Thursday, September 3, 2015

Migrant Crisis 9.3.15

Please give your opinion on the article below.



  1. its sad that people have to evacuate their own country. i heard of sending kids to war its really dumb, i mean if you gone send them to war wait till they at least had a childhood. the kids can barely hold the gun up, guns are heavy when you think about it, i hope they get a place to sleep though its cold in Europe and were do they go to the bathroom.

    1. The kids aren't being sent to war, they're being displaced because of war.

    2. and it makes no sense that kids have to suffer because of the war.....they did nothing to desereve it

    3. i agree because everybody doesn't need to be dealing with that.

  2. In my opinion, the fact that children can't learn because of wars is very depressing. The people don't understand that they're only making things worse by fighting. Nothing is being resolved, if anything their world is only getting worse. And the fact that they're risking the life of kids is not helping the problem.

  3. i feel so bad for the people in Europe and the kids there. Families are sleeping anywhere. to me it seems like there not doing everything they can to help them .

  4. it's sad that a child has to go through this,but i believe this what some of the very wealthy people should step in and invest their money and help assist the kids and parent's trying to go to school and work

    1. I believe the same thing and I heard this idea many times before , but unfortunately it has never happened and i doubt it ever will.

    2. Yes they should, but unless they're very helpful i don't think that's going to happen

  5. I think it's sad that little kids are going through things like that. It's very upsetting that children that actually care about their education are being punished. It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa. Those kids could be in class and really learning things but they don't get to. I just think that it's pitiful that little kids are getting blamed and punished for other people's actions.

  6. well in my opinion, viloence is not the answer all the times. now a days violence is out of control. i mean i know you cant stop violence and all. but violence does need to be reduced. because this accident where kids across the middle east are stopped from being educated is uneccerary. and very unfortunate.

  7. My opinion about the article is that Europe floods and they wouldn't let them on the trains are not right and they are us sleeping on the ground,

  8. I understand what it is like for you no to be in a country without active schools.The kids that are out of school are not going to have a future because they are not going to get employed in an office or an area once the job officers knows they won't get a job or even if they are getting a job it would not be a good payed job.I think that other countries needs to help out because most other countries such as The United States, and Europe have the money and support to help.

    1. Mia Reddick.

      I totally agree . As well,out of generosity,other countries should help the country that are suffering, that will be very beneficial.

  9. i think that its sad that people have to evacuate their own country. iv'e heard that these people where sending kids to war and i think that's really stupid. if your going to send them to war at least wait until their 18. these people don't understand that they are only making things even worse by keep fighting.

  10. its sad, kids and families are stranded outside. and the fact that these kids cant even get an education makes it worse. going to war does nothing but make things worse. i wouldnt even want to think about how it makes them feel and what they are currently going through.

    1. Its sad because the kids have no where to go cant even go to school. and they fact they are going to war makes it worse.

  11. Its crazy how the things people do for what I and others take for granted,. Children younger than are wishing for an education and dying trying to get it. I hope they find a solution to the problem. I wish it was easier for them to evacuate to another country but maybe the future will hold triumph to the issue.

    1. Yes, I also would have to agree even though i see some grammatical errors in the paragraph.

    2. I DO NOT AGREE. this is the most craziest thing that i have ever read. this deserves a 0% grade. this has to be a 9th graded. points made are key.writing skills are weak.

  12. My opinion on the article that I previously read has me heartbroken. Nobody should be born into such tragedy and hardships. It's atrocious that our world is getting this bad. I hate seeing ungrateful Americans complain about not having the most recent iPhone when young kids overseas are being forced out of their homelands.

  13. This is pretty depressing, knowing that you can't attend school or even enter a country legally. People need to step up and stop thinking about themselves for once, help someone out because most likely, you haven't been in their shoes long enough to know what they've been going through.

  14. I think it's wrong. The parents and the country should find a way for the kids to attend school. They shouldn't have to suffer because of the country's decision. The kids are going to lose education because of the time wasted.

  15. In my opinion i feel bad for all the kids who can not learn because of the war.. War should not stop a kid from learning honestly nothing is being resolved for their war or for the kids who would like to have a job as something when they leave there parents..

