Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15/15 Rape

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  1. As a liberal, I'm not proponent for the death penalty. However, if these five males truly raped this girl they deserve to be punished to the maximum extent of the law. I will never understand the purpose of raping an innocent teen when there are millions of promiscuous women in this nation. Sometimes young females can agree to have sex with multiple males and then claim that they raped them and if that happened none of these men should be prosecuted. Either way it's morally incorrect for four grown men to have sex with a sixteen year old girl.

  2. These days there are a lot of older men's who are assaulting teen age girls.I don't know why the teenage boy was involved in it or if he was told to do it or threatened.This world is never safe for teenage girls or young girls as a whole.There are older women out there for them to have sex with I don't know why choose to rape an innocent young girl.

  3. this is really sad. i cant stand what this world is coming to. people don't know how to control themselves. they didn't have to sexually assault this girl. i dont understand why men think that this is okay.

  4. I think the males who raped the girl also deserve to be punished to the maximum extent of the law. Not only did they harass her but they also got it on video. It's quite horrible, the girl only being semi-conscious and probably not knowing what was going on. The things some men would do oh my.

  5. These males most certainly need a serious punishment for the foul thing they have done. Using a girl like that, or anyone like that, can scar them for life and i dont believe these boys should get away with it at all.

  6. I don't understand why people do some stuff they do if it's bad. It's time for the world to make better decisions. If they raped her they should go to prison for life. Rape charges should send a person for prison for life. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. A 16 year old got rape by for twenties year old and 17 year old boy. the party was Western Sydney suburb of St. Clair in May of this year. the police had arested the four man and the boy. they ahd got caught by camera,

  8. I think that people dont even care anymore about people. People are just doing what they want now a days. THat 16 year old girl is probably scared for life now because of it

  9. I will never understand the purpose of raping an innocent teen when there are millions of promiscuous women in this nation.i think that this should have not happened because raping someone does not do anything for you some people need to think before they do cause after you know there is gonna be consequences

  10. Cops say that numerous males were in the area when the girl was assaulted, with a number of them sexually assaulting the girl. As of Wednesday, police had detained four men in their twenties and one 17-year-old adolescent .

  11. I think that people dont even care anymore about people. People are just doing what they want now a days. THat 16 year old girl is probably scared for life now because of it

  12. I believe each of the suspects should be charged with this crime. The grown men knew this was wrong and since the other suspect was 17 he should be charged as an adult. I'm disgusted at the thought of them drugging the girl. Its also sick that they decided to record it.

  13. This is sad that five males really raped this girl this world is crazy. some men cant control there self but thats still crazy that they would do that i would never i mean never rape a girl. i dont know how people can recored themself rape a girl that is stupid how can u even enjoy your self

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  15. the officers that detained the culprits say that a number males were in the site when the girl was assaulted, with many of them sexually assaulting the girl. As of Wednesday, police had arrested four men in their twenties and one 17-year-old adolescent .

  16. This incident should have women rethinking how they should have a good time or party. Anyone can get wasted at a party and get taken advantage of. Police say that up to eight males were in the room when the girl was assaulted. a party has more than eight people so the moral is be safe at parties and do not get wasted or take any drinks that you didnt make.

  17. these day's there is alot of older people who try to get hooked up with younger girls like Young girls who do streaming of game play or even people who do video's it isn't hard to prevent rape from happening but the law does not wanna take a higher action to the calling of this all they do is say that they are handling it and basically putting the people on the sex offenders list. but putting them on the sex offenders list isn't gonna help us and letting them off the hook isn't right either i believe that the law should take more action on this issue and do something more than just putting them on the list of registered sex offenders .

  18. i thought the story was really bad. how a bunch of guys can just rape a girl and film it. but i want to know how the cops fund the Gopro. and who goes to a party and rapes a girl.

  19. As a young female woman in america I find it disheartening that such things take place. A teenage girl around my age had been violated not only violated but treated in a way no human should be treated. Her body was violated her privacy was violated. Imagine what that girl now has to face because of grown adult men who knew the difference between right and wrong. Morally a adult man and a young woman sleeping together is wrong. That young woman was a child. Speaking from experience and understanding the emotional trauma she now has to deal with. This situation to me is serious male or female rape is wrong I don't think a life's sentencing is enough for such a serious situation. It's sick to think that not one of those young men in that room didn't try and stop what was happening they all took turns with her like she was some toy. Not only is this a emotional situation for the girl its now also a health issue as well they could have drugged her one of them could have a STD or HIV incurable aids that this woman may have to deal with for the rest of her life. I'll never understand why such cruel and heartless acts are committed. This whole situation makes me sick to my stomach.

