Monday, October 26, 2015

Movie director's son joins al Qaeda!

Type a minimum of one paragraph explaining how you would feel if you were a parent of this person.


  1. Honestly, if I were the parent of this child I would feel ashamed and a failure of parent. Having a son that joins a terrorist organization whom is responsible for thousands of deaths is a parental nightmare. I would go all out to rescue my child from making any further stupid decisions even if it results in jail time. I am not sure what happened during this child's life to change their mind set but even if it is the parent's fault the child must think for them self.

  2. If I were a parent of this person . I would tell him don't be that person to get in trouble and come in follow my foot steps on making a movies.

  3. I would be disappointed in my child. Also, I would try to figure out why my child betrayed their on country. I would want them get an mental evolution. When people betray their country that means something is mentally wrong with them. Why would anyone do that.

  4. If was the parent of this person I would be really downhearted.I mean I would not want to raise my child and then he turn out to be in a terrorist group.I know his father is really hurt about this and is disappointed in him.He put his father's reputation and is not giving himself a positive boost.

  5. if i was a parent of this person i would tell him to be safe out there and im not proud of him for joining this organization. i would try to stop him but its his decision to join a terroist society.

  6. I would feel disgusted and ashamed if my child made this choice. I would also be concerned knowing that their life is in danger everyday. I feel that this would be more dangerous than joining a street gang. Both are bad decisions, but i would not expect them to join a viral terrorist group.

  7. honestly this guy had a great life, the son of a movie producer, and he just threw that away and that really dumb how he made that decision betrayed his own country

  8. if this was my child he wouldn't do this cause he would know better cause i teach him and make him follow my foot steps

  9. I would have felt like I have failed as a parent honestly, I mean, you try to give everything you can to your children and give them the best education possible. However, it is their decision to do whatever they want in life, just don't try to sacrifice family. Pleasekthanks

  10. if i was a parent i would be scared for my self and myself. i would not want my child to do any thing like that.

  11. This is a very sad situation. To find out that your own flesh and blood traded you and works for the other side must be heartbreaking. But on the other hand that would be a great movie idea. Hopefully the movie director's son will get a proper consequence. I wish nothing but the best for the movie director and hope that he will make it through this rough time, because this might be a blessing in disguise

  12. It's crazy, I know his parents feel ashamed just to even be tied to him. But at the end of the day, it's his decision. If I was his parent I'd have no choice but to live with his decision, although it differs from mine and many others. I'd try a few times to get him to change his mind but right now I think its too late. Just let it be.

  13. well i would feel kind of devastated. its crazy how you raise a person one way but they turn out another way. if my son was even thinking about being a terrorist then i would have to beat him down. cause that is crazy you are born an american but you join a group that is organizer mainly to hurt your own country is crazy.

  14. If I was the parent of this person I would be very downhearted.I would be hurt because my child who I raised and took care of turned out to be a terrorist.He is spoiling his dad's reputation and any chance he had of a positive lifestyle.I don't know why someone who has everything who want to be a terrorist.

  15. If i was the parent of a child like this i would be highly disappointed. I would be hurt to teach him how to produce/act and he turns it over for an negative act. Especially if he was interested into being a rock star and was in a band but decides to do something really bad would have me embarrassed of my child and terrified.

  16. if i was a parent of a child i would be disappointed, broken hearted, and sad. no one wants there child to think that these things are okay.

  17. as a parent i would be disappointed and ashamed of my child for participating in such acts with people who are targeting to kill and demolish our great country. Also Id be hurt that my child didnt travel in the right path and is going down a path of death and destruction

  18. If i was the parent of a child like this i would be highly disappointed. I would be hurt to teach him how to produce/act and he turns it over for an negative act. Especially if he was interested into being a rock star and was in a band but decides to do something really bad would have me embarrassed of my child and terrified.

  19. Honestly, i would feel ashamed but at the end of the day that's his decision. Once your child is grown they have to make their own decision. If that's what he want to do that's on him,but he is going to have to live with the consequences.

  20. Honestly, i would feel ashamed but at the end of the day that's his decision. Once your child is grown they have to make their own decision. If that's what he want to do that's on him,but he is going to have to live with the consequences.

