Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Flat earth

Well is it? Write your opinion about this ongoing argument. check out the link below.


  1. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Shaq just so happens to believe that the earth is flat. I don't see a valid reason as to why scientists would have a problem or be offended by his comment.

  2. I don't believe the earth is flat.

  3. Earth could be flat round or rectangular, nothing is going to change. i wish people could just laugh and keep moving

  4. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but i believe the earth is flat.

  5. The earth could be either but it really doesn't matter. It shouldn't affect people too much.

  6. Sometimes people cant imagine what they cant see, even though the proof is there for everyone but some believe, without a visual look with his own eyes, its not true. They cant get out of the mindset of looking not whats in front of you but deep inside the thought and test his theory of belief. Simply climb a mountain little as stone mountain and you can see a curve to the earth.

  7. I don't understand why they reacted so seriously to the joke.

  8. i don't know why scientist should been offended because sense they have their opinion and shaq has his.

  9. I think it's funny & just a joke . Of course the Earth isn't flat.

  10. The Earth is not flat this is stupid.

  11. Shaquille O’Neal recently hopped aboard the "Earth is flat" conspiracy theory train, at least temporarily. Ever since February's NBA All-Star Weekend when Kyrie Irving declared that globes are falsely portraying the shape of our planet, the "flat Earth theory" has been a hot topic to ask athletes about because, well, it’s ridiculous.

  12. the earth is nowhere near flat shaquille is just being dumb

  13. Sometimes people cant imagine what they cant see, even though the proof is there for everyone but some believe, without a visual look with their own eyes.There is proof that the Earth isn't flat so I dont know why this topic is still relevant.

  14. Is this even a question? THE EARTH IS VERY FLAT. JK if you think the earth is flat your retarded, it's been scientifically, visually, realistically, and geologically proven that the earth is a triangle, you idiots.

  15. The earth could be either but it really doesn't matter. It shouldn't affect people too much.

  16. I swear I'm losing brain cells everyday. Shaq was being sarcastic and somehow not even people here could catch on, not even scientists could catch on. How is he smarter than scientists? Despite live feed, pictures, and sometimes even yourself if you're on a plane or something can see that the earth is a rectangular prism. I swear these idiots...

    If someone doesn't get the joke and think I'm being serious, why are you in school? (Earth is a sphere, a globe. Not flat, not rectangular, round.)

  17. i don't know why scientist should been offended because sense they have their opinion and shaq has his.

  18. Sometimes people cant imagine what they cant see, even though the proof is there for everyone but some believe, without a visual look with his own eyes, its not true. They cant get out of the mindset of looking not whats in front of you but deep inside the thought and test his theory of belief. Simply climb a mountain little as stone mountain and you can see a curve to the earth.

  19. Sometimes people cant imagine what they cant see, even though the proof is there for everyone but some believe, without a visual look with their own eyes.There is proof that the Earth isn't flat so I dont know why this topic is still relevant.

  20. I feel like he just talking and dont know what he is saying. He need to know more info

  21. i don't know why scientist should been offended because sense they have their opinion and shaq has his.

  22. i don't know why scientist should been offended because sense they have their opinion and shaq has his

  23. The earth could be either but it really doesn't matter. It shouldn't affect people too much.

  24. People have been to the moon, they know the earth is round everybody else just talking to talk.

  25. I don't think the earth is flat, but it was just a joke anyways. I don't think its that serious.

  26. This is shaq here im pretty sure he was joking.

  27. Is this even a question? THE EARTH IS VERY FLAT. JK if you think the earth is flat your retarded, it's been scientifically, visually, realistically, and geologically proven that the earth is a triangle, you idiots.

  28. This is the dumbest thing I heard of. If we were in the 1300s then this would be understandable. But we're not. They're are satellites in our atmosphere that show proof that the earth is round. People always think there is a loophole behind everything.

  29. Sometimes people cant imagine what they cant see, even though the proof is there for everyone but some believe, without a visual look with his own eyes, its not true. They cant get out of the mindset of looking not whats in front of you but deep inside the thought and test his theory of belief. Simply climb a mountain little as stone mountain and you can see a curve to the earth

  30. i think the flat earth theory is just medieval science that crazy people are trying to make fact, but its just not true , if the earth was flat the gravity would never be the same in different locations and all the water on earth will pool up in the center

  31. the earth is nowhere near flat shaquille is just being dumb

  32. Sometimes people cant imagine what they cant see, even though the proof is there for everyone but some believe, without a visual look with their own eyes.There is proof that the Earth isn't flat so I dont know why this topic is still relevant.

  33. Sometimes people cant imagine what they cant see, even though the proof is there for everyone but some believe, without a visual look with his own eyes, its not true. They cant get out of the mindset of looking not whats in front of you but deep inside the thought and test his theory of belief. Simply climb a mountain little as stone mountain and you can see a curve to the earth.

  34. I really don't care. I believe the earth is round but if the people thinks its flat, then let them think what they want. I have no time to argue with them and they might have better proof then I do so ..

  35. According to, "Shaquille O’Neal recently hopped aboard the "Earth is flat" conspiracy theory train, at least temporarily. Ever since February's NBA All-Star Weekend when Kyrie Irving declared that globes are falsely portraying the shape of our planet, the "flat Earth theory" has been a hot topic to ask athletes about because, well, it’s ridiculous.

    Of course, when it comes to Shaq, ridiculous is the norm. On his podcast, The Big Podcast with Shaq, the NBA legend explained his reasoning to co-host John Kincade.
    "It’s true. The Earth is flat," O’Neal said. "There’s three ways to manipulate the mind: What you read, what you see, and what you hear. In school, first thing they teach us, 'Oh, Columbus discovered America.' But when you got there, it was some fair-skinned people with long hair smoking on peace pipes. So what does that tell you?"


  36. I'm pretty sure the earth is round.

  37. i don't know why scientist should been offended because sense they have their opinion and shaq has his.
