Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Lil Wayne

Do you agree? What is your thoughts about how Lil Wayne responded during his ABC interview that will air on television tonight.


  1. BLM is a very big deal, due to what they are actually protesting. Lil Wayne said he "doesn't feel connected" just because he hasn't experienced it. You don't have to experience things to know they aren't right, they don't need to happen to you before you figure it out. The fact that he's saying he doesn't like BLM just because he knows a couple cool white people, does not mean that the MAJORITY of white people are even decent.

  2. I do agree, because it not connected to him. To him it means "somebody got shot by police for a mess up reason.”

  3. Tunechi has already spoken on the subject, he was again asked to address a movement that he doesn’t exactly comprehend.

  4. I Agree with Lil Wayne. Every and any moment someone is alive on this earth it is a struggle for them. so then why not just "Lives Matter" in general.

  5. lil wayne can do what he want he made his money and he worked hard for it.... we all know that dude be on the meanest drugs 25/8 he dont be thinking about what he saying. i am a little in the middle with what he said tho cause i mean he black so he cant just exclude himself but police are most likely to shoot/attack someone that is not as fortunate than to go for someone that is known in many parts of the world and has sold many records

  6. Lil Wayne is black, so he is apart of BLM even if he doesn't want to be. His comment was unnecessary.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I do not think Lil Wayne was wrong for saying what he felt. He understands that it is messed up for what is happening to us African Americans but he hasn't had it happen to him so he feels that it doesn't have anything to do with him. I hope he is aware that what is going on in the world is cruel an more up top people need to speak about it an address it because they are heard before we are.

  9. Honestly, i don't care how he feels. At the end of the day he's still black and black lives do matter just as much as much as everyone else and that's what BLM is all about. If he doesn't agree, who cares? Not I, says the fly.

  10. He said BLM has nothing to do with him, but he's black also. He can be killed just like any other black armed or unarmed black person. Just because he has money and calls himself rich doesn't separate him from the black population. To the next white man, Lil Wayne is just another black man. So i think he should rethink his statement.

  11. I understand him. He hasn't had any issues with police officers so he doesn't feel connected. Just because he is black doesn't mean he necessarily has to feel impacted by this.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I understand where he is coming from. Just because he is black doesn't mean that he should feel impacted by it.

  14. he sounds ignorant about the subject like he does not know what hes talking about. He talks about having a white camera man which diddent really make sense.I agree he's not connected to the movement at all.

  15. Its lil waynes opinion he feels like BLM isnt for him.

  16. 9 times out of ten, Lil Wayne was probably under the influence during his interview. He doesn't even know what " Black Lives Matter" truly means. He shouldn't have commented if he didn't know what it meant.

  17. I do not think Lil Wayne was wrong for saying what he felt. He understands that it is messed up for what is happening to us African Americans but he hasn't had it happen to him so he feels that it doesn't have anything to do with him. Just because he has money and calls himself rich doesn't separate him from the black population. To the next white man, Lil Wayne is just another black man. So i think he should rethink his statement.

  18. I understand him. He hasn't had any issues with police officers so he doesn't feel connected. Just because he is black doesn't mean he necessarily has to feel impacted by this. Its lil waynes opinion he feels like BLM isnt for him.

  19. According to vibe,com, :Lil Wayne broke down why he feels disconnected from Black Lives Matter in an interview with ABC’s Nightline Tuesday (Nov. 1). Although Tunechi has already spoken on the subject, he was again asked to address a movement that he doesn’t exactly comprehend." He is ignorant and dumb.

  20. i don't agree with lil Wayne and his comments. i feel that he does have his own opinion but he does not have to express them in such a rude manner. some of his comments that were said were very unnecessary and were rude.

  21. I agree with Lil Wayne and respect what he stated in the interview. He spoke a with a sense of truthfulness and respect for all races. I also recognized when he said " everybody struggles in the world everyday, so why can't all lives matter?" I think he spoke in regards to all his fans and every race and I think that it is ok from him to feel disconnected from the BLM movement considering ALM!

  22. Lil Wayne is black, so he is apart of BLM even if he doesn't want to be. His comment was unnecessary.

  23. i feel like he has the right to fell any way he wants to. i agree that everyones' life does matter and that what really matters.

