Friday, January 12, 2018

Being Thankful

Click on the Link below, and Blog about what it means to be Thankful, and what exactly are you thankful for?


  1. I'm thankful for my family and a roof over my head.

  2. I'm thankful for my family and close friends. I'm also thankful for my educators and people who've helped along the way.

  3. Being thankful is appreciation what you have and what you are happy for. I am thankful for everything I have, my friends and family

  4. when your thankful for something you are happy something to be in your life and glad you have what you have. i am thankful for my family and being able to have a roof over my head and clothes on my back

  5. Being thankful means that you value the things you have and I'm thankful for having a house.

  6. To be thankful means to be pleased about the things that you have and people that are there for you. I'm thankful for my family and close friends that are always there when i need somebody to talk to. I also am thankful for having a roof over my head and being able to eat everyday.

  7. Being thankful means that you appreciate the things that you have and what people do for you. Im thankful for having a roof over my head and being able to eat every day and having a bed to sleep on

  8. Being thankful is appreciation what you have and I'm thankful to have a house , clothes , and food.

  9. Being thankful means that you value the things you have and im thankful for my life

  10. Being thankful means that you are appreciative for the stuff that you possess and keep a mind to protect that. I am thankful for my home with running water, food, and electricity which I use daily in my home.

  11. being thankful means to be appreciative for anything that anyone has done or given too you. I am thankful for the roof over my head , shoes on my feet , clothes on my back , food to eat , education , and my family and friends

  12. To me being thankful means to be grateful for the things in life you have, and life itself. I'm thankful for my parents.

  13. being thankful is when you appreciate everything that you have and not being ungrateful.

  14. being thankful means to appreciate for anything people do for you or what goes on in your life . I'm thankful for my family and my friends and that I have a house to live in when I go home

  15. I think being thankful means appreciating the things that you do have, and not focusing on what you don't have. I'm thankful for my family and friends, and I'm also thankful for my experiences that I've been through in my life time.

  16. Being thankful IS appreciating everything you have or anything someone gives you. I'm thankful for having family, friends, food, clothes, and housing.

  17. Being thankful is feeling or showing gratitude

  18. being thankful is when you have gratitude and appreciation for something that is signifigant or wanted. i am thankful for the life i am given everyday, my family and friends and my track coach.

  19. I'm thankful for my family and close friends. I'm also thankful for my teachers and other people who've helped along the way.

  20. I'm thankful for the life I have.

  21. Being thankful is all about the appreciation you give to certain thing or certain someone. I'm thankful to have both of my parents in my life and a place to live and food to eat

  22. Being thankful is to be happy with what you got/have. I am thankful for my life and all Ive been given.

  23. Being thankful is when you appreciate, respect, and show gratitude for something that you have or received from someone. I'm thankful for my friends and family and just waking up every morning and being alive.

  24. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to live under the circumstances I am in. Although it has its cons and I complain about some of my situations, it could be much much worse. Sometimes it is not good to compare everyone on the same threshold only because everyone comes from different backgrounds with different experiences. As cliche and old this may sound, you truly never know what someone else is going through. This is something that needs to be implemented when we confront people on a daily basis. How we treat others, our family, and our own self. There are many things to be thankful and I do not have enough fingers to count all of them. A few include my ability to dance and perform, make YouTube videos with the equipment I have, and have a fully functional body that is healthy!

  25. Being thankful means to be appreciative for what you have. I'm thankful for my godparents, parents, siblings, the roof over my head, the opportunities that I've had this year, and so much more.

  26. Being thankful,is when you have gratitude and appreciation for something that is significant or wanted. I am thankful for the roof over my head,shoes on my feet,clothes on my back,food to eat, education,my family and friends, the people that love me, I'm also thankful for everything that has happened in my life because it has showed me lessons.

  27. Being thankful means to cherish the good things you have in life. things that you wont take for granted. I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful for my school family friends, but most of all i'm thankful to God.

  28. i'm thankful for a lot because life to short to not be thankful for things so everything i received and have i'm thankful for it even if things isn't going right be thankful

  29. To be thankful, you have to have appreciation for what you have or are given, regardless of how much value it's worth. I'm thankful for my parents, the house that I live in, the people in my life, food, and much more.

  30. i am thankful for the roof over my head, I'm thankful that I have a bed to sleep in at I'm thankful for a lot

  31. being thankful is being appreciative on what you have even if you don't have everything you want. I'm thankful for my family and my friends and everything that god has blessed me with.

  32. I believe being thankful means that you acknowledge the things you have. I'm thankful for my education, family and things that was provide to me without no cost.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. being thankful is to appreciate what you have, and not taking it for granted. I`m thankful for my everyday life, my family,and friends.

  35. To be thankful is the act of being appreciative for the things you have or you are given. I am thankful for my family and friends because they do a lot for me. I know to be thankful for all the little things because I know I won't live forever.

  36. I'm grateful for the air that i breathe, the Haitian food i eat, and my friends & family that care for me on a daily basis.

  37. I am grateful for life and my family. Being grateful means to appreciate everything God has gave you.

  38. To be thankful means that you have to apprecatie everyone and everything around you it also means that you have to apprecate the things you dont have as well because you never know what type of harm it may bring to you or other

  39. im thankful for all my parents and famliy

  40. Im thankful for food in my stomach and a roof over my head

  41. When your thankful for something you are happy something to be in your life and glad you have what you have. I am thankful for my family and being able to have a roof over my head and clothes on my back

  42. Being thankful means appreciating what you have and not acting spoiled or entitled to anything. I'm thankful for my parents putting up with me, despite all the trouble I've caused.
