Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kanye West for 2020 President!!!

After looking at the the article and video from the link below, give reasons why u think Kanye West would or would not be a good President for the year of 2020.

Give at least a minimum of 1 paragraph.


  1. Kanye would not be a good president for a lot of reasons ! For example , he told his fans he sold his soul to the devil !! He also drinks alcohol & abuse weed . However , he is very intelligent but still not intelligent enough stop doing bad things . In conclusion , Kanye West would not be a good runner-up ..

  2. i'm not even sure anymore as bad as the world is now why not choose kanye as president

  3. Kanye would not be a good president for many reason as listed, he told his fans he sold his soul to the devil.He also drinks alcohol & abuse weed. However , he is very intelligent but still not intelligent ..

  4. if he becomes president i really don't know, i mean hes a rapper that loves himself to much how can he run a country hes a really bad rapper know i mean how would other country's look at us i mean this is a man who wont accept advice from anyone.

  5. Kanye West for 2020 President is a good idea because he can probably change alot of things

  6. As of right now I don't believe that Kanye would be a very good president (although he would be a thousand times better than Donald Trump). Kanye West does have a past of unpleasant outbursts, but he could change for the better. By 2020 he could possibly be one of the best people to run for president. i guess we'll just have to wait 5 years and find out.

  7. i think the world would be out of control if he became president. i mean he stated some good points but i dont know if he'd actually be good.

  8. kanye would not be a good candidate because he worships the wrong side and he claims he wants to rule the world. He want to be a dictator which is not a good idea.

  9. I don't believe that Kanye West would be a good president. I think that many people think that it is an easier task than it really is (presidency). I believe that Kanye is too much of a regular person to be president. When I think of a president, I think of someone smart, who jumped over the moon, and found a cure for cancer. I honestly believe that if Kanye was put in office he would be quickly impeached. You never know though, he might actually be a great president... Who knows?

  10. I do not think that Kanye West should be President in 2020.Look at the music he makes for example.It is good but he is just not a president material.A president should be someone who is willing to do a lot of things for a nation and I do not think he is ready for that yet!

  11. Kanye west would not be a good president because he does drugs and alcohol but it would be interesting if he is.

  12. I love Kanye as a musician we're from the same city Im a big fan of his music. But seeing kanye as a president I think politically he isn't equipped to run an entire country. his focus wouldn't be to help the people his focus would be to much on money and social status. Kanye is in the magazines and tabloids a lot and they aren't talking about him in a good way. musically he is a genius and a musical god but politically he doesn't fit the persona. i think kanye understands the people and the struggle we have to go through on a daily but he's very self centered and to be honest i don't think he will meet what the people of this country need.

  13. I think Kanye West wouldn't be a good president for many list of reasons, Kanye West does have a past of unpleasant outbursts, but he could change for the better so for right now i don't believe he would be a good president sense how he is right now

  14. no kanye west should not be the president because. he is not responsible. he probably would spend all the nations money. he is a rapper and he should stick to rapping. who ever votes for him is an idiot.

  15. Why is he running? Who would vote for him? Does Kanye have any idea of what it takes to hold a position like that? He would not be a good president. He would try to spend America's tax dollars on the dumbest things. Plus anyone who thinks they are some supreme supernatural being needs their head examined.

  16. Kanye would not be a good president for a lot of reasons ! For example , he told his fans he sold his soul to the devil !! He also drinks alcohol & abuse weed . However , he is very intelligent but still not intelligent enough stop doing bad things . Kanye West does have a past of unpleasant outbursts, but he could change for the better so for right now i don't believe he would be a good president sense how he is right now.

  17. you never know what someone has to offer so i would like to hear and see what kanye can bring to the table like we give the first black president a try i would like to give kanye a try

  18. Kanye West would be a horrible president for the U.S almost as bad as Donald Trump Or Hillary Clinton. He calls himself "Yeezuz" to begin with, and even said he would sell his soul to the devil. If he gets to be president im moving to Africa, he has no plans, and will turn this country rotten to the core. Kanye west does have an unpleasent past of violence and outburst, and is not mentally ready to take on the position of a president, if you ask Wiz Khalifa need to be president.

  19. In my opinion I don't think he would be a good president. He doesn't have any political sense, and he refers to himself as "Yeezus." Which in my opinion is another word for "God." He doesn't belong in the office, he needs to stick to rapping. He's not mentally nor physically ready to be one, he doesn't know how to control his anger, nor know how to run a country. He would put our country down bad, and for our sake he doesn't even deserve a chance to run.