  21. As a parent i would be disappointed and ashamed of my son. As he get older and out my house he makes his own decision. He changed his belief so if think that's right for him fine but i wouldn't keep no contact with him.

  22. Well first thing is first i would get out that belt and find my son. Then i would whoop that butt like no tomorrow,call him stupid and drag him home for another whooping. I would feel disappointed that he thinks these things are ok and put him in a insane asylum or something until he realizes that Al-Qaeda is nuttier then Donald Trump. lastly i would try to find the reasoning behind why he would want to join them in the first place, so i can prevent this from happening again

  23. If I were a parent of this actor who joined Al Queda I would be vigorous of my child participating in such activity. I would make sure I do what I can to remove him out of that kind of company.

  24. well i would feel kind of devastated. its crazy how you raise a person one way but they turn out another way. if my son was even thinking about being a terrorist then i would have to beat him down. cause that is crazy you are born an american but you join a group that is organizer mainly to hurt your own country is crazy.

  25. I would be surprised and also scared because I wouldn't be able to believe that's my child. I would be scared cause they could do something to me. But I would also try to have some type of communication with my child to let them know that what they are doing is terrible and can end up with them dead. I would try to push my child in the right direction.

  26. I would be concerned as to why my child would want to join Al Queda do to its history and reputation as a radical group. I would try and get my child out of the group before things get worse for him.

  27. would be disappointed in my child. Also, I would try to figure out why my child betrayed their on country. I would want them get an mental evolution. When people betray their country that means something is mentally wrong with them. If that's what he want to do that's on him,but he is going to have to live with the consequences.

  28. I would be mad cause he joining a terrorist group who is a threat to America. That would be a bad outlook on myself cause people will know he's my child and they going to get mad at me for not raising him right.

  29. I would be mad cause he joining a terrorist group who is a threat to America. That would be a bad outlook on myself cause people will know he's my child and they going to get mad at me for not raising him right.

  30. As a parent i would be so ashamed that my son joins a group that wants to bomb America and send out threats of killing us Americans. It doesn't make sense on why your own son wants to join a group that's been trying to kill U.S. citizens for decades. I just don't get why and as a parent i would feel bad for my whole family as if i was a bad parent.

  31. Why would anyone feel the need to even support these organizations? This man obviously does not remember what happened on September 11th, these terrorist groups have no regard for human life. How was it that he was not arrested on his way to the middle east?

  32. Its really his decision to be in a terror group . There is nothing really anybody can say that could make him back out. He seems to passionate about being where he is. Someone's passion cannot be change and he's not the only person to do it.

  33. I would honestly beat him senseless. To the point where he couldn't breath. Im playing but i would be disappointed in my child because thats not how he was raised. He is an American not British nor a trader.

  34. i know his parents are just super disappointed because i would hate to raise a child and my child join a terrorist group. America didn't do anything to him and he sits here and goes against the people who kept him safe

  35. Really don't know how i feel on this maybe disappointed or disgusted

  36. I would want them get an mental evolution. When people betray their country that means something is mentally wrong with them. i would feel bad for my whole family as if i was a bad parent.If that's what he want to do that's on him,but he is going to have to live with the consequences. -jasmynejohnsonPost

  37. I can't even describe how i would feel if i was a parent, this kid must have been spoiled rotten to have a MOVIE DIRECTOR who is probably FILTHY RICH, and then TURN AGAINST HIS OWN COUNTRY?? There are no school appropriate words to describe this.

    1. Also, can we get some more cheerful blogs? The blogs for the past while have just been saddening so we need happier blogs please, thank you.

  38. I know his parents are probably in shock and disappointed. You tried your best to raise your kid and he ends up a terrorists. They said he had every opportunity in life, he could have been anything he wanted but he chose to be a terrorist.

  39. I would tell him that he isn't my son anymore if he'll stay in that group. I don't know why people join these people and for what. They get killed and they kill innocent people. I hope nobody blames the father for that if he had no idea what is son was going to do.

