Thursday, September 27, 2018

Bill Cosby

What are your thoughts about the Bill Cosby Conviction? Do you think that it was justified?


  1. I think Cosby deserves the conviction he got. It does sound like he pulled some strings and got put into one of the nicer prisons. I don't really have any other opinions on the Bill Cosby.

    1. Now The comedian and author Bill Cosby deserves to get punished for having drugs and sex now he was in court what he did wrong is assaulting woman and getting sexy he got murdered when Cosby was 12 he wants to know why he got punished because I don't like it

  2. I think that Bill Cosby should be punished for a sex offender and drugging women, but I don't think he should be sentenced from 3 to 10 years behind bars. I believe that they took the case too far. If I am correct he is the first of sex offenders that has been sentenced 3-10 years.

  3. I feel that Cosby was wrong for what he did but i also feel like this is a little discrimination in here. Someone can kill someone can kill someone and confess and not get arrested and all he did was sexual assault. Anyway Cosby is sentenced to three to ten years for this assault. He also is going to have to pay fees and fines. He will be the most notorious prisioner leaving behind luxury items.

    - Jayden Williams

  4. Honesty I feel like he probably got what he deserved. But I also feel like why couldn't he go to jail when he was younger. Honesty yes because Bill could have just paid his way out but he's taking responsibility for what he did.

  5. No I don't think it is justified as other people in the same situation didn't face time like Cosby. Plus where is the evidence besides the women telling what happened. There is no hard evidence to prove that Bill is guilty.

  6. I feel as he needs time but not all the time he gets . They let him leave most of his life with this case on him but he just now going to jail .

  7. No I don't think it is justified as other people in the same situation didn't face time like Cosby. Plus where is the evidence besides the women telling what happened. There is no hard evidence to prove that Bill is guilty.

  8. To be honest I knew this day would come. I believe justice was served for the Bill Conviction. It was obvious he drugged multiple women after so many women said that he did. Although nobody really did nothing about it, but Bill Cosby is finally in jail.

  9. I don't think bill Cosby did anything wrong this case happen way back and they just now trying to put him back in jail at this age. I think that Bill Cosby should be punished for a sex offender and drugging women, but I don't think he should be sentenced from 3 to 10 years behind bars. I believe that they took the case too far. and I really don't think he did these types of things to those girls I really think they are just trying to get some money off this case.

  10. I think he shouldn't be in jail. The crime he did was many years ago and he shouldn't have to jail for that. the fact that he 80 years in jail is crazy.

  11. i feel that he got what he deserved, but the girls are just now saying something after all these years.Bill is great guy he just happen to make a mistake that he will regret his whole life.

  12. I think Bill Cosby deserves his conviction. The number of people he has sexually assaulted is unbelievable. He has assaulted over 60 women over the past five decades and should own up to his crimes. To me 3 to 10 years is an "ok" amount considering the fact that he is an "elder".

  13. What Bill Cosby did was wrong for sexually assaulting the women who spoke up but they should have told authorities in the past what he did instead of 14 years later. The prison that he is in now is won of those nice prisons that would serve those type of foods because in a real prison they would treat prisoners the way they deserve to be in prison so I think he should be in there at least 2 or 3 years because he is going blind.

  14. My only problem with this is how long the girls who got rape waited this long and just now their sending him to jail with his very old age he is still wrong in this problem.

  15. I think Cosby got his years but it being from along time ago i think they should give him a better option like a year or just probation

  16. I think he shouldn't be in jail. The crime he did was many years ago and he shouldn't have to jail for that. the fact that he 80 years in jail is crazy.

  17. i feel like he got what he deserved but it cane way to late. it took them years to finally say ok you fin to serve time. then they also say he would have to be in their for 3-10 years with don't even makes since.i honestly think that the court trying to sabotage him and all the girls want is 1 min fame,

  18. My idea is that Bill Cosby doesn't deserve to be in jail for that long.

  19. This article kinda sucks cause everything seems so irrelevant. Prison food is bad because its prison food. Bill Cosby was wrong on his part and what his crimes has led to. He can eat whatever he want, but he still is going to pay for his actions.

