Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11 Anniversary

Write one paragraph on how you feel about the 9/11 attack. What are your unanswered questions? How did this affect us worldwide?


  1. i was 2 months old i dont know what happened at the time OK. i have no questions to be answered.they way it affected the world is it made airport security better. it was sad ok. and there is a whole bunch of jokes on the internet about it like really messed up jokes, for example look on youtube for a video called "were not aiming for the truck".

  2. I feel that 9/11 was sad because family were in those air planes . Those family were crying because the panes attack the twin towers

  3. well one what i think about 9/11 it is devastating to a lot of people. i mean i was probably 1 years old when this happened. a lot of people died. people say that this not only changed the world. but how airport security was more secure. the question is why wasn't airport security enforced densely before this happened.

  4. 911 was a tragic moment in american history. We have lost many lives that day. that fatal plane crash shocked the entire USA.

  5. When the 9/11 terrorist attack occurred I was only about 3 years old. I don't remember what I was doing but I do remember seeing the reports on the news that day. I'm pretty sure everyone has many unanswered questions: Who actually did it? Why did they do it? This has affected everyone worlwide, it has affected airports all across the US as well. Every year on this day there is extra security at airports, people are scared and paranoid to leave their homes, and people are just haunted by the memories and the feelings they felt on that tragic day.

    1. we know who did it.and we know why they did it. this deserves a 0% this information is incorrect.

    2. You Spelled world-wide wrong. you put (worlwide) in sentence four this is 1st grade English.

  6. I'm not sure what to say about the attack, I was about 2 weeks old at the time. All of my teachers leading up till now have been saying the same thing over and over, so I don't really have any questions about it anymore.

  7. It was the first multiple hijacking in the United States, and the first in the world in more than thirty years. On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists boarded four commercial jetliners, all transcontinental flights, carrying a maximum load of 11,400 gallons of jet fuel. Their objective was to take control of the planes once they were airborne and turn them into flying weapons of destruction.

  8. I was 4 months old when it happened so i didn't really affect me at all but 9/11 was still a tragic moment in history and the people that died will never be forgotten.

  9. When 9/11 happen i was about 6 or 7 months. At the time it happened i was in Brooklyn, New York with my family and my parents were on a cruise. I don't have any questions about 9/11 because I feel I know all that I need to know about this day. Rest all of the lives that were lost on this day from the people who were in the towers to the people who died trying to save other lives.

  10. I do not have any unanswered question about the September 11 attacks but why did they do it?Am not being racist but Muslims 'al-Qaeda' in particular do not like Americans.They have have a thinking that all Americans are bad.

  11. it was very devastating, sad, and tragic. families were lost during this time. people were killed during this time. this was very uncalled for and not deserving. these people didn't deserve this. what made them think this was ok? did they feel any kind of remorse or sympathy? can they only imagine how families feel? 9/11 changed america fundamentally.

  12. 9/11 was a horrible day in america as that is when 3 or 2 air planes crashed into the twin towers in new york fell and we lost many people do to this issue due to that day the united states had a stand still thinking about what has happened. kids stopped worrying about there family who have worked in there and much more.. after that the united states bumped up air port security and raised security even higher than where it was in the united states.

  13. In my opinion the September 11th terrorist attack was the most tragic attack to ever happen on American soil. This attack led to a decade long war, and even more American lives being lost. I was only two when the 9/11 attacks occurred, however I can still notice the influence those attacks had on American Society. Traveling is immensely difficult and Muslims are being unfairly treated.

  14. 9/11 was a terrible event for a number of reasons . For example , it killed a lot of civilians in the mist . Also its one of the major reasons the U.S. is still at war with Iraq . Many people are afraid of muslims to this day . In conclusions , this day was a natural born tragic ..

  15. I think 9/11 should always be remembered. It's an epic event that occurred in United States of America. People should be grateful that some people survived the epic terrorist attack. United States has a moment of silence and many events that respects the 9/11.

  16. i feel the attack was uncalled for and sad that people who worked in the trade center and was passionate about their job had to bed that night before not knowing that tomorrow was their last day.

  17. What happened on September 11th was horrible. I remember how mad it made everybody after it happened. It is something that will never be forgiven or forgotten.

  18. Well, it was obviously a sad event. The events the occurred after the attack really shaped the dynamic of America. It will always be remembered, and should be remembered that it was caused by a radical group. However, Americans should also realize that not all middle eastern & muslim people are terrorist. Due to the events of 9/11, it has brought a negative effect towards their culture.

  19. i feel that 9/11 is a very sad day in history then and even 100 years later. Countless Americans died for no reason. None of them deserved they were all minding their business.

  20. I feel like 9/11 was one of the saddest days. When i first heard it i cried cause i couldnt imagine having to go through something like this. Its scary. I had so many questions when i first heard about it. Like was anyone arrested, how do the people who survived feel, and how are family members of these people feel. Hopefully we wont have to go through anything like this again.

  21. On September 11, I remember the sorrow I felt for the people who were involved in the attack and all the people who were affected by the attack. It was a very depressing stage for people in the U.S. Some unanswered questions I have are if our President at the time George Bush had known about this attack before it happened, this was never really clear to me.

