Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Freewrite on social issue

Summarize any two current events pertaining to social injustice or issues.


  1. I believe that any person, no matter if they play any professional sports or not, have the right to kneel during the national anthem. The national anthem is suppose to signify a patriotic musical composition that evokes and eulogizes the history, traditions, and struggles of its people, recognized either by a nation's government as the official national song, or by convention through use by the people. But everyone knows it doesnt mean that.

  2. NFL players are steal kneeling during the national anthem due to social issues.Donald Trump is still unhappy with the issue and wants team owners to fire players that kneel. But the owners stand in unity with their players and refuse to do so.
    Teachers are adding this summer's events in Charlottesville, Va. to their curriculum. The board of education felt as though it was a good idea to discuss what is going on in our society and trying to make a change about it rather than standing clueless.

  3. Teachers are adding this summer's events in Charlottesville, Va. to their curriculum.NFL players are steal kneeling during the national anthem due to social issues

  4. Donald Trump is still unhappy with the issue and wants team owners to fire players that kneel. But the owners stand in unity with their players and refuse to do so.
    Teachers are adding this summer's events in Charlottesville, Va. to their curriculum

  5. the players are taking knees during the national anthem like they are boycotting it but the coaches and owners wont because they know they can be replaced the players cant

  6. Vice president Mike pence walked away from a colts game when the opposing team kneeled during the national anthem.The NFL protest have angered many people who say that its disrespectful to the solider's in our military.Not every one sees it as a symbol of freedom,but the exact opposite which is why the NFL players have decided to do something.

    A Michigan judge has granted a convicted offender parental rights.27 year old Christopher Mirasolo pleaded guilty to a crime involving a 12 year old girl,now 21 years old,in 2008. This resulted in her giving birth to a son who is now 8. It started when she was applying for food stamps, the application required the child's father's name to be listed. Her filling out that application quickly lead to the government looking for the father. Christopher is now listed as the parent with supervised visitation, joint custody,and a
    monthly child support fee of $316.00. Luckly he hasn't requested any visitation.

  7. -Teachers are adding this summer's events in Charlottesville, Va
    -Donald Trump is still unhappy with the issue and wants team owners to fire players that kneel

  8. NFL players are still kneeling during the national anthem due to social issues. Also President Donald Trump is still unhappy with the issue and wants team owners to fire players that kneel.

  9. NFL players are all starting to take a knee during the national anthem.

  10. Teachers are adding this summer's events in Charlottesville, Va

    Donald Trump is still unhappy with the issue and wants team owners to fire players that kneel

  11. Dove dropped a controversial commerical , which people are taking pretty hard . It includes a black woman who turns into a white woman , implying black people are nasty .
    A white fire fighter in Detriot was fired after he gifted a majority black station a watermelon.

  12. Why does the Las Vegas shooter's motive even matter? Despite running down more than 1,000 leads in the Las Vegas shooting investigation, authorities say they are struggling to determine why Stephen Paddock fired on a packed crowd of concertgoers, killing 58 people and wounding hundreds more.

    Judge sues state supreme court over right to hear death penalty cases: Arkansas' Supreme Court justices are suddenly finding themselves on the other side of the bench -- as defendants -- in a new federal lawsuit brought by a judge in the state alleging religious and racial discrimination over death penalty cases.

  13. Vice president Mike pence walked away from a colts game when the opposing team kneeled during the national anthem.The NFL protest have angered many people who say that its disrespectful to the solider's in our military.Not every one sees it as a symbol of freedom,but the exact opposite which is why the NFL players have decided to do something.

  14. Vice president Mike pence walked away from a colts game when the opposing team kneeled during the national anthem.The NFL protest have angered many people who say that its disrespectful to the solider's in our military.Not every one sees it as a symbol of freedom

  15. Vice president Mike Pence walked out of the colts game over the weekend because the opposing team took a knee during the national anthem.

    There was an active shooter on the Texas tech campus last night. Police officers arrested a man for having drugs in his dorm room and while the police took the suspect down to the police station he pulled a gun and shoot one of the officers and killed him. Later on in the evening the cops arrested the man.

  16. The Nfl has made many people mad because they feel they are being disrespectful to soldiers by kneeling during the national anthem. Also Dove dropped a controversial commerical , which people are taking pretty hard . It includes a black woman who turns into a white woman , implying black people are nasty .

  17. people are dead and taking a knee for something

  18. Amiel Dawson

    Donald Trump is still unhappy with the issue and wants team owners to fire players that kneel

  19. NFL players are still kneeling during the national anthem due to social issues. Also Donald Trump is still unhappy with the issue and wants team owners to fire players that kneel.But they also kneeling because Trump called the players' sons of Bs. Which was uncalled for on all levels .
    Dove dropped a controversial commerical , which people are taking pretty hard . It includes a black woman who turns into a white woman , implying black people are nasty .

  20. The San Francisco 49ers football team traveled to Arizona to play the Cardinals. During the National Anthem there was widespread kneeling from the entire team in support of Colin Kaepernick and his efforts to bring light to social prejudice and injustice.

    A high school football coach criticized a referee who refused to officiate a game after members of the opposing team knelt during the national anthem. He called the referee a coward.

  21. Celebrities say that we must use our voices and speak out against social injustices. Ray Lewis is still fighting for social equality.

  22. #METOO
    A hashtag has been getting a lot of attention. It is about different celebrities in different industries with correlation to the world of social media who come out about their situations and experiences of sexual harassment. A lot of these celebs come out to the light and speak on their incidents that happened when they first joined their industries at such a young age.... Also that it is a serious issue and still happens in 2017 all over the world.

    GUCCI MANE AND KAOIR ARE MARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIED, but the issue that they have with social media is the fact that people believe that the real Gucci Mane is dead and she has children that she does not take care of. People on social media do not believe in privacy and do not believe in untrue things that the world may come across.
