Monday, November 28, 2016


Read this before moving on to your blog.

All students must finish the Units, brainstorm and create a project , present the project, and take the final exam online by Christmas break. Please see me when you are ready to work on unit 10. Please work diligently so that you are not stressed  trying to meet the tight deadlines.

Please complete blog below.

What do you think about the media making Colin Kapernick the center of attention, and his comments?


  1. At this rate Colin just seems to be doing this on purpose as some media attention. I dont think what hes saying is very important opposed to other things that are happening and the media should focus on more important things.

  2. I think that he handled the interview very well. I don't see anything wrong with what he said, everyone has an opinion that they are entitled to.

  3. The media is wrong for making Kapernick the center of attention, they could've chose another topic.

  4. The media should've made somebody else the center of attention to be honest

  5. Kaepernick still continued to stand up for what he believed in and it seems like the media is just trying to focus the attention all on him so it can look like what he hes doing is wrong.

  6. I don't think anything of his comments, but that's his own opinion.

  7. His defense makes complete sense, even though I think everyone agrees that Castro was a terrible person. If what Kapernick says is true, then sure, anyone can agree with him. But even so, he deserves every boo he got because of the support toward a terrible human being.

  8. I think he has a right to say what he feels. The media always has the right to say what they feel but in my opinion the media is wrong. I don't think he said anything wrong in his interview. Like he said, "he's use to being let down" so he spoke what he felt.

  9. That's his opinion and even if its wrong he is still entitled to a opinion

  10. According to CNN,com "San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick was greeted with a chorus of boos Sunday when he took the field at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida.
    It wasn't just because the 49ers were playing against the home-standing Miami Dolphins.
    Miami is home to a large community of Cuban exiles and they are outraged over Kaepernick's comments supportive of the man they consider a brutal oppressor, the now-deceased Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Castro died Friday at 90."

  11. I think they need to just leave this man alone. He obviously wore the shirt so it could reflect his beliefs on a situation. There is no point of bothering him over a shirt.

  12. i think Collin kapernick has the right to say what he feels, but due the fact that he is a pro football player he is going to receive criticism out of this world. if he wanted to avoid all of these problems then maybe he shouldn't voice his opinions so loudly and publicly.

  13. Colin is just expressing what a lot of people are thinking. he may not deserve the center of attention but opinions need to be said.

  14. I think they need to just leave this man alone. He obviously wore the shirt so it could reflect his beliefs on a situation. There is no point of bothering him over a shirt. The media is wrong for making Kapernick the center of attention, they could've chose another topic.

  15. That is what he think and what he believes in. They should just leave alone because people have different views all the time.

  16. I think he's handling being the center of attention well. He's saying what many people are scared to say and he's standing firmly by what he believes in.

  17. i feel like Colin might be voicing his opinion on what some would say was a terrible leader in Fidel Castro. Fidel was practically a dictator mainly because of how he ruled and for how much poverty was there.

  18. its his own opinion,its not that serious

  19. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick was greeted with a chorus of boos Sunday when he took the field at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida.

  20. He honestly handled the interviews very good.

  21. i feel like they shouldnt boo him like there was no reason for that if you ask me it was childish like people need to grow up.

  22. I feel kaepernick should and should not be the center of attention. I feel the comments and the things head said is not right but i feel they should leave him alone every now and then.

  23. I think he is entitled to his own opinion and the media needs to leave him alone about his opinion and basically every issue in society.

  24. I feel no way about Fidel Castro's death or Colin Kapernick's comments

  25. I feel as if he has the right to do and say as he pleases.If that's how he feels about the situation he should be able to express it. Everyone has freedom of speech, it's sad that people are judged because of what they think.

  26. I feel that Kaepernick should not be the center of attention for expressing what he believes.

  27. I think that the media need to stop interviewing this man. It is his own opinion and nothing is wrong with his opinion.

  28. I think that Kaepernick spoke his mind about the situation and he is entitled to have an opinion. People are suggesting that he supports Castro, but he obviously made that wrong. So, he really shouldn't be the center of attention because it isn't that big of a deal.

  29. I think he has a right to say what he feels. The media always has the right to say what they feel but in my opinion the media is wrong. I don't think he said anything wrong in his interview. Like he said, "he's use to being let down" so he spoke what he felt.

  30. The media is trying to indirectly make Colin wrong for his opinions/views.

  31. Although I agree with his views, I don't think the media should continue to make him the center of attention. But I will admit, he is handling the pressure very well.

  32. I feel as if he has to right to say what he feels, and to do what he wants. Even though, everyone might not agree with him, they do not have to keep attacking him, like that. The media is trying to twist his words, and say other things, but don't we all have opinions? Furthermore, I feel that the media should leave the situation alone it was blown out of proportion.

  33. His defense makes complete sense, even though I think everyone agrees that Castro was a terrible person. If what Kapernick says is true, then sure, anyone can agree with him. But even so, he deserves every boo he got because of the support toward a terrible human being.

  34. i think what they are doing is good because people do not understand what taking a knee really means to the black community. People think that what some people do during the pledge is "extra and unnecessary" but its not its just showing respect to what some people believe in.

  35. I feel as if everyone is entitled to their own opinion . That's what makes the US special. Now with the topic at hand I don't necessarily have a care, but I hope he rests in peace.

  36. boi if you don't stop I swear to god imma dropkick ya whiny self through a wall smdh

  37. At this rate Colin just seems to be doing this stuff on purpose as some media attention. But I guess he's entitled to his own opinions so, he can say what he wants.

