Wednesday, January 31, 2018

State of the Union

Last night, Donald Trump gave the State of the Union address. What were the key points that people agreed or disagreed about?


  1. On Tuesday night, President Trump will deliver what is technically his first State of the Union address. Since he became president during his address to a joint session of Congress 11 months ago, he’s going to have a hard time topping himself this year. Adding to the drama: The White House has offered few details about what policies the president plans to roll out, Democrats are packing the audience with various people Trump wronged or insulted, and the First Lady is said to be miffed at her husband over reports that he had an affair with a porn star. And to think, we used to get excited about Joe Biden’s background antics. Here’s what we know about Trump’s address.

  2. 48% -- say they had a "very positive" impression of the speech, down from 57% of speech-watchers after his first address to match Barack Obama's rating after his first State of the Union address, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. People who choose to watch a political speech tend to be more supportive of the speaker than the general population; this sample was about 7 points more Republican than the entire American population.

  3. President Trump delivered what was his first State of the Union address. Since he became president during his address to a joint session of Congress 11 months ago, he’s going to have a hard time topping himself this year. Adding to the drama: The White House has offered few details about what policies the president plans to roll out, Democrats are packing the audience with various people Trump wronged or insulted, and the First Lady is said to be miffed at her husband over reports that he had an affair with a porn star. And to think, we used to get excited about Joe Biden’s background antics.

  4. After hearing his State of the Union address, most viewers think the policies they heard would help them personally, though Democrats disagree. most viewers had a favorable opinion of what Mr. Trump had to say about the nation's infrastructure, immigration, and national security.

  5. The public has mixed expectations for the tax law recently passed by Congress and Trump. About as many say the law will have a mostly positive effect on them and their families (29%) as say its effect will be mostly negative (27%). A third of U.S. adults expect the law to not have much personal impact. Views also are split on how the law will affect the country as a whole, with 35% saying it will positively impact the nation and 40% anticipating a mostly negative effect.

  6. Trump delivered his first state of union address on Tuesday night. Since he became President during his address to a joint session of Congress 11 month's ago, he's going to struggle topping himself this year. Democrats are packing the audience with various people Trump wronged or insulted. Only 48% of the audience had a positive impression by his speech.

  7. 48% -- say they had a "very positive" impression of the speech, down from 57% of speech-watchers after his first address to match Barack Obama's rating after his first State of the Union address, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. I personally had mixed feelings about it.

  8. Some people said they thought sorta positive about Donald Trump's speech. People though are still wondering how the law that he mentioned will have an effect on the country.

  9. (I wrote a whole list for extra credit for another class, but I cannot remember it at all.)

    All I know is that he proposed to both parties that he wanted them to contribute to the infrastructure plans. I do not know what that is, but I hope that is in the benefit of the country and the people of this country. I also took notice of the fact that everything Donald Trump kept saying all dealt with marketing and engineering aspects of this economy. I also remember everyone kept clapping after everything he said. The Union looked a bit scary with all those people... All those people who look the same way doing the same way at the same time, etc. All I know is I didn't watch it for long being the fact that it had no interesting appeal, and he didn't discuss among issues he talks about on twitter or "in-text". His speech did have positive attributes and he didn't refer to everything with using himself in the equation. He has more work to do to get on the same speech level as Obama, but he is alright. I feel as Donald Trump most likely had to remember his speech.

  10. i watched it for a little but to be honest he has done a lot but at the same time i still don't like him soo forget donald trump

  11. President Trump delivered what was his first State of the Union address. Since he became president during his address to a joint session of Congress 11 months ago, he’s going to have a hard time topping himself this year. 48% of people say they had a "very positive" impression of the speech, down from 57% of speech-watchers after his first address to match Barack Obama's rating after his first State of the Union address, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Adding to the drama: The White House has offered few details about what policies the president plans to roll out, Democrats are packing the audience with various people Trump wronged or insulted, and the First Lady is said to be miffed at her husband over reports that he had an affair with a porn star. And to think, we used to get excited about Joe Biden’s background antics.

  12. President Donald trump gave his first State of union speech on Tuesday night. His speech included new policies and plans, however, only about 48% of the watchers found his speech to be positive, which were mostly republicans, many democrats found his speech to be negative in a way.

  13. Trump speech was not really a good thing to democrats he was really talking to the republicans

  14. President trump gave his first state union speech on tuesday night. His speech included new policies.I disagree with his speech

  15. Donald Trumps speech was about policies and plans, about half of the people agreed with his speech, and the other have were democrats didnt like his speech

  16. President Trump delivered what was his first State of the Union address. Since he became president during his address to a joint session of Congress 11 months ago, he’s going to have a hard time topping himself this year.Most viewers had a favorable opinion of what Mr. Trump had to say about the nation's infrastructure, immigration, and national security.

  17. Many agreed with his new policies relating to immigration but many also agreed that he is no where near the speech level of former president Obama

  18. After hearing his State of the Union address, most viewers think the policies they heard would help them personally, though Democrats disagree. most viewers had a favorable opinion of what Mr. Trump had to say about the nation's infrastructure, immigration, and national security.

  19. President Donald trump gave his first State of union speech on Tuesday night. His speech included new policies and plans.

  20. After hearing his State of the Union address, most viewers think the policies they heard would help them personally, though Democrats disagree. most viewers had a favorable opinion of what Mr. Trump had to say about the nation's infrastructure, immigration, and national security.