  16. its sad, kids and families are stranded outside.It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa. and the fact that these kids cant even get an education makes it worse. going to war does nothing but make things worse.

  17. I feel sorry for the kids and people in Europe. the kids ain't getting there education because of this war and people have to run away to near by country to get away from it all and it seem like no one doing anything about it

  18. In my opinion, the fact that children can't learn because of wars is very depressing. The people don't understand that they're only making things worse by fighting. Nothing is being resolved, if anything their world is only getting worse. And the fact that they're risking the life of kids is not helping the problem. its sad, kids and families are stranded outside.It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa. and the fact that these kids cant even get an education makes it worse. going to war does nothing but make things worse. This is pretty depressing, knowing that you can't attend school or even enter a country legally. People need to step up and stop thinking about themselves for once, help someone out because most likely, you haven't been in their shoes long enough to know what they've been going through.


    1. It's really sad to found this out it so messed up and I think they should really fix the things going on in Middle East and Africa

  19. its tragic how the people have to evacuate the country its just terrible

  20. violence is not the answer all the times. now a days violence is out of control. i mean i know you cant stop violence and all. but violence does need to be reduced. because this accident where kids across the middle east are stopped from being educated is unnecessary. and very unfortunate.

  21. This one of the tragic consequences of war. The civilians are effected the most in this scenario. As refugees flee to neighboring nations, the impact of a war on this scale also effects the citizens of these nations. Other countries in this region have to be on constant alert to prevent the war from moving into their borders.

  22. i feel sorry for the kids and and families that had to migrate out of their home because the despair and helplessness they felt must have been overwhelming. I think its time that us other nations come together and help these people, we always state that we want liberty and justice for all, well now its time to put our money where our mouth is and help these people, we have the connections,manpower, and technology, its time we use it for good.

  23. this is so sad to see. Living in those conditions must really be horrible, there should be more being done to help.War should not stop a kid from learning honestly.

  24. violence is not the answer all the times. now a days violence is out of control. i mean i know you cant stop violence and all. but violence does need to be reduced. because this accident where kids across the middle east are stopped from being educated is unnecessary. and very unfortunate.

  25. violence is not the answer all the times. now a days violence is out of control. i mean i know you cant stop violence and all. but violence does need to be reduced. because this accident where kids across the middle east are stopped from being educated is unnecessary. and very unfortunate.

  26. The fact that children can't learn because of wars is sad. Children shouldn't have to suffer because their government desires to go to war.

  27. It is really messed up on what is happening in the Middle East. These children cant go to school because of the war going on. These kids parents are afraid to let there kid go to school because they're scared something will happen to there child. On top of that these Kids are being sent to Europe so that they can get an education and get a better life. This is good and bad at the same. The reason why is it good these Mideastern kids are out of the war but the bad part is overpopulation of Europe in the future.

  28. Its sad that people have to go through this and live like this everyday. Its getting out of control and we need to help this situation. Violence wont stop but it can get better. Its even worst when we have to see children go through this. We should be grateful.

    1. It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa.

  29. I feel very bad for the kids in the Mideast because they have to sleep on real pavement instead of a comfortable bed that they are normally used to. The kids cant even get their education now that the schools are closed down.

  30. In my opinion, children not being able to learn because of war is very devastating to me. This has a major affect on the education of children happening. I also think it's really sad for people to have to evacuate their country because of this.

  31. This is just a tragic incident. Millions of children are not getting a proper education and some are even dying. The most tragic thing about this is the despair felt by a generation of schoolchildren who see their hopes and futures shattered.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. From my own my opinion it sickens me to know children cant obtain any sort of valuable education just because of war.

  34. the authorities need to let these people leave. i really don't understand why they are trying to forece these people to stay in these countries. children's education is being taken away from them and no one is doing anything about it. people are sleeping the sidewalks because they want to leave so the authorities are going to just step over them? these people have important reasons they need to leave and i understand it needs to be done in a calm and patient manner but to literally be doing nothing is just awful.

  35. its sad to see this but this is the world we live in.

