Monday, October 31, 2016

Hillary Clinton - New Emails

What is your feedback about this issue? One paragraph minimum


  1. I don't know its really whatever at this point with these emails.

  2. I think that they should leave her alone about the emails. I feel as if the US has more pressing things to worry about.

  3. Tbh, I don't even care about the emails. We all know what she did and what happened and all that. She has endangered us at all yet and the emails have no effect on me whatsoever.

  4. they should really just drop the email thing, no one really cares. maybe if trump wasnt such a bad candidate then mabey we would look at this like a big thing but really people look past it because they feel trump is much worse than Hillary even with all these fugase emails

  5. They tried to associate goverment issues with taboo conduct. nice

  6. I feel like this has nothing to do with Hillary's email and this was a way to throw the election and get more votes for Donald Trump

  7. The whole email situation in general is so elementary to me. It has become quite old now. Every week they try to find dirt to put on Hillary's name. I honestly don't see what the big deal is with her having a separate email account.

  8. They're just trying to make Hillary Clinton sound like a bad person. This is a way for them to get more votes for Donald Trump. The emails is old and shouldn't affect Hillary's voters.

  9. the emails have been what really set hillary back all because why would she use a private network. the email situation with the FBI was mainly how long it would take to actually now if the emails were actually hers. it would seem like the FBI is trying to give the united states citzens the right to now what those emails were about and if it were just talking to he realtives or friends then she might just win the election but if she was doing something that would make people think that she can't be trusted the she may lose. Hillary has lost what seemed to be a sure walk in into the white house with a 12% lead now its just below a 5% lead and Donald Trump may look to capitalize on this and try to expose Hillary and her emails.

  10. This whole system is rigid, two people that are in trouble with the law are running for president... wow. I just hope whoever becomes president fixes all the problems we have in this world.

  11. I wouldn't worried about Hillary's e-mail when the election is about a week from now. Also, if they are trying to make Hillary look bad so Trump can have more vote, then they are insane. Either way, both of them are gonna be a problem.

  12. Comey's notification to Congress of the review is rocking the final days of the presidential race. Democrats are furious that Comey would revive the explosive issue of Clinton's email server so close to the election. Donald Trump, meanwhile, is seizing on the review after spending weeks on the defense, hoping it will be a potent issue he can ride until the end of the contest.

  13. i feel like trump keeps bringing the emails up because that's all he got to say about her

  14. It is very suspicious that they didn't said it, that they knew about it when they found it out. But Donald Trump had a lot of things that made him look bad, so I think that it is not really going to effect Hillary Clinton.

  15. I feel that email scandal is drawn out and is not as of a big issue as it was in the beginning of the presidential campaign.

  16. The FBI just opened up another case about Hillary Clintons emails. I think that this is not fair because the election is less than 10 days away.

  17. wouldn't worried about Hillary's e-mail when the election is about a week from now. Also, if they are trying to make Hillary look bad so Trump can have more vote, then they are insane. Either way, both of them are gonna be a problem.

  18. I think that they should leave her alone about the emails. I feel as if the US has more pressing things to worry about. I feel like trump keeps bringing the emails up because that's all he got to say about her.They're just trying to make Hillary Clinton sound like a bad person. This is a way for them to get more votes for Donald Trump. The emails is old and shouldn't affect Hillary's voters.

  19. Its weird that the FBI didn't disclose this information sooner. Plus, there could be even more emails that the FBI haven't found. Those emails could have any information in them, even illegal information.

  20. This whole incident is something to get Trump to win the election. I don't think its a coincidence that the FBI came out with this right before the election.

  21. The e-mail situation with Clinton is a way for Trump to keep Clinton from winning the election. Also the fact that hes bringing this up at the last minute shows how desperate he is to win the election, no matter what the cost.

  22. The email issue is just another way for Trump to throw Hillary off. Trump is very deceiving, and not at all humble. If he wants to bring up old things, we can bring up all of the old things he has done. Although, this does put Hillary in a very difficult position. It will be very hard for her to talk her way out of this.