  24. if thats the way he feels then you cant change his thoughts,everyone has there own opinion.

  25. Lil Wayne broke down why he feels disconnected from Black Lives Matter in an interview with ABC’s Nightline Tuesday (Nov. 1). Although Tunechi has already spoken on the subject, he was again asked to address a movement that he doesn’t exactly comprehend.

  26. No I do not agree with what Lil Wayne is saying. He sounds extremely ignorant and stupid. His wealth has blinded him from the racial injustices that have been happening to his own people.

  27. Lil Wayne has a right to say what he feels on this matter. He was showing respect for all races, not just one.

  28. Honestly, Lil Wayne really isn't relevant now and days, I don't feel as if he should have said that, but his opinion is his opinion, and honestly no one can really change that.

  29. i agree with Lil Wayne because he has a point why dies it matter the race that got killed it doesn't. its sad that a life was taken away for a dumb reason but just because of his race doesn't make his case more important. Also why do people care and try to say things about him he is entitled to his own opinion just like we all are.

  30. I dont agree with what Lil Wayne is saying. He shouldn't have even commented about it if he had no idea what the whole thing is about.

  31. He said BLM has nothing to do with him, but he's black also. He can be killed just like any other black armed or unarmed black person. Just because he has money and calls himself rich doesn't separate him from the black population. To the next white man, Lil Wayne is just another black man. So i think he should rethink his statement.

  32. What he said was not connected to the BLM movement. The BLM movement was created to raise awareness for police brutality that mostly happens to people of color. Race issues do exist.

  33. I feel like he isn't connected because he doesn't try to. He doesn't involve himself enough. It's also easy to become a rapper and be black, but then again were looking at model magazines with caucasians, movies with more caucasians barely any prominent black roles in anything. Lil Wayne has had it easy as where others have not. It's hard to be black and rich... we live in a world where nothing has been given easy to african americans in where his case it has.

  34. Tunechi has already spoken on the subject, he was again asked to address a movement that he doesn’t exactly comprehend.

  35. what lil wayne was talking about really had nothing to do with the BLM movement. its really to stop all these issues and bring peace into this world but lil wayne didnt really have nothing to do about it.

  36. Lil Wayne doesn't seem to know what hes talking about. He says hes not connected to Black Lives Matter because hes a rich black person. It doesn't matter how much money you have. If you are a black person you can be shot to and you should think about how those families felt when their friend or family member was killed. How are you not associated with this? Lil Wayne doesn't even know.

  37. Maybe Lil Wayne would understand if he experience it or see it. But honestly I don't care what Lil Wayne response was.

  38. i found it very comical actually. i don't pay it no mind

  39. I do not think Lil Wayne was wrong for saying what he felt. He understands that it is messed up for what is happening to us African Americans but he hasn't had it happen to him so he feels that it doesn't have anything to do with him.

  40. It seems like a mix of ignorance and rational logic on his part.

  41. i feel like thats his opinon, it wasnt that big of a deal and the media always tries to make things bigger than they aare

  42. i dont see anything wrong with it. he stated his opinion, what's wrong with that?

  43. i do not think Lil Wayne was wrong for saying what he felt. He understands that it is messed up for what is happening to us African Americans but he hasn't had it happen to him so he feels that it doesn't have anything to do with him. I hope he is aware that what is going on in the world is cruel an more up top people need to speak about it an address it because they are heard before we are

  44. lil wayne ends most of his interviews angrily because of a offensive question and i think that if you are going to storm off every time why even go to an interview just say no

  45. According to vibe,com, :Lil Wayne broke down why he feels disconnected from Black Lives Matter in an interview with ABC’s Nightline Tuesday (Nov. 1). Although Tunechi has already spoken on the subject, he was again asked to address a movement that he doesn’t exactly comprehend." He is ignorant and dumb.

  46. i feel like lil Wayne is entitled to his own opinion if he hasn't felt racesim then he deserves not to be criticized for it

  47. He doesn't involve himself enough. It's also easy to become a rapper and be black, but then again were looking at model magazines with caucasians, movies with more caucasians barely any prominent black roles in anything. Lil Wayne has had it easy as where others have not. It's hard to be black and rich... we live in a world where nothing has been given easy to african americans in where his case it has.