  36. It is horrible that these kids and families don't have the chance to live in a house. There are huge problems at the moment in Europe. These people need help. But the EU is just too busy to concentrate on that problem. There are also many people who don't want this immigrants in their country. It happened in Germany that idiots destroyed homes of refugees. But many stars made videos and told their fans that they will delete every xenophobic stuff in their comments. These people should unfollow them and dislike them. My opinion is that the European Union should do more. They are humans and nobody should be treated like this.

  37. it's very sad that people don't have shelter and food

  38. it is depressing but you shouldn't overpopulate other countries

  39. i think that its sad that people have to evacuate their own country. iv'e heard that these people where sending kids to war and i think that's really stupid. if your going to send them to war at least wait until their 18. these people don't understand that they are only making things even worse by keep fighting.

  40. kids not being able to go to school is sad. On top of that its because of war. There will be a part of that countries generation where there will be a decrease in learning and growth.

  41. I find it hard to watch because being the fact that this unfortunately is not new but still people in other countries struggle to get their families through life especially their children. Then being the fact that the country they live in is at war or because of government or whatever the reason may be that puts their lives in jeopardy. This is not new so why hasn't anyone come up with a solution yet?

  42. i feel so bad for the people over there the fact that children can't learn because of wars is very sad Alexis Bush

  43. its sad, kids and families are stranded outside.It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa. and the fact that these kids cant even get an education makes it worse. going to war does nothing but make things the usa need to step in an help

  44. Wow. This is so sad. It not like everyone can drown and die or something. We all die at some point. That kid that died is a lesson. And that lesson is never wonder around without an adult. I feel bad for that kid.

  45. I find it disturbing to know we live in a world were kids can not go to school and get an education. What makes it worse is many families are stranded without a home due to the war. Just the thought of evacuating your country due to a war is the saddest thing.

  46. I think it is highly unfair that we are all not provided free education. If we all cannot learn on the same level, we cannot develope as neccesary and become better people.

  47. I don't think its right because the kids in Europe are getting there education because of the war and people have to leave whats left behind just so nothing bad happens to them or their family. all of it is basically unfair because people shouldn't have to live their life like that.

  48. Mia Reddick.

    This is a terrible thing for kids to not get their education because the war is going on. The children cant even live their childhood in a more careful way because of factors like this going on. As well, this make the kids be behind in school because war can last months and that is a lot of time they miss out on schoolwork.

  49. this is not right for people to have to leave there country to find a better place for there family's.

  50. Its unfortunate that they don't have any shelter and the kids are suffering due to flooding.

  51. It is a real shame for them,they cant even eat. but it is truly a blessing that i live in america where you can do anything you want and feel safe while the rest of the worst is going through a war and i can sleep in my bed with food in my stomach and wake up and life day by day to try to get the pursuit of happiness .

  52. It is very unfair that kids are not getting any shelter or education because of a war . A war is temporary but, education last forever. I hate to see this type of activity going on in this world. Let the kids get their education

  53. I think that is very unfair and messed up that the kids cant get their education because of the things that are happening around them.

  54. it bad that those kids cant get an education just because of a war these kids are innocent and should not be punished.

  55. i think its messed up because they are getting treated horrible and its unfair

  56. The problem with this mass imigration is that the european countries often can't handle all of this refugees. Because of this they don't really support people that need to flee because of war, but just pick them up as soon as they are close to the coast to make sure that as m,any as possible don't die. This non support of eurpoean countries, wich is understandable, there are a lot of people who sell tickets or voyages to europe buy really cheap and bad ships, and many people have to do, wich is terrible.

  57. I think it's wrong. The parents and the country should find a way for the kids to attend school. They shouldn't have to suffer because of the country's decision. The kids are going to lose education because of the time wasted. This need to be corrected not only for the kids but for the entire country.

  58. I think it's sad that little kids are going through things like that. It's very upsetting that children that actually care about their education are being punished. I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa. They could be learning things that they dont know but they can't and its horrible.

    1. I agree with you because the kids should not have to go through this.They need a better future and people to look up to.

