Monday, October 29, 2018


What are your thoughts about this article? Do you believe that politics played a part in this tragedy?


  1. I believe that hate is the main reason to this tragedy and politics can be the reason why individuals end up disliking a certain group. With Trump in office making promises and changing words, people end up not trusting one another. He promises one thing to a group but says something else to another so that all will like him and be on side.

    1. I thought Donald Trump post it on Twitter and he broke a promise again that he shouldn't be but instead I told him not to break a promise

  2. The mass killing at a Pittsburgh synagogue, likely the worst anti-Semitic incident in US history, has Jewish Americans questioning whether they are now fated to live with the fear and threats at home that their community has long endured around the world.

  3. My thoughts about this shooting is that it is a tragedy and it should have never happened. I hope this shooting is a lesson to everyone and that violence is never the answer.

  4. I think so because they would have done something about all these hate groups in the US because the protesting in Charlottesville Virginia went to far with those hater groups I think if they did something about the hate groups it would not be all this going on.

  5. I think politics did play a role. Trump's indifference towards anti-semitism probably encouraged the shooter to think he was doing the right thing. America really isn't safe anymore unless you're a white christian guy.

  6. I do think politics had something to do with the shooting. Jews were targeted in this shooting as well as Americas soul.

  7. I can't really say I feel as mad as a Jewish person may feel but I'm disgusted at how people handle things. You'd kill and take innocent lives because of something you personally feel. To me politics didn't play a role in this incident because if they did more people would've committed this crime. This incident is just an act of pure evil nothing more nothing less.

  8. That it was really cruel to start killing Jews again. I do not believe that politics played a part in this. I simply believe that they did it out of pure hatred. They weren't even harming anyone. Maybe the next Jews and Refuges might not be as nice when they come to America.

  9. I feel like this country has learned nothing since Trump has been in the White House. Im not saying its politics but its sad to see that people still have hate and anger towards other cultures and show brutal force to these other cultures. In my opinion this just makes America loom very bad to other countries and people who are looking forward to living here. No wonder were the most hated country.

  10. I think politics did play a role. Trump's indifference towards anti-semitism probably encouraged the shooter to think he was doing the right thing. America really isn't safe anymore unless you're a white christian guy.

  11. Its a tragedy that Jewish people have to face this incident. For many years they been having hatred in this world. Also politics had nothing to do with this incident. I believe its from pure hatred from people who lived in there area.

  12. I feel like the politics did have something to do with the shooting. Jewish people was targeted in the shooting. For many years they have been hatred from the politics and they most likely had something to do with it.

  13. I feel that the future of this country is not looking to good because Trump is starting problems with alot of people and its causing things like this to happen which is just making the community a terrible place.

  14. I can't really say I feel as mad as a Jewish person may feel but I'm disgusted at how people handle things. You'd kill and take innocent lives because of something you personally feel. To me politics didn't play a role in this incident because if they did more people would've committed this crime. This incident is just an act of pure evil nothing more nothing less.

  15. After reading this article, I do think that political figures have played and part in this tragedy, as well as plain, unnecessary hatred. The gunman told an officer, "I just want to kill Jews." Jewish and Muslim people have long been branded as extremists, terrorists, and untrustworthy people for apparently no reason at all. Trump added to this brewing disaster long before the gunman killed these innocent people by calling Jews, "bad people". The United states was founded on the "unalienable" rights to "life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness..." for all people. As long as these people are white, they get to exercise these rights. The minorities are continuously being violated because of the religions, races, and political beliefs. This mass murder is no exception.

  16. I don't think that politics played a role in this incident. I say this because I feel that if they were involved then it would be happening almost everyday.Many innocent people were killed because of how somebody feels about Jews.

  17. I hope all this can stop soon or later and I hope politics had anything to do with it.

  18. Of course I think that politics played a role in this incident. We have a racist orange duck as the president in the United States. President Donald Trump publicly says statements that he does not want Hispanics in the country. Actually he said any "foreign people." That means anyone who he thinks does not belong. The people that support him and follow what he says believe this same thing so I am not surprised by the chain of events. While it is just a disgrace that this is even something that happens in our country, people can not be mad because they helped to put that racist dumb idiot into office.

  19. I don't think the government participated in the killings themselves, but I think that the murderers get away with killing minorities more than before, now that Trump is in office.

  20. I feel that what happened is sad and just evil.I think politics played a huge role in what happened. Most acts like this that occur in America are based on politics.

  21. I feel that this is a sad story for Pittsburgh. To what happen is just something that has to change for Pittsburgh. This is my thoughts on this article.

  22. I do think politics played a role in this incident. The killer did say he just wants to kill Jews and later claimed that the Jews were helping transport members of the migrant camera in mexico. This is a topic that Trump has been arguing about for the last two weeks.

  23. I feel that this is sad for Pittsburgh. Changes need to be made ASAP.

  24. I feel like ptsburgh needs a change

  25. That it was really cruel to start killing Jews again. I do not believe that politics played a part in this. I believe that they did it out of pure prejudice. They weren't even hurting anyone.

  26. I do not believe politics played a role in this tragedy, I believe antisemitism is the cause. All throughout history everyone has had something against Jews. Everyone is upset when people express their religion even though it is a right.

  27. I feel that politics did play a roll in this. Because they seem to have a roll in everything that goes on now and days.

