Thursday, October 4, 2018

Presidential Alert

Feds send emergency test. Do you think that this is prompting Americans to prepare for something? What are your personal thoughts?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. to my thoughts is that the federal government has long had a system to issue alerts over television and radio. It has grown more sophisticated since it was created in the 1950s, and now includes a system to send warnings to cell phones, too.

  3. I do believe this is preparing America for something bad in the future. Because why would we need it. Think about everyone has a cell phone that's the easiest way to get in contact with everyone. So what's so important that the Feds needs to get in contact with us.

  4. I think that the Presidential Alert was a test for something that's about to happen. Trump also has to realize everybody in this country isn't about to bark when he say's bark. So something must be happening in the near future because they wouldn't just send a test out and say NO ACTION NEEDED for nothing. It also can't be turned of like an amber or weather alert.

  5. I don't think this is preparing us. I personally believe that they were making sure everything is good and in working order. So for future tragedies they have a way of communication for us.

  6. The presidential alert test from FIMA never came to my phone and my phone was dead but it did come on other peoples phones but I think they should do better than every three years maybe two years.

  7. I feel if about something bad is going to happen and why do we need it . everyone mostly has a phone so they can get in contact easy.

  8. I don't think this is preparing us. I personally believe that they were making sure everything is good and in working order. So for future tragedies they have a way of communication for us.

  9. I think so. the reason why is because I don't think they would do this for no reason. Something big may be happening soon so its best to get use to it.

  10. I think this is just the governments new way of sending the citizens warnings. Instead of the amber alerts for an certain area this will be for an Country wide problem alert. So like if something is coming and its gonna be a threat to the whole country it'll be easier to alert everyone. This saves more lives in the long run because it gives everyone awareness.

  11. I believe that these alerts are preparing us for something that is going to happen in the future. The feds wouldn't continue to send a message if they weren't trying to tell us about something. Cell phones are the easiest way for everyone to communicate with others.

  12. I think for now its just to see if it can reach more than 75% of phones. They should always try and one up next test like they said that they want the alerts to reach all phones no matter what. Even though we get the regular amber alert it might be efficient for disasters.

  13. The presidential alert said that, "IT IS A TEST" meaning that they might have just wanted to make sure that the message reaches out to every cell phone in case of emergencies.

  14. I think the alert was just a test for now. There has never been a presidential emergency alert before, so I do think that there is a brewing emergency such as a nuclear war. We all know Trump continuously threatened foreign leaders with nuclear was for no reason. Therefor, the alert that was sent on Wednesday is a message that we need to prepare for what we all knew was going to happen one day while Trump was still president: WWIII.

  15. I think it is bad because it did not work on my phone so they need to fix that because i dont want to die

  16. Yes they are preparing us for an emergency like if another country wants to bomb us we will be notified.

  17. I think that it's good that they're doing something to effectively test the way that the emergency alert system works, but I think they could've done it in a better way without invading someone's privacy.

  18. I think that it is prompting america to prepare. Considering that this is a test why do it now why not do it earlier. This could just be nothing but it is weird that they decide to do it now. Although the test was supposed to happen in September so this probably means that it was just a test.

  19. I did not get the text but something is going on and we don't know about it so we should brace for the worse.I am worried that not everyone will not get the text and its just a bad thing to think about

  20. I do not think this is any sort of warning of something bad about to happen. But in case something such as a terrorist attack or widespread natural disaster did happen, it helps to make everyone aware quickly.

  21. I think the idea is pretty smart but not entirely a good thing because once one of these messages are sent out they can't be unsent which means it could either be a false alarm and somebody could get in trouble for it or the real deal and that could cause the nation to panic in case of a Real life situation And people would go crazy and act crazy which would not be a good thing to let happen

  22. I didn't get a text or anything but I feel it could be a sign for something that might be going on.

  23. I feel as if they sent this out to test it out if it works from like an update or something. I wanna be on the bright side and say that nothing is gonna happen from this or that we are preparing for something big. But it could be possible that if something were to happen we are already prepared to tell everyone.

  24. I believe something bad is about to happen. I feel like this because why would they make this out of no where. Also the president is a stupid idiot that knows how to run a business but not a country. I guess we can live until the worse happens nut this alert makes me feel like the worst is coming soon. Therefore, i don't even like this alert.

  25. To me, we have to watch out for the government. After all the incidents that occurred with the white house and the government, we really can't trust them. So this alert we got we have to expect the unexpected. This is my thoughts on this.

  26. I think the text was to prepare us. Trump wouldn't just send a text for no reason.

  27. Maybe it was a practice alert because something bad is going to happen possibly in the near future. We never had this before.

  28. I don't think it's preparing us for anything. They're just testing a federal warning system. I don't mind that it exists as long as it's kept by qualified federal agents.

  29. The federal government has long had a system to issue alerts over television and radio. It has grown more sophisticated since it was created in the 1950s, and now includes a system to send warnings to cell phones, too. (The TV and radio system is tested monthly.)

  30. Yes, secrets are widely known in the government, it could've been the government to other officials and people around the country to start something that we'll find out soon about.

  31. The alert could be a test for something they want to try on later on once they get it complete. You could never know with the government. I could be an actual warning signal or it could be a test, we would have to wait and find out what the alert was soon enough.

    ~Mackia Badio

  32. I feel that something big or important is about to happen because the Feds are sending out text alerts to people cell phones.

  33. While I do feel like this is an invasion of privacy, I believe the benefits far outweigh the negative consequences. Battles and attacks can be sent in the matter of minutes and I think that the government is taking the right approach to minimize civilian casualties.

  34. I feel that this test will lead to many problems. Although it may provide a way of warning it can lead to having more tolls and less privacy.

  35. This is preparing America for something bad in the future. This test will lead to many problems.


  36. I feel that something big or important is about to happen and these test is preparing us for it.

  37. Yes, I do. I don't think that they'd just do something like this for no reason. We've never had alerts before and we've never had a president like this so I wouldn't be surprised if there are ulterior motives.

  38. In my opinion,his is preparing the states for upcoming events that would need to alert the people. This test will be successful and effective.

  39. The feds sending national wide messages is just them using our phones as a way to contact us directly in case of something were to happen. I don’t believe anyhting bad would happen to us anytime soon but this is if that bad thing would happen.

  40. I feel that this test will lead to many problems. Although it may provide a way of warning it can lead to having more tolls and less privacy.Destiny jACKSON
