Thursday, October 25, 2018

Florida Governor Debate

Democratic nominee for Florida governor Andrew Gillum said some strong words to his opponent Desantis in the debate what are your thoughts about this Debate and the choice of words.


  1. In my opinion, Gillum seems to know more about his surroundings than his opponent. The word choice is pretty strong, but if he tones down a bit then that would prevent controversies in the future.

  2. I think he is saying what he has to say. If it wasn't true the republican candidate wouldn't have be so shaky and hesitant while Andrew Gillum was saying those things about him. I agree that he needs to be retired and cannot win November 6th on voting day. So Andrew Gillum spoke the . truth we been hearing about this for a while now anyway.

  3. Well Andrew Gillum did a good debate which made his opponent speechless. I do think Desantis could come back from the debate because that was only a piece of it. I would have to see the whole debate before I put my input in.

  4. I thought that the debate was pretty entertaining to watch. It felt more like a reality tv show than a debate for the governor position. Gillum had really knew what to say and had a response for everything.

  5. I do not think there were strong words used in this debate. Andrew Gillum looked prepared to defend his claims against Republican Ron DeSantis. The words some people would consider strong are when Gillum quoted words DeSantis used calling President Obama a racial slur and Gillum himself quoted "racists" by saying "...the racists are calling you racist." Ron DeSantis' demeanor looked as if he was responding in the moment rather than having an argument prepared.

  6. Andrew Gillum has the potential to become governor. Even though they backlash at each other about a certain topic. Desantis would probably come back on a few votes but I think Gillum will have the majority votes.

  7. sometimes politics can turn into comedy shows but they some times have a true point in it like Gillum what he had to say about desantis.

  8. It seems that Andrew Gillum has more incite of the area and also background of his country in general. For instance, when he talked about his component calling President Obama a racial slur and how his component called him racist when he is racist. Also Gillum always had a response for everything that DeSantis stated. In my personal opinion he was better because he is democratic and his responses where for my party. Overall it was a good debate.

  9. It will probably be DeSantis getting the majority of the votes. In my opinion I want it to be Gillum we don't need a person who called the first black president a racial slur.That is just should not be accept anywhere in the usa.

  10. To me he sounds like he knows what he's doing. He has major potential.

  11. There were strong words that were said but I think that Gillum has a lot of potential to become governor someday. Gillum also knows what he's doing.

  12. Gillum already knows what he's doing, he's very vocal on topics that are important and very relevat. He has a lot of potential and honestly he'd be a good mayor in Florida. Based off of his views and how he stands up for it.

  13. I mean he obviously knows what he is doing so.

  14. I thought that the debate was pretty entertaining to watch. It felt more like a reality tv show than a debate for the governor position. Gillum had really knew what to say and had a response for everything.

  15. Gillum knows what he is doing. He has a lot of potential to be governor.

  16. It seems that Andrew Gillum has more knowledge of the area and also background of his country in general. For instance, when he talked about his component calling President Obama a racial slur and how his component called him racist when he is racist.

  17. It seems that Andrew Gillum has more incite of the area and also background of his country in general. For instance, when he talked about his component calling President Obama a racial slur and how his component called him racist when he is racist. Also Gillum always had a response for everything that DeSantis stated. In my personal opinion he was better because he is democratic and his responses where for my party. Overall it was a good debate.

  18. It seems that Andrew Gillum has more incite of the area and also background of his country in general. For instance, when he talked about his component calling President Obama a racial slur and how his component called him racist when he is racist. Also Gillum always had a response for everything that DeSantis stated. In my personal opinion he was better because he is democratic and his responses where for my party. Overall it was a good debate.

  19. Andrew Gillum is a lot more smarter than we think he is. It shows in the way he destroyed his opponent by gaining information and using it against his aoppenent

  20. I have to side with Andrew Gillium. I say this because I feel he has more understanding of the area that DeSantis does. Gillium also was speaking the truth with evidence and truth while it seemed that DeSantis plan was just to bash Gillium.

  21. The Democrats totally have a double standard. They say one thing and then go back on their word. How can a Democrat accuse a Republican of being a racist and an anti-semite if they are doing the very same thing that they accuse their opponent of doing? How come is it okay for black people to say the N word, but a white person can't? Why do you accuse a Republican of being an anti-semite, when you do not even want the Nation of Israel to exist?

  22. As a democratic supporter I feel like my opinion will be somewhat biased, but in this situation I feel like personal attacks on your opponents ideals, that can be seen as offensive and non-statically based have no room in politics. Whether this man was racist or not, it has no place in public debates and using it to sway the voters isn't only unprofessional but also not very becoming of a 21st Century leader.

  23. I actually respect Gillum's strong words. You often here politics say whatever they think the public wants to hear, sugar coating everything so when someone takes a stand like this, someone like me who appreciates being straightforward, is actually pleased. Sure, he sparked controversy but Gillum seems to know more about than his opponent anyway.

  24. I knew this right?! I mean what's wrong with him it looks like he is having a speech one at a time please but that guy told the demecrat Andrew Gillum to wait for the applause first then go

  25. I think the us of the words he used were wrong and it wasn't called for

  26. My opinion on the debate , Andrew Gillum showed that he was more prepared to defend his claims against Republican Ron DeSantis. The words some people would consider strong are when Gillum quoted words DeSantis used calling President Obama a racial slur and Gillum himself quoted "racists" by saying "...the racists are calling you racist."

  27. Inh my opinion, he said what he said and that's that. Some people just don't have tough enough skin and are very sensitive. He did not use strong words.

  28. In my opinion, Gillum seems to know more about his surroundings than his opponent. He showed that he was more prepared to defend his claims against Republican Ron DeSantis. - Kenneth Wilson

  29. Andrew Gillum has more knowledge of the area and also background of his country in general. For instance, when he talked about his component calling President Obama a racial slur and how his component called him racist when he is racist.

  30. do not think there were strong words used in this debate. Andrew Gillum looked prepared to defend his claims against Republican Ron DeSantis. The words some people would consider strong are when Gillum quoted words DeSantis used calling President Obama a racial slur and Gillum himself quoted "racists"

  31. Florida gubernatorial candidates Republican Ron DeSantis and Democat Andrew Gillum engaged in personal attacks on racism and character during the candidates' final debate ahead of the November elections.

  32. Debates can lead to many arguments and questions upon others beliefs and morals. I don't personal believe that the words used were too strong for the debate. Although his words can be taken out of proportion it is important to remember that it is a debate and is voiced off of peoples beliefs.

  33. The Democratic Party was ready and spoke what needed to be spoke and lead to a good point from
    His side which is a very good way to persuade voters for him. He fights racism and many republicans have fit in the description of being rasict .

  34. In my opinion,Andrew Gillum has more knowledge of the area and the important background of his country overall. So he knows what he's doing.

  35. well, I don't know much about the govenors who are running in Florida, but from reading the article, it seems like Andrew Gillum understands more of the state, and the importance than Ron DeSantis does.

    ~Mackia Badio

  36. t seems that Andrew Gillum has more incite of the area and also background of his country in general. For instance, when he talked about his component calling President Obama a racial slur and how his component called him racist when he is racist. Also Gillum always had a response for everything that DeSantis stated. In my personal opinion he was better because he is democratic and his responses where for my party. Overall it was a good debate. Destiny Jackson