  40. it just shows you there in america among us keep you're eyes open

  41. I feel like their son was so influenced by all of the action and glorified war that he saw IN those movies that, after being around movies his whole life, he decided that he wanted to be apart of that "extreme" and "war-ridden atmosphere" as if he was in a movie. First off, that is COMPLETELY ignorant and stupid. Second off, this guy is a DIRECTOR'S SON. Being a Film Director isn't just any kind of job. People get paid a healthy amount for direction shows and movies. I'm pretty sure that the parent of this guy has taken good care of him for his whole life, and that they were both extremely privileged. Why would a rich kid with opportunities of a good education and a cushy lifestyle throw ALL of that away to join the Al-Qaeda??? If I was his parent, i'd be pissed to the highest degree! And then i'd disown him and move on with my life. It sucks that parents spend years raising and taking care of a child to cultivate them to be the best person they can be. and then their children repay them by joining terrorist organizations. Yikes!

  42. Well thats his decision and i hope he doesnt try to kill us.

  43. i would be extremely disappointed and angry. i would disown them from the entire family. i would never help them if they ever needed it. i would kick them out of my house i would no longer want anything to do with them.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I am past being disappointed in my child, I am disgusted. I have no issue disowning that child faster than you can say "pbj." My purpose in life is not raising no child to go join a terrorist group good night. I can't even type of few things because it may be school inappropriate but let my child try some slick stuff like that.

  46. he been brainwatched an want to be somebody

  47. Warning: Do not read if you dislike hard language or if easily offended. I would beat the living crap out of them. First I would sit them down and have a discussion to them about why they decided that. Second thought...yea I would beat them first then have the discussion. If they want to interrupt or so much as a sniffle while I'm talking to them I would beat them again so they know and get the message of the pain they caused me or the pain that they are going to cause by doing that! Just so they get the message that they messed up. SEVERELY!

  48. i would of bee disappointed and angry i would of not let them see there family because that wrong .

  49. Movie director's son joins Al Qaeda. That's cool. Something about a movie director joining terrorist. Obviously, I'm being sarcastic about this being cool. This is not cool, this is stupid. His parent must be disappointed.

  50. I were a parent of this person . I would tell him don't be that person to get in trouble and come in follow my foot steps on making a movies

  51. I dont think its a good idea at all for him to do that. He shouldn't turn into one of them no matter the reason.

  52. I would be disappointed him. upset and rag. at the same time I would be worried for him and curious about why he would join them. as his parent I would probably cry and feel be traded

  53. i would be really upset with him and till him that it was not right at all and he should not do this.

  54. Mia Reddick.

    If I was a parent of this person, I will be absolutely upset. I will question my child why was this a necessary thing and what made them join the al Quaeda. This looks bad on my son or daughter and for our family too. The reason why is because it involves in serious crisis on him or her and our family.

  55. I would be disappointed in my child. Also, I would try to figure out why my child betrayed their on country. I will beat him until I get tired, and I never get tired like kevin gates udigg.

  56. I would be mad because why would he go do that . That makes his father look bad

  57. I would be mad at my son. but I'd still have love for him. Even though it makes me look terrible

  58. I wouldn't care, that's on him if he wants to do that. I would cut all ties with him also. I would move.

  59. If that was my son I would be very upset. I would still claim him as my son I just wouldn't associate myself with him as much. I would ask him why does he feel the way he does.

  60. If my child was to join, I would be disappointed but i wouldn't hate him i would try to talk about it but the child is going to what he/she wants .No one raises there kid to be to be criminals.

  61. I would feel disgusted and ashamed if my child made this choice. I would also be concerned knowing that their life is in danger everyday. I feel that this would be more dangerous than joining a street gang. Both are bad decisions, but i would not expect them to join a viral terrorist group.

  62. i would feel discracedd i would no longer love my child this is terriable

  63. If I was the parent of this person I would be very downhearted.I would be hurt because my child who I raised and took care of turned out to be a terrorist.He is spoiling his dad's reputation and any chance he had of a positive lifestyle.I don't know why someone who has everything who want to be a terrorist.

  64. If I was the parent of this person I would be very downhearted.I would be hurt because my child who I raised and took care of turned out to be a terrorist.He is spoiling his dad's reputation and any chance he had of a positive lifestyle.I don't know why someone who has everything who want to be a terrorist.

  65. this is shocking that someone has joined a terrorist group. he really could have not went but did so that is bad for his family. nobody should have to join the terror group but this guy did. they could have ended the travel to Isis. he couldn't have done a lot more but they couldn't.

