Monday, October 17, 2016


Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump often speaks on how he questions the intentions and motives of Muslim-Americans and Muslims seeking U.S citizenship. Many people argue that he is promoting Islamophobia. Write a paragraph on if you agree or disagree with the argument and why. Use this article as a frame of reference.


  1. I disagree with the argument. They're human just like us and have every right to stay in the U.S as long as they're not bothering anyone.

  2. I disagree with theargument. Not every Muslim is bad and we cant keep using 9/11 as a excuse to try to discriminate just because of one incident.

  3. I do not agree. everyone gets treated the same regardless of your background. this is a sap story for suckers.

  4. I disagree with the argument because I feel that that it is very judgmental. not all Muslims are terrorists and all of them are not going to bring harm to the united states . for Donald trump to say that it is very disgusting and it really says a lot about his character

  5. I disagree with this argument , Because i have many friends who are Muslim and they're not terrorists . And i think Donald Trump is a coward and a racist.

  6. I disagree with this argument in all of times of way. All Muslims aren't the sane just because some Muslim people are against doesn't mean that all of them are.

  7. I feel like Donald trump is very wrong about singling out Muslims and saying Islamophobia because if your afraid of Muslims you should be afraid of everyone because Muslims are people and they can contribute to society. Islam is not a religion based on killing people because if that was the case we would be trying to get rid of Islam. we as a country need to be a safehold for many of these refugees. these terrorist are trying to get the people of the world scared. i believe that many countries will soon band together to take out terrorism and make life better for islam and the people that worship it.

  8. Muslim Americans describe the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as a seminal moment that painfully altered their place in American society.

    But when CNN interviewed American Muslims about the presidential election, we heard a startling message: 2016 is worse.
    CNN traveled last month to three growing Muslim communities -- in Minneapolis, Northern Virginia and Staten Island -- which represent the diversity and increasing political engagement of Muslims in the United States. The majority of people we spoke to said it is harder to be a Muslim American today than it was even after 9/11.

  9. i disagree with him i think he should not judge all muslims. I feel everything he keep doing show really who he is. I dont understand why people like it and he still able to run. But at the end of the day i really disagree with he should not judge all muslims because that saying black people should not like white people because of they killed an couple of black people.

  10. I very disagree with this. We are all human and we will treat Muslim as one. They're not demons or monster, so why would we outcast them or have a phobia of them. I understand the terrorist crap, but not all of them are like that. Even the Muslim want the terrorism to stop but they can't do anything about it instead of fear,tears, and hope.

  11. Donald Trump is promoting Islamophobia. He shouldn't unreasonably profile Muslims, and ban them from the country.Terrorism can happen within any religion,race,ethnicity, etc..

  12. i disagree with him completely he has no right to judge a group of people for their beliefs which makes even less sense since this is the united states of america cause we have the freedom to any religion.also most Muslims are peaceful people just because a percentage so low are radical you would want to kick all of them out of a country it is ridiculous.

  13. I disagree. Muslims and the people of islam should have the same rights as everybody else.

  14. I disagree with this argument. I disagree with the argument because I feel that that it is very judgmental. All Muslims aren't the same just because some Muslim people are against the U.S doesn't mean that all of them are. Just because Donald Trump is scared does not mean that he has to go and start saying Islamophobia. Donald Trump is judging them and their race just because of who they are, that's not right at all. He has to remember Muslims are also humans they have rights just like everyone else.

  15. Donald Trump is just making inappropriate and unnecessary comments on how Muslims are so bad. So yes, he is promoting Islamophobia. He wants to create fear so that more people are voting for him.

  16. I disagree with the argument because I think its's unfair. Not all Muslims are bad. That just like saying if we go back to the early 1800's-late 1900's and base all Caucasian people on how those Caucasian people treated African Americans that wouldn't be fair would it? If we based all police officers actions on how those other police officers acted while they were taking innocent lives that wouldn't be fair either would it? They still continue to racially profile people and it's not fair. We are still being profiled on what we believe in and that's not fair either.

  17. I think that Donald Trump needs to just shut up. He always be talking. I think that all people need to be treated equal. Not every Islam and Muslim are terrorists.