  20. Bill Cosby left behind a luxurious world of private jets, fancy hotel suites and foie gras for his new life as one of the nation's most notorious inmates.

  21. I do feel that Cosby was wrong for what he did but I don't think he deserved all of that time. Cosby couldn't really live his life because he was still dealing with the case and he is just now serving his time. There wasn't really any evidence besides what the women told them.

  22. I truly feel bad for bill Cosby to be honest. These allegations came out of no where in the last past year. I feel if he did these things the women should have something years ago. I can't when women do things like this for attention.

  23. I do not think that Bill Cosby's conviction was justified because there were hundreds of women who accused him without evidence over about 30 years. This one woman who accused him was more than likely to be lying because the "incident", if there ever was one, occurred over a decade ago. She probably had the strongest case against him because she included some of what the other women accused Cosby of. The claims may not have worked for those women, but she could've used one of their lies to make it believable for her case. In addition, there were only verbal statements, not concrete evidence against the defendant. Therefore, justice was not properly served and another liar put an innocent man in jail who was just trying to enjoy the life that he worked hard to achieve.

  24. He got what he deserved, he was a disgusting man who violated hundreds of women. It was the right thing that he was convicted. I just feel like he should get more years than just 3-10.

  25. I think he deserved it because many females were accusing him of the same things. Now what I don't agree is him staying in jail for 3 to 10 years. A white male had a similar case but he got 6 months. So this I wouldn't agree with his sentence.

  26. I feel half and half. I don't think that the woman had enough evidence and I kind of feel bad because he's old, but it is still possible that he is guilty regardless of how much evidence there is. I don't think it's fair that tons of other men have been accused of crimes 10 times worse, and they received no punishment.

  27. I believe he should get more time because he has over 60 accusers, although some might be lying for fame. I think he should get 15 years considering the amount of women he has hurt. I could understand his sentence if he had raped 1 women but he has over 60 women accusing him. Also, he has drugged women which should add more time.

  28. I feel that if Mr.Cosby did the crimes then he got to serve his time just like everybody else. Its kinda sad because he was always shown in a positive light so now that all this has came about it makes it hard for people to believe, which is why the girls probably took so long to speak out about what happened.

  29. They should leave thisman alone he is 81 years old and they put him in maximux security like he rape men or something. it is ridiculouse and they need to leave that old man alone, he practicly blind

  30. Bill Cosby is a well known entertainer but what he’s done the past years with all these women sexual assualts is ridiculous. He’s a 81 year old man that drugs women and assualts them it’s crazy how some people don’t change he his 10 years in jail are deserved.

  31. If Bill Cosby is a rapist than he deserves to be in prison. Yes it was justified.

  32. I don't think his conviction was justified. During the first trial they couldn't get him so they had to go back and try him again. Honestly this stuff happened a long time ago and you would think there would be a statue of limitations on it but i guess not. Of course he was wrong for the sexual contact and drugging of people but he has moved on and is too old for a conviction of 3 to 10 years. He should have just been put on the registry for sexual misconduct and do a little jail time but still he is being punished for it. That's how i feel about it.

  33. its sad but he did the crime you do the time and we still have Zimmerman living free and became a millionaire the use is in a bad state

  34. Everyone knows the story of how Bill Cosby has been doing this for the past few years and its finally caught up with him. Does he deserve this of course, everyone deserves something and it'll get to them some day whether it's good or bad. This case was well deserved for him drugging and sexually assaulting the woman for years. Even if he is 81.

  35. I don't have an answer of whether or not Bill Cosby's conviction was justified. I don't know much about what he did. Regardless, I didn't determine his sentence, the court did.