  20. Reading this article honestly disgusted me. I hate the fact that some people would even commit to these kind of acts. Do they not have a conscious? I think that what these men did was wrong and the sad thing is this happens all the time, and is probably happening now. I feel like the EVERYONE who was a part of the incident (even spectators) should be jailed. This is disgusting, the world we live in is disgusting.

  21. I think the people who was in the room deserve the charges and deserve to be in jail for life. Rape is something that shouldn't be done especially being recorded. Police need to find the other three males before they hide out and stay free for something that is totally wrong.

  22. At a Sydney house party early in the year a 16 year-old girl was gang-raped by 4 men and a teenage boy. The 5 individuals recorded it on a GoPro-style camera, and the police viewed the sexual assault from the footage. The police said that there were 8 men in the room when the female was getting assaulted, there were a number of them sexually assaulting the female. The police arrested 4 twenty year old men and a 17 year-old boy. The charges go from "aggravated sexual assault in company, and filming a person engaged in a private act." One of the suspects was charged only with with concealment of a "serious indictable offense."When the incident happened the girl didn't report the incident. This story just makes me sick knowing that there are people out in the world that have no concise. The fact that the men had the audacity to do that to her and then walk away like nothing happened is sad. I don't see how people can live with themselves after they do things like that to people. You just can't trust everyone and that's a lesson that people need to learn.

  23. i think the men should be seriously punishment for what they did to that girl.Using her it really sad.the police arrested four men and that 17 yr old boy but it say there were eight men in the room with her when she was assaulted.what happen to the other three men that was there i wonder. if these five males truly raped this girl they deserve to be punished to the maximum extent of the law.I don't understand why people can just rape someone and think it just okay.I guess people are just sick and twisted not thinking of what the girl is going though and taking advantage of her like that this four men should paid life in prison if they indeed rape her.

  24. rape is bad. rape is not good rape happens everywhere. my friend got rapped one time. something needs to be done about rappings. these actions that these five men are doing. it is just devastating. i feel that we should probably be doing something we can do about it but.

  25. its so sad to hear that these people are getting raped. because if my mom or friend or someone got raped i would probably feel really bad for them.

  26. Rape is something that has been going on for years in this country. It needs to stop because its not ok, these 5 men are disgusting for doing what they did to this women. If those men did rape that poor girl they deserve to be punished to the maximum extent of the law, give them life or even the death penalty. Thats why me and my sister always carry weapons on us whenever we go out somewhere, people are crazy and you have to defend yourself. Its a dog eat dog world out there and without protection, you end up lie this girl, i feel bad for her and hope she makes a full recovery.

  27. People are just doing what they want now a days. THat 16 year old girl is probably scared for life now because of itAs a liberal, I'm not proponent for the death penalty. However, if these five males truly raped this girl they deserve to be punished to the maximum extent of the law. I will never understand the purpose of raping an innocent teen when there are millions of promiscuous women in this nation. Sometimes young females can agree to have sex with multiple males and then claim that they raped them and if that happened none of these men should be prosecuted. Either way it's morally incorrect for four grown men to have sex with a sixteen year old girl.

  28. People just dont care now a days they think they can do everything they want

  29. All those people in the room and know of them could have stopped it . No one deserves that no matter what they do no body deserves to be used and abused.

  30. These four men should be punished to the highest extent of the law. The fact that the local police caught them on camera is good though because now they have more than enough evidence to put these guys in prison until they die. At least in prison those men will learn what its like to have what they did to that girl happen to themselves

  31. 5 men been arrested for gang-rape of a 16-year-old girl at a Sydney house party like a couple months back. New South Wales Police have said.
    The incident was filmed on a GoPro-style camera, which was later taken from higher authorities. The sexual assault was discovered by police when viewing footage from the device. The party took place in the working-class Western Sydney suburb of St. Clair in May of this year, a NSW Police media release said.Police say that up to eight males were in the room when the girl was assaulted, with a number of them sexually assaulting the girl.

