Monday, September 14, 2015

iPhone vs. Android: Which is better?

Check out the link below and comment on which is better in your opinion. One paragraph minimum


  1. i don't care as long as i can call someone, im tired and i don't know why you asking me these questions.m i got a bag of hot funyuns in my pocket and there's African children are starving.

  2. i think the iphone is better because it has a better camera

  3. in my opinion, iphone's and way better than android. android has some features that are better than iphone. but overrall iphone is better

  4. Of course IPhone. The IPhone has better camera quality. Also it can store more memory. Also, but it's more expensive. In addition they crack easily.

  5. Honestly it is up to personal preference if people like android they can like it if people like the iphone they can like the iphone its mostly up to what you are using it for. in my opinion i like my iphone because of it the design and how easy it is to use for my classes and etc because i mostly use my phone for school and for personal use as well

  6. In my opinion iPhone is better, I love my iPhone and it works very good. Android has very many different features, and the features are a lot better. It may work a lot better than the iPhone, But iPhone also has different features than the android. So in my opinion I really can't decide, they both have good features about the phone and work very well.

  7. iPhone Apps Are First and Better Looking and camera quality is way better than Android

  8. in my opinion Android is better because it has better features.

  9. i think android is better because the phone looks better, CNN even aid that the camera is better, it does way more features than apple,charges faster,even has a water proof s6 phone. the only thing apple can do is face time, be honest if android had face time everyone would have it

  10. I think iPhone's are way better then may have similar features but overall iPhone's features are way better you see more people with iPhone's then androids anyways in my opinion

  11. I think android is better than iPhone.Android is not selfish like it have Bluetooth that you can send things to other people but iPhone you can not send to other phone.Most androids also don't easily crack unlike iPhone's.They crack easily.

  12. In my opinion iPhone is better. You can do much more like use FaceTime or Siri and you cave real emojis. With an iPhone you have a TouchID lock so the only certain fingerprints can get in, but you can't do that with an Android. And ovrall an Iphone is just a better option.

  13. In my opinion iPhone is better. You can do much more like use FaceTime or Siri and you cave real emojis. With an iPhone you have a TouchID lock so the only certain fingerprints can get in, but you can't do that with an Android. And ovrall an Iphone is just a better option.

  14. I think iPhone is better only because you can maneuver it easier. That's about it really.

  15. I personally think Iphone is better its features are amazing. The look and style of the phone is remarkable its like your whole life is in one box shape phone. when i had an android i had to download just about everything the iphone already has programmed in the phone by the time i finished downloading things to my android i had no memory or storage. I can do my regular everyday routine through my iphone i even can use my iphone with my car with out using an aux cord. the Iphone is helpful and useful in alot of ways. I can healthy organized and prepared at all times with my iphone and the camera is way better and clearer than the android products.

  16. this is really a personal opinion but for me i'm gonna say iPhone because I've never had a android phone before

  17. I have an iphone, I have had one all my highschool years. I honestly believe that the Android is a better phone when it comes to features. Although the android has many features and is ultimately better at listening and giving what the people want, the iphone is still better in my opinion because the simplicity of it makes it easy to understand which makes someone feel like they are getting their money's worth out of the phone. An adroid with it's hundreds of features makes a person feel like they never are getting their full money's worth. Also the android complicated structure makes it hard to understand at points. My point is, sometimes more isn't always good.

  18. I like iphone's better. iphone's can do way more things than android. the only thing that is better is the apps and the music. but in my opinion I think that iphones are way better.

  19. In my opinion, iPhone is immensely better than android. As a person who has owned both an iPhone and an Android I can confidently say-that iPhone is a better cellular device. Androids have specific hardware features but that's about it, iPhone's actually increase compatibility and have user friendly interface options. iPhones are more professional and more common, there's one iPhone and a million androids. In conclusion iPhone is overall a better customer phone than Android.

  20. i think that i phones are just a little bit more advanced than androiids

  21. Android is better they have way more features, also Iphones are really expensive and they break easily even though their supposedly made of metal.

  22. As you Count The Wins Its Is Androids Are Better Its Just I phones Are Popular Because Everyone Wants One or Have One So, They Think Androids Are Boring

  23. I use a windows phone but i would say an android is better

  24. i think the iphone better it fine with me

  25. i think iphone is better because you can facetime and emojis are better and the camera.