  36. I don't think they should put him in a maximum security prison or give him 3-10 years. But he did what he did so he did the crime he got to do the time.

  37. I believe this greatly justified because he has been doing the same thing to years but now it has caught up to him and must pay the consequences

  38. I feel like the facility he would be kept in will be a little to much for him to handle and I don't think he would be ready for it.

  39. I personally believe that he deserved his conviction because it is never right to do what he did to women. It makes no sense that he had to do what he did to women.

  40. Bill Cosby in my opinion is just being targeted racially and because of the fact he is a celebrity. I think he is innocent because they have no evidence that he did those things and he is not getting a fair chance

  41. i think he really deserved what he gets because he need to leave the girls alone and he needs help.

  42. He deserves all the punishment in the world. People do not realize how much rape and sexual assault can affect someones life forever. There is no excuse for his sick and twisted actions.

  43. I feel that Cosby was wrong for what he did but i also feel like this is a little discrimination in here. Someone can kill someone can kill someone and confess and not get arrested and all he did was sexual assault. Anyway Cosby is sentenced to three to ten years for this assault. He also is going to have to pay fees and fines.

  44. Honestly, he was wrong. But in his defense that was some years ago, and it is crazy to me how people like to talk about him and decide to push away the other people who did the same thing. Like for example, the white kid who got away with raping someone and getting caught in the act of it. He got less time then Bill Cosby. It's also strange how America just forgot about the Trump Allegations. It seems to me as if He is being targeting now.

  45. I feel that he got what he deserved but my only problem is why wait til the man is in his 80's to say something he could have been prosecuted when he was younger.

  46. I think Cosby deserves to do at least a year in prison. A lot of people have sympathy for him because eof his age but nobody is thinking about how the women that he violated feel. His age doesn't erase his actions and the fact that a lot of women have to deal with what he did to them for the rest5 of their lives.

  47. I think that Bill Cosby should be rendered as a sex offender and should be rightfully punished for his crimes. However, at the same time, they shouldn't have waited for him to grow into his 80's to finally say something about it. The court waited too long to actually arrest him for the crimes he's committed.

  48. What happened to Bill Cosby is something the court decided. Whether I think it's fair or not doesn't really matter now especially since the conviction is done. Bill Cosby should have not done what he did so he wouldn't get the conviction that he received. So what happened to he is something that he deserved since he should have look and foreseen the consequences of his actions.

  49. No I don't think it is justified as other people in the same situation didn't face time like Cosby. Plus where is the evidence besides the women telling what happened. There is no hard evidence to prove that Bill is guilty.

  50. I believe that Bill Cosby deserves his time in prison. Although he is he is old and should be living his best life he still competed a crime. Being a sex offender shouldn't be taken lightly, the fact that it took this man years for him to convicted shows how messed up the system is.

  51. No I don't think it is justified.There was no evidence besides the women alleged stories. There is no hard evidence to prove that Bill is guilty.

  52. No I don't think it is justified as other people in the same situation didn't face time like Cosby. The crime he did was many years ago and he shouldn't have to jail for that. The fact that he 80 years in jail is crazy.

  53. I don't really care. I've grown indifferent towards situations like this one. All of this started because of the numerous allegations towards him. Everyone's saying he's getting what he deserves and his age doesn't matter, but I just want them to have this same energy when it's a white man without the fame.

  54. I think that Bill Cosby should be rendered as a sex offender and should be rightfully punished for his crimes. However, at the same time, they shouldn't have waited for him to grow into his 80's to finally say something about it. The court waited too long to actually arrest him for the crimes he's committed.

  55. I feel that Cosby was wrong for what he did but i also feel like this is a little discrimination in here. Someone can kill someone can kill someone and confess and not get arrested and all he did was sexual assault. Anyway Cosby is sentenced to three to ten years for this assault. He also is going to have to pay fees and fines. He will be the most notorious prisioner leaving behind luxury items.Destiny Jackson
