Thursday, September 6, 2018

9/6 Blog

What is Treason? Give your opinion about what is going on with the white house.


  1. Treason is betraying one's country. It seems that there's more infighting happening at the White House. It's nice to know it's happening. My brain is too numb to care about it though.

    1. Trump had never remind me what treason is but treason is a crime

  2. A treason is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. My opinion is that Trump is taking over the white house for good, and he is making everyone to do what he told them to do.

  3. Treason is turning this country around. It seems that Treason is happening in the white rather than outside of the white house.

  4. Treason is betraying someone's country. It seems like there is more happening in the White house then we really know about. It seems like a lot of people are really being dishonest about what their are doing at their job.

  5. Treason is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government. In my opinion I believe that America did not achieve anything since President Trump got into the Whitehouse. It just seems we keep getting into problems with other countries race and now a news company. To me all this stuff is just petty and unnecessary. WE NEED TRUMP OUT THE White House!

  6. Treason is going against your country. Its a lot of conflict it going on in the white house. Trump isn't going a good job with the white house.

  7. Treason is betraying one's country . Attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. More fighting is happening at the white house.

  8. Treason is a betraying between a country. The reason is treason is happening inside of the white house and Donald trump is trying to take over the white house for good.It's impossible to know in the moment when a presidency begins But Trump has long defied predictions of his own demise and survived the kind of blows that would paralyze other presidents. Yet no other commander in chief has faced the staggering personal disavowals and devastating betrayals that he has endured this dissolve. But after a devastating 48 hours, it's already clear that Donald Trump's will never be the same

  9. Treason means betraying your own country. I personally believe that Trump is conquering the white house completely and turning it into something that fits to his likings.

  10. Treason is crime going against your country. In the white house their is fear. Everyone treats our president like their a baby. Like he doesn't have the right education to be here. It kind of just seems like they aren't taking him seriously.

  11. Treason is illegally stealing a countries secrets and releasing them, and while your being trusted to keep them you haven't.

  12. Treason is the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign. Trump's appearance as a public figure has put a loss of reputation. His vile actions has put many risks and warnings such as the things he says or does. There are times where he says a lot of stupid things including on social media such as Twitter. There are many critics observing his presidential deeds and what has lead up to that point.

  13. Treason is a crime of betraying ones country. Treason is going on in the White House and people are finally noticing.

  14. Treason is a crime against a person's own country like giving away government secrets, compromising it's defense forces, and even harming the president. In this article, a group of radicals called "The Resistance" claims, "...the President of the United States is not only unfit to be the most powerful man in the world, but is a venal mix of ignorance and ego, pettiness, malignancy and recklessness that is putting the republic and the world itself at risk," and I agree with them. The way Trump speaks about the people of his own country by calling them the n-word, terrorists, and drug dealers over the course of his presidency. Based on all of his speeches during the presidential campaign, Trump is also guilty of treason because he does not support everyone in this country as an equal human being. Therefore, the people working in the "The Resistance" are not guilty of treason. What they are doing is giving Trump what he deserves, which is impeachment for being one of the worst human beings to ever exist.

  15. Treason is when a person commits a crime of betraying their country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. Donald Trump's actions are starting to seem dictatorial, meaning he is starting to control the white house into doing what he wants to do.

  16. Treason-In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign. Trump is a idiot.

  17. Treason is betraying someone's country. It seems like there is more happening in the White house then we really know about. It seems like a lot of people are really being dishonest about what their are doing at their job.

  18. The definition of treason has already been said over and over. In my opinion, Trump is an idiot. He has an awful thought process and doesn't think the majority of his actions through. Saying and doing the first thing that comes to mind is bound to make people dislike you. Yet even after everything that has transpired he stills stays the same. Trump needs to get the hell off of Twitter and stop acting like a giant man baby for once.

  19. Treason is betraying between a country. Its a lot conflict going on in the white house. Attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

  20. Treason means betraying your country. Many people believe that Trump is not fit to be the most powerful man in the world. They feel that Trump hasn't tried to improve America ever since he has been in office. Officials within the white house say that Trump is not a easy person to work with. America doesn't have a stable president.

  21. I think the anonymous person is right Donald trump is not doing his job even with the health care of Americans. New York Times had trump to respond to op-ed and said that whoever the anonymous person from the senior administration official if he or she exist then they should be turned into the government immediately. People who follow Donald Trump should think twice about the way he acts.

  22. Treason is crime that covers extreme acts against one nation. Trump is taking the white house for himself

  23. Treason is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government. There is more happening in the White house that we may not know about. It almost seems that Trump is making his own decisions and making others follow against their own will. I think that there are a lot of dishonest actions going on in the White House.

  24. Washington (CNN)-It's impossible to know in the moment when a presidency begins to dissolve. But after a devastating 48 hours, it's already clear that Donald Trump's will never be the same.

  25. Treason is the act of betraying ones country. I think the anonymous person is correct. To me Trump seem to be abusing his power. At the same time they also said that he not easy to work with. In my case if you are going to be the president you should be able to work along side everyone. So i agree that Trump is doing treason and should/need to leave the white house before he do something that would destroy the nation and makes us enemies with practically everyone in the world.

  26. Treason is when one commits a crime and betrays their country. Donald Trump is very dictatorial, always wanting to control everything and taking things one step too far. No matter what he does, to most people he makes himself look bad. It's as if he's made out of his huge ego and ignorance.

  27. Treason is when someone commits a crime that betrays their country. Nowadays all you hear is something that goes on in the White House. Also something that is bad and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Donald Trump sees treason. This is what treason is and why I wouldn't be surprised if Donald Trump sees it.

