Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Theme Park

Does this Deter you from going to theme parks? What safety measures do you think need to be put in place, since incidents like this are becoming more common?



  1. I believe stricter regulations and mandatory inspections are a necessity because it would help determine whether or not a ride is functioning as expected.

  2. This doesn't change my opinion on theme parks, but they should close the park and fix the ride. Maybe even put tickets on super low discounts.

  3. I don't go to much theme parks so it doesn't effect me. I think there should be strict regulations and required inspections so if they find a possible flaw they can fix it.

  4. this ride needs to have better seatbelts

  5. They should take the time and money and invest in rebuilding their theme park for the safety of others. Now the result of them not doing so caused 6 people to die on the rides. They're responsible for it.

  6. accidents happen all the time so i'd still go. regular maintenance weekly. if anything doesn't seem okay have it checked.

  7. I never like riding roller coasters for this very same reason. The people should have someone check the rides every time someone comes off. Or very seldomly check it. The think park will probably be sued from the family of those adults. It couldn't been worse and been kids that couldn't live there life. that long

  8. New seat belts and better safety thingys and discount the tickets 4 folks died if you want yo business open still its gonna come with a price b

  9. This does make me more cautious about going to theme parks. I think these should be checked for errors daily in the morning and night.

  10. Four people were killed at a theme park in Queensland, Australia, on Tuesday when a ride malfunctioned. Before letting people ride the rides, crash dummies should be put in the seat where the passengers would be. If the ride is not safe then the ride should be shut down

  11. Im not into riding roller coaster, so this really doesn't effect me. I would still go to a theme park though. Accidents can happen at anytime.

  12. Different things happen at theme parks so this isn't the first time something went wrong. They should shut the park down for awhile. They need to invest in better equipment and stronger seat belts.

  13. According to CNN.com Four people were killed at Australia's largest theme park Tuesday when a ride malfunctioned, police said.
    Two men, ages 35 and 32, and two women, ages 42 and 38, were pronounced dead by police following the incident on the Thunder River Rapids Ride at the Dreamworld theme park in Queensland.
    Police were called to the site after reports that "a number of people had been injured by a conveyor belt."

  14. This incident doesn't deter me from going to theme parks. I go to Six Flags quite often and have never had a problem with a ride. To prevent more fatalities like this, whoever runs the park or owns it should run the ride several times a day for 2-3 weeks and put test dummies on there to make sure the ride is safe. They also need to do weekly inspections.

  15. According to "Four people were killed at Australia's largest theme park Tuesday when a ride malfunctioned, police said.
    Two men, ages 35 and 32, and two women, ages 42 and 38, were pronounced dead by police following the incident on the Thunder River Rapids Ride at the Dreamworld theme park in Queensland." No, i'm still gonna go to theme parks. These tickets need to cost less though, we out here dying.

  16. Personally, i do not like to ride on theme park rides. You never know what could happen for example this incident that too place. i think the directors of the ride should test ride it with no one on it before they let people on it just to make sure it is 100% safe. That park needs to shut down completely because i doubt anyone will go there after 4 tragic deaths especially ride that ride. Its not about lowering the prices its about saving your life.

  17. his is crazy they should be sued and shut down or get that specific ride taken away

  18. This malfunction has not caused e to deter away from the enjoyment and scares that this may have caused people but you have to also think that just because no one died on a ride say at six flags doesn't mean that the rides couldn't malfunction or something couldn't happen to the cart... that used to be one of the top fears of mine was roller coasters because of that thought and i got over it by riding the tallest and 4th largest coasters in the world to the extreme that i understand anything can happen. I feel more checks and security must be insured more often to ensure the safety of each passenger that may ride a ride from any theme park.

  19. It doesn't deter me from theme parks, just because I love them so much. Also, the fact that its so far away doesn't make it seem real enough for me to hate theme parks.

  20. theme parks aren't really my thing i would choose the movies or bowling over theme parks so it doesn't really affect me. the only thing i would say is that it just makes me not want to go to theme parks even more. it is a very sad tragic incident that happened. i feel theme parks should put safety first instead of how dare devil it is .

  21. It doesn't really change how I feel about the situation. I've always known that they were unsafe and that's why I used to be so scared of them but nothing is really safe so oh well. I think that they should do checks on the rides every single day though.

