Tuesday, March 14, 2017


What is your opinion about this article?



  1. Just Donald trump being Donald trump.

  2. Even if Trump towers was wire tapped it doesnt matter now, because he still won and became president.

  3. I feel people are sticking up for trumps words but i don't honestly believe that he feels the same as the people standing up for him. I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning that will always come back and not be true just because obama was another race.

  4. This is why Trump shouldn't tweet his feelings as if he is a regular person and not the President of the United States because the whole world will be looking at this.

  5. He's making no sense. Why would the former president , Obama, want to sabotage the presidency. Why would he put him and his family in danger by doing that. Trump is just seeking attention.

  6. I think Trump just wants everyone's attention on him. He makes no sense at all.

  7. I think this is very asinine and typical for trump.

  8. I feel people are sticking up for trumps words but i don't honestly believe that he feels the same as the people standing up for him. I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning him.

  9. Trump is garbage his whole life and every thing he stands for is trash and he makes no sense at all, plus hes already the president so wether or not the trump tower was tapped it doesn't matter and i personally think trump has something to hide

  10. i feel like Donald Trump is trying to make an excuse just so that he can still be talked about and be relevant and he might just want to downgrade Obama but i believe that Obama didn't wiretap anything because why would he do that when all the talking was being televised and everybody all ready knows what Donald Trump is like.

  11. The White House on Monday walked back a key point of President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower during the 2016 election.

  12. Trump is making a big deal out of something that didn't change his becoming of the president. He needs to worry about running this country and not accusing the former president.

  13. i dont approve of whats hes doing it's stupid

  14. - just Trump trying to take what said back because he knows it only brings him negative publicity.

  15. Donald Trump will do anything to make his opponents look weak. He loves to be right about everything and wont close his mouth.

  16. I feel like Donald Trump is trying to make an excuse just so that he can still be talked about and be relevant and he might just want to downgrade Obama but i believe that Obama didn't wiretap anything because why would he do that when all the talking was being televised and everybody all ready knows what Donald Trump is like.

  17. . I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning him.

  18. I think this is very asinine and typical for trump.

  19. Donald Trump is just trying to make excuses

  20. This overreacting is what's gonna bring our country down.

  21. I think Trump just wants everyone's attention on him. He makes no sense at all.

  22. Trump is making a big deal out of something that didn't change his becoming of the president. He needs to worry about running this country and not accusing the former president.

  23. It don't even matter we already know this world coming to the end having donald trump at president.

  24. Trump making a big deal out of something.

  25. Donald Trump will do anything to make his opponents look weak. He loves to be right about everything and wont close his mouth.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. The White House on Monday walked back a key point of President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower during the 2016 election.

  28. i think is just trying to keep his name on the news

  29. I feel like its just another cover up for Trump saying the wrong things, and them wanting to keep him out of trouble.

  30. Trump wants all scrutiny on him and he wants everyone to focus on him, when in reality most people could care less about this dude.

  31. Pres. Trump is trying to get a lot of security for him. He feel like he need all the attention. I feel people dont really care about him so he keep doing things to keep his name out there.

  32. I feel people are sticking up for trumps words but i don't honestly believe that he feels the same as the people standing up for him. I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning him.

  33. It does not even matter he still is the president.

  34. Trump is garbage his whole life and every thing he stands for is trash and he makes no sense at all,

  35. Donald trump is an idiot. He continuously takes back things he says after they backfire on him. He is truly slow. I feel sorry for him.

  36. I feel people are sticking up for trumps words but i don't honestly believe that he feels the same as the people standing up for him. I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning him

  37. I think the whole situation is petty and immature. Why would the Obama Administration waste their time hacking someone/something so irrelevant to them ?

  38. Trump is making a big deal out of something that didn't change his becoming of the president. He needs to worry about running this country and not accusing the former president.

  39. I feel people are sticking up for trumps words but i don't honestly believe that he feels the same as the people standing up for him. I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning that will always come back and not be true just because obama was another race.

  40. This is just another Trump move to get attention. He needs to get OFF Twitter and worry about the bigger issues going on in this world...Wire tapping...seriously...be our "president" and grow up!

  41. According to CNN.com, "The White House on Monday walked back a key point of President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower during the 2016 election.

    Namely, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump wasn't referring to wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping.
    "I think there's no question that the Obama administration, that there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election," Spicer said. "The President used the word wiretaps in quotes to mean, broadly, surveillance and other activities." Donald Trump is mad annoying.

  42. I think Trump just wants attention and this is his way of getting it. I don't approve of what he is doing but he makes the decisions.

  43. im tired of hearing Donald trump name to be honest he just be talking just to talk im still mad to this day that he president he just wants attention and America just keeps entertaining it.

  44. It does not even matter he still is the president

  45. I wish Donald Trump would leave Barack Obama alone! like please give him a break,he has done so much for america and guess who is going to mess that all up......just guess.

  46. donald trump is a whole female dog and Obama will go down as the best president of all timw #mypresidentblackandmylamboblue

  47. I feel like Donald Trump is trying to make an excuse just so that he can still be talked about and be relevant and he might just want to downgrade Obama but i believe that Obama didn't wiretap anything because why would he do that when all the talking was being televised and everybody all ready knows what Donald Trump is like.

  48. I feel people are sticking up for trumps words but i don't honestly believe that he feels the same as the people standing up for him. I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning him.

  49. feel people are sticking up for trumps words but i don't honestly believe that he feels the same as the people standing up for him. I feel he used no sarcasm and had intentions of trying to start questioning that will always come back and not be true just because obama was another race.

  50. I don't really care but I want Obama back.