  38. i think Collin kapernick has the right to say what he feels, but due the fact that he is a pro football player he is going to receive criticism out of this world. if he wanted to avoid all of these problems then maybe he shouldn't voice his opinions so loudly and publicly.

  39. collin kappernick should be useing all this energy to bring his team a couple more wins instead of talking about other people i respect his standpoint but you cant even excell in your own job how can you talk about someone elses

  40. he is in titled to his opinion and he can say what he wants he handled the interview well but it shouldn't be a big deal of what he says or dosen't say

  41. I feel as if he has the right to do and say as he pleases.If that's how he feels about the situation he should be able to express it. Everyone has freedom of speech, it's sad that people are judged because of what they think.

  42. kappernick should be usingall this energy to bring his team a couple more wins instead of talking about other people that his problem he aint worry about being a football player first he want to be a potlitan

  43. To be honest he just getting of hand i really do think he doing this for attention but he will say and do what he want at the end of the day

  44. That is what he think and what he believes in. They should just leave alone because people have different views all the time.

  45. i think the media is just being execessive. its his shirt he can wear whatever he wants to wear. you heard what he said he doesnt support the bad things fidel castro did. he supports the fact that fidel castro provided proper health care and schooling and other neccesities that citizens need to survive. they doing too much. making it look and seem bigger than it is.

  46. its america he can say what he wants. when he said the flag isnt standing for what its for i kinda agreed with him. more people think like that too except theyre not famous thats the only reason why hes getting more attentions

  47. At this rate Colin just seems to be doing this on purpose as some media attention. I dont think what hes saying is very important opposed to other things that are happening and the media should focus on more important things

  48. I feel that people need to let them say what they want. Colin Kaepernick has an opinion just like anyone else. It is not that deep. People need to mind their business.

  49. colin is just trying to voice his opinion and live his life so people just need to leave him alone

  50. Kaepernick still continued to stand up for what he believed in and it seems like the media is just trying to focus the attention all on him so it can look like what he hes doing is wrong.

  51. I feel like Kaepernick is trying to make a point but the media isn't trying to listen or also I think that Kaepernick should try to focus more on football but still speak his mind but focus more on what is his job

  52. Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

  53. He is doing very good on his interviews . Yet i think that he is doing this for attention. And he has his freedom to say what he pleases and i dont think that people should have something to say about it.

  54. quiet honestly i dont care. i think its sad.

  55. i think Collin kapernick has the right to say what he feels, but due the fact that he is a pro football player he is going to receive criticism out of this world. if he wanted to avoid all of these problems then maybe he shouldn't voice his opinions so loudly and publicly.

  56. His defense makes complete sense, even though I think everyone agrees that Castro was a terrible person. If what Kapernick says is true, then sure, anyone can agree with him. But even so, he deserves every boo he got because of the support toward a terrible human being.

  57. I dont think what hes saying is very important opposed to other things that are happening and the media should focus on more important things.

  58. That's how he feel and people getting mad at his opinion for what ? them booing him isn't going to change how he feel.

  59. He's absolutely right there's no point in standing for the pledge if the things that are said aren't true. I haven't stood for the pledge since the 9th grade, and until there is justice in America I will continue to sit down during the pledge.

  60. I think he is just saying his thoughts, its not a wrong or right answer

  61. I think they should follow what he's saying even though he is mad.

  62. I agree with him. He also can say whatever he wants people should not just dog him out like that.

  63. At this rate Colin just seems to be doing this on purpose as some media attention. I dont think what hes saying is very important opposed to other things that are happening and the media should focus on more important things

  64. if he believes in that then it's him . this a free country

  65. Kaepernick still continued to stand up for what he believed in.

  66. The media is wrong for making Kapernick the center of attention, they could've chose another topic.

  67. Colin is just expressing what a lot of people are thinking. he may not deserve the center of attention but opinions need to be said.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I think he has a right to say what he feels. The media always has the right to say what they feel but in my opinion the media is wrong. I don't think he said anything wrong in his interview. Like he said, "he's use to being let down" so he spoke what he felt.

  70. I think he has a right to say what he feels. The media always has the right to say what they feel but in my opinion the media is wrong. I don't think he said anything wrong in his interview. Like he said, "he's use to being let down" so he spoke what he felt.

  71. i feel like cloin is just using his right , but hes getting to be a little bit over the top.but he has a right to protest anything

  72. i feel like the media always have something to say. He's going to do what he want, but I advise him to do something about his hair.

  73. I don't think what he is saying is very important opposed to other things that are happening. The media should focus on more important things.

  74. I feel as if he has the right to do and say as he pleases.If that's how he feels about the situation he should be able to express it. Everyone has freedom of speech, it's sad that people are judged because of what they think.

  75. i feel like Colin might be voicing his opinion on what some would say was a terrible leader in Fidel Castro. Fidel was practically a dictator mainly because of how he ruled and for how much poverty was there.

  76. Honestly, I have no idea who Colin Kapernick is, other that him not standing up for the national anthem that one time. So whatever going on with him about Castro, who is dead, is his problem.

  77. I dont think what hes saying is very important opposed to other things that are happening and the media should focus on more important things.

  78. He is aloud to speak his mind no matter what his opinion may be. People be so pressed about having the freedom of speech but when people use it, its a problem.

  79. I don't really care. If that his opinions then he can say it. But there will be consequences for him.
