Friday, October 13, 2017

Freewrite on any 2 current events

Please summarize any two current events.


  1. California lost 31 people to a wildfire and Harvey Weinstein is accused of several sexual assault

  2. Two employees in a North Carolina prison are dead after to inmates try to escape. California wildfire takes the lives of 31 people and taking 100s of homes away.

  3. Many wildfires have happened in California since Sunday and 31 people died and many people have lost their homes.
    Puerto Rico is suffering financial issues and Donald Trump says it's their own fault .

  4. Trump will end crucial obamacare subsidies.
    31 people killed in California wildfire.

  5. carribean americans step in where the us media and gov falls short
    disaster work relief workers in puerto rico treat theirselves to a spa day in puerto rico

  6. Two employees in a North Carolina prison are dead after to inmates try to escape. California wildfire takes the lives of 31 people and taking hundreds of homes away.

  7. California lost 31 people to a wildfire
    Puerto Rico is suffering financial issues and Donald Trump says it's their own fault

  8. Tarhata musarip became an interally displaced person idp when she fled marawi with her family including her days old baby

  9. There was a wildfire in California where 31 people were killed. Also, two officers in a North Carolina prison are killed when two inmates try to escape.

  10. The wild fire in california is beginning to spread and making peoples lives harder.

  11. Amiel Dawson

    There was a wildfire in California which 31 people were killed .

  12. California lost 31 people to the wildfire, Puerto Rico is suffering from financial issues

  13. Many wildfires have happened in California since Sunday and 31 people died and many people have lost their homes.
    Puerto Rico is suffering financial issues and Donald Trump says it's their own fault .

  14. California lost 31 people to a wildfire
    Puerto Rico is suffering financial issues and Donald Trump says it's their own fault

  15. Many wildfires have happened in California since Sunday and 31 people died and many people have lost their homes.
    Puerto Rico is suffering financial issues and Donald Trump says it's their own fault .


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I got a "A" in my math class and history class.

  18. California lost 31 people to a wildfire
    Puerto Rico is suffering financial issues and Donald Trump says it's their own fault

  19. Carribean Americans step in where the us media and gov falls short
    Disaster work relief workers in Puerto Rico treat their selves to a spa day in Puerto Rico

  20. Dwayne the Rock Johnson talked again about running for president at Comic Con. He is said to say that “the people’s president” had a nice ring to it.

    Justin Timberlake is getting a second chance at the SuperBowl next year. Everyone remembers when his more controversial performance with Janet Jackson almost 13 years ago.

  21. Meek Mill is possibly facing up to two years of prison for extremely violating his parole.

    One of Usher's "victims" has may reportedly drop her lawsuit against him.
