Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Do you think that this scooter craze is a good idea?


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    1. They learned to ride the scooter when they're little boys and kids they had never ride a scooter before

  2. I think its an good idea. Because if its just down the street and you don't want to pay an uber or lift. For a few cents you can go down the street. On top of that it would be great for college students so they don't have to pay expensive prices.

  3. It looks pretty dumb. It looks dumb but I guess it works. If you want to ride to work on a scooter, that's your choice. Keep the scooters coming.

  4. ill Would say that scooters is a good and bad idea in the same time because that scooters is fun to ride whatever you wanted to go, and scooters is a bad idea because sometime its dangerous to ride in the streets that cars can easily to hit in the road and etcs.

  5. I feel as if its not a bad idea but its bad at the same time . I see them have some for Lyft but for uber to is doing way to much can they stick with one in a car and one with scooters . they can't let everyone that use Lyft a scooter because thats going to be to many because a lot of people use Lyft and uber .

  6. I think that this a horrible idea created by lyft. Some people may feel more safer in a car than a scooter, plus accidents are more likely to happen on the scooter.

  7. I think this great idea for company and people are in love with all the scooters. This is a another great way to make money for the company and the world.

  8. I think its a great way to get around the city without walking.

  9. I think its an good idea for the company and the people to do the scooters cause so many people love scooters.think its an good idea. Because if its just down the street and you don't want to pay an uber or lift. For a few cents you can go down the street. On top of that it would be great for college students so they don't have to pay expensive prices.

  10. i think scooters are really out dated . if they do this the only people purchasing would be christmas Maybe kids rather use hover boards or college students who mainly have cars. So this scooter thing will not be as profiting or as good of a company.

  11. I believe they look decent in the article, but realistically if they were to be taken into the public I don't think it would be a great idea considering the crowd control. Scooters don't necessarily have anything to protect a person unless you have a helmet on or something, but it is easy to get run over. I believe if it there was enough space, its okay. I mean you can do whatever you want, but the idea could be unsafe.

  12. I believe that its a good idea but its also not so good because its a new way of transportation but I don't think its safe to ride the streets.

  13. The idea of electric scooters for commuters is a good idea in my opinion because it saves gas needed for cars, but there would also be more harmful damage done to the commuter if an accident were to occur. In general, the expansion of Lyft's services was a good business move.

  14. I think these scooters are a great idea for transport to get around your neighborhood or town. I don't believe its a good idea to take long trips with these scooters though. Also I think it would've been a better idea to make a bike version of these scooters because bikes are more comfortable. Other than that these scooters don't seem bad.

  15. it is ok but dumb at the same time because people can get hit on those scooters and they say people would use those more often than their cars I think it looks like those people are having flashbacks of riding their bikes when they were little.

  16. i feel like this is a great idea for the community's transport to get around. They are doing great things with this scooter like saving gas and more.

  17. I think this is a wonderful idea. The reason why is because it actually cheaper to use a scooter than an uber and a lift especially if your only going down the street. It also let people who love to enjoy the scenery. Then it would be perfect for people in college so they don't have to worry about where they have to park or anything of the sort. At the end i think this a wonderful thing to have been invented.

  18. To me, i'm not really surprised about the scooter craze. Not much people ride scooters but i guess if some people want to travel to local places quicker, they can buy a scooter. It's pretty dangerous for pedestrians though, some places can be crowded and it could be hard to ride your scooter on a sidewalk without bumping or running over people's toes/foot or their body if even possible.

  19. Uber, which acquired bikesharing startup Jump in April, has been riders in San Francisco shifting from cars to electric bikes, suggesting the ridesharing giants must expand beyond cars if they don't want to see upstarts siphon away business.

  20. I think its a good idea. I say that because, its a faster way to travel. You can ride them on the side of street, so you dont have to walk.

  21. I think this great idea for company and people are in love with all the scooters. This is a another great way to make money for the company and the world.

  22. I think its a decent idea for having scooters as lyft. it is a better decision for people who wants to get to there destination faster without dealing with traffic and spending a lot of money. Also you got to remember it be crowded on the sidewalk so its still little difficult.

  23. I think the Lyft scooters are great idea. I say this because the scooters could be very convenient for college students. Therefore, college students will not have to pay the full price for a Lyft or Uber just to go up the street.

  24. I think lyft scooters is pretty smart. It just needs to go faaster, but the price is good

  25. I think this is a good idea. It gives the company an opportunity to earn more money. Also it gives people more of an opportunity to have transportation to get from a to b. Furthermore, these would the most beneficial on a college campus and used for getting to class. Overall it is a good idea.

  26. I think it is a good idea because it doesn't cost much to ride but I think it should be able to go faster than 15mph.

  27. I think scooter gaze is a great idea. I feel that way because it would make traveling easier and not cause as much traffic. Also it wouldn't cause as much pollution.

  28. its good because less polluted air and thats good in big cities.I wonder if you use it in small cites.

  29. I think that the idea has its pros and its cons. The roads are less crowded but it may be a little harder to maneuver around a street full of cars on a scooter.

  30. It has some good points to it, but is it worth it

  31. I think its a great idea since it can be more helpful to reach short distance locations.

  32. I think lyft scooters is a good idea. Its another way for people to get to another location. And this may give the company a lot of money. This is why I think its a good idea.

  33. I think the scooter craze is a good idea. It helps to reduce traffic in large cities, such as New York. It also open up more job opportunities, and in such a way that it won't hurt businesses, or consumers.

  34. I think the scooter craze is a good idea because you have people who are not comfortable getting into the car of strangers so riding a scooter can get them were they are going without them filling uncomfortable inside of someone car.

  35. When I first saw this in my city I thought it was something different but i aksed the people riding it about it and they said it was really slow. Overall its a great way to get around, it could change a lot of things.

  36. I think it is a good idea because it is good for transportation but not at the same time because there are a lot of risks behind it and public safety could be considered to be a big factor in that

  37. I don't think there is any point in having scooters. It's a waste of money and a dumb idea.

  38. I think its a good idea. Its a new way of transportation and will cause less traffic.

  39. Using a scooter is like using a motorcycle. I know they are both very different but using them isn't really that different. you must know that on both you should be more cautious on them cause since you don't have as much protection like the car, getting into car wrecks can be way more dangerous and trying to go faster to get to places quicker on the scooter and also trying to do tricks on it will lead people who drive it into more trouble.

    ~Mackia Badio

  40. While this scooter craze may reduce traffic, I believe the real beneficiary is the fact people are getting outside. Noise and air pollution are a major problem in cities with mass transports and I believe this is the best way for Uber to reduce and somewhat solve that problem.

  41. The Lyft scooter craze is good way of transportation however, may not be the most reliable way of getting around. It would provide less traffic and a better environment allowing people to get out more but can have problems with public safety.

  42. i think scooters are really out dated and lame. I feel like this is something that people try one time fro the experience and hype and never try again or rarely use it. - Ashlan Loyell

  43. I don't think it's a good idea. Sure, a select few people might prefer to get around by scooter, but how often do you just casually see that? I don't think the cost to make this change is worth it.

  44. I'm my opinion, this is a next step in trasportation. This could cause less traffic and a great way to get around.

  45. This would be a great way to lessen traffic for one two it would allow more people transportation which would lead to more jobs. The demand of scooters would rise which would benefit the economy. This also helps the environment from the diesel cars and trucks killing our atmosphere.

  46. The Lyft scooter craze is good way of transportation however, may not be the most reliable way of getting around. It would provide less traffic and a better environment allowing people to get out more but can have problems with public safety. Destiny Jackson
