Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Comment on the Article below. Do you think more athletes should take this stance?


  1. I do think more athletes should take that stance, because their health is more important than a game and sport. He said "That the next hit to his head could kill him." Therefor I think everyone should, because life is more important. I know it's hard to stop something you love, but when it starts to affect your health, you have to do what's best for you. I agree that many athletes should take this stance if their health is affected.

  2. its sad his dreams wont come true and stuff, fate hit him harder than the guy who gave him that concussion, but all jokes aside, i hope he finds something else he good at.

  3. I believe more athletes should take the approach Coxson did. If not, they need to realize that their life is in extreme and serious danger. Coxson realizes that there is more to life than football and that there is life after football. If he continues it could affect him tremendously in a negative way.

  4. in my opinion more athletes should take a stance, your health should always come before any type of sports. he stated that it could have killed him had he stayed. thats dangerous and it should never get to that point. do the right thing by putting your health first. thats a life or death situation, would they really rather die by countinuing these parts or take a stance by taking care of your health? lets be smart here.

    1. I totally agree with you.Athletes need to put their health first.

  5. I do and don't think that athletes should take this stance because if they love playing the sport they should play it. If their life is being threatened and they could possibly die if they play the sport i think that that's when they should stop cause your health is more important than a sport.

  6. I believe that athletes should take a stance because their health is more an important then their sports ,

  7. yes because they can be hurt really bad just by getting hit in a football game the health is important.

  8. I believe that athletes should take a stance because their health is more an important than a sport

  9. I understand and agree with the stance he has taken because the athlete health is more important than a game or a sport as he stated in the article "It's been recommended to me by two neurologists and two doctors to retire from football. The next hit to my head could possibly kill me or be life damaging. This last one could be life damaging. It has taken a great toll on me. This concussion was a bad one. A Grade 3 concussion is real serious."

    1. i definitely agree with this, couldnt have said it any better.!!!!!

  10. I think more athletes should take this stance.Most athletes would not do this because they feel like they would loose their whole life.But again you need to be healthy most athletes need to follow this example or else they would die earlier if they have a health problem.Also this leads back to getting a good education in high school because you don not know what is going to happen in the future.

    1. I totally agree with you! People should realize their health is more important than a career.

  11. I think they should for a number of reasons . For example , they could really get hurt one day & wind up in a comma . They could also die ! By then their famous football career will be over .

  12. In my opinion more National Football League players should take a proposition against the league's safety precautions. A player's lifetime health is always more important than their maximum of fifteen year career. No life is worth a Superbowl ring or a two million dollar salary. It's sad that the League's owners make hundreds of millions of dollars off of their players but still don't care about the composite health of the league.

  13. I think so. If your dead you want be able to too play football. I don't think people should risk their life's for a Career. People should make their health more vital than the career. I would rather be healthy than sorry. My football career could be placed on hold. While, your health could more important.

    1. i agree because no one would want that too happen in their family just because how they carry themselves.

    2. i agree because no one would want that too happen in their family just because how they carry themselves.

  14. A lot of injuries come from playing sports such as football.concussions are a serious injury that can cause brain damage.

  15. I really do believe more athletes should take the this stance. Not only is it inferior to their health, but for many other reasons. Give up a little bit of the fame to stay well right? However, it's really the athletes final say.

  16. well i think athletes should just give themselves a little more rest after injury. just like the guy in the video said. so when they go back out their they will be ready for bigger hits and injuries than before.

    1. This is true , more rest can have a facter in recovery after injury.

  17. In my opinion, I do believe that athletes should take this stance. Not just football players or basketball players, every sport that requires physical or mental activity. Your health should always come before your passion of the game/sport. If you end up hurting yourself and not taking a break you could hurt yourself even more or make it fatal. So athletes need to slow down and stay healthy which might reduce the risk of hurting themselves.

  18. yes because they realize this game isn't worth your life,i know because i play football currently and had numerous amount of concussions in my life and i took a real good thought and asked myself is really worth it anymore?

  19. I would've done the same thing as him because the next injury could have killed him.

  20. A persons health should always come first. If his doctors and neurologists are telling him that he should retire and that another injury like that could be life threatening then the smart thing to do would be to take their advice.

  21. In My opinion, more athletes should take this stance, your health is more important than some sport or game. I would have done the same thing if that was me, Football is a tough sport and sometimes, it just takes one mistake to ruin your life, or possibly kill you. Coaxon did the right thing by stopping, but now he has to live a careful life now, if his head gets hit, its lights out, hopefully he will find something to fulfill the void in his life.