  22. 9/11 is still affecting so many people and so many families even though it was so long ago. i don't have any unanswered questions. It will never be the same because it will continue to be an issue.

  23. 9/11 was a horrible day for the untied states. I really think that 9/11 was a wake up call for the U.S. to advance security in the states. I wasn't even a year old yet so I don't remember it. The stories I have heard about it have been crazy and upsetting . Killing all these civilians that didn't do anything to anyone. Looking back on this attack just brings us as Americans closer together .

  24. I feel like 9/11 was the worst time for us. It were so many lives taken away in this tragic event. This was a big event and now we can go back and think about how lucky we are that we were away from this dangerous event.

  25. The incident 9/11 was a horrible occurrence in our history. This was a wake up call for us and i believe it made us stronger. Even though it lead a decade long war it was all worth it in the end.

  26. Of course sympathy for those who lost loved ones and colleagues. But also a degree of anger . I want to know how where they able to get so far with this plan and why they did it

  27. I was like three years old when the attack happened. I don't really remember it therefore i really don't have any strong feeling even though it was a tragic incident that shook the whole nation.

  28. I was barely born, so I don't know much. But I do know one thing, when i did find out it made my day bad. It makes me SO darn mad when i think about it. So many lives lost because of some stupid conflict. I keep my cool though, its important to remember not to overeact, remember our loved ones, and move on to forget about this terrible day in our past.

  29. though i don't remember the event on a personal level because i was very young, i still feel remorse for the ones that lost their lives in the tragic events. i always hear conspiracy stories about 9/11 and they are always really entertaining but sometimes i really wonder if it was staged. i know this isn't something to joke about or take lightly because a lot of people got hurt and or killed but i really always wonder if their is truth behind the conspiracies. it was very horrible day that i wish had never happened though but i don't have any personal feelings about it.

  30. I feel like 9/11 was the worst time for american or even the whole world many . It were so many incents lives an heros taken away in this tragic event

  31. It was a very terrible event that left many saddened

  32. September 11, 2001 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington D.C and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. ALEXIS BUSH

  33. 9/11 was one of the worst days in the history of the United States. I don't know why people do something like that and I don't think that I will understand these people.

  34. I was 1 year old when this attack happened but I do remember later on when I got a little older watching something with my mom on 911. I saw people trapped in those two buildings, all sorts of panic, people jumping out the higher levels, and just...endless havoc. I will never forget that experience it scared me to see that at a young age. The only question that I still have from all these years is "Was any of my family involved" I hope they weren't and are all ok but my family is from New York so it had a great impact on them and also has an impact on me. I still stress about the safety of my family anywhere since it's so big and grows every day, so I just consider it as a reminder of the importance of valuing life each day.

  35. The 9/11 attacks to me is a sing of wacknes to me we should have been abule to keep it from happining in the first place.

  36. Very sad time a lot of lives were lost.

  37. Mia Reddick
    The 9/11 attack was such a tragedy and left a lot of sorrow and depression towards others who were affected by the incident. I was very young when this happen, but as the years passed i was told stories about it. This is an incident that no one should ever forget and always keep in remembrance. I really don't have any unanswered questions , just the fact that people can be so evil inside to do things of that nature towards people and the world.

  38. this affected us by not wanting people to get on planes. it also cost 10 billion dollars to fix everything in New York. i also think it was an inside job

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  40. When the 9/11 terrorist attack occurred I was only about 4 years old. I don't remember what I was doing but I do remember seeing the reports on the news that day and that whole week.there are many many unanswered questions for victims families. This has affected everyone world wide. It has affected airports all across the US as well. Every year on this day there is extra security at airports, people are paranoid to leave their homes, and people are just haunted by the memories and the feelings they felt on that tragic day.this day shall always be honored by the us for innocent lives being taken in-vain.

  41. The 9/11 attack was such a sad situation and i don't think it should have not happened

  42. the 9/11 was a sad day and the worst tragedy that ever happened in America. Being 1 years old when this happened and not knowing what was really going on ever time this day comes around watching the documentaries on this day just makes me feel the depression of the nation at that time. I have not questions. It made America come together as one.

  43. 9/11 was a senseless attack on innocent people

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  45. It was a sad moment in US history and it will be never be forgotten.

  46. This was a horrible day for the whole world. Even at home in switzerland we all know about it. This Terroristic Attack was just an act of pure Evil and inhumanity. I was only 2 years old when the the Twin towers were attacked, so I don't remember what I was doing, but my Parents still do and they told me about it. It was just a normal day like every other, and at first no one could believe it.

  47. The 9/11 attack was a very tragic. Many people lost their life due to this tragic event. It was a very important event in the world we live in today and it will always be remembered as one of the most tragic events in history.

  48. The 9/11 attack was a very tragic. Many people lost their life due to this tragic event. It was a very important event in the world we live in today and it will always be remembered as one of the most tragic events in history.