  20. In my opinion I don't think he would be a good president. He doesn't have any political sense, and he refers to himself as "Yeezus." Which in my opinion is another word for "God." He doesn't belong in the office, he needs to stick to rapping. He's not mentally nor physically ready to be one, he doesn't know how to control his anger, nor know how to run a country. He would put our country down bad, and for our sake he doesn't even deserve a chance to run.

  21. Kanye would not be a good president because he is not a politician. He has no experience whatsoever and was most likely on drugs when he addressed his "campaign".It was funny while it happened, but should not be taken seriously.

  22. Kanye West doesn't have the personality to run an entire country. He has all these ideas but I see it like he is to self centered and he doesn't have the qualities of a leader in the free world.

  23. Honestly Kanye would not make a good president. I know he's popular but he has never held a political office or has any political experience. He does not know how to think like a politician and make decisions

  24. Good speech, but does he mean what you say? He says all these things but, does he mean it? We aren't even worried about 2020, we are still stuck on 2015, but... If you do mean what you say, you have my vote, so good luck.

    1. Also for the people who say he has no political experience, he has 5 years to GET experience, he has 5 years to change his personality to make it serious, whether he uses those 5 years wisely is on him. So yeah.

    2. 5 years to become more mature, Yeezus? Really? Rapping president? We already saw the Obama fail in 'Epic Rap Battles Of History', we don't need a repeat but for real, 5 years Kanye, you have 5 years to redeem yourself.

  25. Yep, because yeezy will be the greatest president of all time. BRO!!!!!!

  26. Travon : Me voting for him is not even a question. Not only because he is a great rapper but its not to many thing he has said and not achieved

  27. I don't even have to look at he article. Kanye West would not be a good president. He just isn't a good influence. He probably mess up most stuff that a president needs to take control of and would make bad decisions. Therefor he is not eligible enough to be president.

  28. Don't get me wrong I do like his music but I just don't think he is...a good influence. Don't mean to sound harsh.

  29. yeezy for president i have been a true fan of kanye since the graduation one of his 1st album so in my opinion yeezy 2020 im ready

  30. I don't think putting a rapper to be president is a good idea. His face doesn't look like I wanna put him as president. He'll be awful.

  31. no i dont think he would be a good president. im sure hes a smart guy but i don't think he has the skills to run a country. also that video was not very good it, just seemed liked him talking about nothing and trying to sound professional even though nothing is that video made sense. he has zero political experience. also i mean yeah i understand he wants to "make change" but so does everyone but can he actually pull it off? i don't know i just think hes doing this for publicity but im not sure. i just know i wouldn't vote for him. if anything that video made him look kinda silly but i cant say he wouldn't win at least 10% of the popularity vote just for being a celebrity.

  32. No doesn't seem to fit the presidential role. He has a better chance of staying a rapper.

  33. I believe he'll change things around in youth eyes but I don't believe he has any political sense.

  34. Kanye will be a good president because he really understands the people .Not only is his an artist but a human. People now can bound with the president. Kanye 2020 and i will able to vote.

  35. At first i was down with the Kanye West for president 2020 but now i realize i was just hype social media. I would never ever vote Kanye West for president. I feel that he believes in conspiracies and he doesn't even believe in the American Constitution that all men are equal because he's always stating how he is better than others and he is a god... Which he is nott!

  36. I don't believe that Kanye West would be a good president. I think that many people think that it is an easier task than it really is (presidency). I believe that Kanye is too much of a regular person to be president. When I think of a president, I think of someone smart, who jumped over the moon, and found a cure for cancer. I honestly believe that if Kanye was put in office he would be quickly impeached. You never know though, he might actually be a great president... Who knows?

  37. I will definetly vote kanye for pesident because he is real.

  38. Yeezus for president yea ill vote !

  39. At first i was down with the Kanye West for president 2020 but now i realize i was just hype social media. I would never ever vote Kanye West for president. Even though he is a good rapper, I don't believe people will vote for him.

  40. i will not be voting for kanye he has no type of political experience and he has a bad temper. i think he would not be able to make rational decisions.

