Monday, October 24, 2016

NY times Tech

Find an article on this link and give your opinion, and reference the article.


  1. Regulatory Microscope Lies Ahead for AT&T and Time Warner (name of the article), my opinion is this sort of concentration of power over multiple fields of commerce, being internet and entertainment, would lead to serious problems, and it should not occur.

  2. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933

  3. Airbnb is suing over new law regulating New York rentals.

  4. As Artificial Intelligence Evolves, So Does Its Criminal Potential

    I think this article is very interesting because it warns us on new ways criminals can hurt us. Also I think the government has been able to do a lot of this stuff before they let the public know

  5. Russians where suspected of hacking the u.s. tech companies.

  6. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933

  7. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933

  8. A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire.Though he does not own a Galaxy Note 7, his reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung, the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country’s transformation from a war-torn agrarian nation to a global economic powerhouse.

  9. In Seoul, South Korea, Samsung is the biggest thing there. To them, Samsung could be the beginning and end of life. "Life can literally begin and end with Samsung: One can be born in a Samsung hospital; attend a Samsung university; honeymoon in a Samsung hotel; stock a Samsung-built apartment with Samsung appliances bought with a Samsung credit card; take children to Samsung amusement parks; and have one’s body, upon death, taken to a Samsung funeral center.", the article states and according to the them, they feel very embarrassed about the downfall of the of the new Galaxy Note 7. Now I understand why they feel the way they feel but honestly I don't think that they should rely so much on the brand because anything could happen at anytime to it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. According to The New York Times — A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire. Mr. Kim, 58, said he had felt humiliated, as if the non-Koreans in the airport lounge were looking at him.

    Though he does not own a Galaxy Note 7, his reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung, the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country’s transformation from a war-torn agrarian nation to a global economic powerhouse.

  12. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of nowhere. It is a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane and if a passenger boards a plane with it in their possession there will be a fine.

  13. Hackers across the U.S. infiltrated several major websites in three different waves, beginning on the east coast. Dyn, the major internet traffic monitor, was overwhelmed. They calmed the first wave in just two hours, but they kept getting hit. Major apps and sites were hit, including Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, Airbnb, Reddit, Etsy, SoundCloud and The New York Times. The FBI and Homeland Security said that there were also regular devices invaded, such as cameras, baby monitors, and televisions, without the owners' knowledge.
    I think this is terrifying and shows that the internet is just as dangerous as the real world. It shows that you can have thing stolen and you can be harassed just as well over the internet as you can in real life.

  14. rumors circulate about Microsoft's Azure. Microsoft says it will boost its stock higher than the previous highest record.

  15. There has been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are prone to catching on fire. In my opinion, they should have waited to release it so that they could make sure that the product was 100% effective and functioned properly.

  16. South Koreans are devastated by the Samsung Galaxy Note & being recalled and banned for flying on airplanes.

  17. According to, "A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire." Samsung needs to get their life together.

  18. the galaxy note 7 is being recalled. the phones are catching fire again. the phone was banned from airplanes because it was prone to catch on fire. a former galaxy has also been recalled before due to the fact that the phone was catching on fire from being overcharged. galaxy is working on all there new phones to prevent any new items from catching on fire .

  19. The galaxy note 7 was recalled.It was catching on fire randomly. do better

  20. The article that stunned me the most was "Cropped out my own fantasy". This article is about a couple who has been together for a while an then one morning the man broke up with the woman. The lady wanted their relationship to basically be like ones in a fantasy world but that just wasn't the case. Some long time relationships don't last but that's okay you just have to progress from that and fix the mistakes that you had an try again with someone you truly love.

  21. Samsungs are being recalled for catching on fire.

  22. the galaxy note 7 has malfunctioning problems and catches flames randomly so they recalled it

  23. the galaxy note 7 has really cause problems for the brand of Samsung and this really can't help the profits in which they lost over 5 billion dollars. this may end up back firing and put apple ahead of Samsung in the case of reliability. The country that they produce this product may loss some of south Korea value to people to think about settling there and making a new business.

  24. phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane.

  25. uber has the new driveless car it has 20 cameras all around it to keep it from hitting other cars and it also has a lot more technology to do with it.

  26. Samsung messed up when they made this phone. The reason why I say this is because they know that this phone would have a lot of technology in it, and that it had way to much in it. The sales for Samsung went down and the sales for iPhone's went up.