  23. The whole email situation in general is so elementary to me. It has become quite old now. Every week they try to find dirt to put on Hillary's name. I honestly don't see what the big deal is with her having a separate email account.

  24. they should really just drop the email thing, no one really cares. maybe if trump wasnt such a bad candidate then mabey we would look at this like a big thing but really people look past it because they feel trump is much worse than Hillary even with all these fugase emails

  25. I feel that email scandal is drawn out and is not as of a big issue as it was in the beginning of the presidential campaign.

  26. honestly i don't have a opinion on it. i don't know whats going on anyways.

  27. I dont have a answer too that because i dont listen too what she have to say because its all bull crack to be honest.

  28. i feel that trump caused this e mail scandal just cause the election is a couple weeks away

  29. I wouldn't worried about Hillary's e-mail when the election is about a week from now. Also, if they are trying to make Hillary look bad so Trump can have more vote, then they are insane. Either way, both of them are gonna be a problem.

  30. they should really just drop the email thing, no one really cares. maybe if trump wasnt such a bad candidate then mabey we would look at this like a big thing but really people look past it because they feel trump is much worse than Hillary even with all these fugase emails

  31. Hillary Clinton has been hiding these emails for quite a time now. I do not support the fact that she was hiding her emails. Now that they have been discovered, this may hurt her campaign, or help it. #TrumpForPresident2k16

  32. i do not think all of this is neccecary. In my opinion trump is losing the race so he is doing what ever he can in order to win. so he is looking for anything to win the race. since he is losing.

  33. everything is a lie, whether she said what was on those emails or not, it doesnt make a diiference.

  34. Honestly, truly whatever she was hiding had to be something very secretive the reason why they were hidden in the first place. I hope they go into detail and look at what was discussed. Hopefully it's nothing really important, maybe an affair or something.

  35. I feel like this has nothing to do with Hillary's email and this was a way to throw the election and get more votes for Donald Trump

  36. trump is making up accusation to make Hilary seem like a untrustworthy candidate. Trump knows he is hated more, that`s why he is trying to make Hilary seem worse

  37. This thing is kind of serious and nothing too much. because at this time really important to vote for new i think this happening does not matter.and actually anything does not matter if Hillary become a president but of course that must be fair.

  38. These emails shouldnt be a big deal trump just keeps bringing them up because thats all he can say.

  39. These emails shouldnt be a big deal trump just keeps bringing them up because thats all he can say.

  40. Its weird that the FBI didn't disclose this information sooner. Plus, there could be even more emails that the FBI haven't found. Those emails could have any information in them, even illegal information.

  41. I think it's not as serious as everyone is making them out to be. She's a politician, I don't know what you guys expect. It's better to have a liar in office than a rapist piece of trash.

  42. According to "The FBI stumbled upon a trove of emails from one of Hillary Clinton's top aides weeks ago, law enforcement officials told CNN Sunday.

    But FBI Director James Comey didn't disclose the discovery until Friday, raising questions about why the information was kept under wraps and then released only days before the election.
    Meanwhile, the Justice Department has obtained a warrant that will allow it to begin searching the computer that is believed to contain thousands of newly found emails of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, two law enforcement sources confirmed to CNN."

  43. According to, "The FBI stumbled upon a trove of emails from one of Hillary Clinton's top aides weeks ago, law enforcement officials told CNN Sunday.
    But FBI Director James Comey didn't disclose the discovery until Friday, raising questions about why the information was kept under wraps and then released only days before the election.
    Meanwhile, the Justice Department has obtained a warrant that will allow it to begin searching the computer that is believed to contain thousands of newly found emails of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, two law enforcement sources confirmed to CNN."

  44. The email issue is just another way for Trump to throw Hillary off. Trump is very deceiving, and not at all humble. If he wants to bring up old things, we can bring up all of the old things he has done. Although, this does put Hillary in a very difficult position. It will be very hard for her to talk her way out of this.