  22. this will not stop me from going to any type of theme park but it is a serious situation that should be getting cracked down on

  23. This incident wouldn't really stop me from visiting theme parks, it would just make me more cautious as to ow they maintain the rides and how they work.

  24. for me i don't like theme park rides because of how things like this could happen. theme rides might be a little more looked at because there has been a lot of rides that have ended up in deaths so the government might do something to change the way rides are inspected.

  25. yes this kinda scares me because if your some were trying to have fun and crazy accidents like this happen around a place for family and kids.

  26. Four people were killed at Australia's largest theme park Tuesday when a ride malfunctioned, police said.

    Two men, ages 35 and 32, and two women, ages 42 and 38, were pronounced dead by police following the incident on the Thunder River Rapids Ride at the Dreamworld theme park in Queensland.

  27. This does not deter me from theme parks. This is a sad incident but I choose the rides I want to get on wisely. Though, you can't control what happens on the ride, I still make sure all safety things are ready before I get on. If I feel uncomfortable I get off. Any little thing that I see about a ride that I don't like I will simply not get on.

  28. Yes this incident does deter me from going to theme parks. This is yet another case of a malfunction that has taken the lives of innocent people. I will have to be extremely cautious going to theme parks from now on.

  29. This incident wouldn't stop be from going to theme parks, but I'll be cautious of the rides that I'll get on. Theme parks should have a test run of each ride in preparation for each set of people.

  30. this doesn't change how i feel about roller coasters cause there is always a chance of a malfunction no matter the ride so i feel like you take that chance.

  31. this incident wouldnt stop me from riding the rides i would still ride the ride ill just be more careful each time

  32. four people have died due to a ride that they got on i think that they should shut the ride down until they have better seat belt and more things to make the ride safe because they already have people complaining that they had injuries due to the seat belts when they heard that they should have shut it down to fix it or the days they are closed get them fixed

  33. I don't like Theme Parks at all, but if I would go to one I would just trust them and I just need the safety measures to survive the rides.

  34. this would not stop me. it was tragic but you can't be scared to do stuff.

  35. For me, I like theme parks, but not that much. Theme park rides I have never been to fond of. I've always known that they were unsafe and that's why I used to be so scared of them but nothing is really safe. I think that they should check all rides, not just that one because other rides could be dangerous.

  36. Yes, this does deter me from going to theme parks because it shows that any ride at any given time may have a malfunction to cause many to die. I feel that the rides should be tested and checked before it opens to ensure peoples safety.

  37. Them parks are cool, but sometimes they can be dangerous. Liking theme parks isn't something to risk your life for. They should ensure a safety plan when things go wrong.

  38. honestly , if four people were killed from being on a water slide . I wouldnt want too go too it. I wouldnt just want too go too that one park . But , i would go too other ones.

  39. I think them park are very attracting and cool. I also know that can be very dangerous and also not an safe. I think before they build sum or make something they should make an safety plan and make sure that everyone knows what to do in case.

  40. They should take the time and money and invest in rebuilding their theme park for the safety of others. Now the result of them not doing so caused 6 people to die on the rides. They're responsible for it.

  41. I believe stricter regulations and mandatory inspections are a necessity because it would help determine whether or not a ride is functioning as expected.

  42. i dont go to theme parks but if i do i wont ride no rides

  43. this shouldnt deter anyone from going to a theme park. yes there are going to be problems on a ride because millions of people are rideing it every day and everything will break eventually.

  44. not really but i think that they should take away rides they feel are not as safe and cautious. because these incidents really are becoming more common and thats a problem.

  45. i love roller coasters and i feel like they need to do more inspections and make sure the ride is constantly safe, to prevent things like this

  46. no because its in Australia and You Only Live Once.

  47. i wouldn't stop going to theme parks because i would be bored but they need to make more safety precautions

  48. I don't see how that happen that is like a really safe ride at an amusement park but they need to investigate the ride before it reopens

  49. well you sign up for malfunctions when ever you ride a roller coaster.

  50. no but i think they need to revise their safety procedures.

  51. you go on roller coasters for the amusement but there are risks when you get on the ride

  52. i think the park need to close and check every ride before opening. i wouldnt go to the park after that.

  53. How I feel about amusement parks I love them and that video wont change how i feel about parks. I like to get on all the rides at six flags

  54. I dont go to amusement parks anyway so it doesnt have an effect on me. Why would anyone trust q roller coaster anyway.