  22. Yes, because most athletes stay just because of the money. That is very problematic to their health and their futures. They should require physicals for players in every profession. If the injuries are very serious they should be made to retire.

  23. I do and don't think that athletes should take this stance because if they love playing the sport they should play it. If their life is being threatened and they could possibly die if they play the sport i think that that's when they should stop cause your health is more important than a sport.

  24. I think that athletes should do that because it does not matter how much you love the game if you could die from i think you should stop playing .

  25. he stated that it could have killed him had he stayed. thats dangerous and it should never get to that point. do the right thing by putting your health first. thats a life or death situation, would they really rather die by countinuing these parts or take a stance by taking care of your health? lets be smart here.

  26. I think he should take a break from sports if it ever becomes that serious to the point of having a concussion. This is a serious issue, and should be looked at as a sign that he may need a break.

  27. think so. If your dead you want be able to too play football. I don't think people should risk their life's for a Career. People should make their health more vital than the career. I would rather be healthy than sorry. My football career could be placed on hold. While, your health could more important.

  28. I think that he did the right thing because he really severe case of symptoms. When you have a disease like this you should really take some time off of a contact sport. Adrian Coxson did the right thing even though his career has ended.

  29. Yes I think more athletes should take this stance. everyone should value their health over their career.

  30. If this is his first-ever concussion, and it already has the potential to kill him, he should definitely retire from playing football. That shouldn't even be a question. Athletes should always have their own health on mind all the time. If you don't think about what can happen when you get hurt, you'll never know what to do when the time comes that you DO get hurt. Your life is way more important than a game. There are other things you can learn & do to make money, that are considerably more safer than football.

  31. Athletes need to do the same thing Coxson did. A game of football is not worth your life, if you are injured step down until you have fully recovered.

    1. Exactly, the regular injuries are bad enough, but when it threatens your life that's when you know you HAVE to back down and take it easy for a while.

  32. Anyone who gets an injury even close as bad as a grade 3 concussion must retire, it's too much stress and pain for anyone to go through.

  33. I guess that there are many more football players who should retire. Maybe they think that their career is more important than their life. That's just stupid and if it's really as bad as Coxson's situation, they should do the same he did.

  34. Sad enough to say but yea I agree that more athletes need to take this stance. I've seen a lot of 'BAD' hits in football and other sports. It's good to do something you love but when it starts to have an affect to your health you sometimes need to start looking for better options.

  35. Yes because most athletes stay just because of the money.athletes should take this stance, your health is more important than some sport or game
    Alexis Bush

  36. Athletes need to do the same thing Coxson did. A game of football is not worth your life, if you are injured step down until you have fully recovered.

  37. I do think more athletes should take that stance, because their health is more important. Eventually you gone die because they don't keep their health up.

  38. athletes health is more important so they should take this stance.

  39. I agree. you can succeed in other aspects in life. shouldn't base your whole life around one career that's detrimental to your health.

  40. Mia Reddick.
    It all depends of how seriously you take your life. Some people may feel like , they will be fine and be so dedicated to their dreams. However, your health is an important factor to you. Most importantly i do believe more athletes should take this stance , it will save their lives most importantly.

  41. I think this injury could have been avoided easily, you don't have to hit your teammates and go at each others throats at practice, that's unnecessary. only wrap up/soft hits and hit high.

    1. i definitely agree with this, couldnt have said it any better.!!!!!

  42. I think athletes shouldn't take this stance because their help is more important.

  43. I think that they should take the stance because at the end of the day a game is just a game but their health is what is really important.

  44. i belive the athles nee to talk to there choechs so they can protec them more better.

  45. I do think more athletes should take that stance, because their health is more important than a game and sport.

  46. I don't think thez should take this stance. Their Health is way more Important than anything else. They'd rather do something else than keep on playing and might die because of this. Just know when it;s time to stop.

  47. because i am an athlete , yes i believe athletes should take this stance . your heath is more important than any sport , do nopt forget that. why would you put yourself in danger over a game of foot ball , or basketball and such . yes , i love my sports , but your life and heath is much more important

  48. I think that more athletes should take this stance, because your health is more important than a football game or a sport.

  49. I think it's really based on the athlete's judgement, but it's better to take this stance in my opinion.

  50. In my opinion, I do feel other athletes should take this stance because injuries such as the ones in the article can cause you serious death. To be honest having money and fame isn't better than the life Allah(swt) has given to me. Retiring would be the best choice for these injured athletes and the their families.