  49. i think it is an awful tradgedy but tbh i think the us is heavily involved in this but it has effected the entire world

  50. i think it is an awful tradgedy but tbh i think the us is heavily involved in this but it has effected the entire world

  51. on 911 many people lost their lives and many lost their loved ones as well. It was a very horrific event and very rememberable. Every year we remember about the event and how bad it was.

  52. My thoughts on 9/11 anniversary is that it is very sad and and that america should not have been attack at all. The unanswered question is that why was it america that was attack out of the blew and who sent the people who came and attacked us. This effected america worldwide because those were loved ones that was killed for no reason and almost everyone in america had lost someone that day.

  53. 9/11 was one of the most shocking event in U.S. history by a terrorist group. people were trapped in the building and most died in there to. there was about 3000 deaths on 9/11. there were three planes that were looking to crash into the pentagon the white house and the twin towers. the one that failed was the white house in which it missed because the people on the plane stopped it from happening

  54. In my opinion the September 11th terrorist attack was the most tragic attack to ever happen to America. This attack led to a decade long war, and even more American lives being lost. I was only about 1 when the 9/11 attacks occurred, however I can still understand the influence those attacks had on American community.

  55. though i don't remember the event on a personal level because i was very young, i still feel remorse for the ones that lost their lives in the tragic events. i always hear conspiracy stories about 9/11 and they are always really entertaining but sometimes i really wonder if it was staged. i know this isn't something to joke about or take lightly because a lot of people got hurt and or killed but i really always wonder if their is truth behind the conspiracies. it was very horrible day that i wish had never happened though but i don't have any personal feelings about it.

  56. On the morning of September 11,2001, Its a bit hazy because I was only 2 years old. But all my life I been watching and hearing stories about it. All the stories I've heard is very horrible, sometimes I even caught myself about to cry at moments. Most of all, I thank my lord for not having me in that catastrophic predicament or having anyone I know in that situation. Lastly, I just want to say my heart goes out to the people that did loose their families due to the madness of the men under Bin Laden rule during 9/11.

  57. September 11th was the most tragedy ever because there is so many of people died that day. I learned about it when i was in 3rd grade. Its 14 years from now and i will never forget about this happened

  58. On 9/11, the world experienced a very sad day. Many lives were lost in the result of the twin towers being struck by two hijacked planes. The U.S found the man responsible for this attack (Osama bin laden) and killed him and id did not fell bad for him since he took so many innocent peoples life

  59. I feel that the 9/11 attack harmed a lot of people and traumatized their families. Even 'til this day, its a superstition to get on a plane on 9/11. Unfortunately, the tragedies of the past continue to worry individuals in today's society.

  60. I feel that the 9/11 attack was a sad time for Americans and their families. It also didn't just have an effect on the American families it effected the other families that were not terrorist but people thought they were. I don't have other questions.

  61. I feel that the 9/11 attack was a sad time for Americans and their families. It also didn't just have an effect on the American families it effected the other families that were not terrorist but people thought they were. I don't have other questions.

  62. I feel like the 9/11 attack was uncalled for . Innocent people were attacked for no reason . That was one of the most heartbreaking thing our country has gone through. It effected everybody , everywhere.

  63. Well, it was obviously a sad event. The events the occurred after the attack really shaped the dynamic of America. It will always be remembered, and should be remembered that it was caused by a radical group. However, Americans should also realize that not all middle eastern & muslim people are terrorist. Due to the events of 9/11, it has brought a negative effect towards their culture.

  64. Well, it was obviously a sad event. The events the occurred after the attack really shaped the dynamic of America. It will always be remembered, and should be remembered that it was caused by a radical group. However, Americans should also realize that not all middle eastern & muslim people are terrorist. Due to the events of 9/11, it has brought a negative effect towards their culture.

  65. When 9/11 happen i was about 4. My birthday day is also on this day . I don't have any questions about 9/11 because I feel I know all that I need to know about this day. Rest all of the lives that were lost on this day from the people who were in the towers to the people who died trying to save other lives.

  66. I hate to hear about this tragedy, I nearly cried after hearing about this for the first time. I feel bad for all the family members that were lost in the Terrorist attack on the twin towers.

  67. 911 was devastating to all of America. Thousands of Americans died and we will forever morn over their deaths. This was an attack on American soil so of course this was personal and if caused plenty of grief.

  68. 9/11 wasn't a good for the united states. I feel from what I have seen and heard that it was a set up by the government. Historian people have prove that there is facts that it was an inside job.

  69. 9/11 was a major set back for the United States. This event killed several people and also harmed many. This date is very important to the United States and will forever be remembered.

  70. i always hear conspiracy stories about 9/11 and they are always really entertaining but sometimes i really wonder if it was staged. i know this isn't something to joke about or take lightly because a lot of people got hurt and or killed but i really always wonder if their is truth behind the conspiracies. alexis bush


  71. It greatly affected this country's security and worldwide. I just want to know why they did it. 

  72. I hate to hear about this tragedy, I nearly cried after hearing about this for the first time. I feel bad for all the family members that were lost in the Terrorist attack on the twin towers.