  32. I think this is sick and sad. She is only 17. At the same time she shouldve been with these guys that are 20 something but they still had no right to do that. I feel bad for the girl and her parents. The men and teenage boy that were involved should be arrested.

  33. These guys deserve the most harshest punishment. The girl didn't deserve it no one deserves it . She will now live in fear . Rape is real bad thing

  34. This is a tragic and disgusting incident that should not have happened. This kind of activity needs to stop right now, they're are people who think it's funny but its not. You don't want this kind of thing happening t your daughter so don't joke about it happening to someone else.

  35. I don't understand how people can be so crazy. That's just sick and it makes me angry. I feel bad for the girl because she had no chance against the guys. The police should arrest them and they should stay for years in prison.

  36. this is disgusting they deserve death to me shes only 17

  37. this is awful. i just really don't understand why this kind of stuff even happens why cant people just keep their hands to their self. i hope the people that got arrested get life in prison for this. this is sick i just don't understand. also if there were 8 people in that room and not all of them were raping her why didn't they help? someone could have helped.

  38. Further proof that the world will be ending out of stupidity before the sun explodes. Really? Rape? Why? Go get a life and stop trying to ruin someone else's. They should get a REALLY high punishment considering the girl is only in high school. What adds to the stupidity factor is that they had the nerve to record it! Think about my first sentence, you might consider it'll end up being true. Also more than one? Were you gonna rape or kill her? Again; further proof that the world will be ending out of stupidity before the sun explodes, idiots.

  39. i feel like they are stupid and idiots for doing what they did. STUPID IDIOT!!!!!

  40. She Shouldn't be having a parties while her parents are gone especially if she had alot of boys her parents she be locked up for allowing this too happen

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    1. men and a teenage boy have been arrested in connection with the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl at a Sydney house party earlier in the year, New South Wales Police have said. ALEXIS

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  44. This is absolutely horrifying. This girl was taken by people twice her age who assaulted her physically, violated her as a human being, and used her for their own sick gain. People like them should be charged with all sorts of crimes, and then thrown into prison for life, so that the rest of society doesn't have to deal with their horrible acts. It's sad that things like this are happening to girls all around the world, and that a lot of people aren't speaking out on this issue. Sexual assault to me, is one of the worst things you can do to someone. Issues like this are awful and I hate hearing about them. Something major really needs to be done to stop the frequency of these crimes.

  45. This is sad these men need to be in jail get beat in there she was only 16

  46. 4 men and a 17 year old rape a 16 year old. There is no reason to rape a teenager in their 20's. Especially a 17 year old boy joining them. This is stupid. While other women are out in the world waiting for men, they decide to rape a 16 year old. I actually feel bad for that 16 year old girl. Those 4 men are stupid, that teenage boy is an stupid and raping a 16 year old girl is not just stupid, it is ADVANCED STUPID. All of them in jail, good. They deserve it to be in jail. I hope they regret it. Also raping is the most stupidest thing ever to actually do to someone.

  47. i think that it is not right for what he has done to the girl and he need to go to jail and stay there for life.

  48. These males most certainly need a serious punishment for the foul thing they have done. Using a girl like that, or anyone like that, can scar them for life and i dont believe these boys should get away with it at all.

  49. These days there are a lot of older men's who are assaulting teen age girls.I don't know why the teenage boy was involved in it or if he was told to do it or threatened.This world is never safe for teenage girls or young girls as a whole.There are older women out there for them to have sex with I don't know why choose to rape an innocent young girl.

  50. I think this si just terrible, that men, that are stronger than this teenager even when they are on their own, gang rape a poor girl. These men should be punished way harder than they are being punished right now. This girl might have problems and nightmares her whole life, and will most likely never get fully over it.

  51. tbh people who rape other people are sick i mean i know an olderwoman may not ive you as much as a teenage girl can give but that gives you no right to take advantage of them without their consent it dont matter how old you are

  52. this is bad and should be resolved with this problem. she was defenseless and had no way to protect herself. the guys who raped her should go to jail for like 20+ years. no one should have to go though this and the guys made a bad choice. she had to go though this and dealt with the pain of being raped.

  53. Rape is a very nasty and disrespectful thing. From one person it is bad enough & from a whole group of people that is awful . Girls are very precious things and their body shouldn't be taken for granted.