  51. All athletes should put up themselves if they have medical/health problem. Its very hard for them to quit the sports they loved. Because they want to living their dreams

  52. i think that athletes should take a stand because they my give us entertainment but they pay the price by getting hurt but reals it is the opinion of the players.

  53. I think more athletes should take this stance. Most athletes would not do this because they feel like they would loose everything in their life. But again you need to be healthy most athletes need to follow this example or else they would die earlier if they have a health problem.Also this leads back to getting a good education in high school because you don not know what is going to happen in the future.

  54. If this is his first-ever concussion, and it already has the potential to kill him, he should definitely retire from playing football. That shouldn't even be a question. Athletes should always have their own health on mind all the time. Your life is way more important than a game. There are other things you can learn & do to make money, that are considerably more safer than football.

  55. I do feel other athletes should take this stance because injuries such as the ones in the article can cause you serious death. To be honest having money and fame isn't better than the life Allah(swt) has given to me. Retiring would be the best choice for these injured athletes and the their families.

  56. If this is his first-ever concussion, and it already has the potential to kill him, he should definitely retire from playing football. That shouldn't even be a question. Athletes should always have their own health on mind all the time. If you don't think about what can happen when you get hurt, you'll never know what to do when the time comes that you DO get hurt. Your life is way more important than a game. There are other things you can learn & do to make money, that are considerably more safer than football.

  57. I think athletes should think more about the health issues that can be caused by concussions . Your health is more important that playing the sport long term. It was a smart thing for him to retire because it shows that quitting isn't a bad thing when it comes down too it. There are other things you can do for enjoyment but you cannot get your health back.

  58. i think its completely their choice on weather or not they take it but serious injuries do occur and sometimes you cant prevent them

  59. i think its completely their choice on weather or not they take it but serious injuries do occur and sometimes you cant prevent them (this is david accidently forogt to sighn out of john lees account)

  60. i really think the athletes should take this stance because their health is more important and that if their not meeting their health standards then they don't need to be playing and they should focus on getting better.

  61. i think athletes should take a stance and actually say whats up because there health and there families will not be the same if something worse than there issue happens. money is not what life is about if you can't enjoy it.

  62. Yes I think more athletes should take this stance. everyone should value their health over their career because career come and go .

  63. I believe more athletes should take the approach Coxson did. If not, they need to realize that their life is in extreme and serious danger. Coxson realizes that there is more to life than football and that there is life after football. If he continues it could affect him tremendously in a negative way.( take action)

  64. I understand and agree with the stance he has taken because the athlete health is more important than a game or a sport as he stated in the article "It's been recommended to me by two neurologists and two doctors to retire from football. The next hit to my head could possibly kill me or be life damaging. This last one could be life damaging. It has taken a great toll on me. This concussion was a bad one. A Grade 3 concussion is real serious."

  65. I think all athletes should take this stance because at the end of the day, health and their lives matter more than their job, which is playing sports. No athlete should be forced to sacrifice their life for a check.

  66. I think all athletes should take this stance because at the end of the day, health and their lives matter more than their job, which is playing sports. No athlete should be forced to sacrifice their life for a check.

  67. I think all athletes should take this stance because at the end of the day, health and their lives matter more than their job, which is playing sports. No athlete should be forced to sacrifice their life for a check.

  68. I think athletes should take this stance when something is wrong with their health. When its something wrong with your health then you should be concerned and willing to take the stance because your health and life does matter more than the sport.

  69. I think athletes should take this stance when something is wrong with their health. When its something wrong with your health then you should be concerned and willing to take the stance because your health and life does matter more than the sport.

  70. Yes i think they should because their health is more important .

  71. in my opinion more athletes should take a stance, your health should always come before any type of sports. he stated that it could have killed him had he stayed. thats dangerous and it should never get to that point. do the right thing by putting your health first. thats a life or death situation, would they really rather die by countinuing these parts or take a stance by taking care of your health? lets be smart here

  72. I would have done the exact same thing because it could have resulted in him dying.

  73. I think all athletes should take this stance and start to worry about there health

  74. I think he is right. All athletes should worry about they health. I would rather take care of my health and worry about my body then die.

  75. I think he's doing what he feel is best for him and that's a great thing. No matter how big of a part you are to your team you should always do what's best for you and to him retiring is what he feels is best.

  76. He is right because all athletics should worry about there health.

  77. the athlete health is more important than a game or a sport as he stated in the article "It's been recommended to me by two neurologists and two doctors to retire from football. alexis bush

  78. I think all athletes should take this stance because at the end of the day, health and their lives matter more than their job, which is playing sports. No athlete should be forced to sacrifice their life for a check.
