Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Standing Rock

Read this before moving on to your blog.

All students must finish the Units, brainstorm and create a project , present the project, and take the final exam online by Christmas break. Please see me when you are ready to work on unit 10. Please work diligently so that you are not stressed  trying to meet the tight deadlines.

Please complete blog below.

What are your thoughts?



  1. The fact that they actually have to protest something this stupid is beyond me; the government is destroying native, sacred land and they don't care. The evacuation is ridiculous, you're not going to stop Native Americans from standing for what they believe in, whites have tried before and nearly 250 years later, they are still here, fighting. Call the whole DAPL operation off if you want them to evacuate.

  2. Evacuating the natives would make things 10x worse because its just causing more problems.

  3. First the government harm black folk and now they are harming natives in a different way.

  4. The gov't is full of horrible people with horrible ideas. How are you gonna sit here and tell me I have to leave so you can put a pipe that could be placed anywhere else? Plus this is sacred land, ya'll already destroyed most of it to make America what it is today. I don't understand why you have to take away what's left of it.

  5. According to Los Angeles Times "rth Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple on Monday ordered a mandatory evacuation of protesters seeking to block construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, but both the state and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said they have no plans for “forcible removal” of the protesters.

    The Corps of Engineers earlier had said that it planned to close the camp, led by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North Dakota, by Dec. 5, and that anyone still there could be prosecuted for trespassing.

    On Sunday, however, after a broad backlash, the corps said it has “no plans for forcible removal” and “is seeking a peaceful and orderly transition to a safer location." Dalrymple’s evacuation order came Monday, citing safety concerns related to the region’s harsh winter weather."

  6. I think the Government should just leave the Natives be. They're provoking them by trying to make them evacuate. They can't just go and mess with people's livelihood like that. The entire situation is petty to me.

  7. its almost as if they were just trying to be mean to them ,like it isnt that serious

  8. To be honest, they should just leave them alone. You cant force people out of their homes like that

  9. The Natives haven't done anything wrong to be evacuated. North Dakota's governor is just causing a problem to see them leave. This situation isn't serious at all.

  10. I think that the governor tried to remove the protesters by forceful actions and threats but in the end he realized that they will still exercise the freedom of speech.

  11. protesting against the construction of a pipeline that will obtain a natural resource. pretty dumb

  12. The natives should be able to have their land

  13. I think the Government should just leave the Natives be. They're provoking them by trying to make them evacuate. They can't just go and mess with people's livelihood like that. The entire situation is petty to me.

  14. I think the government should leave the natives alone and build the pipeline somewhere else.

  15. the government really should just find another way to construct the pipeline and they should listen to reason.

  16. They can't just go and mess with people's livelihood like that. The entire situation is petty to me.

  17. Jack Dalrymple on Monday ordered a mandatory evacuation of protesters seeking to block construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, but both the state and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said they have no plans for “forcible removal” of the protesters.

  18. The government should leave the native people alone and build the pipeline somewhere else.

  19. I think that the governor should leave their land alone and find somewhere else to put the pipe.

  20. The government should leave the people alone. They are protesting because they believe something is wrong with what the government is doing.

  21. I think if the people not going crazy and causing harm then the government should leave them alone they are protesting because they know and feel that it is wrong what the government doing.

  22. The governor of North Dakota is intruding on their land and they should just move the pipe so everyone will happy.

  23. The natives should be able to keep their land and the government should find somewhere else for construction.

  24. I think that they did the right thing, by doing it peacefully and with no force. It is the best for everyone, they go away and the engineers can finish the work.

  25. That's messing with people's livelihoods.They also should leave those people alone, they did not do anything, and for their lives to be turned upside down.They're provoking them by trying to make them evacuate. The government should really find a different or at least a better way to construct the pipeline.

  26. I think the government should let the tribe be. But maybe the Standing Rock tribe will come around, and evacuate before the pipeline construction starts. I don't think it's right to run the pipeline thru their land but both groups have valid points on why the pipeline should be built, and why it shouldn't be built.

  27. The gov't is full of horrible people with horrible ideas. How are you gonna sit here and tell me I have to leave so you can put a pipe that could be placed anywhere else? Plus this is sacred land, ya'll already destroyed most of it to make America what it is today. I don't understand why you have to take away what's left of it.

  28. I think the Government should just leave the Natives be. They're provoking them by trying to make them evacuate. They can't just go and mess with people's livelihood like that. The entire situation is petty to me.

  29. the government really should just find another way to construct the pipeline and they should listen to reason.

  30. I think they have the right to fight for it.

  31. Its america you have the right to have a peaceful protest. Its crazy how they are trying to tell them to evacuate.

  32. the goverment should just the goverment alone

  33. i dont see anything wrong with what they did

  34. it seems reasonable to me the way they want to evacuate them. it seems reasonable. its not harming any citizen and they are even giving them a chance to move it to another area. so it sounds legit. now if the protesters dont want to move then yeah of course i think it may have to be some arrests and charges made. but overall if more protest were handled this way then that would be a problem solved in todays america.

