Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Freewrite - Politics

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. With 35 days left until election day, Trump is in the worst position in his campaign with Hillary Clinton taking the lead in every way.

  3. Joe Biden says that Donald Trump isn't fit to be president and is being a hypocrite talking about Hillary Clinton's health, not paying taxes and his ignorance is profound.

  4. Vice President Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump in an exclusive interview with CNN aired Tuesday, saying that the Republican nominee "lacks any sensibilities about the American people.""He's not a bad man," Biden told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day." "But his ignorance is so profound, so profound."

  5. Joe Biden recently gave a statement on Trumps tax records. Trump owes almost $1 billion to the IRS. He hasn't paid taxes in over two decades.

  6. Recently Hillary Clinton has been quoted with saying in response to Assange's promised release of important files in 2010. (Wikileaks owner), "Can't we just drone this guy?" (referring to using a drone strike). Trump has been quoted as saying Veterans with PTSD are weak.

  7. Politics is basically when someone makes a decision for the whole community. Whatever someone in a higher position does something it affects the whole country in a negative or positive way. Its very important to be aware about political issues that are going on in the world so wont be surprised. Politics touches aspects of our life and we cant be blind about what is going on in the world.

  8. Donald Trump was struggling to move past a week of one controversy after another is making clear that he's willing to go it alone in the final weeks of the campaign.Back in Colorado, Trump took on the stance of a fighter as he detailed his financial troubles in the 1990s, which he described as a "bad time" and an "ugly time" . boasting that he never considered giving up, and compared his own losses to those of working class voters across America.

  9. Joe Biden says that Trump isn't fit to be president. He says he doesn't have the energy to hold his own bag to the any of the 18 holes of his own golf course so he doubts he can do get up early everyday to do his duties.

  10. Hillary Clinton rises from the first presidential debate with a five-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency. Clinton's boost in the race stems largely from gains on Trump among men and sharply increased support from independents. Even Though most interviews in the survey were completed before Saturday that Trump may have avoided income taxes for nearly two decades, the results were clear that about three-quarters of voters think he should release his tax returns for public review. More respondents also see Trump's refusal to release this taxes as a sign that he could be hiding something else other than that being under audit from the IRS.

  11. Trump keeps trying to defend his taxes saying he was smart doing it. Politicians are calling him out saying how taxes help pay for troops and more and its wrong for him to avoid taxes.This is making people think is he really fit to be the president.

  12. Joe Biden believes that Trump isn't bad, but he is ignorant and he is right. Trump lacks the knowledge capable of to run for president.

  13. Joe Biden doesn't think Trump is fit to be president. He believes Trump's ignorance is profound. He doesn't think Trump will deliver anything that's gonna change people's lives. Biden even says he's working like hell for Hillary. He also knows her so he knows she cares and expresses emotion.

  14. Joe Biden thinks that Trump isn't ready or qualified to be president. He says he doesn't have the energy to hold his own bag to the any of the 18 holes of his own golf course so he doubts he can do get up early everyday to do his duties.He thinks this will be too much from him to handle knowing that.

  15. hillary clinton is in the lead and joe biden doesnt think that donald trump is fit to be president.

  16. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
    "the president's relationship with Congress is vital to American politics"
    synonyms: government, affairs of state, public affairs; diplomacy
    "a career in politics"
    the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries.
    plural noun: politics
    "in the conduct of global politics, economic status must be backed by military capacity"
    the academic study of government and the state.
    "a politics lecturer"
    synonyms: political science, civics, statecraft
    "she studies politics"

  17. Hillary Clinton is going to win. Trump is not right for America. The united states needs to open there eyes and realize that Trump is literally just here to help the white population of america. He is a businessman that is for white supremacy. He would do nothing for the people with a little pop of melanin in them. Donald Trump is all for the constitution but in the constitution we were still considered property. I mean his own parents were apart of the KKK like come on it is literally a publicity stunt so that the people think they have the power to vote. Hillary Clinton was already chosen for president it would be a complete joke if a actor from a reality show became president and he wasn't even good at acting.


  18. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

  19. Donald trump is being attacked for almost paying a billion dollars to the IRS. she thinks that if you loss that much money in a year you shouldn't be qualified to run for president. Donald states that he used the tax system to his advantage and he paid almost a billion dollars in 1995 and didnt have to pay income tax until 18 years later. I don't know why Hillary clinton keeps on attacking and also for Donald trump why is he always attacking. The media is the ones that should be attacking and not the politician leaders instead force on the problems and think about how you and you only can change the U.S. when you become president.

  20. The people that are running right now I really hope they do something to help this country called the United States Of America. I really which President Obama could run again because if Trump wins then this world may come to an end. I hope he takes control if he does win but if Hilary wins then I hope she does the same. I'm not on anyone's side I just want a change in this country.

  21. hillary clinton is winning right now Donald Trump is not fit to be the president of the united states.