  27. The galaxy note 7 is being recalled. the phones are catching fire again. the phone was banned from airplanes because it was prone to catch on fire. a former galaxy has also been recalled before due to the fact that the phone was catching on fire from being overcharged. galaxy is working on all there new phones to prevent any new items from catching on fire .

  28. The galaxy note 7 has been blowing up and catching fire in people's pockets. Samsung has had to recall thousands of phones and they are losing money.

  29. Investors liked what they saw in the software giant’s earnings. Wait until they see how many value-building charges the company can add to computing

  30. i feel as though they should refund evrybody money back that has bought the galaxy note 7 and disclaim it and take it off the market

  31. The attack on the web’s infrastructure laid bare new vulnerabilities linked to our reliance on cameras, smart thermostats and the rest of the internet of things.

  32. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7.The galaxy note 7 has really cause problems for the brand of Samsung and this really can't help the profits in which they lost over 5 billion dollars. This may end up back firing and put apple ahead of Samsung in the case of reliability. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession.

  33. The galaxy note 7 has been banned from airplanes and has been recalled for reportedly bursting into flames. The corporation is suffering from this.

  34. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933

  35. They say the Galaxy Note 7 is prone to catch fire . Then isnt allowed to be on an airplane. You're allowed too be able to get a refund or an exchange.

  36. There are classes for you creating a mobile app. The "classes" are free and online so that you can learn the skills you need for creating something like that. You can create an app in a free software.

  37. I think that they should not sell galaxy 7 anymore if they know they could catch fire. They should not be allowed in cars or airplanes.

  38. A Russian was suspected of hacking U.S tech companies is indicted. Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Nikulin, 29, was arrested this month while vacationing with his girlfriend in the Czech Republic on charges that he hacked into computer networks at LinkedIn, Dropbox and Formspring, damaged computers and conspired to traffic in stolen information. Hackers have been able to operate in Russia with little concern about getting arrested, security experts and law enforcement executives say.

  39. Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 has been recalled for a while. Its affects reached South Korea.

  40. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933

  41. Shush... Do you hear that?

    Apple just released another product.

  42. A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire.Though he does not own a Galaxy Note 7, his reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung, the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country’s transformation from a war-torn agrarian nation to a global economic powerhouse.

  43. phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane.

  44. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933

  45. They are recalling Galaxy s7 Note cause the ar catching on fire and stuff

  46. When You Outgrow Your iCloud Storage
    according to this article,
    "A. Apple gives five free gigabytes of iCloud server space to every user to store mail and other data. If you exceed your allotment, you either have to delete files and old messages or buy more iCloud storage space from Apple. You can see how much space you are currently using on your Mac, iOS device or even a PC with the iCloud for Windows software installed.".


  47. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. do you think this is a coincidence or is it really a problem. the phones can be a danger to you and others

  48. With the right software, you can give your computer’s spare processing power to a research project (and maybe make the world a better place).

  49. the galaxy note 7 is being recalled. the phones are catching fire again. the phone was banned from airplanes because it was prone to catch on fire. a former galaxy has also been recalled before due to the fact that the phone was catching on fire from being overcharged. galaxy is working on all there new phones to prevent any new items from catching on fire .

  50. When You Outgrow Your iCloud Storage
    according to this article,
    "A. Apple gives five free gigabytes of iCloud server space to every user to store mail and other data. If you exceed your allotment, you either have to delete files and old messages or buy more iCloud storage space from Apple. You can see how much space you are currently using on your Mac, iOS device or even a PC with the iCloud for Windows software installed.".

  51. the phone was banned from airplanes because it was prone to catch on fire. a former galaxy has also been recalled before due to the fact that the phone was catching on fire from being overcharged. galaxy is working on all there new phones to prevent any new items from catching on fire .

  52. i dont have a opinion on this stuff. Its worthless.

  53. There has been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are prone to catching on fire. In my opinion, they should have waited to release it so that they could make sure that the product was 100% effective and functioned properly.

  54. any software people create can be hacked if it is personal software dont let people you dont trust see it

  55. "A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire. His reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung, the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country’s.

  56. The attack on the web’s infrastructure laid bare new vulnerabilities linked to our reliance on cameras, smart thermostats and the rest of the internet of things.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. russia is being blamed for hacking once again.

  59. Samsung messed up when they made this phone. The reason why I say this is because they know that this phone would have a lot of technology in it, and that it had way to much in it. The sales for Samsung went down and the sales for iPhone's went up.