  35. Its america you have the right to have a peaceful protest. Its crazy how they are trying to tell them to evacuate.

  36. its just gonna cause more havoc that was a dumb move .

  37. i dont see anything wrong with it. its just sad

  38. I think the government should leave them alone and build the pipeline somewhere else

  39. The government should leave the native people alone and build the pipeline somewhere else.

  40. The government wrong for trying to mess with the natives land for constructing the pipe lines they need to find somewhere else to do all that.

  41. The governor of North Dakota is intruding on their land and they should just move the pipe so everyone will happy.

  42. I don't see why the government HAS to put the pipeline there. If the people of the state don't want it there then it shouldn't be there. Leave the people alone. Build the pipeline somewhere else.

  43. The fact that they actually have to protest something this stupid is beyond me; the government is destroying native, sacred land and they don't care. The evacuation is ridiculous, you're not going to stop Native Americans from standing for what they believe in, whites have tried before and nearly 250 years later, they are still here, fighting. Call the whole DAPL operation off if you want them to evacuate.

  44. I feel like this governor is only doing this because Trump is president and he thinks he can start doing stupid stuff he shouldn't be allowed to remove the protest for his own good if it isn't hurting anyone.

  45. think if the people not going crazy and causing harm then the government should leave them alone they are protesting because they know and feel that it is wrong what the government doing.

  46. I think the Government should just leave the Natives be. They're provoking them by trying to make them evacuate. They can't just go and mess with people's livelihood like that. The entire situation is petty to me.

  47. That island doesn't need government such as that. they should leave them alone.because government should not forcible any their own island.

  48. I think Donald Trump is behind this cause no one likes his, Hilary could still win on December 19 because they have to do the electoral college votes so...

  49. According to Los Angeles Times "rth Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple on Monday ordered a mandatory evacuation of protesters seeking to block construction of the Dakota Access pipeline.

  50. The government should just leave them alone. They can't just mess with people's lives like that.

  51. The government thinks that what they are doing is benefiting America but in reality its not , its benefiting them. The government basically thinking of themselves and trying to ruin other peoples lives.

  52. According to latimes,com, "North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple on Monday ordered a mandatory evacuation of protesters seeking to block construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, but both the state and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said they have no plans for “forcible removal” of the protesters.

    The Corps of Engineers earlier had said that it planned to close the camp, led by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North Dakota, by Dec. 5, and that anyone still there could be prosecuted for trespassing."

  53. my thoughts on this is that the government just need to go on somewhere. there tearing up pipes for what ? i don't really understand what the protest is about.

  54. I think the Government should just leave the Natives be. They're provoking them by trying to make them evacuate. They can't just go and mess with people's livelihood like that. The entire situation is petty to me.

  55. The fact that they actually have to protest something this stupid is beyond me; the government is destroying native, sacred land and they don't care. The evacuation is ridiculous, you're not going to stop Native Americans from standing for what they believe in, whites have tried before and nearly 250 years later, they are still here, fighting. Call the whole DAPL operation off if you want them to evacuate.

  56. Natives were here first. This is their land.

  57. The gov't is full of horrible people with horrible ideas. How are you gonna sit here and tell me I have to leave so you can put a pipe that could be placed anywhere else? Plus this is sacred land, ya'll already destroyed most of it to make America what it is today. I don't understand why you have to take away what's left of it. my thoughts on this is that the government just need to go on somewhere. there tearing up pipes for what ? i don't really understand what the protest is about.

  58. I believe this is highly disrespectful to native people. I believe that this is destroying and evidence of the history the natives have left. This should be a decision that is obviously dumbfounded .


  59. The Corps of Engineers earlier had said that it planned to close the camp, led by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North Dakota, by Dec. 5, and that anyone still there could be prosecuted for trespassing.

    On Sunday, however, after a broad backlash, the corps said it has “no plans for forcible removal” and “is seeking a peaceful and orderly transition to a safer location." Dalrymple’s evacuation order came Monday, citing safety concerns related to the region’s harsh winter weather."

  60. I don't understand why the Native Americans can't have the land that was originally theirs anyway. The United States government is stupid and unfair.

  61. I think the government should leave them alone and build the pipeline somewhere else

  62. I don't understand why they are kicking the natives out of their own space. This is unacceptable. Most of the things the government is doing is unacceptable but it always seems to go unnoticed. No one does anything about it.

  63. I don't understand why they are kicking the natives out of their own space. This is unacceptable. Most of the things the government is doing is unacceptable but it always seems to go unnoticed. No one does anything about it.

  64. All the government wants to do is make money they don't care who or what they have to run over in the process or what they are taking away from citizens. They will do whatever it takes as long as they see income. And sometimes it is not all about money. They should not kick the people from their native land, Standing Rock.

  65. protesting against the construction of a pipeline that will obtain a natural resource. pretty dumb

  66. The government just do what they want and its outrageous. Kicking the Native people out from their land is unforgivable. The government probably just want moneys or think they can rule us like a dictatorship.
