today. After Hillary called Trump to concede she was in the lead for popular votes. She would be the first to loose the election but have the most popular votes since Al Gore in 2000. Trump wanted all the votes form electoral colleges but in previous he stated that "electoral votes are a disaster for a democratic government".

  44. Donald Trump won the election a few days ago but Hillary is still receiving more votes as of today. After Hillary called Trump to concede she was in the lead for popular votes. She would be the first to loose the election but have the most popular votes since Al Gore in 2000.

  45. oh my god usane boat is so fast like jesus christ dat boi fast

  46. She had 59,755,284 votes, according to CNN's tally, with 92% of the expected vote counted. Trump had 59,535,522. That difference of 219,762 is razor-thin considering the nearly 120 million votes counted so far. The totals will continue to change as absentee votes trickle in.

  47. Shipwreck hunters from the Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society have located the wreckage of the J.S. Seaverns, which sank in 1884.

  48. Donald trump won the election. He is president. Im sad. I wish he was not elected. I wish i was in heaven.

  49. snapchat made a new update where you can share other peoples stories

  50. hiliary Clinton winning popular vote even though she lost the election

  51. well the falcons are 6-3 soon to be 7-3 with this easy game on sunday vs the eagles we still have the number 1 offense and a receiver with the most receiving yards in julio jones and the most passing yards is matt ryan so its safe to say we will win the next super bowl {bring a spoon}

  52. Reports of racist graffiti, hate crimes post-election

  53. Donald Trump may have scored an astonishing upset presidential victory, but Hillary Clinton could still receive more votes.

  54. some dude tried to smuggle non native animals on a plane. also i'm spreading the word that its not the size of the boat just the motion in the ocean

  55. Donald trumps so called "historic win" over Hillary Clinton. Many Americans don't like the outcome of the election, but i personally think its a good thing. Since Majority of Georgians voted for him, he brought up an idea about raising the minimum wage from $7.00 up to $13.00 .

  56. The Trumps have recently had a meeting with The Obamas. In these meetings, they talked about family, being in office and all of the responsibilities that come with the White House. Overall, Michelle and Barack Obama gave the Trumps a warm welcome into the White House.

  57. donald trump just won presidency. i absolutly dont care at all.

  58. We cant play halo in our class now because we are being any event, Donald trump
    might raise the minimum wage .

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Yesterday, President Obama invited President-Elect Trump to the White House. President Obama invited Trump to the White House to help plan a smooth transition between the two presidencies. Trump will take office Inauguration Day on January 20th, 2017. First Lady Michelle Obama also gave the Trumps a warm welcome, she helped them tour the White House. She also had a sit down with Melania Trump.

  61. The first lady hosted the soon-to-be first lady for tea and a tour of the White House residence, Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in the White House briefing.

  62. today another student busted open one of the vending machines again.It was actually because I was trying to get a twix bar . but it got stuck so walked away for a minuet.but i walked back in there and some students were trying to help me get it unstuck . but one of the other student had a really stupid idea and just busted it open

    p.s. : I still want that twix bar


  63. President Barack Obama has requested an additional $11.6 billion from Congress to boost the fight against ISIS. The request made Thursday includes $5.8 billion for the Pentagon, bringing the total price tag for these operations in 2017 to $85.3 billion.

  64. Sen. Jeff Merkley said the Senate stole a Supreme Court appointment from President Barack Obama."One of the things I'm very concerned about is the Supreme Court seat. The appointment of this seat rightly belongs in the hands of President Obama," the Oregon Democrat told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day.""What the majority in the Senate has done is to basically steal that from one presidency and try to deliver it to another, which is going to greatly and profoundly affect the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. And that's doing major damage to an essential institution in our country vision."

  65. Hillary Clinton is still winning the population vote. She is winning by about 500,00 votes. I do not believe that the amount of states you have should be the factor of winning the election. I believe that the amount of votes should matter.

  66. Trump wins the presidential election and many people are complaining he is even in the white house.

  67. Yesterday, President Obama invited President-Elect Trump to the White House. President Obama invited Trump to the White House to help plan a smooth transition between the two presidencies. Trump will take office Inauguration Day on January 20th, 2017. First Lady Michelle Obama also gave the Trumps a warm welcome, she helped them tour the White House. She also had a sit down with Melania Trump.

  68. tyler,the creator has dropped a documentary on the making of his newest album "Cherry Bomb". This video was produced by illegal civilization, this group was originally made for skaters but now they have shown themselves in the short film scene. Making independent films that are topping charts on YouTube. Tyler`s documentary is something to watch in my opinion.

    this is by Isaiah fuller in 6th period
    not by Daniel Barcos

  69. The Trumps have recently had a meeting with The Obamas. In these meetings, they talked about family, being in office and all of the responsibilities that come with the White House. Overall, Michelle and Barack Obama gave the Trumps a warm welcome into the White House

  70. In Mosul a senior ISIS commander has been killed. ISIS confirmed his death in a video montage, referring to him as "the martyr of the battle." 60 civilian had die during the battle.

  71. Donald Trump may have scored an astonishing upset presidential victory, but Hillary Clinton could still receive more votes

  72. Falcons lost last night against the Eagles 23-15

  73. Donald Trump may have scored an astonishing upset presidential victory, but Hillary Clinton could still receive more votes.

  74. The peaceful protest for trump being elected is just becoming violent riots. People will throw things at police officers and vandalize business. America just seems to get more and more separated with all the protest and riots. Riots will solve nothing other then people going to jail and making the protest seem dumb.Americans need to see they should use there freedom of speech positively not like this.

  75. There was a earthquake in Indonesia. 97 people were killed and 73 had serious injuries. Many homes were destroyed, they are working hard to try to get everything back to the way it was.

  76. ISIS offer to kill a 4 year-old girl call Hawra. Her face is etched with small wounds, gauze wrapped around her throat and leg over burns that have yet to heal. She can't open her eyes; there is shrapnel in one of them, the other painfully closed. The father or the little girl was one of the ISIS members ( forced to) and when the father plead to not kill the girl, ISIS response was, "He (an Iraqi ISIS member) said 'I could just shoot her,'" Ala'a remembers. "He said 'why do you want to save her, she's going to die anyways." My opinion was that he wasn't wrong about that but couldn't there be a way to negotiate this?