  26. there the same to me i still got my flip phone keep it trill

  27. i say apple iPhones are most popular because they are expensive and more productive the only thing wrong with iphone is the charger breaks too easily but android are cheap and not as fast as iphone but are durable

  28. In my opinion iPhones, apple products in general, are very good because the operating system is very good. Android has to work on so many different cellphones. But there are some Android phones that are better than the iPhone. The processing unit of Android systems is often better. I think that you pay much for an iPhone because it's an iPhone.

  29. i think android is better an iphone. personally i dont really care what phone people want to use but android is definitely better. androids are way easier to understand and use. also androids batteries are amazing all i ever hear is iphone users say is "hey can i use your charger?" or "aw man my phone is dead" and im sitting here on like 80%. i do understand that iphones definitely have superior cameras that is just an indisputable fact but i mean you can find an android that has a pretty decent camera also android screens are a lot more durable than iphones screens.

  30. AN.DROID. Iphones to me are too complicating. I've used one before and to me personally, android to me is much more sophisticated. It suits my tastes. Also to me android is much more sufficient in many ways. Once again this is MY OPIONION and no one can say anything to change it!

  31. I say Android. I've always used Android phones since they are easy to navigate and they can connect directly to your Gmail account, and whatever you do on your phone, you can go back and pick up from where you left off on your laptop or computer. They're also very customizable, and can be personalized down to a point that fits YOUR own personal needs. Even though I have to admit Apple phones are more aesthetically sound, the Android phone will outweigh that with its sturdiness, reliability and performance overall. Tbh its just a personal thing, but i'll always take android over apple.

  32. Specifically Phones: The iPhone trumps. Better security, better storage, it's just better. Android is just trying to play catch-up. iPhone comes up with more products every year while Android takes a bit longer than that.

    Overall: One device kicks Apple's but so hard they skip a few heart beats. Surface Pro 3. It is basically a laptop in the form of a tablet, and has both features. It has everything a laptop AND a tablet can do with just as much storage. AND there is a way to add more storage with a separate device. So, sorry Apple, you won the battle but you lost the war.

  33. iphones are better because you can face time with each people that also have them or imessage you don't have to download tango or glide or all these other different apps just to do one thing those apps also waste time and storage iPhones are more professional . there's one iPhone and a million androids with different name iPhone is overall a better customer phone than Android. ALEXIS BUSH

  34. Robert :I think that android is better because there more apps on the galaxy.
    Travon :i think iPhones are for business needs. Kids just took over the phone but iphones are number 1

  35. I say iPhone because females don't like boys with Androids. #Facts

  36. Android is better. Why? Let think about it. There is like more then 100 phone are partner with Android. Apple is on it own with less then 20 phone, a pad, a pod, a mac and well..............a phone. You can't develop many thing with Apple. It not partner with Google. Android is partner with Google and everything on it. iPhone are slightly the same software are an iPod and iPad. Apple devices crack easily. One drop, and it over. Android phone is on pretty much every phone. It easy to use. It features more thing then iPhone.

  37. iphone Is better then android because the apps and the cam

  38. Iphone is better. Period. For all the individuals who like the sleek look of the phone, the ability to get business done fast and the easy layout for simple use, understand why this phone is ideal for the everyday consumer.

  39. I personally think that they don't out weigh each other, because iPhones have a better camera, androids have the most memory, iPhone have the better apps, but on android you can get free music. There number of pros that they both have are about the same, but I would prefer an iPhone because of the camera.

  40. I say Iphones because the camera quality is better .

  41. Iphones once you get phone your are not going to want any other phone , Androids just got good screens

  42. I personally think that iPhones are better because i have never had a android. I also think that i phone cameras are a lot better than android cameras you can also facetime with a iPhone and many more things that a android may not be able to do.

  43. i say android is better because when you delete the pictures off the phone and file its completely gone on iPhones it still be on there. And also because i think its just better then an iPhone at times

  44. Apple is overrated and useless compared to Android

  45. iphones are much better they are made of better quality. they are also a much better and simple user interface. they also have a better screen pixels whys they are also just better,

  46. android is starting to have more to ofeer with new inovations like the s6 but iphone will alaways have better graphics and will always be eiser to use

  47. A IPhone is better then a Android because the camera quality is better then a Android. A iphone has better emojis and it has more features.

  48. Of the better of two evils, neither is truly perfect or better as one has a greater advantage over the other: I-Phones, according to most people, are better for camera quality, while Androids store the most memory and data. However, if one where to choose between either, the Android would be the most recommended, as you have a better memory hold, quicker access to certain apps and websites, and you can do more stuff with the Android (the best you`ll get out of an I-phone is descent music).