  22. Clinton is taking the lead as Trump falls behind

  23. With 35 days left until election day, Trump is in the worst position in his campaign with Hillary Clinton taking the lead in every way.

  24. Donald Trump is falling behind in the 2016 Presidential Race. He is being judges for not paying for his tax returns. Hillary is in the lead right now.

  25. i really dont see why the two candidates that are running for president, are the most hated candidates in u.s history. they used to be liked but when they first started running for president they just started getting all this hate. espicially donald trump, he used to be liked for his show but now people think that he is a racist.

  26. Hillary Clinton is taking the lead in 2016 Presidential Race and Donald Trump is behind.Clinton might win the election.

  27. Hillary Clinton is in the lead to win right now, but i don't care who wins because they are both bad Candidates and they cant just pass any laws they want so it doesn't matter.

  28. Joe Biden is telling in an CNN interview, how he thinks that Trump quote "...is not not a bad man, but his ignorance is so profound." I don't think that Trump will be a good President, which many politics now say, because the joke could become reality.

  29. 35 days left until election day, Trump is in the worst position in his campaign with Hillary Clinton taking the lead in every way.

  30. We use camera shots to get different views. Also to get different details and scenes.

  31. Hillary Clinton emerges from the first presidential debate with a five-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency, having narrowed the enthusiasm gap between her supporters and Trump's, and holding broad advantages over the Republican nominee as the candidate with the right temperament and preparation for the job, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

  32. Hillary Clinton is now in the lead for the presidency. Hopefully she continues this and she beats Donald Trump. After the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton has gained a lot of support due to her success during the debate.

  33. Hillary Clinton emerges from the first presidential debate with a five-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency, having narrowed the enthusiasm gap between her supporters and Trump's. The united states needs to open there eyes and realize that Trump is literally just here to help the white population of america. He is a businessman that is for white supremacy. He would do nothing for the people with a little pop of melanin in them. We just have to wait and see.

  34. New Hampshire GOP Kelly Ayotte says that Trump is a role model for kids. She later states that she misspoke. She feels that neither Trump nor Clinton are suitable role models for kids. She also states that shes voting for Trump but does not endorse him.

  35. Joe Biden stated how he felt about Donald trump in a recent interview. He said that he was ignorant and questioned how could he lead the country if he's so out of touch. He supports Hillary for president.

  36. hillary is in the lead and there is 35 days until election day

  37. Joe Biden doesn't think Trump is fit to be president. He believes Trump's ignorance is profound. He doesn't think Trump will deliver anything that's gonna change people's lives. Biden even says he's working like hell for Hillary. He also knows her so he knows she cares and expresses emotion.

  38. If Gary Johnson beat Trump and Hilary then there still hopes left for America. Until election day...I hope Hilary and Trump will not become our presidents. Realizing that one of those two will become our president after the "Non politics talk" from the debate is just too pitiful.

  39. Hillary Clinton rises from the first presidential debate with a five-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency. Clinton's boost in the race stems largely from gains on Trump among men and sharply increased support from independents. Even Though most interviews in the survey were completed before Saturday that Trump may have avoided income taxes for nearly two decades, the results were clear that about three-quarters of voters think he should release his tax returns for public review. More respondents also see Trump's refusal to release this taxes as a sign that he could be hiding something else other than that being under audit from the IRS.

  40. Recently Hillary Clinton has been quoted with saying in response to Assange's promised release of important files in 2010. (Wikileaks owner), "Can't we just drone this guy?" (referring to using a drone strike). Trump has been quoted as saying Veterans with PTSD are weak.

  41. did you see the sign at the debate when trump was talking that said krusty krab is unfair thats how you know most people take this election as a joke

  42. Hillary Clinton rises from the first presidential debate with a five-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency. Clinton's boost in the race stems largely from gains on Trump among men and sharply increased support from independents. Even Though most interviews in the survey were completed before Saturday that Trump may have avoided income taxes for nearly two decades, the results were clear that about three-quarters of voters think he should release his tax returns for public review. More respondents also see Trump's refusal to release this taxes as a sign that he could be hiding something else other than that being under audit from the IRS.

  43. Joe Biden says that Trump isn't fit to be president. He says he doesn't have the energy to hold his own bag to the any of the 18 holes of his own golf course so he doubts he can do get up early everyday to do his duties

  44. Donald Trump faced down a political mess over his taxes Monday by touting his own brilliance, saying he'd beaten a bad system.\

  45. i feel as if this whole election this year is a joke. no one can take trump nor clinton seriously and neither one of them are fit to run this country.

  46. politics. I dont have a opinion on politics.

  47. LAWDD, Trump is close to loosing. everyones prayers were awnsered. i really dont like either of the canidates. BUT if it was between hillary or trump then hillary has my vote. even though i cant vote yet. I hope i can vote by 2020 beacuase thats when kanye is running for president.

