Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Travel Ban

Do you agree with the new travel ban, and do you think that it is any different from the last one in terms of safety for the American People?


  1. it is straight inconvenience to those that are affected

  2. Travel bans should pretty much just be illegal due to the fact that people that haven't done anything wrong are getting punished for things other people that they don't even know, nor ever will they ever know, have done. It just isn't fair.

  3. I don't agree because not every has bad intentions and you can't penalize them. At the same time I do agree because it is good to be safe than sorry.

  4. I dont agree with this travel ban either. It good to be looking at the safety of the U.S, but this isnt the way.

  5. I don't agree with this travel ban that president Trump has issued because its not fair for the people who have not done anything wrong to have to be banned from the United States, this ban could really stop people from seeing their family.

  6. I don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  7. I don't agree with the travel ban. Not all who travel are going to try to hurt people so it's unfair to others.

  8. I don't agree with the travel ban. I think it is very unnecessary.

  9. I believe because it is only a temporary ban of 6 months and not permanent travel ban, it is not as bad as people are making it out to be.

  10. I feel this travel ban has caused more damage to the country and to other countries. This has created panic and has affected families and businesses to be separated. People aren't able to come home, which in my own opinion is a wrongdoing of the presidents doing but will be undone.

  11. i do not agree with the travel ban because people that have done nothing wrong and have been working hard should be able to travel as they please

  12. I don't agree with the new travel ban just like I didn't with the first one. Travel isn't fair. Nobody should be told they can't travel somewhere. I just disagree with this.

  13. I don't agree because not every has bad intentions and you can't penalize them. At the same time I do agree because it is good to be safe than sorry.

  14. i think it doesn't change the fact that refugees are still not allowed to enter the U.S. and the fact that america should be a country to let refugees into the united states.

  15. I don't agree with this new travel ban or the last one, because it profiles the people who live in those countries and causes tension.

  16. President Trump signed an executive order on Monday blocking citizens of six predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States, the most significant hardening of immigration policy in generations, even with changes intended to blunt legal and political opposition.

  17. I don't agree i not everyone is gonna do something bad or have have bad intentions. People should be able to travel as the please. what if the trying to see they family they should be able to do that without going threw all the travel ban.

  18. I still do not agree with any type of travel ban.

  19. I don't agree with the new travel ban because shouldn't be denied the right to go somewhere if they have doing anything wrong. Making this travel ban may make people from other countries think we are judging everyone from that specific place.

  20. I do not agree with the travel ban.

  21. i do not agree with this tarvel ban because its dumb

  22. I don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  23. i think it doesn't change the fact that refugees are still not allowed to enter the U.S. and the fact that america should be a country to let refugees into the united states.

  24. I say this is proof that we're not making America great at ALL.

  25. I don't pay attention to Donald Trump. He is retarded. He shouldn't be running our country.+

  26. I don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  27. I don't agree with this travel ban that president Trump has issued because its not fair for the people who have not done anything wrong to have to be banned from the United States, this ban could really stop people from seeing their family.

  28. I believe because it is only a temporary ban of 6 months and not permanent travel ban, it is not as bad as people are making it out to be.

  29. I don't agree because not every has bad intentions and you can't penalize them.

  30. I do not agree with this travel ban it is not right in my opinion.

  31. I don't agree with the travel ban because you can't punish everyone for the actions of others that want to harm or terrorize other countries, specifically the US.

  32. I do not agree with this travel ban it is not right in my opinion.

  33. I disagree with the travel ban i feel there is another way to identify terrorism and its making families leave who have lived here for a while.

  34. I don't agree because not every has bad intentions and you can't penalize them.

  35. some people should be banned but some were affected wrongly

  36. I don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  37. I don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  38. I believe because it is only a temporary ban of 6 months and not permanent travel ban, it is not as bad as people are making it out to be.

  39. i do not agree with the travel ban because people that have done nothing wrong and have been working hard should be able to travel as they please

  40. I feel this travel ban has caused more damage to the country and to other countries. This has created panic and has affected families and businesses to be separated. People aren't able to come home, which in my own opinion is a wrongdoing of the presidents doing but will be undone.

  41. Travel bans should pretty much just be illegal due to the fact that people that haven't done anything wrong are getting punished for things other people that they don't even know, nor ever will they ever know, have done. It just isn't fair.

  42. don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  43. The travel ban is so dumb. Millions of people are being punished for something they haven't done.

  44. I feel this travel ban has caused more damage to the country and to other countries. This has created panic and has affected families and businesses to be separated. People aren't able to come home,

  45. I feel this travel ban has caused more damage to the country and to other countries. This has created panic and has affected families and businesses to be separated. People aren't able to come home, which in my own opinion is a wrongdoing of the presidents doing but will be undone.

  46. I don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  47. don't agree with the travel ban. It inconveniences people in major ways. Everybody that travels isn't trying to hurt other citizens or has ill intentions. Overall, the travel ban is unfair to those who do the right thing.

  48. I don't agree with the travel ban. The travel ban is so dumb.

  49. i don't agree ,it is not a very good solution to the problem

  50. For the ones that aren't affected they don't worry about it. Like for instance . Wealthy people. They don't necessarily think that the less fortunate people's problems are theirs.

  51. I don't agree with the travel ban but its only 6 month. 6 month cant be that bad.
