Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Investigation -White House

Please comment on the current investigation going on in the white house.



  1. I don't understand this article at all because it goes off topic like 3 times.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is just more political drama being blown out of proportion.

  4. Trump's tried political defense mechanism is to whip up chaos.

  5. I personally don’t care about politics,but if he is guilty I hope he gets the proper punishment.

  6. Trump worrying about the wrong thing, he doesn't know anything about politics and he bought his way as president. When my president Obama was in office we as a country didn't have to worry about other countries wanting to go to war with us.

  7. Trump is trying to cover up his tracks in my opinion

  8. trump is just trying not to say wrong things

  9. right now i feel like we have more important things to be looking into being what else might be going around

  10. trump is trying not to say something wrong

  11. Amiel Dawson

    politics really doesn't gain my interest

  12. The President's tried and tested political defense mechanism is to whip up chaos to tip his enemies off balance and launch a fierce counter attack. He'll also take cover with his ultra-loyal political base, rely on Republicans who are too cowed to repudiate him and fog an issue with alternative facts. Like clockwork, Trump sought Tuesday morning to discredit the probe into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and his campaign's potential role in it.
    "The Fake News is working overtime. As Paul Manaforts lawyer said, there was "no collusion" and events mentioned took place long before he came to the campaign. Few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George, who has already proven to be a liar.

  13. If he is guilty I hope he gets the proper punishment.

  14. The President's tried and tested political defense mechanism is to whip up chaos and like clockwork, Trump sought Tuesday morning to discredit the probe into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and his campaign's potential role in it.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. People don't know what's going on in the white house but people want to talk about trump.

  17. Trump really has no reason to still be in office

  18. Trump has no reason to be in office

  19. Trump has no reason to be in office

  20. Trump is always in business he has no business being in. HE needs to do his job and stop worrying about the wrong thing all the time! It gets old and it is sad because you are a full grown man, worrying about the wrong thing and you are supposed to be setting an example for the citizens of America. Let alone that, you are supposed to set an example for the children of America, the generation that will soon be leading this country. It is quire ridiculous. Impeachment maybe?????

  21. trump has no reason to be in office

  22. trump shouldn't be in the White House period.

  23. Trump shouldn't be in the white hiuse. He's the reason where likely going to go to war.

  24. Trump shouldn't be in office he is a very bad president.

  25. Trump worrying about the wrong thing, he doesn't know anything about politics and he bought his way as president.
