Friday, October 7, 2016


What is your opinion about this article. Who is the oldest person you know?


  1. The oldest person I know is my great grandfather who is 92 years old, no opinion living passed 80 would be to painful we all gotta die at some point.

  2. I really don't know if we have reached our age span limit because you can't predict when someone is going to die and people are getting older and older each day, so anything could happen. The oldest person that I know is my great grandma and she is over 80 years old.

  3. this article is ugly. okay old people be livin it up but why should i care, when god take me he take me

    byw yallshould go listen to my mixtape its fire ♣

  4. This is good that people are able to live out their entire life. The oldest person i know is my grandmother who is 82.

  5. i think that it's possible for some of us to live over the age of 85. Good eating and exercising habits and staying active and all. But as an African American young black man, the chances of us reaching the age 85 are low due to injustice and racial profiling.

  6. My opinion on this article is that if you diet and do the things the man does people can live longer also. The oldest person I know is my great grandma which she is 86 years old.

  7. The oldest person in the world, now that's a powerful title to have. To my knowledge my relative is the oldest person i know. she is 67 years old.

  8. I think that the east side of the world (Europe, Asia, etc.) knows how to live a healthy life and knows how and what you have to do to live a longer life. The oldest person I know is my great grandfather who is 92.

  9. It a cool thing that people can live long. Of course you got to be healthy and stay that why. The older person I know is my grandfather.

  10. My opinion on this article is that age is just a number and it doesn't determine how long you live. If your healthy and live a good lifestyle then you would be likely to live longer but we don't determine how we die stuff just happens. The oldest person I know is my grandpa and he is 61 and is still alive today .

  11. My opinion is that humans are not perfect and no matter how much effort you put into maintaining a healthy lifestyle you have to die eventually, however that isn't saying it is not worth exercising, which is extremely important. The oldest person I know is my grandfather who is 65.

  12. If you stayed healthy once you were older, then its super cool that we can live really long. However, one people reach like 70, they just start developing so many issues that there's sort of no point. The oldest person i know is my great grandmother who's 88.

  13. It could be possible they have found a research in there experiments and things that we have reached are human limit of age death. The oldest person i know is my grandfather and he is 87 but has the heart as he did 40 years ago. Life span also can be determined by mainly things like the sun consumed more or being exposed to chemicals in air pollution.

  14. Age does not determine a person's lifespan, healthy living and eating does. The oldest person I know is my great grandmother.

  15. The oldest person I know is my great great grandmother she lives in Liberia and eats straight from the Earth. She also has caretakers that help her daily and keeps herself in shape with chores she does around the house. I have only seen her once before but I know that she is 109 years old. So therefore being said my opinion on this article is that yes I can see their point of view on life but science doesn't explain everything. Humans might think they can predict things, but when they said the world was going to end in 2012 what happened ? We still here lol. Only God knows when it is your time to be with him !

  16. my opinion on this article is that it is very interesting. the oldest person I know is my grandfather on my dads side. he is 97 years old. I think that he lived so long because he took care of himself like the article said. I hope I can live as long as my grandfather and maybe even longer

  17. my opinion on this article is that it is very interesting. my grandfather is 86

  18. the oldest person i know would be like 60 mainly because i don't really know my grandparents. I think this article really tells you how we can live healthy and longer lives. but since a lot of people eat a lot of junk food i don't know if the life expectancy will go up. medicine has really improved our life expectancy in which we could live to 80.

  19. the oldest person i know is my great grandma, She is 75 years old.

  20. the oldest person i know is my grandma who is 77

  21. the oldest person i know is my grandma who is 77

  22. my opinion on this article is that it is very interesting. the oldest person I know is my grandfather on my dads side. he is 97 years old. I think that he lived so long because he took care of himself like the article said. I hope I can live as long as my grandfather and maybe even longer

  23. my opinion on the article is that we as humans have reached our lifespan limit.i wouldn't want to live to be a hundred because it seems like it would start to be painful and not really living if u need medical assistance or any kind of assistance.

  24. The article is interesting but it does not matter how smart you
    are u cant tell when some one gonna die and my grandma is also the oldest person i know.

  25. The oldest person I know as of now is my great grandmother and she is 98. So therefore being said my opinion on this article is that yes I can see their point of view on life but science doesn't explain everything. Humans always like to predict things to get people scared, or to start things up. When all those things about us dying or "the world ending" people assumed those things, and in my opinion this is just another one that will soon die out after a while.

  26. The oldest person I know is my great grandmother who is 81 years old.

  27. Professor Dame Partridge made some good points about someone who is further up in age can't really determine the life expectancy for babies born now, because the conditions were different. The oldest person I know is my grandmother who is around 70 years old.

  28. I feel like it is true due to the fact that most of us est unhealthy and live unhealthy. Other situations also make this true. Due to the fact that most of our young kids are being killed, they cant have children so the population isn't going to grow.

  29. The paper, published Wednesday, says that despite life expectancy being dramatically higher than it was 100 years ago, it's highly unlikely it will continue to rise any more than what it is right now. It also says the probability of anyone living for more than 125 years is incredibly unlikely.

  30. the oldest person i know is 99 which is my grandma and i think that age is just a number it doesnt determine how long you live at alot people die at very young ages for different reason

  31. My Great Grand Mother, she is 96 years old

  32. My opinion on this article is that if you diet and do the things the man does people can live longer also. The oldest person I know is my great grandma which she is 86 years old.

