Monday, January 22, 2018

Government Shut Down

What are your thoughts about the government shut down and what are the latest details as of this morning ( 1st period ) /afternoon ( 4th  period ) ?


  1. I think the government shut down is crazy because i don't understand why the political parties cant come to an agreement.The Senate is scheduled to have a key vote at noon Monday on a bill to reopen the government and fund it for three weeks, though it's unclear if this plan will win over enough Democrats to pass.

  2. I think the President and Congress should agree more. This morning hundreds of thousands of federal employees will either be sent home or have been told to not show up to work at all today as furloughs due to the government shutdown that began Friday night begin to affect workers around the country.

  3. The Government has been shutdown for 2 going on 3 days now. The government shutdown could have been needed to get things back up and running the way their supposed to be ran. Today at noon the senate is going to have a vote to reopen the Government.

  4. The government shutdown makes no sense. The politcal parties should have been able to come to some type of agreement. The Senate, however, will have a vote to reopen the government.

  5. My thoughts on the government shut down is demented , i wonder to myself why cant the political parties come to an agreement .

  6. I feel as though the shutdown was unnecessary but i agree with the democrats that the immigration reform need to be removed.
    The senate is to vote today on plan to reopen gov.

  7. i honestly think the government is taking to long for their thinking process but i guess their weighing out any other options . the vote was supposed to be yesterday but they couldn't decide on a decision so the final vote will be made today @ 12pm

  8. The government shutting down is just crazy it has been 2 days going on 3 now and I think the political parties should just come together for the good of the country. However the senate is having is having a vote to reopen the government.

  9. I dont believe that the government would actually shut down and if it did i feel as though it would be only temporary. acorrding to cbs news "A vote is scheduled for noon Monday that would end the shutdown with a short-term spending bill that would last three weeks".

  10. I think the reason why our country is falling apart is because of the new president, Donald Trump. Democrats in turn blamed Republicans and Trump for a basic failure to govern, noting that this shutdown is the first in history to occur when a single party controls both chambers of Congress and the White House. They also blamed Trump for repeatedly backing out of agreements that would have resolved the dispute. This is what i think about the government shut down.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I feel as if they're taking a while to come up with a decision, because The political parties cant come up with an agreerment and i dont think it's a good idea.

  13. The government shutdown makes because they ran out of time to vote so they could not agree on anything.

  14. The government shutdown i can only describe in two words: crazy & surprising. I feel like the political parties need to come to an agreement and come to it fast. I heard that there is a vote to reopen the government and i wonder how many people will actually participate in the vote.

  15. The government shutdown is crazy. How do they expect to run a country if the political parties can't come to a agreement.

  16. The two political parties should put aside their differences and meet within common grounds. As of now the senate is compromising to end the shutdown of the government.

  17. I feel that they were taking way too long to come up with a decision or a solution, and my parents work for the government as well so they cant really get paid for work. And recent new on the Government shut down.:The senate came up with a deal to reopen the government.

  18. The different political parties should've come up with an agreement. Shutting down the government for awhile can cause many problems for the citizens. Lastest news is that Senates are voting to end the shutdown

  19. I think the government shut down is crazy because I don't understand why the political parties can't come to an agreement.

  20. I'm not a politican so I cant tell you my side of it, but I'm glad they can get some time off.

  21. I think that the government shutdown is crazy because they ran out of time to vote so they could not agree on anything.

  22. The gov't needs to just come up with a decision or they'll never go forward.

  23. Goverment Shutdown sounds pretty serious. Ill have to look into it. Either way cant say news like this is anything new.

  24. I think the government shut down is crazy because i don't understand why the political parties cant come to an agreement.The Senate is scheduled to have a key vote at noon Monday on a bill to reopen the government and fund it for three weeks, though it's unclear if this plan will win over enough Democrats to pass.

  25. I think the government shutdown is crazy because I don't see why the president wouldn't do the right thing without putting the citizens in such a frenzy and sign what he needed to

  26. The government being shut down in my opinion is just a distraction. If the government were to be shut down, a lot of other obstacles will go down into destruction with it. IF the government really did not have its obstructions in place then, we wouldn't have the honor to know. With the government, everything is kept in secret. Military bases, area 51, cloning centers, genetically modified areas, etc. All of those things will go into jeopardy if the government were to be shut down. They are in way too much debt to go into jeopardy, and make way too much money to be in the predicaments they put themselves in today. It is a distraction most likely...

  27. the goverment shutdown isnt a surprise knowing that donald trump is in office becasue honestly he hasnt done nothing to make america better since hes been in office but soon it will be back in motion

  28. The government being shut down is just a distraction of something bigger happening.

  29. The government shut down is honestly not surprising because I knew that the two political parties would have disagreements eventually.

  30. I mean I don't really watch the news like that so i can't really say

  31. The government ultimately shut down due to lack of leadership by the president and his poor decision making

  32. I feel as though the shutdown was unnecessary but i agree with the democrats that the immigration reform need to be removed.

  33. I think the government shut down is crazy because i don't understand why it was unnecessary but

  34. The government shutting down is just crazy it has been 2 days going on 3 now and I think the political parties should just come together for the good of the country. However the senate is having is having a vote to re-open the government.

  35. i honestly expected something like this to happen sooner or later. The political parties seldom agree on anything. This is affecting a lot of people who are depending on their tax returns (ME).
