Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1, 2015

Do you think in the next 10 years robots will be able to do many jobs that day to day people do such as teacher, police officers, etc. ?  Give your opinion about robots and the future, and how you feel about the article below in one paragraph minimum.



  1. yea so im trying to get rich so i dont have to work and the low amount of jobs and stuff, i saw this on irobot and the robots went evil and stuff so i hope by that time i get rich

  2. I think that robots are going to end up taking the world over in the future. The world already dependent on technology. Most manufacturing jobs are taking over By machines, so the world really relies on technology. I agree with the article, it's true the world really will Be over powered By robots sometime in the future. When you think about how things were in the 80's and 90's, they Barely had any technology and they never relied on it Because they never had it. Like I said people now a-days are so reliable on technology.

  3. i do think in the future that robots would be able to do jobs that day to day people do. from the looks of the video they are already getting there. if they are able to own and open up a hotel and all those other extra things they were doing, in the future i think would be able to do more.

  4. i think robots will turn on humans and kill all of us then we will need to get kim jon un's bombs and use then on the mother board of all the robots the end

  5. Based on the world we live in today,I think in the next 10 years robots are going to be teachers police officers etc.People always tend to come up with new ideas everyday to make life easier.Technology is one of the biggest situation\issues we face today.

  6. Yes, I do believe that ten years from now robots will extricate many normal jobs from everyday citizens. Technology is already running everybody's lives, so to say that robots will soon have normal tasks isn't far fetched. Robots would be cheaper than paying humans which will attract most major corporations. Robots would also help people in ways that normal people can't.

  7. yes because people people wouldn't have to pay workers no more because they have robots i don't know if it will be teachers because robots wouldnt be able to do the same thing that teachers could.

  8. Yes I believe that eventually robots will be able to become teachers and I believe this for a number of reasons . For example , there are already robots out there that do difficult tasks everyday . A car itself is made by ROBOTS ! So with a little more studying to do by scientist , soon or later these robots will be smart enough to teach kids or even stop crime . For now we just used the help of actual human beings ..

  9. The fact that there's something like this amazes me, but I will still go for the fact that robots have a very high chance of possibly taking over the world. Although you can program them to teach kids or serve the country somehow, you'd think that everything would be alright. If that were the case, many people would go unemployed because robots have done and will do a better job than them. I think that's kinda unfair. If you want people to be more successful, make college free like in other countries. Anyway, it's cool that there's robots running a hotel, but humans first pls.

  10. I believe that in the near future robots will be able to hole more jobs. This world is already very technologically savvy so anything is possible. There are jobs that robots do today that humans can do like being a house cleaner. I wouldn't be surprised if robots worked for the world in the year 2019

  11. I don't think robots will be able to work as a teacher/police officer within the next ten year. I believe this because it is too much and it would take more than ten years for these robots to be made. If a robot was to be an officer, it would have to be able to run at fast speed if needed to, make the right decisions quickly, etc. What if the robot fell? Would it be able to get up by itself? And teaching is difficult because the robot would have to be able to teach the students in a way that they could understand, which means they cannot just talk endlessly about the criteria/standard, they have to actually teach (that's what makes a teacher a teacher.)

  12. i believe that robot will soon be able to fully function like a human if the speed of technology creation continues like it is now and eventually lead too two species living on earth

  13. i believe that robot will soon be able to fully function like a human if the speed of technology creation continues like it is now and eventually lead too two species living on earth

  14. yes i think in the next 10 years robots will be able to do many jobs. the robots in the future will have robot and everyone will get lazy.the robots in japan is so cool and the furture is going to be lazy.

  15. i think that robots in the next 10 years will be able to have some jobs that humans wouldn't really want to have. Robots will sooner be transformed into a whole new thing. They are soon are going to learn how to talk to people give them things, have conversations with them and more probably.

  16. I feel like robots are soon gonna take over jobs that are most useful to us like education. Education is most needed because it teaches kids about the past and history that they might needed to know for simple jobs in the future. education is the most important thing to kids and if robots take that field than there will not be any adult interaction or even the passion that teachers give to help there students on a day to day base...