  33. My great grandmother is the oldest person I know. She is 97 years old.

  34. my great grandma was 98 yrs old

  35. the oldest person i know is my grandma

  36. The oldest person i know is my grandfather who is 86.

  37. The oldest person i know is my grandpa he is 80 .

  38. i don't have a opinion about the situation

  39. oldest due i know is jamal richards. hes my step step step dads grandma. i honestly feel that u should live your life to the fullest and have fun. BUT OF COURSE THERE SOME DUMB PEOPLE WHO WANNA HANG FROM LIKE BUILDING AND LIKE TRY ANND KILL THEM SELFS. BUT THATS NONE MY BUISNESS.

  40. the oldest person i know is my great grandma. shes 97 and still living. God bless.

  41. Humans have not reached their lifespan limit because if we eat healthier and stop being lazy and exercise. we might be able to live longer

  42. The oldest person that I know is my great grandmother is is 70

  43. The oldest person i know is my great grandfather. He is somewhere in his 80s or 90s. My opinion is that why would someone want to stay on this earth rather than go to a different place.

  44. It a cool thing that people can live long. Of course you got to be healthy and stay that why. The oldest person i know is my grandpa junior

  45. i believe that that there is a limit to a life time because the human body will eventually give but i do not think we have reached that limit yet

  46. The oldest person i know is 78 years old. Honestly i would love to live to be that old as the lady in the article , minus the health problems.

  47. This article said average of person ages as long as living the world. and actually technology developed about our good healthy so we can live longer than 100 years ago like these day. And my relative is the longest person who is 75.

  48. The oldest person I know is dead

  49. the oldest person i know is 96 which is my grandma and i think that age is just a number it doesn't determine how long you live at a lot people die at very young ages for different reason. life if fragile and death can come slow or fast. JUST LIVE

  50. Age does not determine a person's lifespan, healthy living and eating does. The oldest person I know is my great grandmother.

  51. To be honest, anything could happen. People die when it's their time to die. You can't predict everyone's death so we never know how this whole global lifespan thingy is gonna work out. But the oldest person that I know the age of for sure is 66.

  52. the oldest person i know is 99 which is my grandma and i think that age is just a number it doesnt determine how long you live at alot people die at very young ages for different reason

  53. the oldest person i know is 99 which is my grandma and i think that age is just a number it doesnt determine how long you live at alot people die at very young ages for different reason

  54. My grandma is the oldest person I know. She was 86 when she past. As for age people die at different ages for different reasons.

  55. i think people will live long if they eat healthy, work out daily and just take care of themselves. The oldest person i know is my grandfather which is 77

  56. The oldest person I know is my great grandma. She is 94 years old. She managed to live for so long because she is healthy.

  57. My opinion on this article is that if you diet and do the things the man does people can live longer also. The oldest person i know is my great gandfather.

  58. my opinion on this article is that it is very interesting. the oldest person I know is my grandfather on my dads side. he is 97 years old. I think that he lived so long because he took care of himself like the article said. I hope I can live as long as my grandfather and maybe even longer

  59. The oldest person i know is my great, great Grandmother she died at the age of 90 years old! I am so glad she lived a Beautiful life...she was a beautiful person.R.I.P Grandma Essie...

  60. This article seems to be true because most people do not live longer than their 120's. The oldest person I know is my church member who is my best friends grandmother. She is 93 I believe.

  61. the oldest person i know is 88 years old which is my great Grandmother i know she is still happy that she is living and having a blessed life

  62. I don't know if we have reached our age limit because you can't predict when someone is going to die and people are getting older and older through out the centuries, so anything could happen.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I think that this article is quite amazing. It is amazing how long humans are now able to live. The oldest person I know is my grandmother. She is 73 years old. She is very active. I would not like to live that long.

  65. The oldest person I know is my great grandmother. She just recently died last weekend. She was 100 years old. I pray that I live that long as well. My grandmother is 65 now and her birthday is October 16th, so I guess you could say she is the oldest person I know.

  66. My opinion on this article is that age is just a number and it doesn't determine how long you live

  67. The oldest person I know is my uncle who is 85 years old.

  68. The oldest person I know is my uncle who is 85 years old.

  69. I think that the east side of the world (Europe, Asia, etc.) knows how to live a healthy life and knows how and what you have to do to live a longer life. The oldest person I know is my great grandfather who is 92.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. I think that the east side of the world (Europe, Asia, etc.) knows how to live a healthy life and knows how and what you have to do to live a longer life. The oldest person I know is my great grandfather who is 92.

  72. The oldest person that i can think if that I know is my great gramdma but she passed away.

  73. The oldest person that i can think if that I know is my great gramdma but she passed away.

  74. The oldest person I know is 83.

  75. This article seems to be true because most people do not live longer than their 120's. The oldest person I know is my church member who is my best friends grandmother. She is 93 I believe

  76. I think that this article is quite amazing. It is amazing how long humans are now able to live. The oldest person I know is my grandmother. She is 73 years old. She is very active. I would not like to live that long.

  77. The oldest person i knew was my grandma who was in her mid 80s

  78. I think that the east side of the world (Europe, Asia, etc.) knows how to live a healthy life and knows how and what you have to do to live a longer life. The oldest person I know is my great grandfather who is 92.

  79. I don't know anyone who I found the oldest but east side of the world such as Asia are founded to live the longest.
