Friday, September 18, 2015

Samsung vs Apple!!!

After viewing the link below, write a minimum of one paragraph about why you think either Apple or Samsung is better and explain why.


  1. i like apple better. because when i was in Walmart and "attempted" to use the Samsung, i don't know which because theres to many different ones unlike the iPhone were they just order it with number. but anyways i don't like the Samsung because its difficult to use and iPhone can unlock with your thumb, and the Samsung has a bad camera.

  2. apple is way better than samsung. there are some features that are better but in my opinion apple is better. samsung is just like apple it just looks different but they have some of the same features . samsung basically copied apple.

  3. I think apple is better because i have been surging it for years.

  4. Apple has a much better screen and build and a better looking phone. Samsung is just too wide. They should just stop trying. Go back to making fridges and T.V.S! Apple has way more apps and on samsung tablets, they just make the phone apple bigger! Besides, apple has an easier-to-use interface. Samsung is just confusing.

  5. I think that apple is better. Because you can take more pictures with Apple. Also, Apple has more storage space. I actually think Apple is better because the high demand for the product. So many people want Apple because of the many features that's offered.

  6. Samsung is life. We can get all apps and any music download for free. Apple has to pay for everything and they are poo water. Samsung a1 since day 1.

  7. Apple is much better in my opinion. Samsung is know for their many features they have on their newest phones, but in my opinion it seems like its too much. Apple is more classy, there are many androids but there's only one apple. Apple overall looks better, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

  8. Apple is better because it's easier to use and it has better looking phones. Samsung is more difficult to use and they copied many things from Apple.

  9. apple is obviously better because because they started the idea of smartphone and Samsung is just the cheaper version of a iphone

  10. I think apple is better because with samsung you have to download alot of what apple already programs in the apple products. both products are great but personally because I use apple products daily and I own apple products I think apple last longer and they are better and if had to choose between either products I'd pick apple or samsung any day

  11. I think apple is better because with samsung you have to download alot of what apple already programs in the apple products. both products are great but personally because I use apple products daily and I own apple products I think apple last longer and they are better and if had to choose between either products I'd pick apple or samsung any day

  12. I think apple is better because with samsung you have to download alot of what apple already programs in the apple products. both products are great but personally because I use apple products daily and I own apple products I think apple last longer and they are better and if had to choose between either products I'd pick apple or samsung any day

  13. i think samsung is better because it is cheaper. and my mom has one so its better to me. samsung should be every where. apple costs too much. and no one should support apple. because you have to pay so much money to upgrade apple.

  14. Apple is like the big corporation that tantalizes people with all this high tech stuff, but can't back it up however, Samsung is like the other dog of the group, over the years Samsung has changed each and every phone, no two phones of the same brand are the same, Plus Samsung can get around most app blocks and download stuff for free, with Apple you literally have to pay for almost everything you do, whats the point in buying a $200 phone if you need to pay an extra $100 just to use the good stuff?

  15. Samsung is a better company, because they came out with products with new interfaces before Apple. Apple constantly steals from them.

  16. I think apple because they have so many new updates and we get everything first. Samsung i think is trashy. Yes apple is expensive but its all worth it. Ive been with apple since i was younger because samsungs were always slow.

  17. apple is way better than samsung. there are some features that are better but in my opinion apple is better. samsung is just like apple it just looks different but they have some of the same features . samsung basically copied apple.

  18. I am a fan of Apple, their phones are user friendly and easy to use. I have never really used anything made by Samsung but nevertheless I am a fan of Apple.

  19. im a fan of apple because i have an apple devise and samsung is nice i guess

  20. Apple is better in my opinion because it has many sources of high tech technology. With Apple you can have different types of technology you can choose from, and multiple features on each one.

  21. Samsung because i have bought their devices in the past and always been satisfied

  22. I love Apple products, and the company itself seems very user-friendly, but i'll always stick to using Samsung products, since their phones are more affordable, durable, and are very personalized. I WOULD buy Apple products, but they're just waaaay too expensive, and they really don't seem to be worth all that money.