    2. i agree with you on a lot of it because kids should not have to go through what these kids are going though right now

  59. I think that it is sad for those people to have to live on the streets by force, i don't think that those people deserve to be treated that way

  60. i think this a really bad. i don't believe that any one should be be treat this way it is horrible. these people need all the help they need at this point in time. it is shameful to see army people act this way to people in need.

  61. I had a good friend who lived in Syria, who I talked to online. One day, he disappeared and never logged on again. He said before his disappearance that he would have to go away for awhile and that he didn't know if he'd ever be able to log on again. He wasn't specific about it, but I think this is what might have happened.

  62. it is sad that kids are forced to move out of their homes and away from their friends and family, just to survive. Have we really come to a point where most people dont know anything but war? and now Europe is in shambles trying to take care of all the refugees and is overpopulated. The people causing this must be stop, where do we draw the line? How long before its our turn, we have to band together and fight this evil, instead of just turning a blind eye.

  63. Its sad because people are losing there lifes and education .It comes to show things will never change. Those people deserve a better life rather then what they are living now.Its unfortunate

  64. Its sad because people are losing there lifes and education .It comes to show things will never change. Those people deserve a better life rather then what they are living now.Its unfortunate

    1. I agree with Yanelys because it is highly unfortunate that everyone is not receiving equal education.

  65. It's sad that because war is effecting how kids learn. You learn basic fundamentals at a very young age and kids are being deprived of it. This needs to be stopped and fixed . It's unacceptable.

  66. it is sad that children have to go through this. And kids cant learn because they are going through war.

  67. it's sad that a child has to go through this,but i believe this what some of the very wealthy people should step in and invest their money and help assist the kids and parent's trying to go to school and work

  68. This one of the tragic consequences of war. The civilians are effected the most in this scenario. As refugees flee to neighboring nations, the impact of a war on this scale also effects the citizens of these nations. Other countries in this region have to be on constant alert to prevent the war from moving into their borders.

  69. It is sad that kids futures are being crashed, they shouldn't have to go through things like that.

  70. To be honest, I'm not trying to knock anyone. But I feel like Kanye West would not make a good president for the year 2020. Kanye is known for a lot of things and is excellent at doing them. In my opinion, he is a rapper, designer, songwriter etc. but I believe he cannot rule and solve problems and make things better for the United States of America. If he was to win the election I hope he don't let Barack Obama or the next president coming hardwork go to waste.

  71. its sad, kids and families are stranded outside. and the fact that these kids cant even get an education makes it worse. going to war does nothing but make things worse. i wouldnt even want to think about how it makes them feel and what they are currently going through.

  72. It is sad. Kids don't get the education they need in life. They are also showing that kids lives don't matter. I feel sorry for those families who has lost their kid because of this.

  73. I think it's sad that little kids are going through things like that. It's very upsetting that children that actually care about their education are being punished. It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa.

  74. I think it's sad that little kids are going through things like that. It's very upsetting that children that actually care about their education are being punished. It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa.

  75. it's sad that a child has to go through this,but i believe this what some of the very wealthy people should step in and invest their money and help assist the kids and parent's trying to go to school and work

  76. The fact that many people are having to leave their homes because of wars is very sad. I think more things should be done to help them. They clearly are need of some help.

  77. I think the European government should build public housing for these people or build homes on vacant land so that they have some where to stay.

  78. This one of the tragic consequences of war. The civilians are effected the most in this scenario. As refugees flee to neighboring nations, the impact of a war on this scale also effects the citizens of these nations. Other countries in this region have to be on constant alert to prevent the war from moving into their borders.

  79. I cant imagine leaving my house. It is so sad that people have to do that. I hope that the families can reunite and have a better life.

  80. Its sad those people are getting kicked out there house.

  81. it's sad that little kids are going through things like that. It's very sad that children that care about their education are being punished. It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa. Those kids could be in school learning but they don't get to.

  82. it's sad that little kids are going through things like that. It's very sad that children that care about their education are being punished. It's really not fair to them,and I think they should really fix the things going on in the Middle East and Africa. Those kids could be in school learning but they don't get to.