  48. Lil Wayne is black, so he is apart of BLM even if he doesn't want to be. His comment was unnecessary.

  49. the first amendment states that you can speak freely without being arrested for freedom of speech

  50. BLM is a very big deal, due to what they are actually protesting. Lil Wayne said he "doesn't feel connected" just because he hasn't experienced it. You don't have to experience things to know they aren't right, they don't need to happen to you before you figure it out. The fact that he's saying he doesn't like BLM just because he knows a couple cool white people, does not mean that the MAJORITY of white people are even decent.

  51. This comment can go both ways. Everyone knows BLM so why have to say it? On the other hand however, its his opinion.

  52. i feel like he is IGNORANT. He needs to understand history even though its not dealing with.

  53. He said BLM has nothing to do with him, but he's black also. He can be killed just like any other black armed or unarmed black person.

  54. Alot of people stand up to there beliefs in life and thats his comment and also his belief. So we can judge what comes out of his mouth.

  55. I disagree even though it doesn't pertain to him he still should have a opinion on the world and what is happening in today society.

  56. Lil Wayne has his own opinion just like everyone else. I do not agree with what he feels, but he is basing this off of solely his experiences. You do not have to experience something to see there is something wrong. Many people are blind to what is going on in this country and he is one of them.

  57. I feel like he should still disagree with the fact that there is police brutality. Just because nothing happened to him does not mean you should not care about it. Nothing happened to me and i still feel that it is wrong.

  58. He really got mad for no reason. It wasn't that serious she asked a simple question. If you don't agree with something just say that.

  59. I mean at the end of the day that's how he feel and people being mad about it isn't going to change how he feel.

  60. The BLM movement was created to raise awareness for police brutality that mostly happens to people of color. Race issues do exist. But he's my favorite rapper.

  61. i agree with Lil Wayne because he has a point why dies it matter the race that got killed it doesn't. He understands that it is messed up for what is happening to us African Americans but he hasn't had it happen to him so he feels that it doesn't have anything to do with him.

  62. I don't agree or disagree. His opinions and beliefs aren't effecting me. #BlackLivesMatter!!

  63. he is titled to his opinion, he feels like he doesnt connect with the black live matter cause he is privileged

  64. He's not wrong for stating his opinion. I don't really agree with what he had to say. He should still know the meaning of BLM because he is black. He should stand up for his kind but you can't change a person perspective about something.

  65. what lil wayne was talking about really had nothing to do with the BLM movement. its really to stop all these issues and bring peace into this world but lil wayne didnt really have nothing to do about it.

  66. he the goat but that was ignorant coming from a black successful rapper .

  67. I do not think Lil Wayne was wrong for saying what he felt. He understands that it is messed up for what is happening to us African Americans but he hasn't had it happen to him so he feels that it doesn't have anything to do with him. I hope he is aware that what is going on in the world is cruel an more up top people need to speak about it an address it because they are heard before we are.

  68. I can understand him. He hasn't had any issues with police officers so he doesn't feel connected. Just because he is black doesn't mean he has to feel impacted by this.

  69. In all honesty i believe he ws high and ignorance was highly shown. He went about the wrong way with the situation and practically gave white people something to run with . I strongly hope an apology is issued soon.

  70. i don't see the big deal everyone has there own opinion

  71. lil wayne can do what he want he made his money and he worked hard for it.... we all know that dude be on the meanest drugs 25/8 he dont be thinking about what he saying. i am a little in the middle with what he said tho cause i mean he black so he cant just exclude himself but police are most likely to shoot/attack someone that is not as fortunate than to go for someone that is known in many parts of the world and has sold many records. He went about the wrong way with the situation and practically gave white people something to run with . I strongly hope an apology is issued soon.

  72. we live in a country that respects freedom of speech, so he can say whatever he wants just like everyone else. but i personally do not agree with his opinion. he is just benighted to the fact that although all lives matter, black lives matter.

  73. The didn't show the whole video. There was alot more to it then what they showed.

  74. lil wayne can do what he want he made his money and he worked hard for it.... we all know that dude be on the meanest drugs 25/8 he dont be thinking about what he saying. i am a little in the middle with what he said tho cause i mean he black so he cant just exclude himself but police are most likely to shoot/attack someone that is not as fortunate than to go for someone that is known in many parts of the world and has sold many records