  17. I think in the future robots are going to take many of the current human jobs. And they would be able to many more things then they are able to do now.

  18. well i think that robots will be able to do everyday things that humans do in the future. but they will never be able to do it as good as we do. there will probably be no robot that can cook some collard greens as good as my mom. even though as said in the article that they can run a hotel. does'nt mean that they can run a goverment. or drive cars effectively yet. not just yet. and i think that when they let the robots run the hotel. that should have been a practice run. and thats all it should have been because i dont think they are ready to take on more tougher jobs. they need a little more work.

  19. maybe, if they test them in a stable environment to test how those machines work in society. he said over 90 percent of the hotel will be run by robots. I think they will need security help and technicians to help stabilize the robots in the hotel.

  20. i believe that robots are taking over the world they are going to be able to do a lot of things with the advance technology that we have now a days. Just like how siri, its just as smart as a human. mabe even smarter./

  21. yes, i do believe that tens years from now robots will take many of our jobs cause everyone is going to want one and there is already robots out there , a car is a robot so many more people is going to buy robots and let them do people every day jobs.

  22. I think in ten years robots will take over the world to a certain degree. People are trying to advance robots now. We have robots already it's just not to public use. But in 10 years it will be an advancement to the community,

  23. In ten years robots will be able to do many things to help make life for humans more efficient. I don't see a robot being a teacher though with the Internet and computers becoming more advanced. They may be ruled out as being police officers too once people find out that robots won't be able to make judgement calls for "out of the ordinary" situations. As police officers they will only be able to respond to the things they were programmed to handle.

    1. I think that's true on some levels, heck, some people would probably be calling the robots racist.

  24. Yes. In Today's world, robots are already able to complete tasks that humans and animals cannot. They are able to serve food, and create meals. Robots are even able to look just like humans.

  25. I do not like the idea of having robots in the future. I just think that a robot can do the things human can. I think that having a real person in front of you is more beneficial than having a machine.

  26. i don't think robots in the future is a good idea. It will work for a minute.Then all of the sudden they will try to take over the world and we will all be destroyed. in tv shows and movies it always goes bad. its not a good idea.

  27. I believe in 10 years people will try and make robots complete all these tasks . There will be many places where these robot things will take place. I doubt that in 10 years it will happen in the United States because of the conflict already increasing with economic and money. There are already robots out there used for many things but 10 years doesn't sound realest. It seems way ahead of our time.

  28. i think were gonna have the same stuff we do now 10 years ago they said the same thing and look at the world

  29. I think robots will be able to do things that we can do today because they are robots and robots can do just about anything. I just dont think robots are a good idea cause they could get too smart and try to take over the world and humans. Which could start a war. I also think that if robots take over our jobs today we wont have anything to do.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. if it would be robots than that would be great and bad but i think were gonna have the same stuff we do now 10 years ago they said the same thing

  32. i think that in the next 10 years, people probably will have advanced more with robots, and honestly i am not pleased by this fact. Interacting with people is basic human nature, with robots taking over jobs, and everyday work, we start to lose sight of that. On top of that people will become more lazy and lethargic having a robot be at their beck and call, , like in that movie wal-e, people got so used to having robots do what they want they became to big to even stand. I think robots should just stay on television and not in the real world, so people don't lose sight on one another.

  33. How quick the world is developing robots will be able to do the jobs of the people. I believe robots can easily lose there minds and annihilate everyone. Even though it will be a good idea that can go wrong and you can't put a robot in jail.

  34. I dont think they will be able to the same jobs as a police officer or anything . I dont think that they will be able to be a teacher either . Cause how would they answer the questions the students ask

  35. I believe that robots have many capabilities now. they are able to do outstanding tasks even better than humans most of the time. I think in 10 years they will be able to do even more things, because of their makers having so much to program to do.

