Friday, October 16, 2015

Lamar Odom!

Give your opinion about this situation. And also explain how you would give support as if he was related to you. One paragraph minimum.


  1. i heard he has a cocaine addiction. it depends on the relative if he was very close to him or not. if he was close id support him by sending him to rehab, if he wasn't id just leave him be.

  2. My prayers go out to Lamar Odom and all of his family. However, I think this situation is deeper than what we're being told. This isn't Lamar's first encounter with drugs but I don't believe he overdosed from drugs. Why does it appear that every Hollywood star's downfall is drugs, I'm not taking the bait. I hope that Lamar has a speedy recover and that he isn't killed.

  3. I think this situation is sad, but it's good that he has family and friends behind him every step of the way. He's a very strong individual and so is his family. I couldn't imagine being him, or his family. All of them are going through something and they're very strong. It's hard to be there with someone and you know they're fighting for their life. I'm very surprised that they're being very strong. I couldn't be in their shoes right now I couldn't be as strong as them or him.

  4. I think no matter if your with him or not you should care for him. You should always care for everybody no matter the situation. Also, I hope he gets better. I would go to the hospital and give him flowers if I were in her position. The world needs to get over all petty drama and care for his health.

  5. Khole should be thankful becuse lamar was fighting for his life and family . Now Lamar is in a hospital not wake yet.And he spent 75 thosand dollars to take care of him and was a basketball player.

  6. its very sad that someone has to go through something like this i feel bad for him but them stuff that he did is on him no one told him to do it its his choice and he chose to do it now hes in the hospital fighting for his life

  7. I feel bad and sorry for Lamar Odom. I hope he recovers and can continue to play for the NBA if he wants to. If I was related to him and I had the funds I would be there with him, although I would have tried to stop this from happening. Lamar odom always looked like he used crack cocaine, and he always looked sick so I would have tried to help him get back right.

  8. Lamar Odom use to be a great basketball player and sure if he was still playing he would be the same. Growing up watching Lamar Odom at his prime back in his tag team with kobe bryant days. He was always one of the key players. Now he let himself go he went down a bad path he needs to get himself together. what he's doing to himself is horrible. He is still an idol to many young aspiring male and female basketball players the message he's sending isn't good. Khole Kardashian is some one needs right now if anyone can maybe get through to him it would be her.

  9. this is a really devastating situation. i hope all is well with him and his family. i have no clue what his family might be feeling right now, and i cant even imagine what i'd feel like if he was related to me. this is all the reason why drugs need to be limited.

  10. i did not know who he is but from this situation it seems that he od on cocaine. is is sad that someone keeps doing something that could kill them self. but i think he will stop know.

  11. I hope that Lamar has a speedy recover and that he isn't killed.

  12. Lamar Odom situation is horrible but if you dig a little bit deeper than we are told by the news. This isn't Lamar's first encounter with drugs but I don't believe he overdosed from drugs. Why does it appear that every who is famous has there downfall with drugs? Iook at some of the well known stars who do movies or even play sports they all have one or more downfall with drugs and that really confuses me a little

  13. I will agree that its quite sad to see someone hospitalized, especially when you don't know the reason behind it. I'm glad that everyone is keeping him in their prayers and are respecting Lamar's privacy. He sure is a fighter.

  14. Lamar Odom really do have a drug addiction.He was probably trying to kill himself or was in trouble with someone.Am sure it was drug overdose.I feel so sorry for him that he have top go through a whole lot.Being hospitalized is not a fun thing and also being a drug addict is not an easy thing.Maybe he is going to be sent to a Rehab center.

  15. this is very disappointing. i hope he gets better very soon. i hope he also starts playing bsaketball again because he was kind of an inspiration. and he was also good on 2k. and if i was by his side in that situation i would love on him and help him out with everything that he needs. god bless lamar odom.

  16. Personally i hate drugs. and people try to take drugs as an escape route. but little do people kno its just gonna make you hurt worst. he is now fighting for his life to live . but that alot of money spent

  17. Lamar has an addiction and should be sent to Rehab. He may say that he is alright but Whitney said the same thing, lets not let someone else go because they are addicted to something. Drugs will harm your body any kind, and our bodies can only take so much until something gives. Lamar needs this to save his life, i hope he gets better and finally quits drug usage all together.

  18. They continuously say that the Kardashians ruined him but they been by his side since day one. I hope Lamar doesn't die I hope this is just a wake up call that he needs to change his life around. When he gets better he should go to rehab find himself and stay away from basketball for a bit.

  19. It's sad to hear about this. Right now he needs the support of his family and I hope he gets better.

  20. Drugs aren't bad but i just strongly request that if you do them know your limit. That doesnt mean abuse them, and spend hundreds of dollars on supply he needs help soon and if he doenst get help the situation will occur again and again

  21. I think lamar odom is not have a drug addiction.i think this was all a setup he was not the only person in the room that day , so i think he was druged by someone else around him.

