Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Overload 10/20/15

Comment on the Link Below. Do you believe the information stated in the article is true?



  1. He is right you cant do 9 things at one time but i didnt know that you lose brain power when you do 5 or more things at one time .

  2. information will never overload because of our complex brains, we can develop more and more new technology to use in everyday life that we can understand and use to complete multiple projects.

  3. its possible that this could be true because we do tend to make our brain hold alot of information.

  4. I think it could be an extreme amount of technology. Which can cause an overload. But I think the internet is very useful.

  5. I do believe the information in the article is true, because many people tend to do information overload. Many people tend to take in more than the brain can handle. That can lead to being stress, or tired. I do believe if we try to do more than the brain can handle then we will lose brainpower. The brain is only so strong, can only do so much, and can only handle a certain amount of work at one time. Cramming things into the brain, or overworking your brain can cause you to lose brainpower and the brain will shutdown certain things.

  6. i believe the information is true because we do live in a time where information is in a our hand. there is a lot of information just right there and we don't really learn any thing on are own.

  7. ive read somewhere that the brain can only hold a certain amount of information, the "key things""Information overload refers to the notion that we're trying to take in more than the brain can handle," says neuroscience Daniel Levitin.

  8. I don't really believe in this article.I would just say that I am neutral.I do think the brain can focus on more than three things at a time also depending on the things that you are doing.Some people tend to do more that five or six things at a time and then in the end they get frustrated about not getting it done.People just need to have a limit on the amount of thing they do per time or per day so they can't have a brain power or overload.

  9. i believe it is true as some famous well known people usually stress out over clothing or even normal everyday things. and the article best shows and describes the stress and overload some well known people have and why they kept wearing the same signature outfit every single time to reduce stress on them and overload on them..

  10. He is right you cant do 9 things at one time cause it make you lose brain power but it is good to multitask

  11. I believe the information is true because people tend to do information overload. They take in more than the brain can handle.

  12. I think that it could be a extreme in technology this past year. i think the internet is useful.

  13. well it may be i dont know. but what i do know is that we watch as screen most of our lives. yeah and when i think about it, it kind of is true because somtimes i have to much things in my mind that i might forget simple things from a password to remembering to take out the trash.

  14. i think that as you get older that you start tto forget more and more things. you mite be more knowledgeable about more things burt this you did in the past what people said would start to fade away

  15. I think that everything I read was incredibly interesting, our brains can only hold in and pay attention so much, that sometimes it kinda 'shuts down' or beckons for you to get some coffee or sugar to stay awake.

  16. I am a senior and I've had my fair share of nights when I had to start and finish an assignment that was due the next day. It is hard to do but it can be done. When it comes to having big roles such as Barack Obama's' then it is merely impossible. If we average 74 gigs ogf information in a day just imagine how much he receives in a day..

  17. I feel that this information is true. And i do believe if you try to juggle more than the brain can handle it could make you lose brainpower. But i think it is over limits trying to juggle up to nine things at once.

  18. I agree with this article because Im very simple and hate to have to many things going on at one time. when it comes to getting dressed for school i really dont put alot of time into what i wear i just grab and go. most of the time im too busy working and doing homework which takes majority of my time. When I think about to many things i get tired and quit over whelmed and shut down

  19. i think that when you get allot older then you will start to forget allot of things in your life. you might be less forgettable but what you did back then and what people said about will will be forgotten

  20. i believe its true if some of the smartest people in the world say its true

  21. believe the information its true and that the older u get your not capable of things you use to be able to do I agree with this article because I'm very simple and try to many things at one time and get overwhelmed.

  22. i believe it is true. sometimes the mind cant handle to many things.

  23. I do believe if we try to do more than the brain can handle then we will lose brainpower. The brain is only so strong, can only do so much, and can only handle a certain amount of work at one time. Cramming things into the brain, or overworking your brain can cause you to lose brainpower and the brain will shutdown certain things.

  24. it is true the mind cant take everything in the world at once

  25. I understand where this article comes from. I refuse to pay attention to more than a few important things at a time, any extra noise just makes my head hurt.

  26. this is absolutely true our minds can only take so much, any more and we would shut down mentally. Our minds take up Nine Dvd's of information a day, thats already a feat in itself plus the every day life decisions we make throughout the day. So i can agree with wearing and eating the same thing to savfe power for the decisions that really matter down the line.

  27. I think that the article is true because you cant do 10 things at 1 time because it will be hard for us to think about 10 things at one time.

  28. I agree with the article believe that information overload can cause you to have difficulty retaining information. Also, I believe that that it can cause the brain to overwork itself.

  29. I think it is possible to do more than one thing at a time. We do it every day but i dont think its possible to do 10 things at a time physically.

  30. I think it is possible to do more than one thing at a time. We do it every day but i dont think its possible to do 10 things at a time physically.

  31. I agree that this is a good decision seems like it makes life simpler. i do believe it can cause your brain to go into work overload.

  32. This could be true because we train our brains to hold more then their suppose to. We know more than we are suppose to in this generation.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. You can't over work your mind because your just asking to crash. our mind takes up so much information a day but you can't overwork yourself.The brain is but so strong, it can only do so much, it can handle a certain amount of work at one time.