  36. in the future i do believe robots will do many jobs we cant do today but i also wouldn't want it. I think bout movies like i'robot think what if they take over and kill everyone in existence. That would devastate the world. Technology should only take care of certain things.

  37. Honestly i would like to have robots work for us but then again I don't the reason i say this is because now the world is going to rely on robots to do our every job. So thee things that could happen is people will lose their jobs and things like that.

  38. Someday Robots will probably take over the world someday in the future. Robots have the advantage over humans by being able to live forever, plus they can be way stronger and more resilient.

  39. i think we should have robots for the major things in life like working on nuclear weapons not the small things like walking dogs

  40. i dont think people would let it get to the point where they are stealing our jobs. i think they could do it though

  41. I think technology has upgrade alot

  42. Technology is always increasing and getting better because people are always working on ways to improve everything we do. Robots will be able to perform the jobs of normal people because a lot of people are working to make that happen.

  43. Yes i think robots can become polices , etc . I think since robots are man made they will be smarter that people cause they have human intteligence plus other smart stuff that they put in there .(Alexis Bush)

  44. i dont think that robots can do everyday jobs like humans they wont have the same ethic and feelings like us

  45. I do not believe in the next 10 years robots will be able to do the same thing as people. For something like that to happen it will take an extended time frame. Also many things either taught or worked on will not be beneficial for Robots to work on. However many advantages can come from robots doing the same thing as people.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I think that robots will be running everything in about 10 years from now. robots are the future.

  48. I think that the robots shouldn't because what about the hotel people they now have no jobs so what are they suppose to do now

  49. I do think that one day robots could take our jobs and change our day to day lives. The world is becoming more and more technological each day and the need for human life is wearing thin. Starting with this hotel in Japan, the world will continue to slowly transform into nothing but mechanic interaction.

  50. no because they had a tv show and they were in the future but its not like that.

  51. I think robots in 10 years aren't good. they will try to take over the world.

  52. I'm going to choose my words wisely. This is not a good idea. We can build robots to do simple things but having imperfect pieces of technology doing big work? We unemploy some people by using robots to fill their shoes. Maybe when our technology smarts grow we can start working on things like this, but i feel we just aren't there yet. Maybe for now this hotel can run, keep in mind the tech can be hacked and controlled by a psycho. So keep the programming safe. Also, this shouldn't be ALL robots, we should have some people making sure they do their job and nothing wrong happens. But when our robot smarts go up like i said we can perfect this technology and not have any problems in the future, but now is too soon, so work on perfecting robots before working on presenting the robots.

    1. And for all of you who think robots will take over the world, come on now that's only in the movies. They only do what they are programmed to do. That is probably the most I've addressed a topic, i really feel this is too soon.

  53. I think robots will be able to do lots of jobs in the future. But robots can be hacked and used for crimes or other bad things. I wouldn't do everything with robots. Jobs with military stuff or jobs where they have to distribute food or important stuff in general are too dangerous. Maybe I just watched the Terminator movies too often...

  54. Robots will be able to do everything we do now. the only reason it woudnt happen because they could turn on us and it would effect the economy.

  55. It is possible but i don't think it will happen.

  56. Mia Reddick.
    I strongly agree with the article as robots will be over-powering of our country in the next 10 years. Technology has been such an impact on people's lives in today's world. However,technology wasn't really a major impact back then as it is today. Robots due prove to be a prime example of how they will take our world as far as job capabilities.

  57. Yes, i feel like robots will be able to complete the jobs us humans do today . Robots are built to not make mistakes but humans aren't. So why not have a robot do the job when you know there want be any mistakes .

  58. i bilaeve that robots can do some jobs but not all of them like one they can not do is be a thecher.

  59. I don't think robots will be able to work as a teacher/police officer within the next ten year. I believe this because it is too much and it would take more than ten years for these robots to be made. If a robot was to be an officer, it would have to be able to run at fast speed if needed to, make the right decisions quickly, etc. What if the robot fell? Would it be able to get up by itself? And teaching is difficult because the robot would have to be able to teach the students in a way that they could understand, which means they cannot just talk endlessly about the criteria/standard, they have to actually teach (that's what makes a teacher a teacher.

