Wednesday, October 11, 2017


What is your opinion of artists in music taking political stances?
see below


  1. I think its a great idea.The artist can appeal to younger kids about real world problems through music.

  2. My opinion of artists in music taking political stances is that they are doing a great job. They can get the word through music into younger generations and kids.

  3. They should be able to exercise their 1st amendment rights that are available to them, so I think it is okay that they are voicing out their opinions.

  4. i mean i feel like that might be good cause it might open some eyes for what really going on in the world

  5. I think its a great idea because the artist are actually talking about real and IMPORTANT things that are happening around us rather than stupid stuff like girls, drugs, or jail.

  6. I think its important for artist to do this for people who don't watch the news.

  7. Honestly , it's a good thing for a white person to stand up for the cause because it might bring justice.

  8. Sometimes Rappers have some good stuff to say and that's could really effect the world for good and for bad.I think that its good that Rappers are getting into politics because many people follow them and it could get to lots of people.

  9. My opinion on artist taking political stances is that its a very good idea because there are many kids who look up to these artists.They are telling them whats happening in this world. Also, they are setting an example they are showing them to stand up for what the believe in.

  10. I think that its good that Rappers are getting into politics because many people follow them and it could get to lots of people

  11. The rapper Eminem lashes out on trump at the hip hop awards accusing the president of racims hypocrisy despresest of the millatry veterens

  12. I really don't bother with politics anymore .

  13. ithink its a great idea.The artist can appeal to younger kids about real world problems through music.

  14. Eminem was speaking many truths about our new president. He didnt care about the consequences, which he shouldn't. Somebody needed to speak out on the terrible job Trump is doing. Him speaking up on it just gives others the chance to.

  15. Eminem does not like how his country of America has turned out so far. So every time he takes the stage who shows and tells everybody whats on his mind politically.I think that he should keep doing that because he is a popular rapper so more people can know what's going on and what's wrong and right.

  16. Politics i dont try to concern myself in them because they dont hold much value to me

  17. I believe artists can support and talk about their political stances and are able to express how they feel.

  18. I believe that artists have the right to talk about it. Plus their fans are probably wondering what their thoughts on political stances. I also think that it is one of the realist things a artist can talk about.

  19. My opinion of artists in music taking political stances is that they are doing a great job. They can get the word through music into younger generations and kids

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I Believe artists have the right to talk about

  22. I think its great that artist are taking a stand against the government. Music is made to allow artist to express the way the feel, and thats exactly what Eminem did

  23. The rapper Eminem struck out at President Trump in a video that played at the BET Hip Hop Awards on Tuesday.

  24. They should be able to exercise their 1st amendment rights that are available to them, so I think it is okay that they are voicing out their opinions

  25. i think it would be good idea because this generation listen to music all the time so the they can listen to music and get the message.

  26. I think that it is great when celebrities take a political stance on things they know are right or need to change. They have a platform that the everyday person doesn’t have. Therefore they should use it to give a voice to those who don’t have one. It should be done often as long as it’s in a polite manner.

  27. I think that it's ok as long as the music they make is still good.

  28. Although this doesn't bring me any interest at first hand I will give my opinions. First of all, Eminem is actually dead. Secondly the person rapping is one of his clones. Thirdly, the clone did a terrible job executing Eminem in a rap cypher about politics....BUT What he attempted to get across was very clear and I give him an 2.5/10. It'd be a 7.5/10 if the cuss words were non-existent. The matter was displaced on social media and on television which shows that he is not the only one who has these feelings about the political world, let alone Trump.
