Thursday, March 23, 2017

politics free write

free write on politics... please summarize two current events


  1. The U.S administration is almost 100% positive that Russia hacked the Presidential elections. Trump claims that he has inside information that no one knows about. The Japanese Prime Minister and former President Obama visited Pearl Harbor on Tuesday. They delivered a speech and offered their condolences for all the lives that were lost is war,

  2. Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians. Now FBI is receiving information according to U.S officials. FBI investigates that the coordination may have taken place. FBI began looking into possible coordination between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives.
    Republicans are opposing that Obamacare is taken away. Republicans can vote against the bill. Also, republicans won the voting 237 to 193.

  3. The house intel chairman states that trumps personal communications may have been collected. Also, a Russian bank sent a threatening letter to a computer scientist who called for trump investigation.

  4. there has been someone that had contact with the Russians almost a decade ago and Obama may have gotten contact with Donald trumps radio waves unintentional.

  5. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain, as an ISIS-affiliated news agency claimed that the extremist group was behind the outrage.

  6. House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday by revealing that communications of President Donald Trump and associates may have been picked up after the election by intelligence agencies conducting surveillance of foreign targets.

  7. Ivanka Trump will get a west wing office and Trump is trying to close the deal on his new Health Care plan.

  8. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain, as an ISIS-affiliated news agency claimed that the extremist group was behind the outrage.

  9. The U.S administration is almost 100% positive that Russia hacked the Presidential elections. Trump claims that he has inside information that no one knows about. The Japanese Prime Minister and former President Obama visited Pearl Harbor on Tuesday. They delivered a speech and offered their condolences for all the lives that were lost is war,

  10. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain, as an ISIS-affiliated news agency claimed that the extremist group was behind the outrage.

  11. House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday by revealing that communications of President Donald Trump and associates may have been picked up after the election by intelligence agencies conducting surveillance of foreign targets.

  12. there has been someone that had contact with the Russians almost a decade ago and Obama may have gotten contact with Donald trumps radio waves unintentional

  13. The California Republican also promised colleagues they would see the documents he was referring to on Friday, which is when Nunes is expecting the NSA, CIA and FBI to respond to a request for a full list of names of people whose identities were disclosed through “incidental collection,” or legal collection by U.S. intelligence agencies of communications by foreign entities that could involve American citizens.

  14. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain, as an ISIS-affiliated news agency claimed that the extremist group was behind the outrage.

  15. Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians. Now FBI is receiving information according to U.S officials. FBI investigates that the coordination may have taken place. FBI began looking into possible coordination between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives.
    Republicans are opposing that Obamacare is taken away. Republicans can vote against the bill. Also, republicans won the voting 237 to 193.

  16. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain, as an ISIS-affiliated news agency claimed that the extremist group was behind the outrage.

  17. Mariah Holder's first AAU tournament is this weekend. Many people will be in attendance just to watch her. She is amazing. She is the goat.

  18. Senate rules currently require 60 votes for Gorsuch's nomination to be approved. Changing those rules using the nuclear option would require only a simple majority.
    "Whatever it takes to get him on the court, I will do," the South Carolina Republican told "The Mike Gallagher Show," when asked about the nuclear option.Graham added, "If my Democratic colleagues choose to filibuster this guy, then they will be telling me that they don't accept the election results -- 306 electoral votes -- that they're trying to delegitimize President Trump, and that's not right and we would have to change the rules to have the Supreme Court like everybody else."

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Still no deal on Obamacare repeal after white house!

  21. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain, as an ISIS-affiliated news agency claimed that the extremist group was behind the outrage.

  22. House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday by revealing that communications of President Donald Trump and associates may have been picked up after the election by intelligence agencies conducting surveillance of foreign targets.

  23. Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians. Now FBI is receiving information according to U.S officials. FBI investigates that the coordination may have taken place. FBI began looking into possible coordination between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives.
    Republicans are opposing that Obamacare is taken away. Republicans can vote against the bill. Also, republicans won the voting 237 to 193.

  24. The California Republican also promised colleagues they would see the documents he was referring to on Friday, which is when Nunes is expecting the NSA, CIA and FBI to respond to a request for a full list of names of people whose identities were disclosed through “incidental collection,” or legal collection by U.S. intelligence agencies of communications by foreign entities that could involve American citizens.

  25. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain

  26. there has been someone that had contact with the Russians almost a decade ago and Obama may have gotten contact with Donald trumps radio waves unintentional.

  27. donald trump is the stupidist person alive by bombing syria

  28. Police investigating the deadliest London terror attack in 12 years have arrested eight people in raids around Britain, as an ISIS-affiliated news agency claimed that the extremist group was behind the outrage.

  29. House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday by revealing that communications of President Donald Trump and associates may have been picked up after the election by intelligence agencies conducting surveillance of foreign targets.

  30. Hernandez's life sentence was for his conviction of first-degree murder in the 2013 killing of Odin Lloyd, a semipro football player who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancée. and On February 4, 2017, Scully's son Nolan lost his battle with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer that affects soft tissue.

  31. President Donald Trump travels to Southeast Asia this fall, he will likely be going without the help of one key adviser: a chief of protocol.The chief of the protocol all held the rank of ambassador.They accompany presidents on foreign trips and coordinate visits of foreign dignitaries to the US, they greet newly installed ambassadors moving to Washington, they help select gifts for foreign leaders and they run Blair House, the historic guesthouse across the street from the White House. So if Trump going to a foreign country without a chief of protocol, that's a dumb decision and probably gonna mess up everything.

  32. According to, "Former President Barack Obama will deliver the first public remarks of his post-presidency here in his adopted hometown of Chicago on Monday, three months after handing off the baton to President Donald Trump.

    The 44th president is slated to speak with young leaders at an event at the University of Chicago, billed by his office as a "conversation on community organizing and civic engagement" and a part of Obama's goal to "encourage and support the next generation of leaders."

  33. The Clinton center was bugged.

    Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday stood by his decision to back a Democratic candidate whose record on abortion has drawn fire from many in the party.

  34. there has been someone that had contact with the Russians almost a decade ago and Obama may have gotten contact with Donald trumps radio waves unintentional.

  35. Hernandez's life sentence was for his conviction of first-degree murder in the 2013 killing of Odin Lloyd, a semipro football player who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancée.