  54. I think the males who raped the girl also deserve to be punished to the maximum extent of the law. Not only did they harass her but they also got it on video. It's quite horrible, the girl only being semi-conscious and probably not knowing what was going on. The things some men would do oh my.

  55. I think they should be killed, not by the death penalty, but by another person's hand. But that wouldn't happen.

  56. honestly, i am digusted. i would never wish rape upon anyone. these men deserve to spend the rest of their lives with the luxury of prison cells and unsweetened cornbread. like shes a teenage girl, what is wrong with todays society? who knows , we are society.

  57. Rape is a terrible thing to happen to anyone. No one should`ve gone through an experience as terrifying and cruel as that. These men clearly do not have a true nor moral conscience, as only a lack of morals would drive a highly amoral act. Gang rape has been occurring for a very long period of time, and it has become a major problem throughout the world, not only the United States. As such, It should be made an important necessity to increase the need for child safety, as amoral acts like this prove that not everyone is fully safe. As for the rapists, they should be put in a hole and rot for their licentious deeds.

  58. In my opinion, I feel like the suspects should go to jail for a long time with any bail etc. I feel this way because shouldn't no one be forced to have sex especially if that person really don't want. It's crazy to me because who would dream about raping someone. My motto is don't do something to a person you don't want done to you.

  59. this is just sickening. I hat5e when I see or hear about things like this. its sad how people in this world are this crazy and demonic. I really hope and pray these actions among people will stop immediately.

  60. Rape is bad , and the incident that was caught on camera was awful and wrong . Especially that it was gang rape by two teens who raped a girl and it was caught on tape . they should face many years in prison and think about what they did to that girl.

    1. Jeremiah Lewis- I think that was a very wrong thing that they did to that girl. She did not deserve to get gang raped like that. The boys that did that to her deserves a prison sentence

  61. i think its dum for them to do that to her and then put it out in the world so people can see and i think the boys should get years of jail time

  62. i feel its good that they all was arrested because no one should ever think that it is ok for someone to get rape end of story.

  63. These males most certainly need a serious punishment for the foul thing they have done. Using a girl like that, or anyone like that, can scar them for life and i dont believe these boys should get away with it at all.

  64. its sad they cant get women their own age so they have to go rape teens

  65. its sad they cant get women their own age so they have to go rape teens

  66. There is no reason to rape. If you do not have consent to be with someone in that manner, you should just leave it alone. There is nothing right about forcing yourself onto someone, especially a young girl. It is disgusting.

  67. Bunch of horn-dogs who cant keep it in their pants.

  68. Bunch of horn-dogs who cant keep it in their pants.

  69. Rape is never okay. Alot of men of all ages take advantage of young girls . There is no reason to rape. They're plenty of females who don't care about their bodies so why rape ?

  70. this is really sad. i cant stand what this world is coming to. people don't know how to control themselves. they didn't have to sexually assault this girl. i dont understand why men think that this is okay.

  71. Mia Reddick.

    After reading this article, this is such a tragedy and every last person involved of the assault should receive punishment for it. No man or woman alive should do such a thing to an innocent person by any means. People are so cruel in this world and will do any and everything to win their way in life. For this young girl to be place in a position like this , will definitely leave her traumatize for years. She will need to seek all the support, care, and love in order to fully recover from this entire situation.

  72. This incident with the teens raping a female is tragic. There are so many women that doesn't care but to take something from her that she cares about is sad. Then to record it was the stupidest thing because they got caught because of the video.

  73. many women that doesn't care about anything is just sad because shes taking something from someone else.

  74. it was stupid for them to do that. it should be required that woman take defensive classes to be able to defend them sel. men should have the worst punishment ever for this

  75. I mean...they raped her. I'm not a fan of "gang bangs" so it's just disgusting to me. People who do this have no sense of mind or decency. Whatever they're punishment was they brought on themselves.

  76. These men are sick and are going to get it in jail. They are wrong for doing that girl like that. 

  77. These four men should be punished to the highest extent of the law. The fact that the local police caught them on camera is good though because now they have more than enough evidence to put these guys in prison until they die. At least in prison those men will learn what its like to have what they did to that girl happen to themselves

  78. Again this rape situation getting out of hand bru. who in they right mind thinks that taking advantage of someone else for your own personal pleasure is ok? ion even like being happy unless everybody else is.