  66. I would be afraid and angry because i dont want my child to involved around bad people in a bad environment. I would about my child put himself in danger area because he dont deserve to lives there but i cant stop him joining that area. Thats his decision to make

  67. I would feel ashamed to know that my son what join and islam group made by One of the biggest terroist in the world. I would also feel dishonered that my son would join a group full of Terroist.

  68. I would be very disappointed in my children, but then again my children wouldn't do that. But I'm pretty sure every parent would be sad, disappointed, and upset if their child did that.

  69. I would be disappointed in my child. Also, I would try to figure out why my child betrayed their on country. I don't know why someone with a famous father would just join al Qaeda. I guess there is nothing anyone can do about it

  70. if i was the parent of this child i would feel ashamed because it would have came off as if i never taught him any home training

  71. if i was the parent of this child i would feel ashamed because it would have came off as if i never taught him any home training

  72. If a parent were to have a child like this, they should still love that person anyway as they are still that person`s child and their love for that offspring should be unconditional. However, the actions the child takes would simply be disapproved and the parent would be disappointed in their child. Despite this, in today`s world, not a whole lot of parents give their children the necessary tools to succeed most of the times anyway, so the child that joined Al-Queda may have more of a familial reason for joining rather than to simply join.

  73. To be honest, If I were a parent of this person I would be extremely ashamed of him as my daughter or son. I would never disown them or stop communicating with them just because of their poor decisions but I will no longer have a bond or relationship we use to have as father and son/daughter.

  74. as a parent i would be disappointed and ashamed of my child for participating in such acts with people who are targeting to kill and demolish our great country. Also Id be hurt that my child didnt travel in the right path and is going down a path of death and destruction

  75. It's crazy, I know his parents feel ashamed just to even be tied to him. But at the end of the day, it's his decision. If I was his parent I'd have no choice but to live with his decision, although it differs from mine and many others. I'd try a few times to get him to change his mind but right now I think its too late. Just let it be.

  76. If my child joined a terrorist society i would be extremely disappointed and scared. I would feel both ashamed of myself because i would feel like i didnt raise them right and my child. I cant control everything they do in their lives but i expect them to make good decisions and joining such a dangerous and evil group isn't a good one. Our relationship will not be the same and possibly non existent. I wouldn't disown them but the communication between us would be very little.

  77. if that was my child i would honestly disown him.i don't think there is any accept ion as to why he should join a terrorist group.and with his father bring in the public eye it makes it worst.but at the end of the day i don't think there is much his parents could do about it.but I'd still have love for him but i would just simply not associate myself with him. i would also insure that he brings no harm to our family and stay away. i would not question him about why he joined i would let him live his life,while i live my and cut all ties .he could potentially be dangerous to anyone he associates with.

  78. If my Children would join any terroristic affilated groups I would be very disappointed and would ask myself what I did wrong, and why he or she joined this group. I would try to understand at what moment in his or her life had changed and he or she became an extremist that would willingly hurt and kill other people because of what he or she believed in.

  79. If my Children would join any terroristic affilated groups I would be very disappointed and would ask myself what I did wrong, and why he or she joined this group. I would try to understand at what moment in his or her life had changed and he or she became an extremist that would willingly hurt and kill other people because of what he or she believed in.

  80. This is a very sad situation. To find out that your own flesh and blood traded you and works for the other side must be heartbreaking. But on the other hand that would be a great movie idea. Hopefully the movie director's son will get a proper consequence. I wish nothing but the best for the movie director and hope that he will make it through this rough time, because this might be a blessing in disguise

  81. his parents should feel ashamed just to even be tied to him. but its his decision.

  82. I would feel very ashamed, depressed, and accountable for letting my son join a terrorist group. God forbids that happen to my son. Their parents are truly the one to blame.

  83. I would feel ashamed and discouraged as a parent. I would feel as if I didnt do my job.

  84. i could live with myself if my child was to ever join something so racial and just as bad of a group like that. i can bare that, its so despicable to hear a person join such a group and be happy with it. why would anyone want do something like this.


  85. this would not be my child because i would beat them for even talking about it. Let alone joining. 

  86. Thats odee bru lol why would he do that
