Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Freewrite 2 Current Events

Choose two current events from CNN.com, and summarize in one paragraph.


  1. The parents, David Allen Turpin, 57, and Louise Anna Turpin, 49, are accused of holding their children captive in their California home in filthy conditions, with some shackled to beds with chains and padlocks.

  2. The message received by phone users with the NHK app installed on their devices read "NHK news alert. North Korea likely to have launched missile." The government J alert: evacuate inside the building or underground." The broadcaster apologized for the error, adding "the news alert sent earlier about NK missile was a mistake. No government J alert was issued." This caused Hawaiian residents and vacationers to spend 38 horrific minutes preparing for an incoming ballistic missile and possible death on Saturday. Then Hawaii Emergency Management Agency finally corrected a false alarm message.

  3. Ballistic missile threat- Hawaiian residents and vacationers spent 38 horrific minutes preparing for an incoming ballistic missile and possible death on Saturday, until the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency corrected a false alarm message.

  4. Sheriff's deputies went into a home outside of York, a city in South Carolina. three York county sheriff deputies and one York county police officer were injured in a shootout. Simone Biles the four time gold medal Olympic gymnast took to twitter that the USA team Olympic doctor sexually abused her. He already pleaded guilty to seven counts of sexual conduct. He also admitted he used his power to sexually abuse the young girls.

  5. Earlier this weekend, the entire state of Hawaii received a fake emergency alert from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency describing a ballistic missile incoming to the island state.

    A Danish inventor has been charged with murder of Kim Wall, a journalist after she had come to view his invention and interview him for a submarine, which had sunk. The inventor survived but the journalist went missing and her remains were discovered among the shoreline.

  6. Well I don`t know a lot of current events because I don't watch the news a lot but I know a few things. One current event I know about is that Donald Trump called some countries "shithole countries".Another Event is that the entire state of Hawaii received a fake emergency alert from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency describing a ballistic missile incoming to the island state.

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  8. Two parents, David Allen Turpin and Louise Anna Turpin were accused of torture after 13 children were found chained in their home.In other news,Larry Nassar was committed of sexually abusing girls from the USA Gymnastics team including Gabby Douglas, McKayla Maroney, and Simone Biles.

  9. The parents, David Allen Turpin, 57, and Louise Anna Turpin, 49, are accused of holding their children captive in their California home in filthy conditions, with some shackled to beds with chains and padlocks.They are charged with torture and child endangerment, and scheduled for a court hearing Thursday. Bail was set at $9 million for each.Dr. Mahendra Patel, a pediatric cancer doctor, has begun giving away medications to some of his patients. He's determined not to disrupt their treatments for serious illnesses, like leukemia, should Congress fail to come up with renewed funding for a key children's health program now hostage to partisan politics

  10. Two parents were arrested after authorities found 12 children and adults shackled to beds with chains and padlocks in their home in California. Police were alerted by a 13th child who escaped. And Nabila Albarghouthy, a naturalized American citizen and a practicing Muslim, claims that her ex-husband has been indoctrinating their child with extremist ideology and is seeking sole custody of her now 11-year-old son -- a claim he denies

  11. Parents accused with torture after their 13 children found chained in their home their bail was set for 9 million for each

    Simone Biles says that she is also on of the pf the gymnast who was sexually abused by form USA team doctor

  12. Over 140 female USA gymnastic athletes including Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas, McKayla Maroney,and Simone Biles were sexually abused by a team doctor that was a professor at Michigan state University named Larry Nassar. Many of the athletes said they were pressured to not say anything about the situation by powerful institutions, including USA Gymnastics, the sport's governing body in the United States. Simone Biles was the most recent athlete to be abused by the team doctor and she now knows that the situation isn't her fault after years of feeling guilt, which actually belonged to the organization and Nassar.

  13. California couple accused of torture and holding their children captive in filthy conditions, with some shackled to beds with chains and padlocks. The 13 children were malnourished.

    Danish inventor Peter Madsen charged with Kim Wall murder. Wall's dismembered body was found in the sea off the Danish coast after wall visited Madsen on his vessel in August last year to interview him. Madsen admitted to dismembering body of journalist, but pleads not guilty.

  14. 4 South Carolina officers shot after domestic violence call and also Japanese broadcaster sends false North Korea missile alert.