  41. kanye west would have great ideas and this country would be lit on everything we would be a party country but when it comes down to it as far as protecting us i dont think he could do it

  42. Kanye would be a very bad President for multiple reasons. First of all he drinks alot and consumes lots of weed. Then I don't think he is the Smartest Persons, nor does he have any experience in politics. Then he already forms his wife Kim as he wants, so what would he do with the country. And as last, I don't like him nor any of the Kardashians.

  43. The way the camera kept closing in on his face when he made intense faces was hilarious. Nobody can be that retarded without actually being a genius. I think he's messing with us.

  44. I believe that Kanye would and would not be good for president. he is a very good speaker and he takes good control of many things. I don't think he would be a good president because he is just use to being famous and doing music, not running a county.

  45. Kanye West would be a good president because he has many of talents in his own way. But look at another way, he has no experience for political and not cerifted. And he probably will become a better person as being president. In good ways, I hope.

  46. Kanye West is a choice that is unlikely for consideration to run for president. His overall attitude and background is that of a music artist who raps songs that only push America to further ignorance and continues to do so just so he can make his way into this world. However, since I don`t personally known Mr. West, nor know his true origins and background, and since 2020 is a long way from now, the possibilities are endless: the dependency on whether he could be a great president or a president who was just there to fill the role of office rest only in his shoulders and on the shoulders of those who choose him for office (depending on if he wins).

  47. To be honest, I'm not trying to knock anyone. But I feel like Kanye West would not make a good president for the year 2020. Kanye is known for a lot of things and is excellent at doing them. In my opinion, he is a rapper, designer, songwriter etc. but I believe he cannot rule and solve problems and make things better for the United States of America. If he was to win the election I hope he don't let Barack Obama or the next president coming hardwork go to waste.

  48. In my opinion Kanye West is unfit to run for any elected office and shouldn't disrespect the prestigious Presidency of the United States by claiming to run for a candidacy. Kanye West is a rapper and a creative genius, he needs to stick to being a rapper and a creative genius. As a society the American public doesn't need an unaccredited entertaining such as Kanye West for President. Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian is unfit to be First Lady (I shouldn't have to detail why). Essentially Kanye is one of my favorite rappers but it broke my heart when he even mentioned 2020.

  49. yeezy for president i have been a true fan of kanye since the graduation one of his 1st album so in my opinion yeezy 2020 im ready

  50. Nobody knows how Kanye would be as the president. But I hope that this is just a joke. Maybe he's a good rapper and entertainer. He shouldn't try to be the president. Anyway, I guess his chances wouldn't be that bad. Even Donald Trump or Deez Nuts get votes.

  51. i don't believe kanye should run for president. he really doesn't know how to do politics. he doesn't have the appropriate wife. he doesn't know how to control the country to be calm. he will be popular but mite not win the presidential race.

  52. I believe Kanye West is very intellectual and very open-minded, but I believe that him running for president just wouldn't work out. Simply because of his personality and the way he can sometimes react in certain situations. I think He wold need more self control.

  53. I don't believe that Kanye West would be a good president. I think that many people think that it is an easier task than it really is (presidency). I believe that Kanye is too much of a regular person to be president. When I think of a president, I think of someone smart, who jumped over the moon, and found a cure for cancer. I honestly believe that if Kanye was put in office he would be quickly impeached. You never know though, he might actually be a great president... Who knows?

  54. Kanye would be a good president because he know a lot about politics

  55. I think that this is ridiculous and I will not live in this country if he becomes my president.

  56. I honestly think that Kanye West would somewhat be a good president of the U.S because he is a really intelligent rap artist with a lot of knowledge

  57. I think that this is stupid. Kanye would be worst president on earth. H e is mentally unstable. Plus he also smokes weed and I doubt he know anything about politics.

  58. i think the world would be out of control if he became president. i mean he stated some good points but i don't know if he'd actually be good.

  59. I don't think Kanye West is fit to be president. Mainly because he is obsessed with himself so him being the president I believe he would make everything about himself.

  60. Kanye West does have a past of unpleasant outbursts, but he could change for the better. By 2020 he could possibly be one of the best people to run for president. i guess we'll just have to wait 5 years and find out. alexis bush

  61. Kanye will win because he might do something positive for our country. And didn't Bush win? Kanye definitely has a huge chance especially if Trump wins. 

  62. i think the world would be out of control if he became president. i mean he stated some good points but i dont know if he'd actually be good.

  63. i think the world would be out of control if he became president. i mean he stated some good points but i dont know if he'd actually be good.