  23. I think Apple is a lot better than Samsung. I wish i had enough money to buy one. But I don't believe Samsung copied Apple, lots of cell phone companies use the same features and some may say that Apple stole features from other companies

  24. Robert: well i've never actually owned a apple iphone 6 or 5 so since thats the case i think galaxy is better
    Travon: i think apple is better because it works and is there for your needs. The galaxy is good also but not like apple.

  25. They both have each other on their toes. Apple is easier to use while Samsung has many cool features. I'll have to give it to Apple overall, their tech is easy, nice, and probably won't go out of date. Although there are some Samsung products that best Apple in many ways (Surface Pro 3) Apple has more devices that compete with Samsung's products. I decree Apple the victor, good fight though.

    1. Adding another fact, I own both an iPad and a Samsung Galaxy 3, soooo yup.

  26. I have also been a Samsung user. I think it's better than apple because I'm more used to using that product over apple. Apple did look pretty useful when I used the computer but as far as other things like the Iphone it's just...they make it complicated. There's no need to overly do things which they do and it's annoying to me. I am saying this because again I've always been a Samsung user. So really I can't really say which is better because I don't get too involved with Apple products that much.

  27. i don't know which one is better and i don't really care i guess. i mean does it really matter which one is better there will still be fans of each company so why are we making it a contest? i thinks its really dumb that apple took them to court all they were doing was trying to improve their devices and if they just happened to look the same then whats the problem? its just a phone they all need to be able to do the same things. all these phone already look the same and even if they don't they eventually will. but i mean if i have to pick a side Samsung? i just don't get apple products because they are too expensive to me when i can get essentially the same thing cheaper and with more durability and easier to understand controls.

  28. (I have always been a Samsung user)

  29. My answer is Sony. I love Sony smartphones. I don't like Samsung's menu and how the apps are presented. The performance on Sony smartphones is also very good. Good Sony smartphones are for example the whole Xperia Z series. In my opinion Apple products are just too expensive. But I guess I think that because I bought my Xperia Z2 a half year ago for $300 at Base. That was an amazing deal because the price for this cellphone is at the moment around $360.

  30. Samsung vs Apple. Now what kind of question is this? Samsung is obviously the best. Samsung feature more product than Apple. Samsung is more easier to use. I have a background, a great setup, and it has a bigger phone than that iPhone thing.

  31. Apple is always better ! theres no need for questions or explanantions.

  32. honestly there really isn't a difference we all use phones for the same reason

  33. Apple is much better in my opinion. Samsung is know for their many features they have on their newest phones, but in my opinion it seems like its too much. Apple is more classy, there are many androids but there's only one apple. Apple overall looks better, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

  34. apple is way better than samsung. there are some features that are better but in my opinion apple is better. samsung is just like apple it just looks different but they have some of the same features . samsung basically copied apple.

  35. I believe Samsung is better for several reasons. Samsung has many features and capabilities that Apple can't compete with. Samsung was created ages before Apple. You would probably expect the newer company would have better items in their inventory. Samsung has better hardware in their phones, tablets, and small MP3.

  36. I have also been a Samsung user. I think it's better than apple because I'm more used to using that product over apple. Apple did look pretty useful when I used the computer but as far as other things like the Iphone it's just...they make it complicated. There's no need to overly do things which they do and it's annoying to me. I am saying this because again I've always been a Samsung user. So really I can't really say which is better because I don't get too involved with Apple products that much.

  37. Samsung is in no way better than apple. Apple has just always been known as better and it will always be. Apple has a better reputation than Samsung.

  38. I honestly would take Apple products over Samsung because apple has more features to it specially Facetime and thing like that also it has a better set-up and also has siri.

  39. Two current events are:Pope Francis has radically reformed the annulment for marriages,allowing for fast track decisions and removing automatic appeals in a bid to speed up and simplify the procedure and Germany says it can take 500,00 migrants every year due to their economic and the country could slightly give asylum to about a million migrants for the next several year.

  40. Apple is much better in my opinion. Samsung is know for their many features they have on their newest phones, but in my opinion it seems like its too much.

  41. I use apple products daily and I own apple products I think apple last longer and they are better and if had to choose between either products I'd pick apple or samsung any day alexis bush
