Thursday, January 11, 2018


Summarize any two current events in politics.


  1. a major event that happened in polictics in the united states was Donald Trump won the presidential election and now that republicans are in office they are pushing all immigrants out of the country

  2. The Supreme Court is taking up a case involving the search of a rental car that lawyers say has the potential to affect the 115 million car rentals annually in the United States.The transition group for President Donald Trump contends that a memo in the hands of the General Services Administration will support its side in a dispute with the special counsel investigating Russian election meddling.

  3. Trump admin. seeks to change bank rules on lending to poor.
    Republicans have dramatically ramped up their attacks on Russia probe.

  4. Ivanka Trump praised Oprah Winfrey's speech at the Golden Globes in a tweet Monday night, calling it "empowering."
    The White House senior adviser and daughter of President Donald Trump tweeted, "Just saw @Oprah's empowering & inspiring speech at last night's #GoldenGlobes.

    Early on Wednesday, September 20, Hurricane Maria — a powerful Category 4 hurricane with 150 mph winds — made direct landfall on Puerto Rico, bisecting the entire island and drenching it with feet of rain. What’s happened since has been truly catastrophic for Puerto Rico.

  5. North korea nuclear missile threats. Trump kicking immigrants out the country.

  6. North Korea joins the list of countries as a participant of the 2018 Winter Olympics after breaking their silence with South Korea for the first time in decades, even though the South and North are at war to this date.

    ICE agents raid over 7-Eleven locations all across the country in search for working illegal immigrants, which they found over 20 workers out of the 100 locations, considered to be the biggest crackdown on illegals since Trump was elected.

  7. two current events in politics, the Russia investigation, this is basically a fbi investigating the collusion between Russia and Donald trump in the 2017 American election. Another one is the possibility of oprah running for president and the current president says he does not thinks she will run.

  8. 1. A retired South Korean general warned a U.S. attack on North Korea would be met by soldiers who would fight with religious fervor to defend North Korea.

    2. President Trump is hoping to get a jump on 2018 by delivering on his long-awaited campaign promise of building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

  9. Republicans are facing immigration reckoning and people are debating if the Republicans and can compromise with Democrats. President Trump every word is crucial on his behalf and may be negative or positive to him

  10. A new proposal from House Republicans underscored how deep the divisions are between and within the two parties on immigration — just days before a deadline for a deal.

    The popularity of a scandalous White House tell-all predicts President Donald Trump’s “political demise,” North Korean state media said Thursday.

  11. Donald Trump is finding it difficult to recruit staff to fill the vacancies, several people close to the west wing say he faces the second year of his administration with daunting political odds and an ongoing Russia investigation.

    The trump administration has eliminated or replaced references to climate change, renewable energy and similar topics on websites across the federal government , according to a new study released Wednesday by a coalition of academic and nonprofit groups.

  12. Donald Trump and the republicans are facing immigration reckoning. He is closing the immigration bill that he said he will have pass.

    North Korea praises the book about trump. The book about Trump is being supported by North Korea

  13. 1. canada attacks U.s. tariffs by taking the case to the World trade organization.
    2.Trump administration says that states may impose work requirements for medicaid for low income people.

  14. India wants to seal its borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh And the 25th amendment to impeach the president.

  15. 1. The US military issued a statement Wednesday saying it was investigating video that appears to show someone being shot from what looks to be a military vehicle.
    2.President Trump on Thursday morning kept up his attacks on 2016 election opponent Hilary Clinton, more than 14 months after his victory over her.

  16. 1. The US military issued a statement Wednesday saying it was investigating video that appears to show someone being shot from what looks to be a military vehicle.
    2.President Trump on Thursday morning kept up his attacks on 2016 election opponent Hilary Clinton, more than 14 months after his victory over her.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1. The US military issued a statement Wednesday saying it was investigating video that appears to show someone being shot from what looks to be a military vehicle.
    2.President Trump on Thursday morning kept up his attacks on 2016 election opponent Hilary Clinton, more than 14 months after his victory over her.

  19. The North Carolina government blasts technologically diabolical gerrymandering. The GOP investigators want Comey to testify on Clinton email investigation.

  20. 1.President Donald Trump, keeping up his attacks on Hillary Clinton, suggested Thursday that his 2016 election opponent and her fellow Democrats could have paid Russians for dirt on him during the campaign.
    2.Alligators at a wildlife park in North Carolina survived frigid conditions by allowing their noses to be frozen in ice.

  21. ICE agents raid over 7-Eleven locations all across the country in search for working illegal immigrants, which they found over 20 workers out of the 100 locations, considered to be the biggest crackdown on illegals since Trump was elected.
    Then we have Ivanka Trump praised Oprah Winfrey's speech at the Golden Globes in a tweet Monday night, calling it "empowering." The White House senior adviser and daughter of President Donald Trump tweeted, "Just saw @Oprah's empowering & inspiring speech at last night's #GoldenGlobes.

  22. Ivanka Trump praised Oprah's Golden Globe speech on Twitter. Donald Trump is still adamant about building "the wall".

