Thursday, September 17, 2015

Teens & Investments 9.17.15

Go online and find something that you can invest in now, that will give you a financial return in the future.

Start by Googling teen investments.

Please write about why you think the particular investment you find is a good idea, and how you plan to invest in your future.


  1. a plan to allocate cash among such choices as stock, bond, cash equivalents, commodities, as well as estate. An investment strategy should be made based on the investor’s oversee on interest rates, inflation, and economic growth. personally i would have a savings account so it gains interest over time and when im like 60 years old ill be rich that is if i don't die of heart disease.

  2. teens can invest in there self. start saving up, stop spending money on unnecessary things. thats the first step to investing in my opinion.

  3. I would invest in a clothing company. Or I would buy a percentage of Apple Stock company. Apple has a lot of investors in their company.

  4. teens can invest in there self. personally i would have a savings account so it gains interest over time and when im like 30 years old ill be rich with alot of money.

  5. Teens invest in things other teens want.

  6. If I were to invest in something, it would be stocks and my own business. I would invest in stocks to create early wealth for myself that will increase over time. The second investment I would make is an umbrella business, one central business with other businesses under it that could multiply and create immense wealth.

  7. if i had to invest in something it would be marketing and buisness because a lot of money and success comes your way

  8. i don't really want to invest in anything because there is no promise that it wont fail. i can just save up my own money. i can just rely on myself not some shaky company.

  9. if did invest in something I would do it in clothes and shoes and have my own clothing line and stuff

  10. I would probably invest in something i REALLY want to do, like video special effects, i could make videos showing off my special effects maybe to get credit for it and maybe work for the big leagues later on when I'm older.

  11. When you invest in securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, index funds, exchange traded funds, CD’s and US treasuries) you usually invest through Stock Markets & Securities Exchanges. Although most of us have heard of the largest one, The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), there are actually numerous ones including foreign exchanges such as the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Selecting stocks that will increase in value (Stocks: Buying, Selling & Researching ), where you sell the stock for more than you purchased

  12. I would invest now just to save it for something in the future

  13. I would invest a earbug to can connect to a headphone. No bluetooth connection. Just put the earbug in you headphone, and enjoy using it with wire protection.

  14. You can invest in a college an education to help you better in the future. I plan to start investing now to be able to be ready in the future

  15. Teens can invest in their education to go to a good University/College to acctually get a real good job wich will get you paid very good. If you study and work hard this is the best investement.

  16. I would probably invest into something that really interest me. Something that i would be able to get a good amount of money out of.

  17. I would invest in a program that helps to end world hunger and help with other natural catastrophes.

  18. i would not invest because my relatives give me bonds and they collect interest

  19. there's this app that lets you invest into anything but i would invest in a company that has good gross

  20. i would invest in a hair product business, because i would get a lot of money from the females who but my product for their dusty hair.

  21. you can sell things your old things and make money

  22. If I were to invest in something, I would invest in no one. I would start from the bottom up and continue to grow until I have something that will become an American staple.

  23. I would invest in something that is interesting to me. My investment would be very similar to something I like to do.

  24. i would invest in stocks and schools but if i could i would invest in 3 food stores, apple products x google

  25. I would invest in something for my future. But I don't think that I could invest much money at the moment. When I'm older I would invest in Stocks. That's maybe risky but I could gain a lot of money. I would also invest in things like wind turbines or solar systems. I know a few people who invested in these things and I also know that it was a really good investment.

  26. I would invest in a clothing company. Or I would buy a percentage of Apple Stock company. Apple has a lot of investors in their company.

  27. when you invest in securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, index funds, exchange traded funds, CD’s and US treasuries) you usually invest through Stock Markets & Securities Exchanges. Although most of us have heard of the largest one, The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), there are actually numerous ones including foreign exchanges such as the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Selecting stocks that will increase in value (Stocks: Buying, Selling & Researching ), where you sell the stock for more than you purchased

  28. If I were to invest in something, it would be stocks and my own business. I would invest in stocks to create early wealth for myself that will increase over time. The second investment I would make is an umbrella business, one central business with other businesses under it that could multiply and create immense wealth.

  29. Teens invest in whatever is trending at the moment. They spend money on whatever other teens are spending their money on.

  30. I would invest in something for my future. But I don't think that I could invest much money at the moment. When I'm older I would invest in Stocks. That's maybe risky but I could gain a lot of money. I would also invest in things like wind turbines or solar systems. I know a few people who invested in these things and I also know that it was a really good investment

  31. If I could invest in something it would be braces you could take on and off. I know people wish they had their braces when they go to special events or take pictures the only downfall is that you will have to wear it more.

  32. Teens can invest in their education to go to a good University/College to acctually get a real good job wich will get you paid very good. If you study and work hard this is the best investement.

  33. Teens can invest in their education to go to a good University/College to actually get a real good job which will get you paid very good. If you study and work hard this is the best investment.

  34. There are many thing us teens can invest in but if I was to invest at this age, I would invest in dollar general because there are so many in the world and everybody shops there. So that's a chance to make a lot of money.

  35. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), there are actually numerous ones including foreign exchanges such as the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Selecting stocks that will increase in value alexis bush

  36. I can invest in the Jordan Brand because it will ALWAYS be the most popular shoe in the entire world.

  37. I would invest in a program that helps to end world hunger and help with others.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.