  35. Yes, I do believe that the article is one-hundred-percent true. Our brain isn't capable of the information we possess and can access right now. The brain is the strongest and arguably ties with the heart as the most important organ in the human body. This information is too much and we can't handle it but I feel like with the increase of technological innovation we can be able to handle information.

  36. Information overload refers to the notion that we're trying to take in more than the brain can handle -jasmyne

  37. I do believe this is true. Our brain isn't capable of handling a this much information, so we're not very good at doing multiple things without making a mistake on something.

  38. Very unhealthy, speaking from personal experience

  39. i think its true maybe not the exact quotes but yeah it can happen. people just get lazy but i don't think that is going to be something that a majority of us do. sure we all want to narrow down decisions.

  40. Information overload help our brain by giving us straight to do more then five thing at once. That could work, but I wouldn't recommend it. Plus, we'll start getting lazy by it and I don't want that. Maybe our brain can handle it, but no. I don't think it'll be good for this generation.

  41. I do think its true. our mind can only handle so many things at a time. I think a lot of people try to take in more than they can and don't realize they are hurting their brain.

  42. i thank that its way to stresful trying to do more then one thing.

  43. information will never overload because of our complex brains, we can develop more and more new technology to use in everyday life that we can understand and use to complete multiple projects.

  44. ive read somewhere that the brain can only hold a certain amount of information, the "key things""Information overload refers to the notion that we're trying to take in more than the brain can handle," says neuroscience Daniel Levitin.


  46. I feel that information will never overload. Our brains are made to function and take in many things at once and to remember them.

  47. I don't really believe in this article.I would just say that I am neutral.I do think the brain can focus on more than three things at a time also depending on the things that you are doing.

  48. The truth of the matter of "informational overload" is this: it isn`t necessarily how much information we consume into our minds, but more so what kind of information we consume that goes into our heads. Focus and Discipline can ease the amount of information we consume, as it helps people decide what they should and can consume into their minds, as much of the things we consume into our minds is highly overrated and unnecessary.

  49. Information will never overload, because you learn things evryday and forget things. Our brains work very smart so i am pretty a overload of information will never.

  50. I do believe information stated in this article is true. I believe this because most of the time I do some of the actions they list throughout the article. Sometimes I become overwhelmed with different things I have on my mind. Having a lot of things on my mind causes me to get a headache, which isn't healthy. Now I noticed I need to just keep my mind focus all the way on no more than to things.

  51. I think that it is true that you will have lesss decisions to make if you wear the same stuff everyday, rather than spending much time to decide what to wear, making your head hurt and just waste time. But I think wearing everyday the same is to extreme, and I would not do it.

  52. believe the information its true and that the older u get your not capable of things you use to be able to do I agree with this article because I'm very simple and try to many things at one time and get overwhelmed.

  53. Information can overload because it only so much stuff you can handle .Our brain isn't capable of the information we possess and can access right now.Our brain our complex but who knows.

  54. Alone information will overload, that's why people are made to work together. To share the information among each other so that we can accomplish more things.

  55. its possible that this could be true because we do tend to make our brain hold alot of information.

  56. I think he could be right because it's even for our brains hard to handle this amount of information at one time.

  57. i beleive that everybody that make alot of decisions should reduce their decisions. Steve jobs could be a good ex. by him having a lot of success.they could get fatigue and then have pressure to be better than any other company. he was a person that could have had depression with all the work he had to do.

  58. Nowadays, we seem to process more information because we are continually evolving. Technology changes as the worlds needs change, based upon intellect. We only use about 10% of our brain at a time, but it can be dangerous if we start to branch out past that margin.

  59. ive read somewhere that the brain can only hold a certain amount of information, the "key things""Information overload refers to the notion that we're trying to take in more than the brain can handle," says neuroscience Daniel Levitin.

  60. Mia Reddick.

    You cant load your mind with so much information. The brain can be stored with a lot of information, but at a given time.You should not overload it , you will go insane and it will lead to stress. Therefore, I do believe the article above is true.

  61. I feel that teachers should take this into consideration. I learned that you can loose brainpower from doing more than three things at a time.

  62. I believe it could possible be true because sometimes the mind/brain cant take alot of stuff.

  63. Our brains can handle a lot of things i still remember stuff from being 5 years old

  64. the information will never overload but at the same time we do hold alot of info in out brains but it should be trained to do that.

  65. Well, it's true that if you try to take in too much information at once you can overload you stimulus. That's why it's required to take in as little as you can so you don't overload your brain causing some dysfunctions or whatever.

  66. by him having a lot of success.they could get fatigue and then have pressure to be better than any other company. he was a person that could have had depression with all the work he had to do. alexis bush

  67. by him having a lot of success.they could get fatigue and then have pressure to be better than any other company. he was a person that could have had depression with all the work he had to do. alexis bush

  68. He is right and i do believe this is true.

  69. i beleive that everybody that make alot of decisions should reduce their decisions. Steve jobs could be a good ex. by him having a lot of success.they could get fatigue and then have pressure to be better than any other company. he was a person that could have had depression with all the work he had to do.

  70. you cant do 9 things at one time but i didnt know that you lose brain power when you do 5 or more things at one time .