  18. I disagree with the argument because I feel that that it is very judgmental. not all Muslims are terrorists and all of them are not going to bring harm to the united states . for Donald trump to say that it is very disgusting and it really says a lot about his character

  19. Donald trump is very wrong about singling out Muslims and saying Islamophobia because if your afraid of Muslims you should be afraid of everyone because Muslims are people and they can contribute to society. Islam is not a religion based on killing people because if that was the case we would be trying to get rid of Islam. we as a country need to be a safehold for many of these refugees. these terrorist are trying to get the people of the world scared. i believe that many countries will soon band together to take out terrorism and make life better for islam and the people that worship it.

  20. I disagree with the argument. They're human just like us and have every right to stay in the U.S as long as they're not bothering anyone.

  21. I feel as if donald trump is not fit to be president and is causing so much commotion in the country. He honestly should never have even received the opportunity to get on the ballot. this election should not even occur and we should get new candidates then vote!

  22. i disagree with him completely he has no right to judge a group of people for their beliefs which makes even less sense since this is the united states of america cause we have the freedom to any religion.also most Muslims are peaceful people just because a percentage so low are radical you would want to kick all of them out of a country it is ridiculous.

  23. i disagree with this argument. everybody should be treated the same

  24. disagree with him completely he has no right to judge a group of people for their beliefs which makes even less sense since this is the united states of america cause we have the freedom to any religion.also most Muslims are peaceful people just because a percentage so low are radical you would want to kick all of them out of a country it is ridiculous.

  25. Most islamic people are not terrorist all people should be treated equal until proven guilty

  26. this is really stupid. nobody knows how trump is still running. All cause of one thing islamic reputations are ruined. people are too dumb founded and believe everything the media says. noting good ever comes out. thats all i have to say.

  27. i totally disagree with anything that come out his mouth.

  28. I very disagree with this. We are all human and we will treat Muslim as one. They're not demons or monster, so why would we outcast them or have a phobia of them. I understand the terrorist crap, but not all of them are like that. Even the Muslim want the terrorism to stop but they can't do anything about it instead of fear,tears, and hope.

  29. Donald trump is very wrong about singling out Muslims and saying Islamophobia because if your afraid of Muslims you should be afraid of everyone because Muslims are people and they can contribute to society. Islam is not a religion based on killing people because if that was the case we would be trying to get rid of Islam. we as a country need to be a safehold for many of these refugees. these terrorist are trying to get the people of the world scared. i believe that many countries will soon band together to take out terrorism and make life better for islam and the people that worship it.

  30. I disagree with the argument. They're human just like us and have every right to stay in the U.S .


  31. I very disagree with this. We are all human and we will treat Muslim as one. They're not demons or monster, so why would we outcast them or have a phobia of them. I understand the terrorist crap, but not all of them are like that. Even the Muslim want the terrorism to stop but they can't do anything about it instead of fear,tears, and hope.

  32. trumps anti-immigration campaign promised the construction of a wall and the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants. and this is a fear to the american Muslim community because trumps campaign appears to single out Muslims by mentioning the 911 attacks many times

  33. I highly disagree. Just because they are muslim does not mean anything. Muslim Americans are just as human and just as much of a citizen as you and I are.

  34. I disagree with this argument, in all of types of way. All Muslims aren't the sane just because some Muslim people are against doesn't mean that all of them are. CNN interviewed 40 Muslim Americans who expressed raw emotions from disbelief to anger to fear.

  35. I agree with this. There is nothing wrong with musilums at all. All though the people responsible for the terroristic attacks does not make all muslims bad. It is not right.

  36. I agree that Donald Trump is Islamophobic.He is constantly degrading the people of that religion. There are bad people of the Islam religion, but that's no reason to degrade an entire group. There are bad people in the world no matter what they believe in.

  37. I disagree with Trump's statements. Muslim people are just in the U.S to start better lives for themselves and just because some of them did wrong in the past doesn't mean you have to hold them for everything they do.

  38. i disagree. Muslims are people too and they deserve to be treated as such

  39. i disagree with this because they should be treated just as equal to us .

  40. I feel like everyone is just as equal to us. They should be treated just like how we are. Just because of a stereotype that someone made about them. Its simple minded. They can criticize us for the stuff we do.

  41. Donald Trump is a stupid racist and Muslims don't deserve to be treated like that.

  42. I think that everyone should be treated equal because if you think about were probably seen as a threat if we got to another country considering we have bombed places too.