  48. Several international stories headline today's show. From Japan, where Super Typhoon Chaba lashed Okinawa, to the Caribbean, where Hurricane Matthew was expected to hit Haiti overnight, large storms are taking a toll. Trouble in the region of Kashmir deepens a dispute between India and Pakistan, and voters have rejected an agreement between the Colombian government and FARC rebels. We're also exploring advancements in medical research and some challenges posed by Afghanistan.

  49. Hillary Clinton rises from the first presidential debate with a five-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency.

  50. Hillary clinton has rised in votes over donald trump. Donald trump is running out of time for the race.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. In my opinion i do not think either of them are fit for the presidental position. but if i have to vote for one person it would be hiliary clinton. i would most definetly not vote for donald trump.

  53. They have added two new members to the campaign do to the words that trump and clinton have expressed amoung each other

  54. highly doubt that Donald Trump is going to win a presidential spot in the white house. Hillary Clinton already got got more votes than him.

  55. Bill Clinton called Obamacare the craziest thing in the world. He announced it at a Democratic rally in Flint, Michigan. He stated that many people who shouldn't have applied or earned Obamacare is on the system. I do not know how to feel about this.

  56. I think that Trump is going to lose because his strategies for his campaigns are weak. All he does is bully people and bash them. Hillary is better fit to become the president . trump isn't even a real politician

  57. Vice President Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump in an exclusive interview with CNN aired Tuesday, saying that the Republican nominee "lacks any sensibilities about the American people.""He's not a bad man," Biden told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day." "But his ignorance is so profound, so profound.

  58. its sad when i was watching the debate and then i realized......one of these hypocrites are actually going to be OUR PRESIDENT!!Anyway if i were to pick a president it would be Hillary Clinton.I honestly don't know why people are voting for trump!

  59. Hilary Clinton is going to be president. She won the debate. More people are realizing that Trump is an idiot. More and more information has come out about him and why he is not fit for to run this country.

  60. Joe Biden says that Trump isn't fit to be president. He says he doesn't have the energy to hold his own bag to the any of the 18 holes of his own golf course so he doubts he can do get up early everyday to do his duties

  61. Vice President Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump in an exclusive interview with CNN, saying that the Republican nominee "lacks any sensibilities about the American people.""He's not a bad man," Biden told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day." "But his ignorance is so profound.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Trump keeps trying to defend his taxes saying he was smart doing it. Politicians are calling him out saying how taxes help pay for troops and more and its wrong for him to avoid taxes.This is making people think is he really fit to be the president.

  64. The supreme court has a very big amount of trouble dealing with race, now, as a new session begins, the court is delving into a set of racially charged cases in the explosive context of the criminal justice system.

    The cases could especially test a Supreme Court that has been trying to smooth over differences since the February death of Antonin Scalia and no Senate action on US Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland, nominated by President Barack Obama to succeed him.

    In earlier cases, he referred to "a sordid business, this divvying us up based on race" and insisted, "The way to stop race discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." Two years ago, the Supreme Court foreshadowed this dispute when it reinforced the principle protecting deliberations but said in the opinion by Sotomayor that, "There may be cases of juror bias so extreme that, almost by definition, the jury trial right has been abridged." Five years ago when the high court rejected a separate appeal from Buck, two justices (Sotomayor and Elena Kagan) said his case was "marred by racial overtones" and should be reviewed.

  65. Vice President Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump in an exclusive interview with CNN aired Tuesday.

  66. Hillary Clinton is in the lead of Donald trump by 6%. elections for the presidents rolls will began November 8th 2016

  67. if trump wins were all screwed..

  68. Hillary Clinton is now in the lead. I don't necessarily like her but she would definitely be a better president than Donald Trump.

  69. Hillary Clinton is now in the lead. I don't necessarily like her but she would definitely be a better president than Donald Trump.

  70. Donald Trump boutta lose and hopefully Hillary becomes Prez so we get saved from Trump's terrorism.

  71. Donald Trump boutta lose and hopefully Hillary becomes Prez so we get saved from Trump's terrorism.

  72. Clinton leads Trump by 8 points:Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is leading her Republican rival Donald Trump by eight points among likely voters, according to the most recent CNN Poll of Polls, released Monday. The poll average shows Clinton has 47% of support from likely voters, Trump at 39% support, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson with 7% and Green Party nominee Jill Stein getting 2%.

  73. I think the presidential election is a joke this year and both candidates aren't good candidates.

  74. I think the presidential election is a joke this year and both candidates aren't good candidates. Clinton only has a bit of support.

  75. Politics is basically when someone makes a decision for the whole community. Whatever someone in a higher position does something it affects the whole country in a negative or positive way. Its very important to be aware about political issues that are going on in the world so wont be surprised. Politics touches aspects of our life and we cant be blind about what is going on in the world.