  23. Two current events that's going in politics are 1.Trump has Canada worried he'll pull US from NAFTA and 2. Transgender politician talks ban of gender pronouns

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. At the very beginning of the year, a boat had capsized in the north of Indonesian Borneo and it killed at least eight people. Another incident happened when a plane crashed in New Zealand and killed two people.

  26. North Korea joins the list of countries as a participant of the 2018 Winter Olympics after breaking their silence with South Korea for the first time in decades, even though the South and North are at war to this date.

    Donald Trump and the republicans are facing immigration reckoning. He is closing the immigration bill that he said he will have pass

  27. Republican U.S. Senator Jeff Flake said on Thursday that a bipartisan group of senators has reached a deal on protecting young immigrants, but a Democratic Senate aide disputed that any agreement had been secured. also , The House voted Thursday to renew for six years a controversial surveillance program that may collect the content of Americans' email, text messages, photos and other electronic communication without a warrant

  28. 1.Bannon hires lawyer as he prepares for Russia-related congressional testimony
    2.The feud continues even after the election between Donald Trump and Clinton

  29. 1.President Donald Trump's top national security advisers are encouraging him to comply with the terms of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and renew temporary waivers for US sanctions against Iran ahead of Friday's key legal deadline.
    2.A federal judge in California late Tuesday temporarily blocked the Trump administration's efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program

  30. i was playing with a switch blade and a glock in my back yard, i killt my freind, now he dead.

  31. I was at the dentist waiting for my appointment time to pass and located on the news channel surfaced a new message from our 45th president, Donald Trump. The message was from him stating that transgender individuals will officially be up fro acceptance in the military. Transgender individuals can now join the military as who they identify as. This is a new thing in the year of 2018. There has been so much controversy among subject itself about transgenders! Now they have added another thing on their checklist to be proud of. Congratulations to them!

    A famous and trendy Youtuber that goes by the name of Logan Paul has sparked a lot of haters in this new year already. He is commonly known for his interesting, raging, and original videos! He has over ten million subscribers and post videos like it is nothing. He RECENTLY posted a video of him in the Suicide Forest located in Japan, and within that video him and the individuals he is traveling with stumbles upon a dead person hanging from a branch. Within the video, that shouldn't have been continued after the body was noticed, Logan made slick comments, and joked about the manner. People have said that he has ended his own career by this video. He has sparked anger from many fans and caught the attention from a lot of people from all over the nation. Since then he has posted an apology video, but people aren't taking it to heart and feel as if he is speaking with no intents of sorrow.

  32. 1.Melania Trump is staffing up in anticipation of her second year as first lady of the United States. On Thursday, the first lady announced she has hired a director of operations, a policy director and a communications coordinator.
    2. Donald Trump told Secretary of State Rex Tillerson he was "wasting his time" by suggesting the US was willing to talk to North Korea.
    Now, after months of apocalyptic rhetoric and mockery of "Little Rocket Man," Kim Jong-Un, the President is offering to open dialogue when it's "appropriate," and even says he's willing to talk to the North Korean leader himself.

  33. One major event that happened in the united states was Donald Trump won the presidential election and now that republicans are in office they are pushing all immigrants out of the country.

    The US military issued a statement Wednesday saying it was investigating video that appears to show someone being shot from what looks to be a military vehicle.

  34. 1. Donald Trump gets his own national anthem moment at the College Football national championship.
    2. Trump says he doesn't think Oprah Winfrey will run for president, and predicts he'll defeat her if she does.

  35. Oprah is I guess going to run for president. Because we could always use more famous people as our president.

    Donald Trump says his nuclear button works and is bigger.

  36. Donald Trump a spotlight during the national anthem moment at the College Football national championship.. but he hardly knows the words.

    Trump also passes some shocking and impressive immigration bills.

  37. The military said on Wednesday it was investigating video that appears to show someone being shot from what looks to be a military vehicle and trump is not making it any better because he dont know how to be a president.

  38. Donald trump doesn't want Haiti apart of a plan that has something to do with benefiting country's and he plans to leave Haiti

    its going around that Oprah might run in the 2020 presidential election

  39. A major poltical event is that alabama won against georgia in collage football due to the last play and Donald trump made an awsome appearance during 2nd half

  40. Early on Wednesday, September 20, Hurricane Maria — a powerful Category 4 hurricane with 150 mph winds — made direct landfall on Puerto Rico, bisecting the entire island and drenching it with feet of rain. What’s happened since has been truly catastrophic for Puerto Rico. North Korea joins the list of countries as a participant of the 2018 Winter Olympics after breaking their silence with South Korea for the first time in decades, even though the South and North are at war to this date.

  41. Black Panther became the 10th highest grossing movie of all time this past weekend. After a very successful first weekend (and people going to watch the movie 2-3 times), the movie has earned an astounding $506.6 million dollars within its first 3 weeks of launch. It currently sits 9th on the all-time list.
    Also Kobe Bryant became the first basketball player in NBA history to win an Oscar with his short film "Dear Basketball"