  43. I think that everyone should be treated equal because if you think about were probably seen as a threat if we got to another country considering we have bombed places too.

  44. I disagree with this argument. I disagree with the argument because I feel that that it is very judgmental. All Muslims aren't the same just because some Muslim people are against the U.S doesn't mean that all of them are. Just because Donald Trump is scared does not mean that he has to go and start saying Islamophobia. Donald Trump is judging them and their race just because of who they are, that's not right at all. He has to remember Muslims are also humans they have rights just like everyone else.

  45. People should be treated equal with equal respect, Muslim or not.

  46. People should be treated equal with equal respect, Muslim or not.

  47. I disagree. Due to the fact that I have been to the middle east I realized that they are regular people and not everyone is a terrorist.

  48. I believe everybody should be treated equally

  49. I disagree with the argument. Muslims or nobody else should be treated that way. Muslims now fear Donald Trump when they shouldn't fear someone who's running for president. Everyone should have freedom regardless of their skin color or religion. This is wrong and needs to stop.

  50. i disagree with him i think he should not judge all muslims. I feel everything he keep doing show really who he is. I dont understand why people like it and he still able to run.

  51. I disagree with the argument because I feel that that it is very judgmental. not all Muslims are terrorists and all of them are not going to bring harm to the united states.

  52. disagree with this argument , Because i have many friends who are Muslim and they're not terrorists . And i think Donald Trump is a coward and a racist.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. i disagree with him i think he should not judge all muslims. I feel everything he keep doing show really who he is. I dont understand why people like it and he still able to run. But at the end of the day i really disagree with he should not judge all muslims because that saying black people should not like white people because of they killed an couple of black people.

  56. I disagree with him completely he has no right to judge a group of people for their beliefs which makes even less sense since this is the united states of america cause we have the freedom to any religion.

  57. I disagree Muslims should have the right to become citizens, not all muslims are terrorits "We feel like we're double victims because number one, because as Americans we been affected by what happened, 9/11 because what these guys did. This affected me as an American. At the same time,"

  58. I disagree with him completely he has no right to judge a group of people for their beliefs which makes even less sense since this is the united states of america cause we have the freedom to any religion.

  59. I disagree with him completely he has no right to judge a group of people for their beliefs which makes even less sense since this is the united states of america cause we have the freedom to any religion.

  60. i disagree with him i think he should not judge all muslims. I feel everything he keep doing show really who he is. I dont understand why people like it and he still able to run. But at the end of the day i really disagree with he should not judge all muslims because that saying black people should not like white people because of they killed an couple of black people.

  61. I disagree with the argument. They're human just like us and have every right to stay in the U.S .

  62. #allmuslimsarenotterrorist trump need to chill out and his face makes me laugh

  63. I think Donald trump is wrong about singling out Muslims. Islam is not a religion based on killing people because if it was the case we would be trying to get rid of Islam. Terrorist are trying to get the people of the world scared. I think that many countries will soon band together to take out terrorism and make life better for islam.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I feel like Donald trump is very wrong about singling out Muslims and saying Islamophobia because if your afraid of Muslims you should be afraid of everyone because Muslims are people and they can contribute to society. Islam is not a religion based on killing people because if that was the case we would be trying to get rid of Islam. we as a country need to be a safehold for many of these refugees. these terrorist are trying to get the people of the world scared. i believe that many countries will soon band together to take out terrorism and make life better for islam and the people that worship it.

  66. i feel that trump is wrong because islam people are as equal to us than anything is so i think that trump needs to change the way he feels about other people of different race.

  67. I disagree with the argument. They're human just like us and have every right to stay in the U.S as long as they're not bothering anyone but maybe we can develop new systems for these fears.

  68. Donald trump feels that not allowing Muslims in america is going to make it great again, he is wrong for thinking that. America is not going to be great going in the direction its going in. Singling out a specific group is not right at all and hes being racist , every Muslim out there is not a terrorist.

  69. I feel like Donald trump is very wrong about singling out Muslims and saying Islamophobia because if your afraid of Muslims you should be afraid of everyone because Muslims are people and they can contribute to society. Islam is not a religion based on killing people because if that was the case we would be trying to get rid of Islam. we as a country need to be a safehold for many of these refugees. these terrorist are trying to get the people of the world scared. i believe that many countries will soon band together to take out terrorism and make life better for islam and the people that worship it.
