Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Climate Change

What is your opinion of the article below.



  1. They just need to let mother nature take care of the climate, because last time they let Trump do it he nearly flooded the southern states and other countries.

  2. I think Donald Trump should be getting more involved in the climate so that we could at least be prepared if something drastic happens rather than last time with the hurricane and they were unprepared and everything was last minute .

  3. He definitely needs to get involved in the issue of climate change.

  4. people are polluting the air but once again trump doesnt care.

  5. They just need to let mother nature take care of the climate, because last time they let Trump do it he nearly flooded the southern states and other countries.

  6. Amiel Dawson

    I think that nature should run its course

  7. people polluting air once trump doesen't

  8. He needs to get involved in the issue of climate change.

  9. I think Trump should be getting more involved in the climate so that we could at least be prepared if something drastic happens.I think there has been of storms lately that have been affecting people all over the World. So it would be a smart idea to be prepared if something like that happens again .

  10. I think that the government can not control the weather but they can do something about the after math

  11. donalald trump nees too get involved because this dosent make sense

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  13. I think we all need to get involved because this isn't a job that one person can do we all need take the initiative.

  14. I think that the government can not control the weather but they can do something about what happens next.

  15. People are beginning to take things to serious and trying to blame things that we cant even control on others i mean i understand that the past could help but i mean what are they trying to do have the government make a time machine??

  16. the Environmental Protection Agency's clean power plan, which sought to lower carbon emissions.Government report calls on Trump to act on climate change

  17. The goverbment has spent more than 350 billion over the past decade in resonse to extreme weather and fire events and the govenment accountability office report estimated the us would incur

  18. I think Trump should be getting more involved in the climate so that we could at least be prepared if something drastic happens.I think there has been of storms lately that have been affecting people all over the World. So it would be a smart idea to be prepared if something like that happens again

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  20. I think we all need to get involved because this isn't a job that one person can do we all need take the initiative.

  21. People are polluting the air but once again trump doesnt care

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  23. We need to let nature do it's thing.

  24. Someone needs to step up already instead of talking about someone else to do things for them.

  25. There is technology for just about everything. Even the climate, but no one wants to believe the unreal or the "non-existent' or fantasy type thing within the world. Donald Trump needs to settle down and take things into action with serious responsibility. No games, no messing around, and reasonable actions!