    1. To add to your comment that looks amazingly similar to mine, I agree with you 100%. We have the EXACT SAME points in the EXACT SAME ORDER. It's funny, kind of seems like you COPIED AND PASTED.

  60. I think their is a possibility but i highly doubt it. I am still very interested in whats going to happen in the next 10 years. In my opinion there will be more advanced technology such as computers with advanced hardware. Robots will be a very challenging thing to build and i am positive later in the future we will have some but to me 10 years is not enough time.

  61. This does provide better efficiency at a portion of the cost of other hotels and suites, however with a robot hotel, this will most likely become a trend throughout the world that will reduce the number of job opportunities open to the general populace. This idea would be great if it would be restricted to a local area rather than a global environment, as it would increase tourism for Japan and its surroundings, compared to it becoming common and widespread.

  62. the world we live in today I just think that a robot can do the things human can. so we wouldn't have to do much

  63. There is a possiblity they could work as teachers/officers if they are made right . All technology has there glitches so i don't think it will be safe tbh . But we could give it a try .

  64. Yes, but the creation will make the unemployment rate go up because robots will start doing jobs for free that humans will have to get paid for.

  65. I believe robots will be able to take place of many jobs in 10 years as technology evolves. Certain jobs that involves machinery.

  66. I believe that robots could become workers but I do not think I would want one as my teacher or anything like that even if they are made to be smart and to not make mistakes.

  67. I think robots will be able to do a lot of jobs that us humans do. Just off of the evidence that technology is improving every second. So if humans care about their job they should stop improving in the technology field.

  68. I think robots are going to take all the jobs away from humans. Technology is advanced and has no choice but to get better. Humans should be prepared for a depression.

  69. i think robotrs will be the future but you can never replace a one on one teacher or a courageous police officer there will laways be jobs that only humans can do

  70. I think robots will dominate our future and will most likely take people's jobs. There will be a minimum number of jobs available to humans with the technology advancing as fast as it is currently.

  71. honestly, people are working on that so yes i think robots will be able to do some of the same jobs that teachers do . but this scares me because what if robots replace the need of teachers and certain jobs? what would we do then ? but still , yes i believe that robots will advance to the point where they can take away human jobs

  72. Robots might make stuff easier, but I don't think that they will replace them completely, because Robots Can only handle what they were programmed to handle, If something unexpected happens, they might wont be able to compute what to do and will end up doing stuff wrong or even harm someone. And I don't think that mankind is able anytime soon (next 10 years) to create an AI.

  73. i dont believe that robot will come in 10 years later. Maybe in 80 years

  74. I think that robots are a bad idea because they can always break or turn evil. But then again it is a good idea because robots could turn into our new workers and do the job better and faster.

  75. i think robots will be able to do many things in the future. But it will be a very diffcult project.

  76. i think that robots will be our future and that they will make our lives easier and more efficient.

  77. In ten years robots will be able to do many things to help make life for humans more efficient. I don't see a robot being a teacher though with the Internet and computers becoming more advanced. They may be ruled out as being police officers too once people find out that robots won't be able to make judgement calls. As police officers they will only be able to respond to the things they were programmed to handle.

  78. i think that robots will be a great help. its cool smart and who wont want to go to a hotle like that. but still people can get higher paying jobs. fixing the robots or up grading the technology.

  79. I truly believe that robots could do the jobs we have today. The one thing robots do not have are feelings so it would be a good and bad thing for them to do jobs.

  80. I personally do believe that one day the entire mankind will be whipped out by robots all over the world leaving many be jobless. So I'm guessing everyone would be getting free money from the work or labor of the robots. In my eyes I feel like life would be much easier. But then again I wouldn't want that to happen because they might start evolving more and more kill every human off. Which means the earth would just be full of robots. In others words, I don't want to die just yet.