  49. i say i phones because it has a little more features than androids. you can ask sire a question and then it will answer it. it has a finger scanner so it will be easy to get on your phone. the phone is getting a little bigger each time a new phone is made. the camera has better quality.

  50. Of the better of two evils, neither is truly perfect or better as one has a greater advantage over the other: I-Phones, according to most people, are better for camera quality, while Androids store the most memory and data. However, if one were to choose between either, the Android would be the most recommended, as you have a better memory hold, quicker access to certain apps and websites, and you can do more stuff with the Android (the best you`ll get out of an I-phone is descent music).

  51. I really don't care. They each have their own pros and cons, but a phone's a phone.

  52. Me personally I feel like iPhones are best for me because you can face time at any convenient time instead of downloading an app to see one another. Also, like the website stated the phone could hear you clearly when you demand something. The only good thing about androids are their cameras because they can catch every effect in the background as well as the focus object.

  53. I believe iphone is better because it has better features and updating properties.

  54. i think both phones are awesome. they have there goods and bad but both phones are equally unique.but if i really had to pick i'll pick Android.

  55. I prefer IPhones, because they fit my needs better. Also I think that how the
    Apple products are set up are easier to look over, and to find stuff. I just like it more and think that the software by Apple is better than the Android Software.

  56. the iphone 6 is better due to it being more user friendly towards customers unlike the galaxy being much more buisness useful

  57. The iphone is not actually better than androids, androids come out with better interfaces, however people like myself prefer iphones. They are easier to use, and do not require as much system management.

  58. The iphone is not actually better than androids, androids come out with better interfaces, however people like myself prefer iphones. They are easier to use, and do not require as much system management.

  59. Honestly it is up to personal preference if people like android they can like it if people like the iphone they can like the iphone its mostly up to what you are using it for. in my opinion i like my iphone because of it the design and how easy it is to use for my classes and etc because i mostly use my phone for school and for personal use as well

  60. Honestly it is up to personal preference if people like android they can like it if people like the iphone they can like the iphone its mostly up to what you are using it for. in my opinion i like my iphone because of it the design and how easy it is to use for my classes and etc because i mostly use my phone for school and for personal use as well

  61. I honestly believe that IPhone is better because it has better features than Android. The reason is because the IPhone is the most selling product and it really can help you on your education and it is the most recommended device to use.

  62. They are different and have different characteristics that make
    each of them better to the people who have them. Since I have
    an iPhone i am bias towards iPhones. So in my opinion i like
    the iPhone better.

  63. I think iphone is better cause it has better features. It also can do more than a android. i will say i wish iphone had durability of a android cause iphones crack way to easily

  64. Mia Reddick.
    IPhones are better than androids due to the features of the phone. IPhones as well is the most selling product of phone usage. Majority times IPhones seem to move faster than androids. More so speaking of the apps, IPhones get all the apps before androids.

  65. There both different types of phones and have didn't features. i like iPhone better because the camera is better and the features.

  66. Phones are most popular because they are expensive and more productive then the android . they are also a much better and simple user interface

  67. I think Andriods are better just for the simply because you can do more things on it . It can also be customize more .

  68. The apple company has the best technology out right now ! Samsung will try their best to compete but they will never get there. #teamapple

  69. The apple company has the best technology out right now ! Samsung will try their best to compete but they will never get there. #teamapple

  70. in my opinion, iphone's and way better than android. android has some features that are better than iphone. but overrall iphone is better

  71. I phone is way better . And if you gotta problem with that come see me. Og two tone remember me.

  72. I honestly believe that the Android is a better phone when it comes to features. Although the android has many features and is ultimately better at listening and giving what the people want, the iPhone is still better in my opinion because the simplicity of it makes it easy to understand which makes someone feel like they are getting their money's worth out of the phone. An android with it's hundreds of features makes a person feel like they never are getting their full money's worth. Also the android complicated structure makes it hard to understand at points. My point is, sometimes more isn't always good.

  73. iphone is better period hands down.

  74. iphone because they have better features

  75. I believe that the iphone is way better simply because it has way better apps than Android and it is just more useful,

  76. i think the iphone is better because it has a better camera

  77. I think iphone is better when it comes to certain features. Some features Android is better at as well though. But overall I think Iphone is better because you can't facetime on android and that's a feature I really like to use.

  78. iPhone all day. Android's snapchats be lookin nasty and pixelated. 

  79. The iphone is not actually better than androids, androids come out with better interfaces, however people like myself prefer iphones. They are easier to use, and do not require as much system management.
