Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Get Out

In your opinion what category if any should the movie "Get Out" be in? See the link below for a reference.


  1. I think the movie should be listed as a social thriller.

  2. I have not seen the movie get out but after looking at the articles and watching the trailer i would place this movie in the horror movie category

  3. i think the movie should be in the thriller category

  4. I think get out should be a horror thriller movie after watching the trailer and reading the article

  5. It should be mystery/thriller as it already is.

  6. I feel like it should be comedy/thriller

  7. Get out should be in the thriller category.

  8. Get out should be in the political thriller category.

  9. Get out should be in the thriller category.

  10. I think "Get out" would be in the thriller/Horror category.

  11. I would say that the movie should either be a social thriller or a comedy because it was funny to me

  12. I think Get Out should be in the thriller category

  13. suspense, or thriller, would the correct place for this movie.

  14. The movie "Get out" should be in the thriller category.

  15. Get out doesn't receive every single coin of clout money that is deserves. IN all reality, since the movie had the plot line it displaced, you are going to have a lot of people in the industry who are solely against it. You have a lot of social groups among the industries of entertainment. Illuminati, masonry, blackball crew, etc. IF you solely talk about a topic that is forbidden to be discussed about, "those groups" will try their hardest to hide or suppress the TRUTH. (Killing and kidnapping people for their organs IS NOTHING NEW. It sounds a bit harsh from the way I am approaching the topic, but individuals always want to get hype and worry in distress as soon as something hits the fan on CNN, or on Fox 5 News. Just because those are mainstream news channels, doesn't mean you cant get your news elsewhere.) It most definitely shouldn't be categorized in any other category besides documentary, or horror. COMEDY IS NOT THE CATEGORY IT SHOULD BE PLACED IN. The individuals who want to solely place that genre title on the movie "Get Out' obviously wants to discredit Jordan Peele's artwork, hide the fact that the movie has its relations to the real world, and must want to take away the shine of this type of gruesome action. People do it, and many individuals won't admit to the fact that these are one of the probable causes of why people go missing and never return to their homes or loved ones. It is extremely sad and seems out of place. Should be categorized in either the documentary genre, or horror genre. Due to the fact that there isn't too much bloody gore, I wouldn't suggest thriller to be one of the categories.

  16. It should be in the thriller category

  17. i belive the movie get out could fall under the category of comdey and thiller because there is many mode settings in the movie

  18. It should be in mystery or thriller.

  19. In my opinion I think it should be horror and sort of a drama.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I think "Get out" would be in the thriller/Horror category.

  22. I think the movie should be in the thriller category.

  23. Thriller with bits of humor,but not enough to be a comedy

  24. i think the movie should be in the thriller category

  25. i think the movie should be in the thriller category

  26. I think the movie should be in the thriller category.

  27. I think that the movie "Get Out" should be classified as a genuine horror movie.