  22. Its sad because he could of mad more money playing in the NBA if he hasnt had a addiction . And he was probably depressed because his mom past away , His dad was a drug addict , and his son pasted away at a early age

  23. People judge Lamar and try to characterize him because he does something the public doesn't like. We all know Lamar does drugs and does other things that aren't suitable for the public. What people fail to realize that professional athletes aren't role model, they are just good at sports which makes him famous. People also don't realize his past and don't understand his struggle that he is going through. Like i heard on the news, You can't help someone that doesn't want to be saved.

  24. this is very disappointing. i hope he gets better very soon. i hope he also starts playing bsaketball again because he was kind of an inspiration. and he was also good on 2k. and if i was by his side in that situation i would love on him and help him out with everything that he needs. god bless lamar odom.

  25. Everyone knew that Lamar Odom has a nasty addiction to cocaine. I always thought he should've been put in rehab until he could take care of himself. Knowing that he messed up his career over this addiction is probably already . The drugs that he does now are just a gateway out of his own messed up life. The really messed up part is that he is fighting for is life on something that can be prevented.

  26. I feel like Lamar Odom has been on a downward spiral ever since he began messing with the Kardashians. The Kardashians ruined Blacc Chyna's life, French Montana's career and literally everyone they associate with. What happened to Rob? He got too fat for them, and they didn't even let him be on the Christmas Card. Regardless, I hope and pray Lamar gets better and he stops messing with the Kardashians.

  27. I believe that this incident with Lamar Odom is very saddening, and its sad that he turned to drug abuse to deal with his internal problems. This just shows you no matter how much money you have or your position as a person you can still deal with a real life situation like this.

  28. I feel really bad for Lamar because i really am sad for because he lowered his self down to drugs and the man was in a coma

  29. I think no matter if your with him or not you should care for him. The Kardashians ruined Blacc China's life, French Montana's career and literally everyone they associate with veryone knew that Lamar Odom has a nasty addiction to cocaine,if not where have you been. This is very depressing.

    1. how is it there fault french Montana sucks and blacc china's career fell off on her own don't blame there family for there mistakes

  30. I'm still trying to figure out why he did it, if you know what it does to you and you've been warned nearly countless times, then why? It's a sad tragedy I hope he makes it, but maybe this will show the entire world that drugs will NEVER BE ANYTHING GOOD. Hopefully he feels better and learns for next time. And maybe more than just him will learn. Drugs don't help, they do the opposite, and this is proof.

  31. It's really sad whats happening to him. He has a nasty, unsafe addiction that sent him to the hospital. I hope he recovers quickly.

  32. this is very sad. i don't really keep up with celebrities and i don't know what this man is like but i hope they find out whats wrong. if i were a part of the family i wouldn't really know what to do. i would just try to give as much support as i could and i would try to visit often. its really hard to lose a loved one and i don't know if it was drugs or something else but i really hope everyone comes out of this ok especially Lamar Odom. also if it was drugs and hes ok at the end of this i would try to get him to go to rehab.

  33. Very sad to have to be addicted to cocaine and be hospitalized because of it

  34. Lamar Odom spent almost $75,000 on so brothel to for his wife with his family. And there he go. He use cocaine and now he's in this hospital. Ok, I don't know who this guy is, so I couldn't care less about whether he's in the hospital for using cocaine on his first day at his brothel. But I do feel bad. So with his father and two children in the hospital with him, I hope he'll be okay.

  35. It is very sad that drugs have to run peoples life like they did his.

  36. I don't feel bad for him. he knew what he was doing from the start. I do hope he survive and wakes up. if I was related to him I would be at the hospital with him waiting for him to wake up.

  37. this is just sad that his family is having to go throgut this right now.

  38. I think no matter if your with him or not you should care for him. You should always care for everybody no matter the situation. Also, I hope he gets better. I would go to the hospital and give him flowers if I were in her position. The world needs to get over all petty drama and care for his health.

  39. I would feel bad for everyone in his position, altough it's kinda his own fault, that he drugged himself so badly that he now is almost dieing. But I hope for everybody, that they survive this and get their life together and stop doing drugs.

  40. My prayers go out to Lamar Odom and all of his family. However, I think this situation is deeper than what we're being told. I believe it may have been his intention to take those specific drugs. my prayers still go out to lamar. get well soon

  41. i feel like people are painting him out to be a horrible person when he's not i feel bad for Lamar because i feel as if he is a good person and that he does deserve a second chance.

  42. i feel really bad for lamar odem and his family. the entire situiation is so sad and is affecting everyone. i also feel bad for khole kardashian, although they are divorced, she still loves him and the entire situation is affecting her drastically. if i or anyone in my family was in the same position, i would be in full support of them and wish the best. i really hope lamar odem is okay

  43. Lamar Odom is a good person that has made some bad choices but should not be remembered as a bad person

  44. Lamar went to the hospital and was doing cocaine. he was also doing some other drugs. he has the support of the kardashians. he was in a coma and went to the hospital. he will be all right so lets just hope and pray he is going to be alright.

