Monday, October 2, 2017

New Technology

Post about any new apps or technology that are related to education. Please include details about the specific functions of the app.


  1. Flashnotes is a new app.It lets you take flash cards around without the huge mess and the headache.You can study and just check off the terms that you know.

  2. brainly homework help and solver it gives hints for help and after urs done you can see the answer and check it

  3. Duo Lingo is a new app. It allows you to create an account under your teacher and learn languages such as French, Spanish, Italian, Danish, and English.

  4. Duiolngo helps you learn foreign languages. It gives you different types of activities to do to learn each language or any language you want to learn.

  5. Ready4’s is a series of test prep apps that aims to teach you the material and test-taking tips for any specific test in mobile-friendly chunks, so that you can study whenever and wherever you have your smartphone.

  6. Math Workout is an app that can be used by anyway to test their mental math knowledge. It makes a random question, Then different circles pop up with you having you to click in a certain amount of time.

  7. Seesaw is a new app and acts like a student portfolio app and it lets students post their best work in school and share it with their parents. Teachers can also provide strengths and weaknesses in parent-teacher conferences.


  8. The free language learning application DuoLingo offers 13 language courses for English speakers. ... DuoLingo also includes courses for speakers of languages ​​other than English. These include French and Portuguese speakers, English for Czech speakers, DuoLingo for free in Spanish, and so on.

  9. Reading Workout is an app that can be used by anyone to test their mental reading Level. It makes a random question. Of what is your reading level.

  10. New Zealand's technology industry boosts up. A few New Zealand companies are well known in the international technology marketplace, including Weta Digital in movie special effects, Xero in small business accounting software and most recently Rocket Lab, an aerospace company, after a maiden launch into space in May.

  11. Chromebooks

    Despite the rising popularity of tablets, Google’s Chromebook may snatch the competition in the lower grade school classrooms. The laptops have a few distinct advantages over the apple iPad:

  12. SmartFind is a brand new app that can be accessed by students anywhere at anytime. SmartFind is a search engine that surfs the web by using keywords. So if you have a question on any topic that you're learning about in class, you just type in a keyword and the search engine will find it. SmartFind is available in the Apple and Play Store

  13. The current app that is rising to the top fairly quickly is duolingo. This app allows people to learn not only Spanish and french but many other languages such as French,Italian,German,and etc... This app can contribute to many of the language speaking classes that are mandatory to get into college. Using this app students can get a better understanding of the language they are learning or the language they are interested in.

  14. Face detecting systems

    Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow?

  15. Flashnotes is a new app.It lets you take flash cards around without the huge mess and the headache.You can study and just check off the terms that you know.

  16. The iphone X drops this month , this iphone doesn't come with a home button . The iphone's home button will be $200.

  17. Math Workout is an app that can be used by anyway to test their mental math knowledge. It makes a random question, Then different circles pop up with you having you to click in a certain amount of time.

  18. A new app or technology related to education is EON Experience.This collection of VR lessons encapsulates everything from physics to history. Students or teachers can create their VR lessons from preloaded content.

  19. Russian state-owned company TransTeleCom has provided a new internet connection to Kim Jong Un's regime, according to North Korea monitoring project 38 North. Cybersecurity experts have also confirmed the new Russian link.
    The move strengthens North Korea's cybersecurity capabilities at a time of heightened tensions with the U.S. -- and also reduces its reliance on China.
    Previously, North Korean internet traffic was funneled through one sole link, provided by Chinese telecommunications firm China Unicom, according to experts. Now, it's got some backup from Russia.

  20. two-lane Texas highway when he saw an oncoming car drift into his lane just a few hundred feet ahead. There was a ditch to his right and more oncoming cars to his left, so there was little for him to do but hit his horn and brake. “I could hear the man who taught me to drive telling me what he always said was rule number one: ‘Don’t hurt anybody,’” Mugriyev recalls. But it wasn’t going to work out that way. The errant car collided with the front of Mugriyev’s truck.

    It shattered his front axle, and he struggled to keep his truck and the wrecked car now fused to it from hitting anyone else as it barreled down the road. After Mugriyev finally came to a stop, he learned that the woman driving the car had been killed in the collision.

  21. Photomath is an app that allows you to take a picture of a math problem and it solves it for you. This app is really useful for when you are not around you teacher and you need help.

  22. the iphone x comes out this month

  23. The new Iphone x is the new phone that apple will be releasing. This phone is a limited time thing, so you will need to get one as soon as they go on sale for pre-order. This phone is more limited than people thought so they will go soon.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Duolingo is a free language learning app. Learn some new languages!

  26. Iphone x is the new phone that apple will be releasing. This phone is a limited time thing

  27. Photomath is an app that allows you to take a picture of a math problem and it solves it for you. This app is really useful for when you are not around you teacher and you need help.

  28. Photomath is an app that allows you to take a picture of a math problem and it solves it for you. This app helps out if you are struggling with a problem.

  29. Flashnotes is a new app.It lets you take flash cards around without the huge mess and the headache.You can study and just check off the terms that you know.

  30. Electrovibration technology will change the mobile touchscreen experience dramatically. You will be able to feel different kinds of texture.

  31. A new technology is the Chromebook that Henry county has provided for Henry students. It is good in many ways because now we don't always have to use paper and do most of assignment on the computer. It also helps so assignments don't get lost easily.

  32. SmartFind is a brand new app that can be accessed by students anywhere at anytime. SmartFind is a search engine that surfs the web by using keywords. So if you have a question on any topic that you're learning about in class, you just type in a keyword and the search engine will find it. SmartFind is available in the Apple and Play Store

  33. There are many different pieces of new technology and the areas that bring the most interest include the new cameras and new robots. There is a heart robot that can replace the actual heart and help a real human live.

  34. There is a new action camera that can capture all of your necessary movements for a fraction of the price. This camera lets you record stunning 5-megapixel photos and 1080p HD videos while doing intense activities like skiing, bicycling, and swimming.

  35. Google Classroom is a a good platform for interacting with students and distributing assignments.

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  37. High technology or high tech refers to the kind of technology that is cutting edge, advanced, and currently available. High technology does not refer to a class of technology because all kinds of technology have been considered high tech at one point, before being considered low tech or obsolete as time passes. Get More Info