  28. Why does the news have to make everything about politics? The synagogue shooting was driven by hate, but why do they have to blame it one the president? Since they are politicizing this tragic event, I must point out that their accusations toward the president and the GOP are false, subjective, and biased. How can they accuse Republicans of being Anti-Semitic, while there is much more Anti-Semitism present in the Democratic party? The man who shot up the synagogue hated Donald Trump, but the liberal media left that detail out. They also fail to mention that people Barack Obama, the Clintons, Beyoncé, and Jay-Z are Anti-Semites. Yet they to condoned their behavior, by completely ignoring it. The leftist media wants to blame all of the nation's (and the world's) problems on Donald Trump, because they refuse to hold themselves accountable for the problems they started.
    As for this "Caravan," do not be deceived. The liberal media will try to put spin, saying that Trump wants to strip away the natural human rights of people. But the only way an outsider can achieve equal rights with a U.S. citizen is by doing is the right way, by becoming a U.S. citizen. This is an invasion of our country, orchestrated by corrupt politicians and world leaders. These, "immigrants," or should I say, "illegals," (yes they are illegal), are trying to put the value their lives above that of the citizens. They think they can just walk across our border like we walk to a neighbor's house? We have no idea where some of them are coming from, no idea of their track record, (if they have been involved in criminal activity in the past), no idea if they are trying to smuggle drugs or weapons. We are not outright denying them entry, if they want to be here, they have to do it legally. I'm sure we have all heard of documented immigrants and undocumented immigrants. Documented immigrants are the legal ones, they have entered our country clean, they have given the government important information about themselves and have a set amount of time to live and work here before they need to renew their Visa, or "Green Card." Legal immigrants also have the open opportunity of becoming naturalized U.S. Citizens, this legally gives them the right to vote. Undocumented, or illegal, immigrants have not provided any information to the U.S. Government. We have the right to deport illegals, because they did not comply with our rules, our laws. The only thing that can save and illegal from deportation is by marrying a U.S. Citizen, or by having a baby in the U.S. That's it. This caravan does not have the same "legal" rights as us, they are invading our country, and it can be considered as an act of war. We have the right of defending our border, and we will defend it no matter how extreme or violent it has to be. We should not make our laws to accommodate people that are not even citizens, that are not coming here legally. The U.S. Citizens should always come first. Our own lives should be put first and our voices should be heard first.

  29. I feel like this country has learned nothing since Trump has been in the White House. Im not saying its politics but its sad to see that people still have hate and anger towards other cultures and show brutal force to these other cultures. In my opinion this just makes America loom very bad to other countries and people who are looking forward to living here. No wonder were the most hated country.

  30. I say racism in the country shouldn't be taken on other people. It is the reason why war starts and leads to terrible things/

  31. I feel like this incident was done on hate and not politics. The news and media always make a tragic event wrapped around the politics.

    I feel that the things shown to the community fuels the hate that racist suppress. Do i believe its because of politics? Not entirely, but i do believe our world revolves around politics, and that this is benefiting someone somewhere.

  33. I do think politics played a role in this incident. The killer did say he just wants to kill Jews and later claimed that the Jews were helping transport members of the migrant camera in mexico. This is a topic that Trump has been arguing about for the last two weeks.

  34. yes, i do think politics played a role.

  35. This was very crazy. I personally don't think politics played a role in this incident. Some people are just literal psychopaths. There will always be people like that in the world. It's very tragic.

  36. I think that politics played a role in this incident. We have a racist orange duck as the president in the United States. President Donald Trump publicly says statements that he does not want Hispanics in the country. As long as these people are white, they get to exercise these rights. The minorities are continuously being violated because of the religions, races, and political beliefs. This mass murder is no exception.
    (Isaiah Placide)

  37. I believe politics played a role in this but not a major role because hate is hate this probably been planned for a long time and the people are just now acting on it. -Jaila Lord

  38. i hate that this happend it was a senseless crime and more and more of these are happening and it's always the same crazy people that we put guns in the hands of people that have been in the milatary commiting these awful crimes
    ^brennan sanders

  39. I think politics played a role in this incident. The killer did say he just wants to kill Jews This was a senseless act of violence. President Donald Trump publicly says statements that he does not want Hispanics in the country. As long as these people are white, they get priveleages. He disregard the fact that regardless of race all of us are people and deserve to be equal. - Ashlan Loyell

  40. Documented immigrants are the legal ones, they have entered our country clean, they have given the government important information about themselves and have a set amount of time to live and work here before they need to renew their Visa, or "Green Card." Legal immigrants also have the open opportunity of becoming naturalized U.S. Citizens, this legally gives them the right to vote. Undocumented, or illegal, immigrants have not provided any information to the U.S. Government. We have the right to deport illegals, because they did not comply with our rules, our laws. The only thing that can save and illegal from deportation is by marrying a U.S. Citizen, or by having a baby in the U.S. That's it.

  41. The mass killing at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the deadliest anti-Semitic incident in the US history, has Jewish Americans questioning whether they are now fated to live with the fear and threats at home that their community has long endured around the world.

  42. I believe there should be two things done as a country more watchful eye on kids especially from ages 10-15 which is usually are the times that lead to these tragedy’s. Bringing kids with mental disabilities in to classes and theorpy. The next thing is to cut down on weapons more regulations more laws on weapon. It’s too easy for a kid to get a gun

  43. In my opinion,I dont think politics was a main role played in this incident. The killer stated that he just wants to kill Jews which is just tragic.

  44. Politics play a part in every hate crime. The surroundings that one is accustomed to, is a direct link to how and what the leaders of their community are doing to improve those surroundings. Though this horrific act wasn't a direct effect of Trump's presidency, something in this man's past or present influenced him to believe that this was acceptable.


  45. The mass killing at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the deadliest anti-Semitic incident in the US history, has Jewish Americans questioning whether they are now fated to live with the fear and threats at home that their community has long endured around the world.

  46. I feel like the politics did have something to do with the shooting. Jewish people was targeted in the shooting. For many years they have been hatred from the politics and they most likely had something to do with it.Destiny Jackson
