Friday, October 27, 2017


Read the article below and comment on whether you agree with it or not.


  1. Everything you eat can cause some type of sickness or disease.

  2. In my opinion,I think sugar could lead to cancer.Too much of a good thing could or will always lead to a bad thing.Alot of people consume sugar everyday of their lives and may not know how much the sugar effects them.

  3. Sugar can lead to cancer if the person consuming it on a frequent basis doesn't take more caution with it.

  4. Every thing can cause cancer now these days this doesn't surprise me any more.

  5. I don't really think sugar could be the cause of cancer but anything is possible so you never know.

  6. The nine year research project may even infludence personal medicine and diets for cancer patients the another concluded the study being by looking closely at cancer appetite for sugar

  7. At this point everything causes you cancer like breathing ope you've got cancer. Sugar is becoming something that people are just trying to blame there issues on and it isnt something that is very important being the factor that we need some natural sugars to just survive

  8. In my opinion,I think sugar could lead to cancer.Too much of a good thing could or will always lead to a bad thing.Alot of people consume sugar everyday of their lives and may not know how much the sugar effects them.

  9. Amiel Dawson

    I honestly don't stress on what food causes what because if i did , i would end of not eating.

  10. Honestly , eating healthier should be put into habit more

  11. In my opinion i think anything unhealthy could lead to health problems. However i don't believe that sugar can make you get cancer. Now if you over use sugar it could lead to problem. Natural sugar is from sugar canes, which are good for you but today's foods are so processed that they lead to many health problems

  12. Sugar can lead to cancer if the person consuming it on a frequent basis doesn't take more caution with it.

  13. I do agree because eating to much sugar can lead to many different diseases including cancer.

  14. no, because it been eating that all in my life, it can lead to diabetes

  15. I agree that people who have a high sugar income can get cancer

  16. i agree eating a lot of sugar can lead to health problems

  17. Sugar is the cause of diabetes not cancer.

  18. In my opinion I think that it might be have something that can cause something that is close to cancer but, I don't think that sugar can cause cancer.

  19. A biologic mechanism in yeast cells may explain the relationship between sugar and malignant tumors, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature Communications.

  20. Honestly sugar causing cancer isn't shocking . More and more research is coming out on what is causing cancer. We would be better off being vegan .

  21. I dont think that sugar can cause cancer. Some of the healthiest eaters can still have cancer. But i do think that its good that they are trying to find the cause and possibly a cure

  22. In my opinion,I think sugar could lead to cancer.Too much of a good thing could or will always lead to a bad thing. Sugar is the cause of diabetes not cancer.


  23. I believe that sugar could cause cancer if you consumed it everyday and never take it away from your diet

  24. I think sugar is a cause of cancer, but not the only one. So many things nowadays are assumed to be causes of cancer that no ones what is and what isn’t.

  25. if you eat a lot of sugar you can get cancer

  26. Honestly people really dont need to be eating alot of sugar

  27. The nine year research project may even influence personal medicine and diets for cancer patients the another concluded the study being by looking closely at cancer appetite for sugar

  28. Sugar can lead to cancer if the person consuming it on a frequent basis doesn't take more caution with it.

  29. Sugar can cause cancer if you don't take a break from it sometimes.

  30. I do agree because eating to much sugar can lead to many different diseases including cancer.

  31. Sugar can probably cause cancer.

  32. In my opinion,I think sugar could lead to cancer.Too much of a good thing could or will always lead to a bad thing.

  33. This causes cancer. That causes cancer. Everything causes cancer. You know what if you want to eat a boat load of diabetes and sugar on the side then go right ahead. CANCER IS A MAN MADE DISEASE. Nature doesn't form half of the worst diseases in today's time. It is injected in our foods, formed from different parts of bacteria, created from the minds of evil at first hand. I am still going to eat sugar because it taste good. God forbid it doesn't become a serious topic. Whether its granulated, brown, or powdered, I am going to use it.

  34. Sugar can cause cancer but so can many other things. We shouldnt stop eating it just because of that. Cancer can come to the most healthy people too.

  35. Sugar can may lead to cancer if a personal eats it on a day to day basis. That's not good for the human cells. The article clearly shows proof it is true so it must be.