  55. This doesn't fear me from going to a theme park because more people die from car accidents than roller coasters so its only a few roller coaster accidents a year rather than thousands of car accidents. I think they should check the roller coasters after every closing period.

  56. This incident doesn't deter me from going to theme parks. I go to Six Flags quite often and have never had a problem with a ride. To prevent more fatalities like this, whoever runs the park or owns it should run the ride several times a day for 2-3 weeks and put test dummies on there to make sure the ride is safe. They also need to do weekly inspections.

  57. For me i don't like theme park rides because of how things like this could happen. theme rides might be a little more looked at because there has been a lot of rides that have ended up in deaths so the government might do something to change the way rides are inspected.

  58. This incident does deter me from going to theme parks. I do not feel safe as it is riding a roller coaster, so now it is getting extreme. I believe that the parks should take very safe protocols every few hours a day, and if anything goes wrong at all, they should close the ride until further notice.

  59. it is very unfortunate that this tragedy happened! My Condolences go out to all who were affected. I think that Disney parks (and any other theme park!) need to think about their safety measures!

  60. I like theme parks but an accident will not stop me from going to one. Honestly they are going to make money regardless. If they have alot of deaths or not people do not care.There needs to be a monthly inspection to make sure that the rides are okay to ride if not it needs to be closed to the public.

  61. Four people were killed at a theme park in Queensland, Australia, on Tuesday when a ride malfunctioned. Before letting people ride the rides, crash dummies should be put in the seat where the passengers would be. If the ride is not safe then the ride should be shut down

  62. just Because one incident happened people shouldnt stop doing things they love and this occured once out the blue moon therefore it isnt a common thing. so yes i would countine going to theme parks.

  63. accidents happen all the time. yes they can be decreased, but mainly they need to do regular maintenance and make procedures to make all the millions of riders safe.

  64. I love theme parks and roller coasters, but they need to make sure each ride is safe for riding

  65. yes it kinda does deter me from going but at the same times it does not because the chances of there beaing a freak acciedent on a roller coaster is slim to none but then again it can happen. i think they should do test runs 10 times more than they do not to stop this from happening.

  66. Four people died to a ride that they got on i think that they should shut the ride down until they have better seat belts and more things to make the ride safe. Also I think theme parks should have a test run of each ride to prepare for each set of people.

  67. This doesn't change how I feel about water rides or roller coasters. I honestly think people are getting lazy with safety regulations and checking the rides when needed.

  68. Theme park rides giving to us funny but sometimes they giving to us scary and dead from like accident. when i went some amusement park and ride the employees ride on for check for the rides are safely before.so i think that theme park also need to check safely before start to customer ride on.

  69. i think all theme parks need to be checked for problems on all rides

  70. this ride needs to have better seatbelts

  71. This doesn't deter me from riding amusement park rides because accidents like this happens all the time sadly. So, if it didn't stop me then why would it stop me now. However, this is kind of scary because this isn't supposed to be happening on a ride like this. So it does have me a little iffy on if I should ride it or not.

  72. This does make me more cautious about going to theme parks. I think these should be checked for errors daily in the morning and night.

  73. I never like riding roller coasters for this very same reason. The people should have someone check the rides every time someone comes off. Or very seldomly check it. The think park will probably be sued from the family of those adults. It couldn't been worse and been kids that couldn't live there life. that long

  74. this kinda make me cringe, but you need to know that your basically putting your body in danger as soon you walk in a theme park. Yea at six flags they always check their rides, but anything can happen. So for me they need to like make the ride go by its self 10 times in the morning. If noting seems sketchy, then go ahead and ride it

  75. I will still go but not on the big rides.

  76. This does make me more cautious about going to theme parks. I think these should be checked for errors daily in the morning and night.

  77. Since its already close so I can't even go to the theme parks and what they could've done was that children shouldn't be riding those.They should also test their rides myriad times in order to prevent injuries or death.

  78. i think the park need to close and check every ride before opening. i wouldnt go to the park after that.

  79. A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire.

  80. never like riding roller coasters for this very same reason. The people should have someone check the rides every time someone comes off. Or very seldomly check it. The think park will probably be sued from the family of those adults. It couldn't been worse and been kids that couldn't live there life. that long

  81. I never like riding roller coasters for this very same reason. The people should have someone check the rides every time someone comes off. Or very seldomly check it. The think park will probably be sued from the family of those adults. It couldn't been worse and been kids that couldn't live there life. that long