  60. A Russian man accused of breaking into computer systems at three internet companies in 2012 has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Oakland, Calif.Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Nikulin, 29, was arrested this month while vacationing with his girlfriend in the Czech Republic on charges that he hacked into computer networks at LinkedIn, Dropbox and Formspring, damaged computers and conspired to traffic in stolen information.Hackers have been able to operate in Russia with little concern about getting arrested, security experts and law enforcement executives say, so long as they do not attack targets inside Russian borders. But they risk arrest when they leave the country.

  61. AT&T might buy time warner for more than 80 billion.

  62. I decided to do my blog on the article "A New Era of Internet Attacks Powered by Everyday Devices". It discusses specifically how the use of security cameras have evolved. It states that they were initially used just for security purposes. Then it explains how it could become a privacy issue, specifically concerning voting. Apparently, hackers could interfere with election systems.

  63. they are recalling the galaxy not 7 because it is randomly catching on fire.

  64. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933. this is crazy for all galaxy note 7 users because it is making it very hard travel making, this means that the Samsung company has done the opposite of there job, making lives less "convenient"

  65. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession.


  66. Galaxy Note 7 Is Not Samsung’s Only Problematic Product. Samsung has killed the Galaxy Note 7 Smartphones this passed week. The reason for this call back was because of the device continuously bursting into flames. Additionally, in Australia, there was a recall on Samsung washing machines, (about 114,000).

  67. the galaxy note 7 has really cause problems for the brand of Samsung and this really can't help the profits in which they lost over 5 billion dollars. this may end up back firing and put apple ahead of Samsung in the case of reliability.

  68. I think that every Invention has its flukes....including the iphone 7. Overall this is a very good phone. All they would have to do is Fix the battery, and the phone would be perfectly safe to use!

  69. Galaxy Note 7 has some problem these day and that phone a.k.a bomb.because that phone fire and burn.In my opinion, they should be make more safely to not hurt for person who using it.

  70. In Seoul, South Korea, Samsung is the biggest thing there. To them, Samsung could be the beginning and end of life. "Life can literally begin and end with Samsung: One can be born in a Samsung hospital; attend a Samsung university; honeymoon in a Samsung hotel; stock a Samsung-built apartment with Samsung appliances bought with a Samsung credit card; take children to Samsung amusement parks; and have one’s body, upon death, taken to a Samsung funeral center.", the article states and according to the them, they feel very embarrassed about the downfall of the of the new Galaxy Note 7. Now I understand why they feel the way they feel but honestl

  71. The article that stunned me the most was "Cropped out my own fantasy". This article is about a couple who has been together for a while an then one morning the man broke up with the woman. The lady wanted their relationship to basically be like ones in a fantasy world but that just wasn't the case. Some long time relationships don't last but that's okay you just have to progress from that and fix the mistakes that you had an try again with someone you truly love.

  72. taring intently at the dual screens inside a flight simulator this month at the University of Pittsburgh, President Obama tapped the controls in front of him, firing faux thrusters as he pretended to maneuver his space shuttle toward the International Space Station.

  73. taring intently at the dual screens inside a flight simulator this month at the University of Pittsburgh, President Obama tapped the controls in front of him, firing faux thrusters as he pretended to maneuver his space shuttle toward the International Space Station.

  74. my article is about Obama and what field he might enter after his presidency ends. the article says that he's been working with science and things like that during his 8 years of presidency and that he might get a job with something to do with technology. my opinion on this is that is great that he is preparing to get a job to support his family since he will not be the president any more.

  75. There's been a recall on the Galaxy Note 7. The phones are catching fire and exploding out of thin air. It's now a federal crime to have a Galaxy Note 7 on a plane. There is a fine if a passenger boards a plane with the Galaxy Note 7 in their possession. The maximum penalty is paying the cost of $179,933

  76. NY claims that Obama has "brought Silicon Valley to Washington".

    Vine is closing down so its a bit sad since it make me luagh everyday but I can see their reasons or understand why would a famous apps will be closed down soons. Honestly people these day take videos about other people without permission which is against the laws.

  78. The attack on the web’s infrastructure laid bare new vulnerabilities linked to our reliance on cameras, smart thermostats and the rest of the internet of things.

  79. A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire.

  80. A former South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire.Though he does not own a Galaxy Note 7, his reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung, the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country’s transformation from a war-torn agrarian nation to a global economic powerhouse.