  45. i think this dude is a freak who does these types of drugs but i do hope he does better

  46. If this person were related to me, I would give some support. However, I would not feel entirely bad for him. He is a married man who went to all places, a love ranch and ingested those drugs for pleasure from two women he did not even know. This in itself was him "shooting himself in the foot" as it was his choice to do what he did to himself. Therefore, him being in the hospital was a consequence of his infidelity. Also, even worse, he further pushed the limits with Cocaine, which would have made it all the worse. Therefore, while I would support and send the guy a card, I would not condone his actions, as they ended up biting him back in a very devastating way.

  47. I believe that the Kardashians might be heartfelt about this situation, but given their past on ratings and views it seems they would do anything for publicity. My condolences go out to Lamar and his real family.

  48. I believe that the Kardashians might be heartfelt about this situation, but given their past on ratings and views it seems they would do anything for publicity. My condolences go out to Lamar and his real family.

  49. My heart goes out to Lamar Odom because it's clear he's hurt. Depression can make you do alot of crazy things. My prayers go out to his family and his kids. I hope he's okay.

  50. What happended to Lamar Odom was sad and very scary for his family, I am very happy that he woke up because no one should loose their life to drugs.

  51. that's sad a nba all start turns to drugs and almost died because of it

  52. I didn't know him before but I heard that he was a great basketball player. It's sad that he's addicted to drugs and I hope he'll get well soon.

  53. this is very disappointing. Why would Lamar Odom do such a thing. this is really crazy. He needs to be in a rehabilitation center.

  54. this is very disappointing. Why would Lamar Odom do such a thing. this is really crazy. He needs to be in a rehabilitation center.

  55. this is very disappointing for any one to do.

  56. I didn't know him before but I heard that he was a great basketball player. It's sad that he's addicted to drugs and I hope he'll get well soon.If this person were related to me, I would give some support. However, I would not feel entirely bad for him. He is a married man who went to all places, a love ranch and ingested those drugs for pleasure from two women he did not even know. This in itself was him "shooting himself in the foot" as it was his choice to do what he did to himself. Therefore, him being in the hospital was a consequence of his infidelity. Also, even worse, he further pushed the limits with Cocaine, which would have made it all the worse. Therefore, while I would support and send the guy a card, I would not condone his actions, as they ended up biting him back in a very devastating way.

  57. I didn't know him before but I heard that he was a great basketball player. It's sad that he's addicted to drugs and I hope he'll get well soon.If this person were related to me, I would give some support. However, I would not feel entirely bad for him. He is a married man who went to all places, a love ranch and ingested those drugs for pleasure from two women he did not even know. This in itself was him "shooting himself in the foot" as it was his choice to do what he did to himself. Therefore, him being in the hospital was a consequence of his infidelity. Also, even worse, he further pushed the limits with Cocaine, which would have made it all the worse. Therefore, while I would support and send the guy a card, I would not condone his actions, as they ended up biting him back in a very devastating way.

  58. Mia Reddick.

    First and Foremost , my prayers goes out to Lamar Odom and his family. It is very sad to see people go through situations like this that causes them to lose their self-worth. No person should turn their life problems to drug abuse, there are other ways to solve those particular problems. If Lamar Odom was related to me I will definitely be by his side every step of the way. Even though decisions he made is not something I strongly accept , I will still be supportive as much as I can.

  59. This is sad that this man tried to get away from something by using drugs and ended up in a coma. Taking drugs is not away to get away from things. I am glad that he is still fighting for his family.

  60. he needs the support of his family and I hope he gets better but the situation is very sad.

  61. Lamar is a grown man he knows what his doing .but still my prayers goes out to Lamar Odom and his family. Its a bad thing knowing that drug hurt people so much .but thank god he alive

  62. Lamar is a grown man he knows what his doing .but still my prayers goes out to Lamar Odom and his family. Its a bad thing knowing that drug hurt people so much .but thank god he alive

  63. Lamar Odom use to be a great basketball player and sure if he was still playing he would be the same. Growing up watching Lamar Odom at his prime back in his tag team with kobe bryant days. He was always one of the key players. Now he let himself go he went down a bad path he needs to get himself together. what he's doing to himself is horrible. He is still an idol to many young aspiring male and female basketball players the message he's sending isn't good. Khole Kardashian is some one needs right now if anyone can maybe get through to him it would be her.

  64. Lamar let himself go. I know tings started going down hill but it should have been motivation to do better. People just handle tings differently. I would help my spouse or friend in this position but they have to want it for themselves.

  65. I feel that everyone deserves a second chance, Lamar odum is a phenomenal basketball player who is still worthy of staying in the NBA and possibly starting.

  66. I think this situation is sad, but it's good that he has family and friends behind him every step of the way. He's a very strong individual and so is his family. I couldn't imagine being him, or his family. All of them are going through something and they're very strong. It's hard to be there with someone and you know they're fighting for their life. I'm very surprised that they're being very strong. I couldn't be in their shoes right now I couldn't be as strong as them or him.

  67. I heard he has a cocaine addiction. it depends on the relative if he was very close to him or not. if he was close id support him by sending him to rehab, if he wasn't id just leave him be.

  68. Its sad to see because I used to enjoy watching him play & if I was one of his friends id help out.

  69. He didn't deserve that but i want to know where were his close friends at to tell him that its a bad move and he shouldnt do it.