  28. The act of treason is when someone betrays their country. I think that getting Trump impeached would be a good decision because he has made America look bad to other countries. He has ruined our reputation.

  29. Treason is to betray ones country, which Trump does every day. He doesn't think about the consequences and he doesn't care about what happens. He's destroying the country. He acts like a child, blaming every single person besides himself. He's disgusting and revolting. No matter what he does it's never good, he abuses his power as 'President' and doesn't take his job seriously. He needs to get impeached because nothing he does is good.

  30. Treason is the attempt by overt acts and overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the person. Trump's appearance as a public figure has put a loss of his reputation. His vile actions has put many risks and warnings such as the things he says or does. There are times where he says a lot of stupid things including on social media such as Twitter. There are many critics observing his presidential deeds and what has lead up to that point.

  31. Treason is when a person commits a crime of betraying their country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. I think Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for his own actions. He is a grown man and he knows what he is doing.

  32. Treason is a an act of betray on ones country. Trump is trying to be very dictatorial as president. He wants to control every thing that goes on in the country.

  33. A treason is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

  34. Treason is the action of betraying someone or something. In my opinion Trump is committing treason towards the whole United States. I think he is betraying our country because he does absolutely nothing to make this country better. He has done nothing to benefit anybody other than himself. This is my opinion on how he had committed treason towards his country.

  35. Treasons means the act of betraying ones country. There's certain things he should say and not say. He seems to be using the power he has to the fullest.

  36. Treason according to Merriam Webster dictionary is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. However, that is not what's going on in the White House. Trump whether you like him or not, is too focused on the present to rule a country that relies on a prosperous future. He is a man, not a king, and the constitution doesn't prohibit the overthrowing of the president. So, if there is a clandestine plan to overthrow Trump, it is impossible for treason or illegal actions to be involved.

  37. Treason is when someone betrays their country

  38. Treason is someone who betrays their own country. Trump has been abusing his power in office to make many rash decisions. Ever since the last 48 hours, things in the white house have been going down, and it mainly has to do with trump in office. Trump has made many bad decisions and he will have to do some thing big and maybe regretful to get out of this hole he has fallen into.

    ~Mackia Badio

  39. Treason is a crime against ones own nation. Someone is committing treason because trump is president. Everyone can agree hat this was bound to happen sooner or later. I think that this treason is necessary because trump isn't exactly worthy to be president.

  40. Treason is the crime of betraying one's country attempting to kill a sovereign or overthrow the government. Trump's ego, pettiness, and recklessness is putting the world at risk. The constitution does not prohibit overthrow of a president.

  41. What is going on in the White House right now is absolutely pathetic. Since the day Donald Trump was elected, the Democrats and other oppressors have tried tooth and nail to do whatever they can to strip him of his victory. They have tried to invalidate his presidency with this pointless Russia investigation, and even tried to impeach him, while there really is no good reason why he should be impeached, except for subjective opinion. Now they accuse him of treason? I do not see the President being guilty of any sort of treason. Treason is refusing to stand for the National Anthem. Treason is Trump's cabinet members betraying him in the worst time possible to blackmail him. Treason is sharing classified information with other people, and other countries, and then destroying all of the evidence. Yes I'm talking about you, Hillary. Trump is right to call whoever went behind his back to try to sabotage his integrity "GUTLESS." That's what most of his oppressors are. None of them have had enough courage to say and do what he has done, and I honestly believe, (knowing that nobody is perfect), that most of the things that Trump has done have been for the good of the United States, despite what everyone else says.

  42. Treason is the action of betraying someone or something. In my opinion Trump is committing treason towards the whole United States. I think he is betraying our country because he does absolutely nothing to make this country better. He has done nothing to benefit anybody other than himself. This is my opinion on how he had committed treason towards his country.

  43. Treason is like betraying someone and it seems like trump is betraying the united states

  44. Treason is the act of betrayal against one's group or nation and in this case one's country/state. In my opinion Donald Trump is really the traitor. He does nothing, but throw gasoline in the fire. He does not solve any problems, but only make them worse and speaks on certain situations thinking it helps. All he does is sit up in the white house with his family privileged as i dont know what, doing nothing but tweeting and talking about bombing people. I feel as if he needs to be impeached...

  45. Treason is the crime that covers some of the extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors.

  46. Treason is the crime of a person of a country betraying it to attempt to kill a sovereign or to overthrow the government.Trumps recklessness is putting the U.S. and the world at risk.

  47. Treason is the crime of betraying one's country. I think Trump is, and always has been, abusing his power. Trump deserves to be impeached because he isn't whats best for our country. People's opinions aren't treason.

  48. Treason is the crime of betraying one's country. I believe Trump is guilty of treason because of the way he talks about the people of his own country.

  49. Treason is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. Trump is very betraying to out country. He is a very discriminated to our people.


  50. A treason is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. What’s happening is that Trump is taking full control of the White House and people aren’t use to him being in control are learning it While Trump is fully in taking in control.

  51. Treason is the act of betraying one country in the form of a crime. The process includes trying to over throw the government. Trump is betraying the country and is causing many problems however most of the rich agree with him because of the benefits of the taxes.

  52. Treason is the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government. Trump is guilty of treason because of the way he treats people in his own country.

  53. Treason is a betraying between a country. The reason is treason is happening inside of the white house and Donald trump is trying to take over the white house for good.It's impossible to know in the moment when a presidency begins But Trump has long defied predictions of his own demise and survived the kind of blows that would paralyze other presidents.Destiny Jackson