  45. I honestly think that the e mails are bogus

  46. i don't really care about the emails that much then have a man that wants to put the united states and allied country's into even more debt for building a wall which would cost at least ten billion dollars and that would barely make a difference in the illegal immigration since most come through with visa and over stay so no fix and Hillary is just a liar but besides that its fine.

  47. I feel like trump keeps bringing the emails up because that's all he got to say about her.They're just trying to make Hillary Clinton sound like a bad person. This is a way for them to get more votes for Donald Trump. The emails is old and shouldn't affect Hillary's voters.

  48. I think that they should leave her alone about the emails. I feel as if the US has more pressing things to worry about. I feel like trump keeps bringing the emails up because that's all he got to say about her.They're just trying to make Hillary Clinton sound like a bad person. This is a way for them to get more votes for Donald Trump. The emails is old and shouldn't affect Hillary's voters.

  49. they should really just drop the email thing, no one really cares. maybe if trump wasnt such a bad candidate then mabey we would look at this like a big thing but really people look past it because they feel trump is much worse than Hillary even with all these fugase emails

  50. The e-mail situation with Clinton is a way for Trump to keep Clinton from winning the election. Also the fact that hes bringing this up at the last minute shows how desperate he is to win the election, no matter what the cost.

  51. The email issue is just another way for Trump to throw Hillary off. Trump is very deceiving, and not at all humble. If he wants to bring up old things, we can bring up all of the old things he has done.

  52. they should really just drop the email thing, no one really cares. maybe if trump wasnt such a bad candidate then mabey we would look at this like a big thing but really people look past it because they feel trump is much worse than Hillary even with all these fugase emails, The email issue is just another way for Trump to throw Hillary off. Trump is very deceiving, and not at all humble. If he wants to bring up old things, we can bring up all of the old things he has done. Although, this does put Hillary in a very difficult position. It will be very hard for her to talk her way out of this.

  53. The e-mail situation with Clinton is a way for Trump to keep Clinton from winning the election. Also the fact that hes bringing this up at the last minute shows how desperate he is to win the election, no matter what the cost.

  54. The FBI just opened up another case about Hillary Clintons emails. I think that this is not fair because the election is less than 10 days away.

  55. I wouldn't worried about Hillary's e-mail when the election is about a week from now. Also, if they are trying to make Hillary look bad so Trump can have more vote, then they are insane. Either way, both of them are gonna be a problem.

  56. Pray for America. Well at this point I couldn't care less about Hilary since its not the first time I heard reports about her email.

  57. The emails have been what really set hillary back all because why would she use a private network. The email issue is just another way for Trump to throw Hillary off. Trump is very deceiving, and not at all humble.

  58. I believe the email situatuation is a prime example of how politics try to exploit your personal life for votes. I believe yes this looks bad but in all honesty hilary is our only hope for the african american community so we have to suck it up.

  59. I think everybody makes mistakes. some can come and hunt you like this.

  60. i feel like america just needs to realize what is important and irrelevant. they use such outrageous distractions to influence american citizens to vote for the opposite end. but in reality, all people do wrong so it is wrong to bash them for it. whatever is in her email is her buisness, and outsiders are wrong for invading her privacy.

  61. the emails have been what really set hillary back all because why would she use a private network. the email situation with the FBI was mainly how long it would take to actually now if the emails were actually hers. it would seem like the FBI is trying to give the united states citzens the right to now what those emails were about and if it were just talking to he realtives or friends then she might just win the election but if she was doing something that would make people think that she can't be trusted the she may lose. Hillary has lost what seemed to be a sure walk in into the white house with a 12% lead now its just below a 5% lead and Donald Trump may look to capitalize on this and try to expose Hillary and her emails.

  62. Comey's notification to Congress of the review is rocking the final days of the presidential race. Democrats are furious that Comey would revive the explosive issue of Clinton's email server so close to the election. Donald Trump, meanwhile, is seizing on the review after spending weeks on the defense, hoping it will be a potent issue he can ride until the end of the contest.