  15. A high-stakes interview between Trump and the counsel appointed to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and the question of whether there were links to the Trump campaign would be a momentous political and legal occasion.

  16. The U.S and Canada will be hosting the North Korea Nuclear meeting about an the North Korean nuclear threat in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Tuesday.
    Danish inventor Peter Madsen has been charged with the murder of Swedish Journalist, Kim Wall.

  17. A California couple accused of holding their own children captive in filthy conditions, 13 children were malnourished.
    The state of Hawaii received a fake emergency alert from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency describing a ballistic missile incoming to the island state.

  18. An inventor got charged with the murder of a journalist on his submarine. McDonald's has pledged to make it's packaging more eco friendly.

  19. The midterm elections this year might be haunted by allegations of Russian meddling in Donald Trump's presidential campaign, after a federal judge said Tuesday that Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates may face their criminal trial just before November.Japanese national broadcaster NHK issued an on-air apology Tuesday after issuing an alert incorrectly claiming that North Korea had launched a ballistic missile

  20. Earlier this weekend, the entire state of Hawaii received a fake emergency alert from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency describing a ballistic missile incoming to the island state. And Danish inventor Peter Madsen charged with Kim Wall murder. Wall's dismembered body was found in the sea off the Danish coast after wall visited Madsen on his vessel in August last year to interview him. Madsen admitted to dismembering body of journalist, but pleads not guilty.

  21. Donald Trump just cant stay out of the news can he? Senator states, "Trump used shithole to describe African nations, despite evolving explanations." Next, little girls dont stay little forever. They grow up into strong woman who come back to destroy your world.

  22. A man sneezed in side his mouth pinched his nose and kept his mouth closed during a "forceful" sneeze.he immediately felt a popping sensation in his neck. Simone Biles says she was abused by former USA team doctor. #MeToo movement to call out serial predatory behavior and the forces that enable it.

  23. A plane skid across the runway then falling off a cliff. Everybody was reported safe with minor to no injuries. At a naval hospital, an employee posted a snapchat with a middle finger pointed at a newborn child with a captipn stating "How I currently feel about these mini satans"

  24. Two parents, David Allen Turpin and Louise Anna Turpin were accused of torture after 13 children were found chained in their home.

    The U.S and Canada will be hosting the North Korea Nuclear meeting about an the North Korean nuclear threat in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Tuesday.

  25. on January 16,2018 two parents were convicted of imprisonment. they have 13 children. a 17 year old managed to escape the home in Perris, California and managed to call the police.

  26. A high-stakes interview between Trump and counsel appointed to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and the question of whether there were links to the Trump campaign would be political and legal occasions

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  28. here is a lot of controversy between the the show called Stranger Things, and a real life coincidence. Throughout the course of the seasons of the show called Stranger Things there are real life timelines with time traveling being an actual thing. Back in the 1700's to the 1800's there has been a trace of certain experiments and projects having a relation to time travel. AS events that took place in Stranger Things with an experiment going wrong and unleashing "the unknown', there are records with exact same thing occurring. An unknown portal turns out to be released and could not be closed. These events have had a relation to using techniques in order to transport ships to the country of where the Nazi's are without them gaining acknowledgment.

    There are a lot of things going on in the news about the government reportedly being shut down as we speak. I honestly, dont feel as if the government is actually shut down. There are way too many ties that the government has, in order for it to be shut down.

  29. The parents, David Allen Turpin, 57, and Louise Anna Turpin, 49, are accused of holding their children captive in their California home in filthy conditions

  30. Danish inventor Peter Madsen charged with Kim Wall murder. Wall's dismembered body was found in the sea off the Danish coast after wall visited Madsen on his vessel in August last year to interview him. Madsen admitted to dismembering body of journalist, but pleads not guilty. Two parents, David Allen Turpin and Louise Anna Turpin were accused of torture after 13 children were found chained in their home.

  31. Black Panther became the 10th highest grossing movie of all time this past weekend. After a very successful first weekend (and people going to watch the movie 2-3 times), the movie has earned an astounding $506.6 million dollars within its first 3 weeks of launch. It currently sits 9th on the all-time list.
    Also Kobe Bryant became the first basketball player in NBA history to win an Oscar with his short film "Dear Basketball"