  81. Robots replacing human jobs has been one of many subjects that have been heavily debated. In pop culture media, machines have been depicted as malicious mechanisms devoted to themselves whose ultimate goal is to eradicate humanity. From a viewers point, the possibility is highly unlikely. While the world is slowly evolving into one that is heavily depended on machinery, machines will not be the future: the machines we see today are just a small step compared to what can be really accomplished. Also, there is so much about technology that the rest of the world doesn`t know,due to most people not having access to it. The day the world truly unites will be the possibility that we may see robots being "the future".

  82. Yes I think they will be doing these and other jobs for us in the future. This to me is really neat! people always seem to bring up or hold the fear of robots taking over or turning evil in conversations like these but i don't think that's true. to build a robot with an intelligence equal to ours would be almost impossible considering we don't even know a lot about our own brain. also even if we did and succeed in making a robot of equal intelligence they wouldn't turn evil and want to destroy the plant because what human being even wants to do that. if they had out intelligence don't you think they would have similar morals too?

  83. Yes I think so. All of the bad things that is going on i do believe they will. Even with the new technology now its like robots. We don't have to do anything.

  84. Nothing will change in the next 10 years even if robots take over.

  85. Nothing will change in the next 10 years even if robots take over.

  86. I think that the world will change a lot if robots come into exsitense,and robots may turn on people and start killing them.

  87. Seeing that a hotel which is one of the world's largest running company is being run by robots is showing how technology is advancing in many different way. Now the effect on the world if one place changed how they run things we as Americans love change and accept anything that's not illegal

  88. Technology is changing in many different ways, but I do not think robots will be doing what teachers will be doing. If we do then we shouldn't use them cause now that's just getting lazy and that's what teachers are for, that will also cause less jobs.

  89. Technology is changing in many different ways, but I do not think robots will be doing what teachers will be doing. If we do then we shouldn't use them cause now that's just getting lazy and that's what teachers are for, that will also cause less jobs.

  90. I don't think robots will be able to work as a teacher/police officer within the next ten year. I believe this because it is too much and it would take more than ten years for these robots to be made. If a robot was to be an officer, it would have to be able to run at fast speed if needed to, make the right decisions quickly, etc. What if the robot fell? Would it be able to get up by itself? And teaching is difficult because the robot would have to be able to teach the students in a way that they could understand, which means they cannot just talk endlessly about the criteria/standard, they have to actually teach (that's what makes a teacher a teacher.

  91. I don't think robots will be able to work as a teacher/police officer within the next ten year. I believe this because it is too much and it would take more than ten years for these robots to be made. If a robot was to be an officer, it would have to be able to run at fast speed if needed to, make the right decisions quickly, etc. What if the robot fell? Would it be able to get up by itself? And teaching is difficult because the robot would have to be able to teach the students in a way that they could understand, which means they cannot just talk endlessly about the criteria/standard, they have to actually teach (that's what makes a teacher a teacher.

  92. The way that some robots, androids, and etc. are being developed there might be a possibility. At the same time though I doubt it. Many things are being developed secretly that hasn't yet been shared to the public. Little possibility but it is still there.


  93. I think in the future that robots will be able to do jmost people jobs. From this video it seems that they cab.If robots are able to own and open up a hotel, in the future i think they will be able to do more.


  94. i think its gone end up like the movie iRobot and the robots gone try to take over but somebody gone stop it but not a black cause we not dumb.

  95. i think its gone end up like the movie iRobot and the robots gone try to take over but somebody gone stop it but not a black cause we not dumb.

  96. robots will or might takeover the world

  97. robots will or might takeover the world

  98. I f this happens and the robots take over i hope im already with god.

  99. In ten years robots will be able to do many things to help make life for humans more efficient. I don't see a robot being a teacher though with the Internet and computers becoming more advanced. They may be ruled out as being police officers too once people find out that robots won't be able to make judgement calls. As police officers they will only be able to respond to the things they were programmed to handle
